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Q1. Did your mom take any COVID-19 shots?
Probably because of me, I kept encouraging her not to take it because I felt like it was not going to be good for her. I thought it would be dangerous for her. She had asthma and allergies and I just, I kept encouraging her not to take it. My dad took it, but my mom didn't.
So what, at what point, what was going on that made her go to hospital?
VIDEO - Killed by Hospital Protocols - Christina Croft's unvaccinated mother (CHD Dec.10, 2023)
Jan 09, 2024
This is dreadful I have 2 dead sisters a dead son and a dead friend all vaccinated
The medical profession have a lot to answer for the murder of these people
I'm so sorry. That got to be a nightmare.
My heart goes out to all of these families that couldn't save their loved ones from the hospital death protocols. But I have a success story, my mother.
Sometime back in mid 2021 I was watching an interview with Laura Lynn Live and Dr. Bryan Ardis. He was talking about the NIH website where it had listed Ivermectin as an approved treatment for Covid.
I went to the NIH site and printed it out and kept a copy, (for some time now it's no longer there). I thank God I did that, because that copy of the NIH Ivermectin approved treatment is what saved my mother's life when she was in the hospital.
In October 2021, my mother who was 89 at the time, who has no health problems, walks every day, drives a car, still plays golf, and has never taken any flu shot and will never take the covid vax (her favorite motto is "I don't doctor"), she was feeling tired, didn't have a fever, but didn't feel like eating much because she was having a hard time swallowing food. This lasted for 10 days until my sister convinced her to go to ER in Summerlin, Las Vegas.
At the ER she waited several hours to be seen. She was put on an IV and was waiting to do tests. The first test the hospital wanted her to do (they never got around to doing any other tests), was the PCR test (since she wasn't covid-vaxxed) and she said no. Yet, the following day she did (against my advise), because my sister wasn't allowed in her room if she didn't take the test. Of course the result was positive (who knows if she even had a cold or the flu, because there is NO diagnostic test for “Covid”).
Now the doctor wanted to give her Remdisiver and put her on a ventilator (she was currently on oxygen). I emailed the NIH information to my sister and told her to give the info to the doctor and that we didn't want my mom taking Remdisiver or being put on a ventilator, that we wanted Ivermectin given to her and that it was an approved NIH treatment for covid.
I live out of the country, so I got a flight the next morning to help my sister with the hospital's protocol and to get my mom out of the hospital. However, during that time, there was a good doctor that told my sister that the hospital didn't have Ivermectin but he gave her a prescription for it, and after a couple visits to pharmacies, she was able to get the prescription filled and the next day, got my mom out of the hospital with an oxygen tank, as I arrived and was driving there to help her.
My mom took Ivermectin and Zinc Sulfate and was on oxygen for a week. She is almost 91 years old and in as good as health as before.
Regarding the SARScoV2 RT PCR, see the Corman Drosten Review Report online. A purposeful false positive generator as revealed by a professional peer review of the test protocol. Labeled by the peer review as "so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be useless as a medical diagnostic test". PU.
Wow! Congrats. My Mom 89 year old Mom and the rest of my family all believe in the vax. When they they came down with covid and gave it to our Mother I was not POA. Our Mom had to go to the hospital, and I was able to convince my sister to get her the ivermetin in the hospital and she recovered enough to come home. My sister would not allow the appropriate amount of steroids or a nebulizer. I am not even sure she got an anti-biotic. Her breathing worsen and she died.
Good for you for sticking up for your Mom. Glad to hear a happy story.
Dorothy, I am so sorry for your loss. No matter the age, losing a parent is devastating.
She said her family believes in the death jab. She didn't say she believed in it.
Remdesivir causes liver problems
I've read that Remdesivir shuts down the kidneys and people basically drown in their own bodily fluids.. AND- this was well know before Fouci demanded that ONLY Remdesivir be used in hospitals. Fouci personally profits from Remdesivir sales. He is a murderer;
as are all the doctors and nurses who knew they would kill people by putting them on Remdesivir. They did it for money that the gov. gave for each government protocol they followed. It was murder for profit. And, as I understand it - they're still using Remdesivir.
See Steve Kirschs substack for everything vaccine and treatment protocols. Has done great stuff interviewing front line nurses and doctors.
Thank you. I read Steve posts all the time! Yes, he's done fantastic research and interviews..
They may have changed the name of Remdesivir to Veklury so people don’t realize what it is.
Thank you for this information.
Yes, they are accessories to murder
Yes I get emails from Steve all the time
Exactly! Diane RN
It shuts does the kidneys I. 50% of cases & they die of renal failure unless they go on dialysis which they will continue the test of their lives if they survive the multiple infusions of that horrible drug.
It’s not being used now as too many ppl hs r dies of it but the CDC won’t confirm that fact..
Yes, it's even written on the NIH treatment protocol for covid as causing liver damage.
slight of hand to cover the murder machine.
They leave out the permanent damage to the kidneys & GFR & raising the Creatine & BUN
Prayers for Grace too, their trial is set for Nov. 2024. The hospitals final attempt to have charges dismissed, was denied:
I hear they are going after the hospital for battery. I hope they win and others can follow .
Another devastating video. These videos are shifting my understanding from following orders to intentional killing by professionals.
Yes of course they did it on purpose. The hospitals and doctors were paid to murder people.
This is the web site to listen to hospital stories: COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project.
This kill protocol happened to my dad at the VA in Maine. He was COVID negative, went for antibodies because my mom was sick, they refused because he wasn’t vaccinated, they cathetered him, stuck him in ICU, forced high flow air, Remdesivir, loss of communication, hands tied down, not allowed to leave bed, fed ice cream, coffee and sprite for food, supplants were refused, visitors refused, end of life protocol, then come watch him die outside of a window . Oh stolen wedding ring and if course snarky nurse commented after ..” if he was vaccinated he’d still be here”. Sadly people still do not know we are being murdered in hospitals.
So, so sorry.
We went through the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE!! My pastor husband who was a kidney/liver transplant patient (doing great for 4 years before Covid) was murdered in the identical same way. Thank you for being my voice because it has just been too hard for me to sit down and go through it all to document. Jesus said in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
So so sorry.
I hope the family will file a local criminal Laying of information and on the drug Pharmacy companies too who would not allow the Ivermectin as a Patient off label use and informed consent. Just tell your story to the local Judge.
I get my supply for my pets, its 100% Ivermevtin.
They tell their story to the local Justice of the Peace, with all copies certified as true medical care records.
They could have had a full cell tissue investigation too by the Coroner.
Even if today, if the body was not cremated. Get help funding your costs from others families victimized too, locally.
What did the death Certificate say?
Get all billing medical records, too.
Justice is you fight on for those who cannot defend themselves from a now corrupt medical system.
You must get full names and ID numbers of the medical staff. The nursing staff and head doctor are all complicit.
This is alleged murder, they knew they were killing her by following harmful concenus protocols, an knew how to block family being involved in better care and consent but only to see her if taken off her life support.
Thank you for speaking the truth, and do fully name all complicit and hospital.
It is a local medical crime.
Please, try to Stop it.
Even if Remdesivir were not the dangerous & deadly drug that it is, it is still completely inappropriate. It is an anti-viral, which after the first few days of symptom onset, is useless. By the time these patients came to the hospital breathless, the viral replication phase of the infection was over & the hyper-inflammation phase was what they were presenting with. They needed steroids to combat the inflammation, which was not part of "the protocol". They also needed a drug that would actually work, such as ivermectin. These protocols are clearly intended to kill as many as possible. That so many doctors & nurses went along with this travesty, & continue to do so, is astonishing. It is a complete & total betrayal of these patient's trust & of the doctor's & nurse's code of ethics.
Also zinc 50mgs to stop viral replication,Quercitin 2-5000 mg, melatonin , D3- 5-10,000 units , NAD & budesinide via neb..
at this point a z pak would be appropriate to help w 2ndary pneumonia & infection.
They knowingly murdered her mom, how dreadful.
This was a test, and the powers that be - deep-state, globalists, traitors, whatever you want to call them - are estatic about the test results! Very much like how the Nazis at first told the Jews to wear the star, and that was met with no resistance, then they told the Jews they would be 'relocated', and that went well wit the exception of Warsaw Poland, then they told them at the 'relocation' centers to strip naked and go into the shower building, and that worked, and was the ultimate aim. I have seen little in the way of effective resistance against these evil Globalists and their Home-Grown-Quisling-Traitor-Accomplices as they go merrily along with their murderous 'policies', so I have little hope for We-The-People. By now, there should have been worldwide effective uprisings by the fraction of the citizenry who are aware of what is happening, but it hasn't happened.
Some evil, wicked people work in hospitals.
Read the book: What the Nurses Saw by Ken McCarthy. I purchased it from Amazon because my local bookstore couldn’t get it for me. Read the last chapter first as it explains how the hospitals were paid. You will be astonished at the reimbursements for a positive covid diagnosis. There is a state by state breakdown; see what Tennessee was awarded—omg.
I read the book. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to know what happened & continues to happen to many, many hospitalized patients.
So very sad!
My cousins daughter joined the air force and had too get the jab is now disabled with heart problems.
I am so sorry for you and your family, particularly your Dad. Your Mom is the other half of your Dad and that half has been ripped away from him. There will be justice, if not on this earth, definitely by the Lord. He doesn't look kindly on anyone who hurts one of His own.
Hopefully this one case, can set a massive legal precedent!
As a retired physician, a Medical Freedom fighter, and networked (nationally) Informed CONSENT advocate, this is heart-wrenching. It makes my soul rise up in rage at our Nazi-esque medical system. I will fight this battle against evil to my last breath.
Bose Ravenel, ND, FAAP, Retired
This is still happening in Atlanta. They tried to talk my friend into being admitted and going on Remdesivir and a ventilator. He had remembered my warnings and said Absolutely not. I’m leaving. Within 2 minutes, he was surrounding in his ER bed by male personnel…they told him that he had to stay because he had Covid and pneumonia….he said NO again….they said
“If we have to force you, we will.”
He had to threaten the hell out of them for 30 min before they moved out of the way….he left there, went home, and called me crying with the whole story….saying
“THANK YOU! You saved my life! I didn’t believe what you were telling me about the hospitals and that protocol, but I experienced pure evil after telling them I wouldn’t stay”
I can’t believe they’re still committing these crimes and getting paid to do so with our tax dollars…’s so heinous
Thank Godc he was well enough to put up a fight!!
Hospitals are rewarded I think $35,000 per patient if you put them on a ventilator. Also, they make more money on remdesiver than they would ivermectin.
Sure R costs $1000 per course, whereas IVM costs pennies. The simple observation is the Hippocratic Oath has been replaced by the Love of Money being the root of all evil. But one must begin to wonder if there is a global eugenics agenda in operation that got switched on in 2020? Some brave researchers are going to need to connect the dots to expose this.
The hospitals and the pharmacies were sent clear instructions not to give or fill Ivermectin by the NIH….and they gave clear instructions on the deadly protocol being the ONLY option…they were paid thousands for every dead person
Tens of thousands $$$$
Sue the pharmacies.
This is such a sad story. No human being or a family deserves to be treated like this! This is murder! Praying that God will hold the people responsible for things like this accountable & that they’d suffer the consequences of their actions. I’m glad, however, that her mom knew Jesus.
This is so sick! I’m sorry for the loss of your mother.🙏🏻
It is just unbelievable collection of all these details, which confirm again and again, it was a planned murder from very begin. And every death counted, money-wise and statistics-wise. The latter to tell everyone how bad the crisis is. But this trend to go full ahead with the killings on the unjabbed, is unprecedented.
Unfortunately there are too many by now, who despite of being covid 'unvaccinated' are affected by the jabs from the nearest family members, who go them.
Is there any way you can add speed control to your videos on Substack?
The content is great, but I usually try to find it on Rumble or somewhere else to watch at 2X, and in this case I don't know the source so won't have time to watch the video. It would be very helpful to a percentage of us, who would be able to watch twice as much of your work with that option.
Thankyou Dr Makis and CHD , these stories are so very important.
No IVs and no fluids…..murder
Gawwwwd this is heartbreaking
Please, please
How do I get in contact for a protocol?
Plus ivermectin 0.3 mg/kg
Baby aspirin/day to prevent clots & use Incentive spirometer 10 x q hr when away to do lung gymnastics & avoid pneumonia & Atelectasis.
Eugenics machine in operation.
I'm so sorry for your loss. When a mother goes it's hard, but this magnifies the loss.
Murder premeditated! the hospitals, the doctors thé nurses should all be charged! I wonder was this in the USA or Canada or the they all have the same or similar protocols! M and M treatment?? I want to cry for your mom her passing was
due to the murderous protocol! My sister in law passed with lung and brain cancer! My sister and her daughter both have
lung cancer my sister it's now in her brain! I'm sure doctors find it easier to help people to die, maids in Canada has likely helped to take the guilt away! I remember nurses who were charged with murder because they overdosed some of their
elderly patients.....gee it makes me wonder.....will these deaths by protocol be considered murder as well! Yea sure!!
anyone ever heard of monthly 'Black Crawl Award' in many academic hospitals to a doctor who has the most DEATHS on his/her service?? It a party time for MD's to celebrate the DEATHs, according to Dr. Burt Berkson who went through a hell in the hospital system, only because he wouldn't bend to the KILLERS crowd.
There is no vaccine
When these medical scum are publicly executed for genocide, then there will be justice.