Okay, we are live. Can you tell us your name, please? Michelle Craig. All right, this is one shot, one Pfizer shot. Yes, ma'am. All right. Why did you take the Pfizer? Why did you take the COVID shot?
Honestly, I was against it at first, completely against it. And my family, everyone was saying, we're fine. We've had two. We're fine. We're fine. Stop being an overdramatic person.
How was your health before you took the Pfizer?

VIDEO - Vax Injury (Michelle Craig) had stroke after 1 Pfizer within 20 minutes of jab (CHD Dec.7, 2023)

Discussion about this video

Stop ALL vaccines! I was lucky that my parents didnt believe in vaccines. Please stop ALL vaccines!!

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The administrators of the shot are instructed THREE TIMES during the preparation of the product before they push that plunger to make sure it's not coagulating in the vial or the syringe. If you get injected with coagulating goo and it gets in your vascular system, you will have a stroke, heart attack, or pulmonary embolism within a few minutes. According to the CDC's own records, over 1100 people died within a few minutes or hours of getting this injection, some of them right in the administration center in full view of other people waiting. And when the people in line saw that instant death, they still got theirs. Let that sink in.

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oh yeah, they thought the shot would protect them from that sudden death! It is upside down clown world. Not in their right minds so they fall for anything. It was the same tactic of them making the vaxxines seem 'not enough for everyone' so ppl had to wait for more to be available.... such a scam, they got all of the low hanging fruit $$. All mind games for ppl who'll fall for anything....they don't know what a narcissist looks or sounds like so they're getting screwed over and over and begging for more.

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It is absolutely devastating. It is incomprehensible that these jabs have not been stopped worldwide, but are still being pushed like in Sweden. At this point how can these jabs be stopped? And as the lady says on top of it all, her grand babies have already had 78 vaccines and nobody knows what they have put in them.

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Each tale is more distressing than the last!

(The two year old who starved to death, curled up beside his fallen father is beyond comprehending. How much more of this soulless unaccountability are populations willing to abide?!)

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It has to happen to usher in the new world with Jesus, we're in the 'wars and rumors of wars, plagues, ppl falling to your left and your right' but those who choose God and to stay in their right minds are guided and protected miraculously. Just don't take the bait of satan to get bogged down in all of his murderous mess that you see....just know it is proof God is very near and the worse it gets the sooner our paradise comes.

** I get it, sometimes I don't want to do anything b/c it feels like there is no future and everything has gone to hell. Ppl at my church seem asleep and just as deluded as the masses. Like i'm in a dream. So important to care for yourself and restore yourself with walks and camping and laughing with friends, get a massage and love ppl as best you can, they can sense your peace, but some will attack that so be aware.

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Thank you for the quieting reminder!

Often, Matthew 5: 6 predominates, and expresses in multiple ways, few of them peaceful, lol. Faith notwithstanding, the justice-seeking, rational mind can’t grasp the impenetrable “mass formation” herd, through all of this. The past three years have certainly been a trip! They’ve left me all the more thankful for God’s guidance and vigilant protection.

If these be signs of His accelerating plan, and ultimately restored world, AMEN TO THAT!


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Jan 26, 2024
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we get the God we believe in. Choose not to believe and you get what you desire.

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🎯In their spirits, they know better. Let them gnash...

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Spoken like a true atheist! I hate to think what your afterlife will look like! Good luck and spoiler alert

God wins in the end!

And all the white coat killers out there are going to get what they give!

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You should read “Person of Interest” by J. Warner Wallace, if you want evidence. He’s a cold case detective. It’s good reading, even if you disagree, and he has done an impressive amount of research.

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Yes, a man that has loyalty to reality of which evidence is the ultimate guardian. Kudos.

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Oh my God that is so horrible!! All of it but my God!!!!Everything they are doing to destroy -the open borders situation - There was a video circulating of a muslim migrant making disturbing comments to a reporter of "soon you gonna know who I am" -It's been discovered his name is "Movsum Samadov"-a islamic leader of a islamic terrorist group "azerbaijani islamic party" just released from 12yrs in prison after being convicted of trying to overthrow the gvmt-preparing terrorism committed on preliminary arrangement by a group of persons, by organized group or criminal community, preparing terrorism committed with application of fire arms or subject used as a weapon. Illegally purchasing, transferring, selling, storing, transporting and carrying firearms, accessories, supplies and explosives committed by organized group and actions directed on violent capture power. What is he doing in coming in ? Look who they're letting in and how many are undetected...?

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At the risk of sounding inordinately cynical, you're operating under the misconception that those threats being admitted are entering as undetected terrorists, rather than recruited jihadists. This country should recognize Barry's handiwork when they see it, by now. His sympathies were made clear from his first Inauguration Day through his feigned exit from the WH:

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

He disdains America, and called for her "transformational change". National ruin is his unfinished business.

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I did not elaborate everything I know. I am very aware of the gvmts attacking their own citizens from all angles imaginable and we have been abused. enslaved, lied too, manipulated, indoctrinated for the past century +

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There you have it.

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I think it was 7 or 8 but by the time they are 18 and had the full “schedule” of mercury (thimerosal), aluminum, aborted cell lines of a fetus filled shots recommended by the centers for death and corruption and the Fraud and Death Agency it is close to 78 shots total!

Please remember the pHARMacartel makes no money when we are well!

“A patient cured is a customer lost” is their hidden tag line



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Thank you for your clarification!

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Jan 26, 2024
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It's insane!

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Thank you for sharing . May you be blessed.

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Thank you Michelle Craig for having the balls to admit the vax did this to you. So many people are in denial.

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So sorry this has happened to you and you’re very brave to share your story. I’m praying you get better and get to enjoy your grand babies

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How many have suffered in silence? Many are too embarrassed to say anything. She is a brave one to speak up, and to become an advocate. I hope the doctors will help her and put her in a detox & recovery program. 🙏❤️

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This lady needs to detox...if she were to do some research, it's easy to find. There are vitamins & herbs that will clean her body & hopefully help her live a better life. God bless her.

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So sad, why can’t she sue her company for offering $500 to get the shots? Some people can’t afford to give up $500 offer

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Poor lady. I know many families that pressured the one that held out to get it. Some won’t talk to each other. Some , this is what happened to them. Very sad. Very evil. People need to hang for this

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Appalling. Are victims suing their employers?

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When EMFs combine with injections, this exacerbates neuro-immune conditions like autism and Alzheimer's as well:


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Jesus, please heal this woman of whatever ailments plague her.

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Increasing carbon dioxide can help ameliorate tias/strokes. Carbonated water, else repetitive breathing into a bag will raise body CO2 levels.

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Time to get back to basics

Hydrogen therapy is the future of medicine and could have saved everyone of those people who’s limbs were amputated due to sepsis


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The lunatics know what is best for humanity - NOT.

They have to now be dispatched, as soon as possible.

We are talking about 2-3 hundred vs. humanity-

Who do you think is gonna' win?

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So horribly devastating that this continues to happen! I got a single Phizer Jab and it almost took my life! Still struggling after two and a half years to get some sort of normalcy back in my life. Actually to have a life at all would be good! This needs to stop! Thanks to all of you in this battle to make it known and God bless you

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The PCR test cannot identify ANY virus at all, just amplification of whatever is present.. the only reason for the pcr test if for them to see how many people they have compromised with DNA adulterating mrna, and that is why the program stopped abruptly 2 years in, they have enough people damaged with autoimmune and heart and stroke drivers... their goal achieved.. MIC is owned and run by the Jesuits through the Vatican, not USA at all anymore. The enemy is seen here. https://rumble.com/v46q76o-black-pope-oath-global-control.....html

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Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

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That poor woman ... my heart breaks for her. And I thank her for being brave and coming forward with her story. Sending prayers her way and also for the millions of others affected by these poison shots.

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That poor woman... How is it that no one is being held responsible for all the damage these poisonous shots have caused?

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The vaccine producers and the FDA knew of the cardiovascular risks associated with these chemicals BEFORE they were rolled out. They couldnt care less about the faceless victims. Now Pfizer has bought two of the worlds largest oncology pharmaceutical producers, Seagen and Ambrx Biopharma. Why??? They know in addition to the cardiovascular and immune consequences there is a storm of cancer coming down on the planet. They want to profit from the situation they initially created.

These are crimes against humanity. Starting with the bogus pandemic illusion created through the most corrupt medical test ever devised, the SARScoV2 RT PCR. A massive false positive generator. See the Corman Drosten Review report online. A professional peer review that examined the protocol that backs the test, point by point, compared it to the best information on PCR testing, ans concluded, "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis that it is useless as a medical diagnostic test". Events all make this look to be a preconceived plan. PU.

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Now that we've awakened, never again take or get something that you do not need! Your God perfected body is perfectly capable of healing/protecting itself. Whoever convinced you that you are weak and unable to live without a vaxxine is exposed now for the satan they are. And WHO convinced you that you don't know how to take care of yourself?? Our grandparents gave great home remedy advice and I still use it. Some ppl are so OCD delusional, they don't believe that they can be happy without pfarma bathing their veins with toxins...it is truly demon spirits driving them....REPENT and return to God your right minds. AND FIND SOMEONE TO CAST THOSE DEMONS OUT OF YOU! (a lot of what I call demons are generational lies and attitudes that when exposed to truth they dissolve, but it takes an open mind and willingness...humility, arrogance blocks God(Truth))

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Amen my friend

True medicine will never come from a needle! And God gave us a highly evolved immune system that just needs certain vitamins, minerals and herbs to thrive!

So find out what they are at


And everyone better keep in mind


Your body makes its own perfect medicine and it could one day save your life


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Those first to admit

What they were wrong about.

And what they want to be right about

Moving forward - will advance.

The rest will be left, forsaken,

To find their own way home.


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I read somewhere on "Mainichi Shimbun/The Mainichi" news website, that 70% of all Japanese have received one or more doses of the Drumpf poke. I never received any such pokes in or after 2020, but had similar horrid 'side effects' back in early 2010's (2011-2013) from being given four flu shots as a nine-and-a-half-year-old 4th grade kid in 2011. Encephalopathy/PANDAS/explosive rage and loss of various academic, social skills as a preteen, extreme fatigue and meltdowns that'd last for hours. I never went to any high school outside home, and was pulled out of middle school after a couple months, because of my rages and loss of academic abilities. Had to be homeschooled entirely since then, went to three short years of public 'school' (late 4th to early 7th grade).

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I'm sorry for what happened to you. I hope you are better now. These murderous lizards won't stop and they will not repent on their own.

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I'm reposting a comment I made over in the paid thread for the teen strokes. Sure its TLDR but some folk do like hearing others direct experience. Why some of us are here, in part


2 hrs ago

My friends daughter had a serious stroke within 24 hours of taking the first moderna shot. She was fit and I believe 38 at the time.

The aftermath is instructive, if you like being depressed when proofs of cognitive dissonance stopping critical thought are shown: the aftermath was permanent damage as will never fully resolve. The aftermath includes the story her family told themselves; when discussing it her father told me "The doc said 38% of all strokes never have a cause assigned." The aftermath includes the second shot, wherein she lost the use of the OTHER arm but in a different fashion, for several weeks, followed and/or coincident with both hands becoming like 'clubs', loss of fine motor control. Her father said "They are looking for a pinched nerve".

My friend is a life long cynic of government, enjoyed O Stones 'hidden history', and as a young teenager in the early 70's protested the vietnam war. Also has an advanced degree and was smart and innovative concerning 'data' and 'science'. Yet he was washing groceries until late 21 or it might have been into 22. He believed his daughters risk of death if she contracted covid was 1 in 2.

Last I heard from him was prior to Christmas, he sent me a text that he would contact me when he had time, he was going to be involved in 'full time care'. His daughter after much else not described here was in hospital with some sort of intractable pneumonia. He is surrounded by odd happenings (quite a list, leaking hearts, an aortic dissection, a friend passed out in a truck with 'necrotizing encephalitis', much else. 70 year olds breaking menopause. More.). He is attending a lot funerals, by his own admission, and to date still sees nothing unusual. I expect his daughter took every possible shot she could get, the grocery washing and family estimate of 1 in 2 death risk from covid suggests it. She DID phone repeatedly, and agitate to get on a 'list', and managed to 'jump the queue' and get that first shot in Jan 2020.

So this is what brainwashing looks like, family wide, realtime. I strained our friendship badly over 2 years + by refusing to let up on some simple matters of fact, the real IFR, how PCR testing works and doesn't work, whether VAERS is underreported, many other bits of provable fact. He prides himself on being rational and analytical, with an open mind (all true) and yet could not accept even the evidence of Alberta's covid reporting, on the official website. Wouldn't look.

Just how it is. I think about him fairly often, we are good friends for decades, had parallel careers. There but for the grace of God go I. Except for a bit of luck I might be right where he is.

Of my 5 siblings so 6 counting me, only half took the jabs. For my direct family my three sons all declined but my highly educated daughter was immune to debate (I tried very very very hard in a multitude of ways) and has taken 2 and I suspect a booster. I managed to get an 'exemption' for my grandson.

I talked 2 people out of taking jabs or taking MORE jabs. Out of say 15 or so I engaged seriously and over time. It is near impossible to wake people up, why I have such strong views on do's and don'ts of the redpilling process and post repeatedly and repetitiously on same. Wake up normies, or lose. And it is near impossible. Keep talking everyone.

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That is so unbelievably tragic.

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This is heartbreaking. This evil... I have no words....

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Dr Makis. As Dr Ardis is saying that synthetic venom are causing all those terrible effects (as sides effects are too lightly used), could those with an aggressive reaction could be on blood pressure medications??? Which many contain synthetic venom to "lightly paralysed" the arteries? Could it be the exponentiation of the culprit?

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The entire field of virology is based on a broken theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvSugfjr-bs

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Where is there any proof of this "virus"? Don't you know it has Never been purified or isolated nor has proper testing been done.. Where are the Koch's postulates? This is not science it is hocus pocus.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/W10jsV4TVo1j/ there is still a 5 MILLION DOLLAR REWARD for anyone who can prove it exists... what say you Dr Makis.

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Well my view on the 'no viruses exist period' argument is simple.

Since I feel the main objective is to wake up normies, or lose, I consider the 'no viruses' argument to be badly timed. To try and get a normie to even read and comprehend simple official government statistics is near impossible. Their brains twist and squirm as they look for ways to discount your information. Anything! Any 'error' you make and the whole is discounted. Their worldview depends on it, they will fight HARD to make your statements or arguments go away.

So the statement 'there are no viruses, at all' is a win for them. They can easily discount that, with no effort. "So you are saying there aren't viruses at all and never were? Is that what you're saying........ ahahahaha you anti vaxxers are IN FACT nuts, I knew it!" And so on.

Arguing viruses here is fine. I make no claims either way. BUT, if you try that on a normie it would go backwards, it would be WORSE than saying nothing, would you agree? They want to believe the truth movement is wrong, insane, anti science. You push the no virus angle they get validation they were right all along.

We can argue this after we win, and push the vampire squids back in their holes for a decade or two. If the squids win, well we will all be attempting to dodge a digital prison and stay fed, the 'virus no virus' debate will be entirely irrelevant.

I know I am repetitious, but really folks, wake up normies or lose. I truly believe it is about that simple. And how to wake up normies does NOT include trying to get them to choke down the concept that there aren't even viruses. Like I say, that is worse than nothing. I hope we agree?

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Nope do not agree at all. Truth must reign and we cannot accept that this virus exists until it is proven and they cannot.. There is plenty of straight talk, not hard to set the arguments and the outcome is, the main stream is always lying..

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So you are you working to change minds? To get normies to some sort of 'adequately redpilled' state?

So if so, do you try and convince them there are no viruses at all, and never were?

You might convince a soul, weird stuff happens. But if this is your approach, if you try the idea on normies as standard operating procedure, well you are hurting our collective chances.

All out of what feels like a righteous adherence to the truth. In this case, YOUR truth. Without commenting on whether there are viruses I HAVE read enough of both sides to understand it is arguable, whatever you might have told yourself.

You float that past normies thats a negative for us all. And I am sure you are an ally, so thats ironic.

Concentrate on the matter at hand, wake up normies, or go to digital hell with the remaining serfs after the genocide (my view on the intended future). You can then argue with the AI running the internet about viruses no viruses while you eat bugs and dodge the latest freeze on your money! And you were just entirely right! And righteous.....

I'm not sorry for being rude. Wake up and consider what argument might get that first all important chink of light through to your typical normie. Bend a little.

EDIT I should say I may have misread your position. You may NOT be saying there are no viruses, but that there is no COVID virus. Which is rather like M Yeadon I believe. Most of what I said still stands, saying there was never a covid virus is near as destructive to the work of waking normies up, to some feeble version of the truth, as saying there are no viruses at all.

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