Entire German Green Party & Majority German Agree Israel Kill Million Palestinian, Because Frustrating Ukraine under Russia's attack
Berlin 6.16pm
Coincidence with today’s birthday of Heinrich Theodor Böll. In my own project, at least 4 Germans try to translating poem ‘IF I MUST DIE’ by Refaat Alareer, killed by missile directly to Refaat and his entire family. But, 4 cares with Palestinian in the middle majority of German hate and say ok that Palestinian must wiped out forever.
Back to Heinrich Theodor Böll. Heinrich Theodor Böll was deeply rooted in his hometown of Cologne or Köln, with its strong Roman Catholicism and its rather rough and drastic sense of humour. In the immediate post-war period, he was preoccupied with memories of the War and the effect it had—materially and psychologically—on the lives of ordinary people. He made them the heroes in his writing.
Heinrich Theodor Böll’s Catholicism was important to his work in ways that can be compared to writers such as Graham Greene and Georges Bernanos though, as noted earlier, his perspective was a critical and challenging one towards Catholicism rather than a merely passive one.
Heinrich Theodor Böll Foundation, Green Party think thank. Anti Palestine foundation, hate Masha Gessen.
Böll was deeply affected by the Nazi takeover of Cologne [LIKE Israel takeover Gaza right now], as they essentially exiled him in his own town. Additionally, the destruction of Cologne as a result of the Allied bombing during World War II scarred him for life; he described the aftermath of the bombing in The Silent Angel.
Yemeni resistance is better than Green activist including German Green Party.
Architecturally, the newly-rebuilt Cologne, prosperous once more, left him indifferent. (Böll seems to have been an admirer of William Morris – he let it be known that he would have preferred Cologne Cathedral to have been left unfinished, with the 14th-century wooden crane at the top, as it had stood in 1848). Throughout his life, he remained in close contact with the citizens of Cologne, rich and poor. When he was in hospital, the nurses often complained about the "low-life" people who came to see their friend Heinrich Böll.
Angry that Ukraine invaded by Russia [according flag on twitter], but say ok that Israel kills 2 million or 2.4 million Gazan. Please welcome JULIAN ROPCKE, ‘Hitler’ inside Bild, a far-right newspaper in which, apparently, most circulated in Germany. Hopefully Moscow takes over Kyiv one day so Julian angrier to Palestine.
Please anyone not surprise. Annalena Baerbock, Green Party, German Foreign Minister, turn herself from anti war, now to be pro war because Russia - Ukraine, and accept that Palestinian also must be wiped out immediately to prevent antisemitisme.
This is Germany future. Anti Islam, anti Palestine, like NAZI. Like Hitler.
Cologne or Köln 1940 - 1945, when Heinrich Theodor Böll still alive:
Köln 8.07pm; Gaza 11.07pm
Cologne / Köln 1945
TedX by Professor REFAAT AL AREER
Nathan Tankus is Jewish activist
Hamburg Bombing, Cologne or Köln Bombing, Dresden Bombing
Plestia Bosbos Alaqad [Palestinian in Gaza under Israel onslaught]; Anne Frank during Nazi era.