okay we are live can you tell everyone your name please my name is Catherine O'Dell and it's about your husband and my husband Mike O'Dell was killed by the hospital protocols in January of last year how old was he 68 okay did he or had he taken the COVID-19 shot no he had not and why did he not because he didn't believe in it he believed from the beginning that they were killing the patients with COVID
in order to make people frantic to get the shot. He couldn't believe how people were running to get the shot. And he's never been one to get a vaccine. He was very healthy. He took no medications. He was an athlete, very young, 68 years old.
So what happened that he ended up in hospital?

VIDEO - Hospital Protocols killed Catherine Gall's unvaccinated fit 68 yo husband - horror story (CHD Dec.7, 2023)

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Thank you for these stories. My 47 year old unvaxxed son was killed by the hospital and no one will believe me. If he was a dog at a kill shelter, people would be upset. You know for sure you have no rights in this country when they can kill you and you have no recourse.

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There really are no words. This is absolutely infuriating. My dad is a heart/kidney/liver patient. Almost ten years into dialysis things have really begun to go south. He us frequently on the hospital these days but he has a very strong will to live. All of his doctors, all the nurses are just floored when they see him. He has outlived the expected lifespan for a man with atherosclerosis, end stage renal disease and cirrhosis of the liver.

I guess it was about 3 or 4 hospital stays back, we had the one experience that absolutely destroyed every last little bit of trust thst I'd ever had in the medical arena. To my knowledge, my dad is the only one in my entire family that I managed to convince that avoiding that shot was absolutely imperative. I told my dad, no matter what, no shots, no tests, no anything having to do with this C19 mess. He was in agreement. The first morning when he woke up after having admitted the night prior, the nurse overseeing his care told him that he'd need to have one of their nasal swab tests. He declined several times after which the nurse brought the floor nursing manager in. She told my dad thst if he did not comply and take their test, he would not be able to see his family. They coerced my dad into having their nasal swab ( the one that damn near hits the brain) at the risk of being disallowed to see family which would gave been me, his only son and power of attorney. He was in his late 60s and did not want to jeopardize our being able to visit. He took their test.

When my dad told me about this, let me try and paint that picture visually right here. I'll put it as politely as I can. I walked down the hall and into that b1tches office abd I tore that phucking b1tch into shreds verbally. There could not have been one person on that entire floor that did not hear my lashing. At least 8 or 10 of the nurses were clinging to the nurses station listening to this as I threw fact after endless fact about this whole disaster at her to the point she began screaming "call security! call security". She's lucky that I didn't knock her ass out because I was of a mind to do just that. I'm sure that I am also lucky that I didn't do so because I would have been arrested and jailed very quickly. To give context about myself, I've never been in a fight my entire life. I've never been hit. I've never laid my hands on another person. But this right here enraged me to a level I have never experienced nor knew existed within me.

The following day there were signs on every wall, in every elevator, every rest room, anywhere they could put them that stated thst they would nit tolerate anger or profanity from anyone for any reason. I take full credit for those signs going up.

One of my very good friend's dad had heart valve replacement surgery just as my dad did. His dad took the shots. My friend received a call, middle of the night, his father had passed away in his sleep unexpectedly. I've never had the heart to bring up the shots nit I've known from day 1 that anyone in my dad's condition would never survive these shots. Dialysis centers were pushing people hard to have the shots. It was disgusting! They didn't even have trials with kidney patients on dialysis a d taking these shots. The medical field has literally lost their sh1t altogether.

Sorry for language but this just absolutely infuriates me. It is clear that they have been and are continuing to kill people. They are coercing patients to have their test swabs jammed into their brains. I can not hope any more than I Douthat all of these criminal doctors and nurses are rounded up and executed. They have no right to exist on this earth. I don't care if they were just following orders or whst, they have a responsibility to provide care with patient safety in mind and they ditched those protocols to follow what they all know to be illegal and unethical. May they all burn in hell!

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They know your vax status instantly then treat you accordingly..Came out of a twelve day coma recently,and while still paralysed and intubated was met by an irate nurse who proceeded to repeatedly berate me “why are you shuffling in your bed!?”Youre the worst patient I’ve ever had!”Stop moving!I thought,right then,as soon as I can actually move and speak,I’ll show you my worst patient routine..A part of which was demanding they remove their absurd 30 cent face nappies when tending to me”Rational nurses only please,I’m done with the charade”(and.they.did..)Its high time the aware up the ante,push back with the truth,and stop tolerating this fraud.

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Wow! That is really something, I'll say. Glad you made it back but had I been in your position, knowing what we know today, I would be frightened to death. The idea of being unable to move or communicate while being fully conscious of everything around me in today's medical facility is literally my nightmare come true.

When my dad had is double heart valve replacement surgery in 2020, the initial rollout out "covid19" overlapped his final few days in ICU before transferring out to long term acute care (LTAC). It was nearly 3 weeks and a transfer to an ICU at the LTAC after his surgery before he woke up. Initially, he was a vegetable. Nothing worked. He was just laying there unable to speK looking around. I had promised my dad I wouldn't allow him to live in a vegetative state and there I was faced with the real potential that that was to be our reality. Thank God, things began to come back online a bit at a time but it was a true scare. He came back around after a lot of therapy but since the heart surgery, he has never been the same. Something about that procedure causes profound changes in a person. I also promised my dad that I would never put him in a nursing home or skilled nursing facility (SNF). My dad spent his career in insurance as a fraud claim loss specialist and investigated numerous nursing home claims. To be relegated to a nursing home or SNF is his nightmare come true. I can't help but wonder of the lowest scored nurses who barely pull through school are placed in the SNFs.

I will always remember the overlap with the roll out of "covid19". I remember sitting g in the ICU, watching whatever er was on the television and the news talking about how busy and overflowing hospitals were, how all ICUs were full up and how everything was so chaotic. And as I sat there in a quiet ICU that had vacant rooms and vacant beds I asked a nurse, "what is this all about?" She just shrugged her shoulders like she didn't have a frigging clue. I knew from the start it was all BS. Obviously further research confirmed this. I am glad you pulled through. I think today there are far too many in Healthcare who are perfectly willing to do whatever they so wish to whoever without ramifications. If it all goes my way, their crimes will catch up with them eventually.

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Well done mate.👍👊

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You should have seen me in the ER while in the middle of a heart attack! They were ripping my clothes off while trying to shave me when a nurse holding a swab came to my bedside. I asked her what the phuck was in her hand. She said you must do this to go in the ICU! I said Bbitch if you try that, I’m going to hurt you! She barely caught my nose as I was fighting her off! I’m in my ICU bed when they popped in saying you’re negative. I fumed for days over this!

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Just the idea that any so-called health professional would subject you to ANY medical treatment/test/exam/whatever, against your will, especially when you've made it blatantly clear thst you are opposed to such test to the point you'd be willing to hurt the nurse had she administered the test was FAR more than what was necessary forcthe nurse yo know not to shove that swab in your nose. Or, anywhere else for that matter.

I have said since day one, if anyone dares come at me with one of those syringes I will kill that person if I have to. These injections are deadly biological weapons and I will gladly defend my life if subjected to such threat.

I can't imagine the level of arrogance that some of these people, no, demons have. We're not dealing with people as in humans. These things are demons. That's it. They have no soul. There is nothing if you look into their eyes except for absolute psychopaths. Healthy human beings do not and would never do this shit to a fellow human, even if ordered to do so. Unfortunately, the walkouts were too few in numberc and should have been many more. Frightening!

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They are demons. I sometimes see into the spiritual realm and I see them all over in hospitals.

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Just give me her name and hospital. My friend, Bubba, handles situations like that. Really.

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Let this be a lesson. Do NOT trust these doctors. I have a similar story in January 2023. They are still killing people!

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Just horrific how these doctors and nurses behaved.

They drove out the experienced critical thinkers. The people of integrity and honesty, empathy and compassion, standing on a strong moral compass. And what was left in the void were the worst among us.

The disingenuous, the dishonest. People without morals, courage or principles. The easily cowed, the easily bought, and the easily led. Highly suggestible to manipulation, which they then mistook for morality and virtue.

They continued to deceive the Public about "overflowing hospitals" due to Covid, while openly mocking those who were dying due to their mismanagement, by dancing on their graves.

Medical malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death because there are now so many low-IQ people in the field.

Did not one of them stop to consider that in a real pandemic, every mask, every gown and every glove would have been bagged, tagged and tracked on its way to HazMat disposal? Not just thrown out with the coffee cups and the post-it notes?

It was, and still is, the smoking gun that this was all contrived, yet this most basic of red flags completely escaped them.

They were Target-Audience-101, and were targeted for a reason.

Without the capacity for critical thought, they fell for it hard.

The scam needed suckers, and it was a stroke of genius to push the "Pandemic Heroes" line, knowing their low-rent ego's and arrogance would do the rest.

Their virtue-signalling became toxic, and it seems *feigned* (not FELT) emotion was enough to justify the worst atrocities.

Sadly the spell of their lemming-like acquiescence is only going to be broken by cold, hard reality.

With Pfizer redirecting their focus to invest heavily over the coming 5 years in cancer and prion disease treatments, the awful truth of what they did to themselves and their families, and what they inflicted upon others is going to fully materialize.

Pfizer wouldn't have overpaid $43 billion to acquire a $2 billion cancer drugs company if they didn't think they were going to recoup their losses.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said 200 years ago "There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action".

We tried to tell them.

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Should have put him on Ivermectin as soon as he was brought home.

No trust in the Heath community anymore!

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Should have put him on ivermectin and never went to the hospital. I take it every Wednesday and Saturday for over a year and a half now and never felt better.

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I’ll never trust a doctor or nurse again.

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No need to go within a million miles of 'em (sans trauma). But doing nothing is probably not so good. Heck, urine therapy alone would have saved countless numbers (flu is generally much more dangerous than coronaviruses):

The delegate from South Africa, Credo Mutwa, had a very interesting story to tell. Mr. Mutwa said that 70 years ago urine therapy saved thousands of lives in South Africa. Not many people remember the terrible ‘flu at the end and after the first World War. This flu claimed around 100 million lives, many times the loss from the war itself. He said:

”A man had two women, a black one and a white one. These women cared for the people infected by the ‘flu and eased their suffering in the few days until they died and buried the dead. Anyone else who had worked so close to infected people would have got the ‘flu themselves but not these two women. They told others to start urine therapy, the only protection against the killer disease. The word spread and many thousands started the treatment. Not one, not one of the people drinking their own urine died”.


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Thank God in Heaven for our own perfect medicine!

Proverbs 5:15


The time has come to


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This is a Zionist plot. Muslims didn't take the vax. Stick with Muslim/ Hindu doctors and run like hell from Jews.

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Nor will I.

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Thank you Dr Makis for sharing such a hard video to watch. This is our reality unfortunately. In my humble opinion I believe I must make friends with death in order to leave this world in a good way, in doing so, it helps me to not fear this world. This doesn’t mean I’m giving up, I’m just not giving in to the fear program and trying my best to live in the moment.

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Yes please don’t live in fear ... that is what the evil globalists want . If you are in fear they can control you . More and more people are awakening . We have to keep our vibrations very elevated, we have to elevate our consciousness. The more people practice this , the evil forces will not sustain . This has been going on for decades. Tides are turning and humanity is moving towards a new and better universe with elevated collective consciousness . This is a spiritual warfare .

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Sisterhood and Brotherhood unite. The way through is from within. 🙏💞

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The Covid period has had an enormous affect on our world leading to the many tragic stories surfacing daily.

After watching the video it seems that the actual cause leading to the death of Michael Gall is not clearly stated… the fact that he was administered Remdesivir does raise suspicion… for me anyway!

4:49 : Catherine Gall mentions that Michael was placed on Remdesivir.

8:36 : She mentions that his kidneys were shutting down.

In Australia our hospitals prescribe Remdesivir as part of their Covid medical protocol. I find this strange for the following reasons:

Remdesivir was withdrawn from the 2014 Ebola trial because of a 53% mortality rate.

See The British Medical Journal : https://www.bmj.com/content/366/bmj.l5140

See also : https://www.onenewspage.com/video/20220223/14396953/Dr-Reiner-Fuellmich-Grand-Jury-Trial-Day.htm

4:14:12 : Dr. Shankara Chetty (a dedicated doctor) mentions that Remdesivir is toxic and leads to kidney failure.

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Then add dehydration on top of that.

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Dear Dr. Makis,

Yes, this technology causes amyloidosis, often misdiagnosed as something else.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021997513000480?via%3Dihub AA Amyloidosis in Vaccinated Growing Chickens - ScienceDirect

Outbreaks of fatal AA amyloidosis were observed in growing chickens in a large scale poultry farm within 3 weeks of vaccination with multiple co-administered vaccines.

This study documents the histopathological changes in tissues from these birds. Amyloid deposits were also observed at a high rate in the tissues of apparently healthy chickens.

Vaccination should therefore be considered as a potential risk factor for the development of AA amyloidosis in poultry.

Amyloidosis is a general term for diseases associated with the local or systemic deposition of amyloid fibrils in tissues (Merlini and Bellotti, 2003). Amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis is one of the most common systemic amyloidoses.

It is confirmed that the potential induction of avian AA amyloidosis by inoculation of Salmonella enteritidis (SE) vaccine or Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine can be induced by vaccinations, and may be transmitted among like species by oral administration.

The potential induction of avian AA amyloidosis can be induced by vaccinations, and may be transmitted among like species by ORAL administration !!!!!!!!!!

https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/62e0/0991fbb43633459f3a59d1cec5202e436be6.pdf?_gl=1*1uenpd2*_ga*ODcwODAwNDkxLjE2OTk5NzkxNTc.*_ga_H7P4ZT52H5*MTcwNDUxMzY3MS4xNy4xLjE3MDQ1MTQ5ODYuNTguMC4w Prevalence of amyloid deposition in mature healthy chickens in the flock that previously had outbreaks of vaccine-associated amyloidosis

The results suggest that additional amyloid deposition in chickens previously exposed to AA amyloidsosis may not worsen with age and may tend to regress when causative factors, such as vaccinations and/or chronic inflammation, are absent.

The people behind it pretend that nothing is happening, while they are perfectly aware of all these different studies and dangers to humans and animals.

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They will continue to blame RFK jr for whatever reason and his book the real Anthony Fauci while the world continues to loose new victims from both the virus and the vaccine. I’m a firm believer that you have to treat people very early with high levels of D-C-E and HCQ followed with Ivermectin and antibiotic and nicotine. Being healthy like this fellow just prolonged his ability to withstand the horrible effects of the hospital protocol and the damage these drugs can cause.

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Watching this makes me so angry, how the hell do those monsters who murdered thousands of innocent people live with themselves now, I heard this crap is still happening today in "hospitals" God surely will punish them all if they aren't punished in this life. Im just heart broken for Catherine, Im so sorry. Covid isn't real but I think people were poisoned thru the air or from surfaces.

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Socialized medicine is a hell of a thing. Canadians can thank the mainline liberal protestant pastors like Tommy Douglas. Tommy Douglas wrote his master's degree on eugenics.

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This was in the US - privatised medicine.

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Medicaid is the number one expense item on the US budget.. I would deem that to be socialist medicine as well.

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Hmm - And I thought that he, as the politician who fought for government health care was doing it for the people, but never read about his interest in eugenics. Will have to research that thanks!

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Talking about Canadian Tommy Douglas in reply to Daniel Calabretta!

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This is about the evolution debate in the US. I was referring to eugenics in Canada!

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Thank you for that! Makes me wonder that if the program had been put in place, what would happen to those normal people who may have had an accident or an illness that would make them incapable of looking after themselves. Would that have been a MAIDS situation?

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I think the MAIDS program is for the vax-injured - including autistic. I know a young woman who was MAIDed the other day due to an "illness". Masked "healthcare workers" offed her in her apartment. She didn't want to be a burden.

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It's a two-part video. Title isn't the greatest. I have watched it many times. The Canadian eugenics movement is closely related to the American's.

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Moral of the story:

1. Treat early (FLCCC.net), if you didn't:

2. Get your own O2 concentrator, hire a nurse (for IV & Med admin) and heal at home. Stay far away from the hospital Killing Fields.

3. Never forget #1.

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These Murderer's are going to keep Murdering. They have a license to kill!

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follow the money. in terms of the hospitals, they were clearly following the money towards use of the expensive drugs such as Remdes and the Ventilators to the death of many many patients to get more $ per patient. This is what creating money out of nothing gives us. Clearly we are seeing the effects of vxx religion at work here as well where the hospitals were pushing terminating life giving healthcare towards those who resisted--they were made examples of. Aside from the money angle, investigators needs to find out were the top hospital administrators told by higher ups in government to begin depopulating? If so who is making these decisions?

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I am so sorry for your loss 💔 almost identical to my parents story, my dad died under hospital care 1-30-22, my mom almost did too. I am a RN that was very sick and almost died but stuck it out at home knowing what was happening. I am in Minnesota, there is a support group we started and I have Wisconsin resources too if you ever would like them. God Bless you and your family, again I am so very sorry you experienced this nightmare like so many of us have 💔💛🙏


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I really wish people would stop pushing the narrative of the so called COVID it was never or ever isolated never not saying people were not sick but please STOP saying the word COVID , Actually no virus was ever isolated , MADE IN A LAB PUT IN A JAB , Flue shot , Along with 5G , Venom spiked in to water , chem trailing etc. wake E wake E wake E ...........................................

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You are so right - and especially when other doctors are talking about the ‘virus’ and it’s mutations.

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What country was this in? I had Covid Pnemonia in Jan 2022 and was put on a ventilator but my sister could get through to the nurses. I was given antibiotics. I refused Remdesivir before being put on Ventilator because I knew it hurt the kidneys in 40% of the people. I live in Ontario, Canada and I'm unvaxxed.

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So sad but we know everything she is saying is true

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Thank you for sharing your story, am so sorry, ever so sorry. Bless you and your family.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I just want to say that my dad passed away in 2022. He was 85 and had coronary heart disease, and was also unvaccinated. But he was doing okay at home just taking it easy. Slowly, he became weaker and complained of some shortness of breath, feeling weak and gradually lost his ability to stand up due to lack of strength in his legs. It's possible it was COVID or perhaps the natural and gradual deterioration of heart function due to not being able to pump blood around the body as efficiently. When he couldn't get out of bed anymore, we called 911 to see if they could help my administering oxygen etc.

The strange thing is they put him in the "Special Services" wing of the hospital which we later found out is where people are placed that they expect to die soon. I found out that they were administering fentanyl and midazolam, which is also used in euthanasia "end of life care". Later I discovered that midazolam depresses respiration and hastens death. And that's exactly how dad died as I was by his bedside and noticed his breathing gradually becoming increasingly shallow, and eventually stopping. They use this drug in euthanasia in conjunction with fentanyl (sedation) and dehydration. They heavily sedated him because they said he was trying to take off the IV device which was administering midazolam. Somehow he knew that they were harming him instead of helping him. Neither were they feeding him or giving him any fluids (nurse said the same thing about using a wet sponge). He died 3 days after being admitted to the hospital and placed on these drugs.

I feel absolutely terrible about calling 911 and admitting him into the Canadian deathcare system, thinking they would help him. I know they killed him before his time because he just rapidly deteriorated as soon as he was admitted and placed on these drugs. He was a strong man, and even if he was near the end of his life due to deteriorating heart function, I suspect he would have been with us for maybe another 6 months to a year before passing naturally where we could have shared some tender moments and quality family time together. But the hospital deprived us of that by expediting his death without our consent, using midazolam, fentanyl, and dehydration. I am contemplating legal action to hold these medical criminals liable for their actions.

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Sorry to hear #bout your dad. My 76 year old husband, on no meds, just back from abroad, became very tired but had no cough, sore throat or shortness of breath. Called the health nurse line and she sent an ambulance. This was in Canada in March 2020 and we knew nothing about the protocols. Hospital said his vital signs were good and he was breathing on his own and he was in the respiration unit because his blood was a bit wonky. Next day he was in the ICU and I spoke to him on the phone and he seemed OK. They called me that night and said they had to put him on a ventilator. 3 weeks later he was dead. Last time I saw him was when he walked out to the ambulance but of course a

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MAiD is now common hospital culture in Canada these days. Many Canadian hospital MDs have turned into licensed killers.

What I don't is why. In the US they got financial insentives to kill and give expensive drugs like Remdesevir. Not clear to me what insentives does a Canadian social med system offer to clinicians.

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money; job; herd-mentality.

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Very very sorry to hear about your father . Many many people went this way due to poor hospital protocols. It’s very sad.

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They are acting on instructions originating from Public Health Canada.

Start investigating there and work your way up and down.

Hospital workers had no choice if they wanted to keep their jobs.

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Anyone that took the sh!t shot to travel, keep a job, get a free donut or anything is nothing but a POS selfish Whore. Without those sell out scum, this scheme never would have gotten off the ground. They HAD a choice. They just chose to be selfish. Most will die as a result. But they made it hard for everyone else.

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I much appreciate your heroic work, Dr. Makis. It was painful to watch this, but I'm glad you shared it.

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No one will help you cuz there all in on it the whole shooting match Doctors , Judges , lawyers , cops , POLITICIANS all sides , Freemasons wake E wake E wake E................

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Seems that waking up the sleeping masses is not easy....!!

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Thank you for sharing her story! This must get out to people so they can learn from this. Can’t get ivermectin in Canada but can in US and easily in Mexico. May be worth a trip to stock up

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Unfortunately people are SO UNINFORMED about their BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, TO SAY NO TO medical based GENOCIDE!!!

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Human rights were suspended.

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'human rights'? Officially, in the 'modern science' we HUMAN, are 'animals'...

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pity, that Catherine does not mention the name of the hospital... The same stories in other countries, like Germany...

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I agree. If that happened to my husband, you couldn't shut me up. I'd be naming names. Sometimes I wonder if these stories are true.

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When are the people going to get a back bone and round these EVERY ONE INVOLVED in this SCAMDEMIC UP ???????????????????????? And string them up???????

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It's coming. But it's really up to the families of the victims. I lost my job over it. All those sell out A holes that took it to keep their jobs screwed all of us.

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I hear ya , same here i lost a good paying job over the whole scamdemic as well , all do to fear on behalf of there coward actions , no one wants to or knows how to do a little research and yes these no minds are going to take us all down because of there stupidity, soon see if they learned any thing old Billy boy is cumming up with a new so called virus x going to be interesting .

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The way antibiotics were being restricted is criminal . Their policies were brainwashing all healthcare workers that antibiotics don’t work for viruses . Yes but in emergency situation when people were dying, anything that worked should have been allowed if the family and or patient requested it . Azithromycin does have anti viral properties. Many viral respiratory infections progress into pneumonia so we’re treatments being delayed . I agree with Catherine’s husband ... If early treatments were given and the death rates would have not been as inflated they would not have been able to convince people to mass vaccinate . So they created a model of fear and fear sells the solution which to the globalists was the plan to mass vaccinate to control the minds . It’s shameful that the hospital protocols were so rigid not allowing vitamin D, zinc , antibiotics etc. hydroxychloroquine and zinc taken early on at home could have saved so many hospitalizations. Early on in the pandemic, Hydroxychloroquine was given in toxic doses to very sick hospitalized patients... obviously that was not the time to give it will not work so they “ failed” it . The deaths were inflated to sell the vaccine. I heard several stories of people who went in for non covid reasons but the discharge diagnosis was changed to covid as hospitals would get more government funds . Very very sorry to hear what happened to Catherine husband. No wonder early at home treatment protocols like Zalenko, flccc , were supressed by internet algorithms so people were so scared if they sick and fear depletes immunity and hypoxia worsens with panic leading to unnecessary hospitalizations. Not to mention the flu shots also weaken immunity and people get strange respiratory infections.

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the entire health system has transformed into a place that hastens death. Dr Makis, we need investigators to explore when and who made these decisions to promote global eugenics. Its like someone just flipped a switch.

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Good for you! Dr Suzanne Humphries, author of dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, was a big city nephrologist. After repeatedly demanding of the hospital that her kidney patients not receive the “mandatory vaccine” upon checking into hospital as she said her patients were already compromised and needed no further immune challenge (but to no avail), she quit, took a couple of years off, learned immunology and toxicology and started lecturing. It was some 10 years ago I listened to her lectures, learned about vaccines (a lot on the HPV vax) and vitamin C and it’s benefits, and learned how misguided we have been about any vaccine requirement . The threats and coercion they do to patients inside hospitals is unconscionable, very glad you were even able to in to see your father, and thank you for recounting your experience.

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Glad to see someone else who knows of Suzanne Humphries MD. I also have her book and tell people to read it when they are talking about all the benefits of the mandated shots!

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The Protocol that Kills by Sheila Shiba...her husband was killed the same way, wrote a book with all the docs and legal papers after the fact to warn others.

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Words fail me.

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I am willing to bet that he did NOT have CoV Pneumonia. He had a bacterial pneumonia! After they forced to test that’s when they declared he had a CoV pneumonia! There is NO COVID! In December of 2021 , my 74 year old mother in Missouri was taken to the ER because I thought she had a stroke. Upon arrival she was tested and diagnosed with a bacterial pneumonia. The ER doctor was set to release her with antibiotics and steroids , she needed no oxygen. My mom was very afraid of the hospital and demanded to leave which we were about to do. She jumped out of bed and fell. At that point , she became combative and the doctor refused to let her leave unless she would tell him what could happen if she fell at home. Mom was so afraid she refused to tell him. At that point security came , I was told if I took her , they’d report me. So mom was admitted. The next day , they tested for Covid . Lo and behold, she was positive. Moved to a Covid wing for nine days. She was not fed , no water but she did get antibiotics . On day four I was informed they were losing her and I begged them to give her what they had to, just SAVE MY MOM! She got three treatments of Remdesivir and oxygen became required. By day 9 , we were terrified we’d lose her so my son went there and found she’d been moved to a regular room. The next morning I accused the doctor of causing her oxygen needs and the doctor agreed to release her with oxygen. My mom Margeurite was drugged with multiple antidepressants including medication for schizophrenia ! They claimed she fought them and tried to leave. Momma lost 23 pounds during that period . She was completely normal, no oxygen on day two at home! The point in my story is the blood tests concluded she had a BACTERIAL pneumonia , not Covid pneumonia!

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Name those docs and nurses. Put it out there. Don't keep protecting them.

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So sorry Catherine,

I feel your pain.

On September 3, 2021, Hospital Covid Protocol KILLED my dad and my brother in 2 separate hospitals in Edmonton 3 hours apart. It is a horrific personal story of the hell that those who were in a position to save people neglected proper treatment and aided in the deaths' of many loved ones. I believe my dad and brother were targeted as they rejected the covid narrative and the experimental poison vaxx. They died 3 hours apart on the same day. I have autopsy reports and the hospital records. Of course they died of "Covid Pneumonia". They were never treated for what they came into the hospital for. They were both given a drug called Tocilizumab. An immunosuppressive drug used for rheumatoid arthritis. Neither of them had arthritis. A drug that shut down their immune system. From my understanding the drug had killed 100 people in the experimental stage, was shelved and then resurrected for covid protocol. My brother received 600mg one day and another 600mg dose the second day. He went down hill fast and then ended up with the hospital super bug and they filled his lungs with the optiflo machine - hot moist oxygen set at 60 l/min. He suffered and died by the hands of those that took oaths to save. My dad was tied to the bed, given 600mg of the tocilizumab. The opti-flow was set at the highest level that they could administer.

My brother was admitted to the hospital for stomach flu symptoms and my dad was admitted for either a urinary tract infection or a prostate problem. Neither of them got the treatment they needed for their issues. This was senseless. I cry every day for what could have been prevented. There is more to the story as I had security called on me to remove me from the hospital as I tried to help my brother. The family visits to see our loved ones was blocked until death was eminent so the hospital could administered their death protocols. I would like to start a class action law suit if any one is interested. The pain of what families had to go through during this world wide experiment on human life is horrendous.

You can reach me at laurelscheff@gmail.com

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It's not the hospital that administered the death protocols. It was people at the hospital. You should be screaming out their names.

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