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Welcome to today's talk Tuesday the 16th of January. Now I've just started my analysis of the Westminster Hall debate just finished about half an hour ago in the British Parliament. Mr Andrew Bridgen is giving an opening speech on excess deaths. So I'm just going to allow Mr Bridgen to speak for himself just in entirety.
Please give him the time. Mr Bridgen has suffered for his stance. He's been ostracised and criticised all over the place. He's lost his party membership. And coincidentally, today, he was offered a plush trip to Davos, which I believe is a place in Switzerland. But he didn't. He stayed at home and represented the British people.
Now, let's give him the time, please, and listen to his points. You decide if he's following the evidence.
VIDEO - Andrew Bridgen (UK MP) in UK parliament discussion on Excess mortality and COVID-19 Vaccines (Jan.16, 2024)
Jan 17, 2024
Thankyou Dr Makis... you are consistently reporting what people need to understand what mainstream media keep trying to hide.
This is exactly what Andrew Bridgen is doing... one of the very few Ministers of Parliament that dares to speak truth whilst 600 or so of his colleagues who represent the people of Great Britain do not.
Andrew Bridgen not only has a biochemical degree.. he was a former captain in the Royal Marines.. a regiment in the Military that has an ethos and code of conduct to do what is right and honourable... everyone should realise everything he says and does is based on these principles.
Sadly the majority of elected members do not hold such high standards and are really more interested in their own agendas than those they are elected to serve and safeguard.
He has been the only member of parliament to suggest that something very wrong with present vaccine policy and no one is willing to support him... to his own cost .. he has held firm .. we need the government to ask the right questions and then act on the answers... turn this madness round and really build back what has been broken .
Andrew Bridgen is a true hero for his country and for the West.
It was so encouraging to see that some parliament members are now willing to stand up and offer support to Andrew Bridgen, and sad that one felt compelled to utter the sad mantra that correlation doesn't equal cause. Did you notice the paperclip on Bridgen's lapel? My husband and I are now wearing 4 inch gold-colored paperclips when we are out in public. I first heard of the Paperclip Resistance of Norway when Dr. Ryan Cole explained why he was wearing a paperclip on his lapel. I am sharing a couple of links which tell the inspiring story, as well as a quote from the second article. "In Of Norwegian Ways, Bent Vanberg wrote, 'Loyal Norwegians wore the clip proudly, knowing well that they risked arrest, deportation, imprisonment, and even execution by displaying this simple sign of their true feelings.'" Like Andrew Bridgen, I refuse to be quiet about this debacle. Unlike Andrew Bridgen, speaking up has not caused any harm to me or my family, other than estrangement from some who don't agree. It has been worth it to be able to encourage our niece not to submit to the jab while pregnant, to help others get ivermectin and to simply validate the feelings of some who began to see that something was not right. God bless all the heroes who are helping us navigate this evil time.
Well said Anne. I live in the UK and I too speak out. Though not a doctor, it is so obvious to me what’s going on. I have not heard of wearing a paperclip. I shall read further in your post about that.
Well done Andrew Bridgen and thank you to all those doctors and nurses and all who are standing up and showing the truth.
Agreed but they need to consider not always starting out agreeing with the pandemic narrative, it doesn't instill any confidence in those that have been keeping up with the mountains of evidence
There should have been a three hour debate in the main chamber of the House of Commons. The number of names on the public petition was supposed to guarantee this venue for an excess deaths debate. As it is this debate was accorded a 90 minute debate in the adjoining Westminster Hall. Is that Jayanta "Jay" Bhattacharya, professor of medicine, economics, and health research policy at Stanford University, sits closely behind Andrew Bridgen or the cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotr? The latter I think.
Also Aseem Malhotra was sitting nearby.. another cardiologist that is not afraid to tell what needs to be said... it’s time to listen ... and act.
My mistake! Of course Dr Aseem Malhotra, consultant cardiologist, much maligned by MSM and the profession.
Yes! Aseem Malhotra. Been following him for years since listening to him on statins. Lovely man, but sad he took the jab.
Thank you for sharing this, but Campbell is not the best person to promote. Aside from his early promotion the covid narrative and jabs, he just posted a video about the Chinese GOF pangolin virus that causes 100% fatal brain disease in humanized mice in which be spent the first several minutes scare mongering. I had to turn it off.
Agreed. These "viruses" are man made bioweapons and the fear porn keeps mankind locked in the narrative that we are helpless. The mind fuckery is agregious.
Dr John Campbell was red pilled at least a year ago, around the time he suffered sudden hypertension a few months after his 2nd shot, and he has been exposing the lies of WHO, health regulators, corrupt bureaucrats etc ever since, by reporting the DATA and what other truth-tellers are saying, all reporting. Why look at one video and then broadcast misinformation to dissuade others from listening and deciding for themselves?
Actually, I've watched a number of his videos. In fact, I just watched one the other day about the pangolin GOF virus that killed 100% of the 8 mice. He spent the entire video telling people not to be afraid while fear mongering. I just checked. He's taken it down. I guess he got the message 'cause he got a lot of pushback.
I’ve watched a number of his videos as well, and they’ve ALL been good since his 180 turnaround. Missed that one though, he obviously realized was a mistake. Other than THAT one that Sasha grabbed onto to tear him down for some reason, there are no other videos that anyone could mock him with. He follows public data and all is referenced. He exposes a LOT of truth, corruption, and fraud with the data speaking for itself, for those humble enough to listen.
I will remain skeptical of all people who put themselves forward, especially people like John Campbell and Aseem Malhotra who were shills for the narrative and who/whatever is behind this nightmare until they had a personal tragedy. Using their platform to coerce and shame people into getting an experimental gene transfection is, at the very least, an indication of deficient critical thinking.
Thank you.
Without an educational campaign to teach people that viruses are a satanic myth, people will continue to be vulnerable to Big Pharma's perpetual fear campaign that can only be fixed with another poison jab.
Yeadon's commentary interesting
Agreed with Dr Yeadon. Censorship means controlled opposition. Evidence of controlled opposition is evident from straight out of the gate... agreeing with the pandemic narrative, agreeing with requirements to lockdown, agreement with a contagious bogeyman that was never isolated or deminstrated and proven to go from person to person aka the Spanish flu and not from environment or food air water or injection... agreeing the media did nothing wrong when they had signed up to censor the truth in may 2019 (or early 2020 for some). The people know amd are watching. We are watching. The wall of shame is growing...
Obamas own words... 1 year following his investment into pgizer and moderna for a universal vaccine and mrna tec...
What did he say we were expected to see in 5 years or a decade. (Ie the next term or the next term) just amazing accuracy... not!
Because yeah Spanish flu viruses exist according to him...
Here's another recording of it if you need better quality
To not be seen as "controlled opposition" I'd strongly advise, just speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth and don't be confined by their definitions, or their vocabulary. Their whole vocabulary has been intertwined with NLP to illegitimately control the consensus. Just my advice.
Yes we need to start calling a spade a spade. A toxin a toxin, a product a product. If they are using anything from labs. For example, can't we just send people to find out what's in them? That way a spade can have the right definition
It's obvious across the world particulates are being sprayed in the skies. The soil has been affected. Water supplies have been hacked and tested by the criminal wef programs. It's obvious what they are poisoning, everything they can or everything we can think of.. so human civilisation need people to expose, not censorship to silence
I totally agree but how will they escape it? Maybe they have an antidote? Judy Mikovits says this they won’t put out a pathogen that they don’t have the cure for
If they planned to use varespladib as their antidote, GL to them... lol
If they have been taking a cure themselves, it would be interesting to see if that backfires on them. No matter how professional they try and make their patents, so many of them are complete garbage.
Yes. Aircraft have been releasing nano-sized particulates for decades. Today's skies in Florida were forecast to be "clear" however the sun was obviously filtered by a milky layer of particulates form the aircraft spraying. Those deceptively overcast skies guarantee that surface temps will be higher than could otherwise forecast. So man-made global warming is a scientific fact.
There's some websites you can track some of what they are doing geoengineering wise. Can link them if you like. You might come across other ones too.
And what would you say to someone needing a liver transplant because they caught viral hepatitis? Or someone with viral pneumonia on an icu ward struggling to breathe.. they have a virus that you choose to label non existent... please re educate yourself.. there are over 59 viral pathogens that we know about.. and virus do not respond to antibiotics but are very real and sometimes life threatening....
Read and begin to understand something you seem unable to grasp...
virus species
Have you never watched Drs. Mark and Samantha Bailey's videos, or Dr Tom Cowen, or Mike Stone's or Dawn Lester? Maybe Dr Stefan Lanke? The Perth Group, debunking HIV virus? Maybe read Celia Farber or John Rappoport?
Hear hear. People need to step beyond the narrative they've been fed to see what's really going on. Stop trusting the science and follow the silenced.
They should learn from Daniel chapter 1 in the Bible.
They threw all science out the window, once they claimed they had it.
Hear, hear! Amen!
The problem is we are using the terminology of the centuries old robber barrons bacteria foundational enterprise which has an agenda.
We need to start over with health in mind and no conflict of interest, and look very closely at cause and effect rather than just believe in the emperors new clothes which doesn't help anyone... and has now been demonstrated to cause more harm than anything. Who's ever going to ask for an injection again without knowing the contents after this is made transparent? To use harraris phrase "Its Over". The scam is over
Pathogen maybe!
Virus term means poison or venom. Since 1800swe have been spoon fed by robber barron foundations who seized the industry. Look at what they started researching in 1881 all to prove Darwins made up theory was right... really? Yes. Repeat a lie so much people must just accept it even if they can't see it
Fantastic speech. Everyone needs to hear this! Also, any medical professionals who spoke out against it were stood down. Disgusting....our governments are corrupt to the core. Paid off by big pharma. I know they were in Australia.
Excellent post Dr. Makis! You keep us up to date on all these important developments all over the world. Thank you so much. God bless you!
New Zealand doctors were exempted from taking the Covid injection. Was that the only country ? I wonder if Australia followed suit?
Massive respect for ALL you courageous truth warriors. As I've said many times over these past 4 years - Three things cannot be hidden long, the sun, the moon and the truth.
God speed to you all and huge appreciation for Dr. Makis and his meticulous record keeping of the deaths and injuries.
Yes Truth melts evil and restores the upright. We need the whole truth and othing but the truth right now! Many lives depend on it! SHARE
This guy, most likely to be the next Preaident of the UnFree World still believes he saved 100 million lives with the gene juice?
Every time I hear a new voice speaking out against the lies, I smile wholeheartedly. There are good people in this world. Thank goodness!!
Don’t You Get It ?
The Sky Is Falling .
Yep a "pandemic of planning ahead" to commit the largest scale crime against humanity ever...the conversation has to move on from harms, and did anyone do anything wrong to OK Who planned it in what order over the last 2+ decades?
Atleast let's start from the announcement of Universal Vaccines in 2010 when it was already a joint venture
The jig is up, the people collectively most likely know everything by now. We are just waiting and watching to see whos going to be honest. Without relying on controlled media to "confirm" anything that is. Because their "Trust" has left us for dead, literally...
Wow, that is a refreshing, honest and direct real reporter! Excellent questions and no responses. I hope the doctor’s moral conscience kicks in and he realizes that he played a role in one of the greatest atrocities of our time.
The kind of evil Tedros possesses is not capable of moral consciousness. Their atonement will come too late and after their presence on earth.