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Hello, everybody, and welcome to Shadow at Night. This is Friday, January the 5th. Oh, it's almost the second anniversary of the insurrection. The insurrection, or is it the third year now? Wow. It's tough to keep track in these troubled times we live in, isn't it? January 6th is tomorrow.
Anyway, special guest on the show tonight is Dr William Makis, who blew the lid pretty much off X the other day with a post regarding Some called it a bribe, some called it a settlement offer from Alberta Health Services some years ago under a different leadership back then. We'll talk more about that.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Shadoe Davis (Jan.5, 2024) - Pedophiles in Canada's healthcare system, latest on Excess deaths, COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries
Jan 27, 2024
Dr. Makis, first let me say that I think you are a hero in exposing the truth. I do have a question regarding your comments about “non existing research” into these strange blood clots. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea PhD and many other experts have done extensive research on these blood clots. I respectfully ask you to follow Dr. Mihalcea on Substack (“Humanity United”). May you walk with God.
Thug Ford talked a big talk as well in Ontario and we have no way to get rid of him. PC Party of Ontario is corrupt as hell.
smith speaks well of freeland - all in it together-swamp
Dr Epstein I presume. We all know Canada has a child slave sex trade. Leaked documents from underground ex military camps being used for adrenochrome production. They had children listed from Canada. Who better than souless pedophiles could or would traffic children.
I most certainly am not posting this as a challenge etc to Dr Makis, yet I would like to know if what is stated by karen Kingston and the spike protein creation shared here and elsewhere can be bridged.
Awesome interview Dr. Makis!
Thank you for posting this information, Dr. Makis. I learned a lot today. For subscribers who might have difficulty hearing the video and want to follow along with a written version, there are a few omissions in the transcript. Here are the time stamps for the first four:
BEGIN 1st OMISSION from [10:06] to [10:22 ]
[10:06] Dr. Makis: uh, some case from 30 years ago. And the judge just looked at them, like, "What are you guys doing?" like, "What is this insanity?"
END 1st OMISSION, (16 seconds)
BEGIN 2nd OMISSION from [15:37] to [15:54]
15:37 Dr. Makis: Law Offices in Calgary, I was threatened, I was there personally, and I had the AHS lawyers on the phone, and the threats were made to me directly as I was sitting in the law offices in Calgary. And that was the first time I said No. And then [15:54]
END 2nd OMISSION, (17 seconds)
BEGIN 3rd OMISSION, from [16:29] to [16:45]
[16:29] Dr. Makis: to be shared with me or they had legal privilege, right? So, whenever healthcare executives meet, and there's a lawyer present, then that automatically falls under a lawyer privilege. So they then don't have to share those documents with you. [16:45]
END 3rd OMISSION, (16 seconds)
BEGIN 4th OMISSION from [20:09] to [20:29]
Dr. Makis: with the World Economic Forum. And people can go back, they can go back and find the press release that Alberta Health Services put out, they signed a deal with the World Economic Forum, I believe it was August 2020, and, it was, they would get access to funds in the billions of dollars, they would get access to cutting edge [20:29]
END OMISSION, (20 seconds)
I have my concerns regarding the sponsor of this show...nano silver. This ties into the Policy Horizons which Canada and Israel are leaders of ( the EU has its own version). I suggest you follow James Scott in Ottawa who is a whistle blower about this ( James owns the store Barely Bruised Books) . We have been greatly distracted with Covid...this is the issue we must focus on. The moment we have digital ID imposed on us, we will have digital currency and smart cities . The infrastructures for these is already in place.. This is the hill we must die on. It starts with each of us resisting and using our voices. Start with our local municipal government and challenge relentlessly what they are doing in regards to 15 minute cities and digital ID. Basically Policy Horizons.
I have done four years of full-time research and publishing on Covid-19.
.I have met and spoken with and corresponded with Dr Willam Makis.
I consider Willam to be friend and I support him 100%.
The Cull Trilogy – Science Books that Disprove the Covid and Climate False Scares.
Covid and Climate Chronicles - The Big Cull
Fifty Years of False Fears
The New Dark Age
On in Canada and in Britain.
Mike Adams conducted an ICPS analysis of the clots.
Situation Update, Aug 18, 2022 - Vaccine clot lab tests reveal shocking accumulation of CONDUCTIVE METALS