Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Man in America. I'm your host Seth Wholehouse. An unfortunate part of doing this show is reporting on the difficult and the dark and somewhat depressing subjects of what the reality of our world is right now.
And it's unfortunate because we do live in somewhat of a dark dystopian time, as you're probably very well aware of as well.
and one of those topics has been the COVID vaccine, the rollout of the vaccine, the propaganda surrounding it, the lockdowns, the pandemic, but a big part has also been just what the vaccine is doing to the population, the injuries, the deaths, the side effects, the stories.

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Man in America and Dr.William Makis - deep dive into COVID-19 Injuries & deaths (Dec.20, 2023)

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Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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Probably won't even then.

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Another terrific interview. Thank You.

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Enjoy Seth's interviewing style is great: no interruptions while guest is speaking.

Big pharma are a criminal origination and in my option worse than the Mexican drug cartel.

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Dr Makis doesn't look well, he is sweating profusely.

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Probably over worked and rundown, I saw other interviews and has a cold.

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I think he got a cold as I saw in another video where it was obvious.

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yes he does

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I'm continually amazed at all the edits to the transcripts that accompany these videos. Here is the first edit in this transcript:

[2:27] Seth Wholehouse: . . . deaths of people, the sudden deaths, but then he pieces them together and creates a narrative, and shows that, yes, it's the professions that had mandates, like hospitals, first responders, teachers, et cetera, where he sees these spikes in deaths.

[2:39] Seth Wholehouse: And so, today we're going to be getting an update from him and what he's seeing with this data. But also, you know, he's somebody who has an extensive background in diagnosing and treating cancer, so when we're talking about what's happening with turbo cancer, how he thinks that ties in to Pfizer's $43 billion acquisition of a cancer company, [3:00]

[end of first omission]

Is a transcript not supposed to be a faithful record of what was said? What am I missing? Is anybody else noticing this?

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Mr Bourla has truly put into practice the old proverb: "You reap what you sow".

As a result, his company has produced and sold the " seeds " and now it will ensure that it takes control of the profits from the harvest.

Perfect example of DEMAND FORECASTING.

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How do I find this on substack, which I just joined to read this on? There are no suggestions including your name.

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If you're talking about Dr Makis, this is his substack: https://makismd.substack.com/about

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my son is tired and is missing time at work. he had 1 dose..

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just wonder one: did oncologists or in particular radiologists ever heard about something called 'radiation damage'??? It is caused by high energy photons (X-ray range) blowing up every chemical bond on their way inside any biological matter, including the human body.. As a consequence, the X-rays cause cancers...

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