Yesterday, Milei said he wanted "to plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda."
Today (1/17/24), introduced by no one other than Klaus Schwab, Milei did just that and more. First, he warned a room of collectivists about the problems with collectivism:
"The main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. We're here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause."
Radical feminism and population control mechanisms were not spared either. Milei quickly denounced both matters:
"All that this radical feminism agenda has led to is greater state intervention to hinder the economic process, giving a job to bureaucrats who have not contributed anything to society. Examples: ministries of work of women or international organizations devoted to promoting this agenda. Another conflict presented by socialists is that of humans against nature, claiming that we human beings damage the planet, which should be protected at all costs, even going as far as advocating for population control mechanisms or the bloody abortion agenda."
Milei also did the unthinkable. He criticized the most fundamental control mechanism of all: taxes.
"It [social justice] is unjust because the state is financed through tax. And taxes are collected coercively. Or can any one of us say that they voluntarily pay taxes? Which means that the state is financed through coercion, and that the higher the tax burden, the higher the coercion and the lower the freedom."
Milei stated, "We are now at the best time in the history of humanity," attributing this achievement to free market capitalism. He questioned the growing inclination towards socialism, which he criticized for having "murdered over 100 million human beings."
"It should never be forgotten that socialism is always and everywhere an impoverishing phenomenon that has failed in all countries where it's been tried out. It's been a failure economically, socially, culturally, and it also murdered over 100 million human beings."
Milei strongly denounced intrusive state interventions with respect to the free market. He argued that market failures do not exist without the presence of coercive forces.
"There are no market failures if transactions are voluntary. The only context in which there can be a market failure is if there is coercion. And the only one that is able to coerce, generally, is the state, which holds a monopoly on violence.
"Consequently, if someone considers that there is a market failure, I would suggest that they check to see if state intervention is involved. And if they find that that's not the case, I would suggest that they check again because, obviously, there's a mistake. Market failures do not exist."
In his final remarks, Milei imparted a powerful message to the business community, urging them not to be intimidated by the power wielded by the state:
“Do not be intimidated, intimidated either by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to a political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges.
“You are social benefactors, you’re heroes, you’re the creators of the most extraordinary period of prosperity we’ve ever seen. Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral. If you make money, it’s because you offer a better product at a better price, thereby contributing to general well-being.
“Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself. You are the true protagonists of this story. And rest assured that as of today, Argentina is your staunch, unconditional ally. Thank you very much. And long live freedom, damn it!”
I think Milei’s election is one of the most exciting developments in the world today! I adore this man - his bravery, his leadership, his courage to pursue his freedom-minded and free-market convictions against seemingly the entire world! Viva Milei!
Is that "sarcasm"? I sure hope that's sarcasm. The fact the sleazy grifting bastard is AT Davos tells you all you need to know about his integrity: He hasn't got any.
It is NOT sarcasm! The fact that he’s at Davis most likely means that he is being set up for a fall - and he is brave enough to take the bait and beat them anyway. He’s already done that against his socialist opponents in Argentina.
He is listed as a YGL graduate so he has at least been indoctrinated and knows the elite narrative. You are proposing that he was told all the secrets before he was adequately blackmailed or bribed like all the other YGL graduates who have sold out their own countrymen and followers.
Oh, he knows the elite narrative all right, and he’s been fighting against it all through his political career!
Look, there are several plausible reasons he was invited to Davis. One is the age-old advice (from “The Art of War”?) to ‘keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer’. The Davis elite are studying him for potential weaknesses. Another reason is so that the Davis crowd can say to everyone, ‘us, pro-socialism? Oh no, we invited a free-market enthusiast to speak, we’re considering all viewpoints and are moderate’. A third reason is to butter up Milei, make him feel important and a part of the elite, so that they can later ‘ play’ him in some way that destroys him.
As we all know, the Davis crowd is not to be underestimated in their deviousness!
There was a book published recently I strongly recommend you acquire and read: "180 Degrees: Unlearn the Lies You've been Taught to Believe" by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood (
I JUST ordered this book you recommended Captain! I went on GoodReads and it has rave reviews! I’m looking forward to reading it! 👍📖
When you're done fawning over Capt. Roy,, here's the text of Milei's speech,
I’ve seen it smartass.
The effect on you I suspect, may be rather like this:
That looks fascinating. Thanks!
756 pages. You won't be able to put it down.
It will be interesting to see all of it linked together in one book.
How about "overwhelming" or "shattering"? 🤔
Honestly, I have been looking at this type of info for quite some time. How about not surprising. "The truth will set you free, but first it will make you angry." One cannot stay enraged forever. One can try to educate themselves and others on what is happening worldwide and then try to make-do with what is happening locally. More are waking up every day. My hope is that they will see that the divide and conquer programming only benefits the psychopaths in charge. They need us more than we need them.
A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.
I agree.
It's Davos ... not Davis.
I know! Auto-correct keeps changing it back to ‘Davis’ no matter how many times I fix it. I also continuously play a game called ‘ fun with cataracts’, which means that I can look at something repeatedly and still not catch my mistakes.
Type in Davos and the right-click it and save to dictionary. It's simple.
Okay, I looked up how to do this in IOS, something I should have done years ago, so thanks for the prod!
(I think psychologically I’ve been avoiding dealing with my dwindling eyesight, but I’d better start!)
Unfortunately, there is no ‘right click’ on an IPad, but thanks for the tip!
How do you add words to predictive text on iPad?
Set up shortcuts for words or phrases
In the Settings app, tap General > Keyboard > Text Replacement.
Tap the Add button .
Enter your phrase and shortcut.
Tap Save.
Thanks, Gina! As you can see from my other post, I finally got around to looking up how to do that. I appreciate you taking the time to teach a fellow Substacker a useful tip!
Well, yes, that tell is all. The new King of Denmark as well as the next in line in both Norway and Sweden are also YGL graduates. Those cheering in Denmark have no idea what is coming. I wonder if that is why he was so emotional.
A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.
Verwoerd conned the Jesuits running UK to believe he was their puppet, until he got to power and gave his people four years of the right to prosper in their own country.... Look what they did with those 4 years... The jesuits are still bitching and moaning like the political whores they are, today...
Where did you pick up the information that he was a YGL? That is pivotal information. You made my ears perk up.
I've gathered even Vladimir Putin is YGL...🤔
Please go research it for yourself. I don't mean that as snarky, but we all must learn to test out information for ourselves.
The WEF does not publish lists of its YGL. They are held privately. So, therefore, I’m asking for this person’s source. Your admonition to do your research by yourself is well practiced by this scholar, TYVM.
Wouldn’t it be wise for someone who opposes the WEF and YGL to infiltrate to find out their inner workings….. penetrate zer cabinets….
The WEF Board solicits wealthy individuals, royalty,people at very high corporate levels, heads of state, tech moguls and other elite. You can’t just buy a ticket.
Yea I get it but there’s likely a few who not on board with the bullshit.
you politely suggest youve researched yet you didnt! They DO publish who they are! Each year they proudly publish their new puppets and you CAN search it. I see though they have for our country at least, chosen to remove Ardern and Golriz BUT if you use the wayback machine they are there. I do NOT see Javier Milei on there at all for current website data nor 2021 but I havent gone back further on wayback. Someone else can do that. I cant be bothered going back each year to check. But this is where to do it:®ion=a0Tb00000000DCBEA2§or=&status=
Dr. Robert Malone published a list of graduates and said the WEF concealed them. I believed him.
I feel like one can choose to be a YGL as early on it's enticing. Then one can also decide to NOT lead in that direction. It's not like it's written in cement that they now must stay with those principles. I'd do it as research of how to not be that in my governing (my personal opinion).
I believe that YGL is invitation only and they only invite those they can compromise with some dark secret or threats to granny or baby.
@FillyGee a South American friend said he was not a good person and pointed me to his affiliations with WEF and implied he was a YGL graduate. I went back to check the source and it merely indicates that he is friendly with the WEF but does not specifically confirm so I went looking and found a site that has Klaus Schwab bragging about him being a member so not sure if that was the previous president.
Here are the two links, there may be other places to confirm. Many people that are invited to Davos a second time are part of the plan. (right at the bottom of the page)
Here is another handy list that popped up in search
Thank you for sharing those links. I couldn’t find Javier Mieli in the lists of names. Macron was there.
I didn't see his name on the list either. I heard Klaus say in some video clip that they know people have issues trusting the WEF , as they keep talking about trying to build trust, when so many millions are awakening to their evil agenda. I just wonder if they invited the new President of Argentina in to speak and allow him to appear to be saying all the right things, and that he is representative of what the WEF believe (when it really is the opposite of their plan for us)..just thinking reverse psychology....
Below is a post by LawyerLisa that has a link in her post that has a list. Might be a good place to start. Hope this helps with your research.
I suppose they are offering him hookers and blow to try to get the errant lamb to come back.
One of the first things he did was pledge his support to the climate agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. He’s a rat in sheeps clothing.
More like a rat in rat's clothing... 🤔 How is it fully 95% of humanity cannot, will not, see the nakedly obvious as in... "The Emperor is completely... "?
Speculation of his true political leaning is rife.
Same as all the others: "The Utterly Irresponsible Self-Serving Psychopath Party."
Jeff Berwick, "Down the Rabbi Hole" ( between 1:05:45 - 1:09:40 tells you all the unpleasant truth about Javier Milei that you need to know. I recommend you watch the entire presentation, but Jeff says some very unpleasant truths throughout, that would be very difficult for most people to handle.
I also draw your attention to the words of Kevin Flaherty, posted nearly 20 years ago in "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion": "Please understand: there are no political solutions to the problems the US is facing" -- and that goes for the entire West! (
Berwick's video sounds like an antisemitic screed. No thanks!
"Will your Royal Highness be pleased to open Pulverulentus Siccus at the fourth page of his Grammatical Garden or the Arbour of Accidence pleasantlie open'd to Tender Wits?'"
Here's as gentle a start to your Red Pilled Odyssey as I can contrive:
"Oddities of the Jewish Religion"
Wake up.
good to know yer woke what an admirable quality!!
Among those who align themselves against the collectivism of bodies like the WEF, I think one of our greatest weaknesses is the division we sow by an insistence of "purity" by some arbitrary measure. If we decide that no one who—is part of the WEF; was a YGL; who is or was part of an institution with values we disagree with; or, heaven forbid, who holds any opinions contrary to what we believe in this vast mess of ideologies—is inherently untrustworthy or cannot be an ally in any way, we are no better than those who strawman *us* as crackpots and extremists; we become paranoid collectivists in the same way. No one is ever going to be all good or do all good things, not by our personal standards and not necessarily even by more objective moral standards. We're all our own mess of good and evil and I think it's better to applaud people by their deeds, if they are good, than to immediately assume dishonesty. "Remove the beam from thine own eye" first.
Amen. I want to hurl like Linda Blair in the Exorcist every time I hear these “takes”. Its not so much the take but the mind behind it. Its a collectivist perspective for Buddha’s sake!!! The way of thinking fits more with the New Left than any where else! We live in a world where INDIVIDUALS, in line with their will, use groups to advance their INDIVIDUAL agenda. To understand the agenda, you need to look at the whole person, through THEIR eyes. That’s why it takes time to understand what anyone is about. Otherwise, you may as well be Rachel Maddow, projecting your own bias on someone you don’t know. Its funny that this is picked up as clickbait by some accounts that ran the whole “White hats in the Swamp will save us”, throughout the latter part of 2020. Wrong as they were, it at least suggests they understand the concept of free will and what individuality actually means. Or... and this is a big or.... its not stupidity or bias but seeding by CIA or other spooks (or contracted by said spooks) sowing distrust within movements, just like they did throughout the 60s, in analog fashion. After all “controlled opposition” is their baby. Don’t think they aren’t here.
Thank you for that, Benjamin. I was getting sick reading some of these replies. Give the man a chance, for God's sake. Everybody thinks they a some kind of sleuth detective. They are starting to sound like just what I've been fighting against.
Well said. I take a watch and see with all unknown entities and actions speak louder than words.
Indeed. The WEF has always sought to brand ANYONE rising above the crowd with its YGL brand, as they did with Vivek Ramaswamy who is as anti-WEF as possible. That way, they can claim ALL leaders or potential leaders are in their fold regardless of the leader's actual principles. When ALL leaders are supposedly YGLs, who else can the (typically disenfranchised) electorate turn to?
Supposedly some of the eminently self-righteous "moral purists" above like "Capt" Roy Harkness have condemned Milei, and others claim he supports the Climate Agenda. However, if Milei is the fervent free-market leader he advocates, implementing a "Climate Agenda" will be doomed by the principles exemplified in a free enterprise economy. Time will tell, but simply appearing at Davos to proclaim a completely anti-WEF philosophy isn't a cause to purity-condemn Milei. Jesus didn't avoid the Pharisees, but confronted them often.
I think its healthy suspicion because the goals of the WEF are hidden in plain sight on the Internet. Elite’s don’t wander over there to figure out what’s going on. They are choosing to rub shoulders with other elites interested in the same ideology. They all exit programs as potential Trojan horses. Just look at the public policies of their cohorts like Trudeau and Ardern. They’re tyrants. Trained tyrants.
Did you not listen to what Milei said to the WEF? It's as completely anti-WEF, anti-socialist, anti-authoritarian as a philosophy can get. Jesus did not avoid the Pharisees, but confronted them often. Implementing a Climate Agenda, for instance, will be doomed in a non-state-coercive free-enterprise economy that Milei advocates, so wait and see what happens in Argentina. So far his dismantling of the bureaucratic state there is impressive.
I did listen intently. His speech blew me away and I hope he does as he says. I’m used to politicians who are chameleons so I suspend belief until I see action.
Milie said yesterday that his purpose for attending was "to plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda" And he did just that in laying out his argument:
Can you point to any other world leader using the term "contaminated" to describe the WEF? Most of them are parroting the "Great Reset". Who else is defending free enterprise and private property?
"The main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism ... Collectivist experiments are never the solutions to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. They are the root cause."
He then put economic freedom in historical terms with the rise and fall of Argentina, and in the broader context. What's not to like? Might want to reserve judgement on Milei at least for a while.
Consider John Magufuli of Tanzania, Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi, and Shinzo Abe of Japan: All genuinely opposed to the Fraudemic and the WEF, all dead under mysterious circumstances. If sock-puppet Milie was serious about what he was saying he also would be dead.
I pray those that speak out against WEF contamination are protected! 🙏 100% freedom ❤️🔥
Someone not getting bumped off isn't much of an argument to throw shade at them. With so few politicians against the NWO I wouldn't be so picky at this point,
Doug, at best I can think of maybe 8 politicians across the West who have made any kind of genuine stand against the WEF / WHO and the Satanic agenda behind them... And three of those politicians are dead. Enough said?
Three out of eight? You better appreciate the other five still alive then.
Milie gave a great speech, a speech he could not have possibly have given without giving thought to these ideas. After calling feminism "a ridiculous fight between men and women":
"The cornerstone of our creed says that all humans are created equal, that we all have the same unalienable rights granted by the creator including life, freedom and ownership."
"Neo-Marxists have managed to co-opt the common sense of Western world. And this they have achieved by appropriating the media, culture, universities, and also international organizations. The latter case is the most serious one ..."
And so on. Did you actually listen to Milei's speech before your rebuttal?
I also liked "social justice is not just".
"Do not be intimidated either by the political class or parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to a political class who only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges. ... The state is the problem."
Are you aware of the self-contradiction in what you just wrote? By your own words Javier Milie is a parasite who lives off the state.
I will admit I've not heard his speech -- I assume you're referring to the piece of fellatio he delivered at Davos -- send me a link and I'll listen... but I don't need to: He's a politician; dissembling, deceit and lies are his stock-in-trade. So what if he made an impressive speech to a bunch of murderous plutocrats? Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin made some impressive speeches too!
Thought leaders don't dive straight into a comments section to offer an opinion without knowing what it's about.
Milei's speech is at the top of this page, i.e., "Full Speech" is in the title. You're supposed to click on the arrow.
Some might accuse me of making a mistake by commenting about, but not having listening to Javiar's (translated) speech in the first place; and I admit I got drawn into other's comments as opposed to Vigilant Fox's post.
Okay. I've listened up to to 19:46... I don't think I need bother with there rest of it: It's claptrap. It's bromides. It's high-sounding drivel using a lot of noble-sounding pretentious verbiage. It's a load of stinking bag-licking shit proffered to a cabal of murderous psychopaths, every last damned one of whom merits the Death Penalty for the crimes against humanity they've committed – especially over the last almost 4 with the imposition of The Covid Fraudemic and The Lethal Injections. Their executions must be public, and televised. Nothing less is adequate. As for Javiar? Far as I'm concerned he's on a par with Mussolini and with any luck he'll meet the fate the Partisans meted out to the latter and his girlfriend. Except hopefully he'll be alive when they do it.
I posted this elsewhere, I repeat for your benefit:
"Jeff Berwick, "Down the Rabbi Hole" ( between 1:05:45 - 1:09:40 tells you all the unpleasant truth about Javier Milei that you need to know. I recommend you watch the entire presentation, but Jeff says some very unpleasant truths throughout, that would be very difficult for most people to handle. I also draw your attention to the words of Kavi Flaherty, posted nearly 20 years ago in "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion": "Please understand: there are no political solutions to the problems the US is facing" -- and that goes for the entire West! ("
Sorry Doug: You'll have to do better than this.
wow yer that dense...figurrs
Very true..the ‘power brokers’ have over the years managed to infiltrate using ‘guilt’ and ‘grievance’ politics esp in Universities..The citizens of the West are being guilt burdened about everything that is wrong and buy into it..and donate $$$ and join help organisations against their own’s sad..The NGO’s have divided US and Canada into many factions to fight against the ‘majority’ the ‘powers’ want to eliminate and control. The groups being used Benefit for the moment but do not yet realise they are destroying their own world all will lose..
‘Hos: My people perish for lack of knowledge’..🙏🏽
Do you have a list of those 8 politicians? We’re they recent or over time..would like to see names..TY..🙏🏽
Don't hold your breath. The guy asked me for a link to Milei's speech, didn't know it was at the top of this page, passed right over without looking. He just dove right into the the comments to share his brilliance.
The Capt. says he didn't need to listen to the speech because Milei was a "politician" and lies were their stock in trade. Uh OK. Total clown show.
I just listened to his whole speech..He seems very intelligent and (appeared) truthful..I also fear for his (life) as anyone who goes against the NWO usually disappear or die..
I would wish he is sincere..he spoke very well..Will wait to see what happens next. The problem I have is that 195 Nations signed 2030 agreement..was Argentina on the list? Will look it up. Pray for Mr. Milie..🙏🏽
Far as I'm concerned he's the Living Incarnation of Grima Wormtongue. Praying for Javiar Millie would be like praying for Fidel Castro or Joseph Stalin: At absolute best he is "controlled opposition"; again, to paraphrase Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon: There are no political solutions to the problems humanity is facing; the outcome of any election is meaningless, one way or another. (
Have a look at Dr. Makis' latest post: and reflect Javiar has a hand in these kinds of obscenities...
Calling your allies pinheads and fuckwits is not the best life choice for a would-be political influencer.
Comparing Milei with Stalin tells people you are about as worthless as a reliable source as someone on crack.
They're not my allies, Doug. As for comparing Milei to Stalin... Would you prefer I compare him to Mussolini or possibly Juan Peron? Both are apt.
Milei just gave the best speech in modern history on free enterprise and private property as the only way to prosperity and happiness, the whole thesis refuting Marxism and socialism as leading to poverty and misery. And you want to throw it away..
You Substack link is to a quote by Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, that in Russia they could have defeated the Communists with their bare hands, but everyone just sat there and did nothing, defeated. Just like you,
Doug...I can't help it, if you can't, or won't, see the nakedly bloody obvious: Javiar Milei is a tool. And I am doing what little I can. You don't want to listen to me? Swell. Tune into James Corbett of "Corbett Reports". Listen to Jeff Rense or Stefan Verstappen, amazingly, still on YouTube. Jonathan Rappoport is another excellent source as is Catherine Austin Fitts and Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. Check out F. William Engdahl. Listen to Max Igan of "The Crowhouse" or Jeff Berwick, "The Dollar Vigilante". Go to Kevin Flaherty at, or George Noory of Coast-to-Coast AM, or Michel Choussodovsky of or Hell, listen to Alex Jones or Mike Adams! You'll find the truth there... but not from poseurs like Javiar "I am the mouth of Sauron" Milei!!
You're this kind of guy. Someone on the Vaccine Task Force goes public and says that mRNA vaccines are killing people and need to be pulled off the market.
Capt. Roy says, "No, you fuckwits, he was on the Vaccine Task Force. Don't believe him."
Go on back to your crypto scammers and telling people elections are "worthless". Wallow in your defeat. It suits you.
Capt. Roy has his own Substack but with so little traffic he has to rummage are in someone else's comments section looking for validation.
I have as much traffic as may be reasonably expected. And unlike you I've actually written quite a few posts and with attributions. I'm calling attention to reality as best I can. If you don’t like what I have to say that's your problem...
It's a great speech. The internet goobers calling it controlled opposition don't get that it doesn't matter who said it. It's on the record, a marker to point to. No other world leader has pushed back like this. Milei laid out the case for private property and freedom, and that the loss of those brings poverty and misery.
Milei is an economist. He has been for decades before becoming President. Hence an economist participating in the World Economic Forum now a President doing the same thing!!!! Wow! Congrats! What a discovery!
He was also a rock musician and a Tantric Sex guru. A really compatible fit for collectivists.
Is he a sleazy grifter? Giving that speech at Davos was a positive.
As I already commented: the fact he was AT Davos tells you all you need to know.
I don't agree, that is an assumption not a fact. You are not privy to his strategy.
Yeah well.. 🙄💩
Consider Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy, great big spiel during the campaign about stemming the flow of illegal migrants. First thing she did when she got elected? Opened the flood gates even wider! 😱
One more time: There are no political solutions to the problems we are facing. The outcome of any election in any western country is meaningless, one way or another. All our politicians are bought. All of them are liars, all of them are self-serving psychopaths.
Javier Milei's "strategy" is the best way possible to line his own pockets, and when the time comes, dodging the lynch mob. End of discussion.
I'll leave you with two homilies as to the reality of our situation:
💣 George Carlin: "American Dream":
💣 and Kevin Flaherty's "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion": – You'll find Kevin's original post following the row of asterisks after my comments on it.
I will check out the links
I can give you plenty more, and lots of book titles! 😘
Yes..that would be helpful Thank you..🙏🏽
Just give me a few book titles not too many, thanks.
If someone is invited to Davos for a second time it pretty much means that they are valuable to the narrative.
Rutger Bregman was invited and he turned around and said tax dodging was the biggest hurdle, he will not likely be invited again because he is of no value.
British MP Andrew Bridgen was invited to Davos and DECLINED to rather participate in a Parliamentary debate on excess deaths.
Like much of the current crop of YGL graduates and other WEF sympathisers they talk to gain the popular vote but in practice enable harmful policy and legislation.
Once a country is captured because all the political parties are captured it is unlikely that a neutral or anti-WEF leader will reach positions of serious power. Canada in 2016..the PM & DPM and whole Lib party were placed not voted into office!
How do we know..Schwabb himself spoke at Davos and said he was ‘so proud of JT & party who he ‘inserted’ into well as Merkel..Macron..Ardern..all YGL..they have told everyone what they have done and will do..People have not been listening..There hasn’t been ‘true’ elections anywhere for years..if a politician gets elected they can’t control..they ‘eliminate’ them by different means!
It’s time for ‘the people’ to speak and act..🙏🏽
Your comments repel me. Every time I read them I disagree and think you’re a fool. This one is no exception.
Then change the channel. We aren’t here for you.
Listen, snot nose, that’s my reaction to written incivility. Here’s one for you. Fuck off. Is that your language? Seems to be.
You’re definitely a hypocrite. Nice…
Renee Marie has gone sweet on the Capt., love poems and all.
And their anti-semitism keeps growing.
If you knew some truths about Judaism you'd understand so-called "antisemitism". Were you aware for instance, over the past 2,700 years, the Jews have been expelled from every polity they've lived in, at least 1,030 times? 💣 That's on average once every 2.6 years:
💣 Also: "Down the Rabbi Hole - Jew Tunnels, Organ and Sex Trafficking All To Make Shekels And Genocide The Goyim":
💣 Also: "Jewish Religion, Jewish History: The Weight of 3,000 Years" by Israel Shahak:
💣 Finally: "Blood Passover" by Ariel Toaff
That's just off the top of my head...
Hmmmm...perhaps the Talmud? 😈
On my "booket list"... Hopefully the ugliness I've heard and read in quotation is "cherry picking"... but based on what else I know, this is dubious...
It IS. There is plenty out there to validate your “assumptions”. 😉
The fact that MSM is broadcasting his speech in lockstep is suspicious in & of itself...
"Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the System!" 😘
— Dennis
Hey Cappin...You know this're some type of expert and your expert mind tells you that the socialism in Argentina has been wildly successful? Let us know when you get to triple digits brainiac
I never said anything like that. Argentina is a catastrophic mess. And there's no need to be rude.
I have been anxious to see what he would say! So many speculating on why he would even go to Davos. Whether they listen to him or not, Milei’s message is being heard! Thank you President Javier Melei! Keep up the good fight!
I don't slander the man for attending Davos, I am sure he discussed at length with his sister the decision to attend, everything she does is strategic to their vision.
100% controlled opposition.
How unsavory. You’re not in conversation with your friends. Stop swinging your own stinking dick to make a point. Clean up your comments, Roy boy.
I'm using this kind of language and imagery to wake people the F*** up... After 4 years of the most atrocious ugliness I'm at the end of my patience with humanity.
Foul language though won't wake anyone up. Most of us are frustrated with the human condition. We do need to study evil both in ourselves and in others before understanding what is good.
You are so right - Foul language won't wake anyone up. The answer was provided by Libertarian Isabel Paterson back in 1943 : ABOLISH GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS !!!!!!!!
"Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state. –Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)"
Such a good point.
You have that right!
I have the same frustration. Lots of us do. However part of the planned downfall of our society is purposefully in language degradation. Turn on the tube or go to cinema and listen to everyone saying “fuck” every fourth word. Cursing does not wake up people anymore. Perhaps restating your last sentence about Klaus Schwab’s genitals without your base metaphors would provide a writing challenge for you. Try it for broader audience appeal. No one cares about your personal frustration in print, school boy. We’re in the same foxhole.
I listened to your recommended snippet about Milei. Certainly arouses my suspicions. I’ll look for more clues from other more well known patriots.
Your point is taken. I will use less profane language after this.
Love that! The most brilliant thoughts throughout history are not laced with profanity. Better to remark with intelligence and use of a broad lexicology to make a mark on people’s minds and hearts. Hats off to you, Captain!
The anger at what I've seen and experienced is a bit overwhelming, it spills out of my pores occasionally...
Damn...stop apologizing for your free speech. The world has definitely seen enough of that! And for those people shaming the Captain, shame on YOU!
Thank you.😘
Completely agree! I was watching some old movies from the 1940-1955's and they spoke with intelligence. Now people can't even speak one sentence without filth. Always shows me someone's intelligence level when they do it.
I won’t disagree with you. Profanity serves a purpose sometimes. It’s not necessary to express one’s disfavor or opposition. As we say to frustrated children, “Use your words.” There are many words in our lexicon to express negativity with great flourish. Language Art is preferable when writing in a forum with strangers. Don’t cave into base instincts and easy street-speak. Show some intelligence in self-expression. I’m not a school marm. I’m actually a firecracker and a spark plug.
Listening to Milei's speech before commenting might have calmed you down.
PS, In consideration of your schoolmarm admonition I added "filthy, crusty," to my description... 😘
Spare us the finger-wagging, this adds nothing. These "conversations" are purely voluntary. If you find the conversation "unsavory", feel free to exit, stage left.
Well I run into the Captain in comments and decided to share my thoughts with him. Go back to being Lebowski and not giving a shit about my shit. Your admonition is tired and hackneyed. Snore.......
Ok, well like, that’s just your opinion, man.
It’s called free speech. Ever hear of it? Free speech is for those words that some people don’t want to hear, disagree with, or don’t like?
I am giving my reaction to his unsavory expression not repressing his free speech, jughead. If you don’t like my comment’s don’t try to pin an amendment on me. I’m a conservative and older than you, Miss Huffy.
You'll have to forgive Ms. Marie, she's fallen for Capt. Roy. She can't bear to hear bad things about her new Bo.
the head of the class a place you've certainly never been!!
My friends' husband is from Argentina, his mom still lives there. I am hearing things are good now but I will wait and see. As for him going to Davos, he truly may be warning the west, but I was shocked to see him there none the less. I think the truth will be in the pudding, if the country gets freedom and all the things he speaks of, well then what can I say, if he turns on his country and pulls a Klaus Schwab move, then I was wrong. Im glad I don't live there, I have enough problems here.
He’s been attending WEF for years. Milei has been an economist (Mises oriented economist) and the World Economic Forum is a natural place for them to go. I am surprised your Argentinian friend didn’t mention that.
I don't believe they knew.
That was awesome. So glad someone FINALLY stood up to these elites (need another name for them 🧐 bloodsuckers works) to explain to a group of collectivist/socialists why their ideology leads to poverty. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
There is no way I am going to slice that powerful speech negatively. Some are always looking to pin controlled opposition onto someone. Hey, the guy is human and will show flaws through his life. Regardless, his words were impactful.
My comment was positive and congratulatory. Did you respond to my comment by mistake?
I responded to the wrong person, sorry. Not the first time I have done that.
Milei's speech was profound and courageous given his audience.
This guy has a keen grasp of "collectivism" and why we should avoid it
I agree, we shouldn't.
Does anyone actually believe an anti WEF individual is going to be invited to one of their events? What a scam!
Trump attended and defended America First. Melei is there to defend Argentina First agenda. Time will tell his real intentions.
Trump has yet to denounce the 'vaccines'. He was a patsy, puppet or co-conspirator from the start. He was not a peoples champion no matter how the media and his party promoted him.
I'm inclined to think he was dumb enough to think he was in control of something, perhaps he was promised money to run because he would be so easy to manipulate. He was given good advice about HCQ and tried to get it out only to let the Fauci gang ridicule him and it seems additional leverage was used to turn him into a lap dog since then. He was/is simply there to keep the right wing is a state of deluded euphoria.
Is Trump a medical doctor? A scientist? Did he know that the US Army , VP Pence, et al were backstabbing him?
"Olivia Troye was picked as Pence’s “COVID advisor” in order to run the CIA’s plandemic playbook from inside the Trump White House.
Luckily, Troye was too stupid to stay silent and disappear back into the shadows. In 2021, she was brazen enough to document how her job was to misinform the Trump Administration at every turn"
Globalism is more a form of Feudalism involving IP.
You'll own nothing = all your wages will go in rent to us globalists.
You will own nothing, does that include them?
Of course not they'll own everything. And your government will give them the money to do it then charge you interest on it
I think what is very dangerous is the fact that Gates has bought up almost half of the farmland, and that Blackrock is buying up single family homes. That is how they force society into becoming renters and not owners putting them in the position of utter vulnerability.
I believe the Gates/Blackrock are just ‘bag men’ ‘front men’ for their Soros..why is Gates buying farmland while investing heavily in ‘fake meat’? MHO it is for China..they need land & resources..they are overcrowded..
Which state did Gates buy farmland? Was it Oregon or Montana??
Hell no! The elites will remain elites! Power and money! That’s all they care about.
Perhaps the WEF are using him to gain people's trust as they have an issue with a large portion of humanity awakening to their evil plan.? Everything he said in his speech sounded great right...but dig, and see where his loyalties really lie....
I wonder how much longer he will be for this world now that he has called that bunch of twisted fools out in the most public way. A car accident, died suddenly, plane crash? His speech was great, but the deviousness of the WEF is not hidden by any means. MSM are well known to 'create' stories of other means of passing rather than the actual truth!
This hero has the keys to unlock secular salvation for the planet. His data— driven wisdom is impeccable. What a miracle for a world destroying itself in selfish, arrogant, ideological toxic waste. He’s right, righteous, and very brave.
Why is he even meeting with this bunch of evil demonic cultists? I guess if you’re gonna meet or visit with evil the best thing is to call it out but still. Save your breath and invest your time in furthering the cause of good. Don’t look for a meeting with evil.
So he could take the stage in Davos and tell the world what a smoldering pile of crap the WEF IS.
True..true..Make no mistake..We are dealing with Evil on an precedented scale..We are in a Spiritual battle..and this was written and prophesied all through the Bible.. Be careful..and make sure you know what side you are on..The demons are all around us..🙏🏽💕
I am fully aware!
God, protect those who expose Satan’s evil foot soldiers.
The WEF is well aware that their collectivism goals are being viewed with more suspicion all the time, they have acknowledged their globalist views are becoming very unpopular, one of their themes this year is earning back trust. I don’t think there was any surprise within the WEF regarding the subject of his speech, the WEF is feeling they need to backtrack, appear to support individualism, but make no mistake, a leopard cannot change its spots.
The homeless global control freaks are begging the freemen and free women living on the land for acceptance, forgiveness, a place to call their own. The ancient secret societies are showing us their whimpering beat puppies stalled in trauma grown to adult size but neither men nor women. Big scared and scary children cast out like Cain to wreck havoc on the world. Though their schemes exposed they stumble and tumble like a hopeless drunk into the gutters filled with their own shit.
Very graphic..not picturesque..also very true..🙏🏽
They lied about everything so why should we believe anything?
I’m baffled that he was even invited.
This Argentinian Moron wants a ReRun of Milton Friedman`s "Shock Treatment" ; Massacre of Socialism and it`s sons. Military Death Squads ,etc. He is a Wall Street Bitch.
I see - so the answer is abject poverty ? Instead of electing Mr Milei , Argentinians should have considered another socialist community organizer? I had no idea that "military death squads are part of a CAPITALISTIC system. Who would have thunketh?
Brazil`s Lua Lua told the IMF and World Bank to stick their Loans where the Sun Doesn`t Shine , Kicked out the US Oil Companies and invested the Money in Educating the People and Dragging them out of Poverty. America got him put in Prison. Venzuela`s Chavez and Maduro tried the same. Chavez conveniently Died suddenly from Agressive Cancer and America are trying to kill the Venezuela`s
Economy with "Sanctions"; while still buying it`s Oil. The US would love to get it`s Bloody Hands on All of Venzuela`s Oil. Now the US and UK are Helping Israel`s
Genocide in Gaza. Freedom ? Democracy ? Lying Shits.
OK, each of the imperfections described are caused by FASCISM --NOT Capitalism - In fascism corrupt corporations are in bed with the Government , i.e. Hitler and the Krupp Corporation.
The Genocide in Gaza began in 1924 and was cemented by Harry Truman in 1948 .
Capitalism ceased to Exist in 2009/2010 when Wall Street was Bailed Out by the Federal Reserve with 29 Trillion Dollars. The 24 Hour Liquidity Crisis was solved with Sinaloa Cartel`s Drug Money ,which was being Laundered by Wall Street.
Nope. Capitalism in the US ceased to exist in 1913 when the "progressives" enacted the Federal Reserve Board and the Graduated Income Tax"
Communist Manifesto, Chapter 2
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total of productive forces as rapidly as possible.
... in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Hmm..sounds familiar to what is transpiring today..No?
Yes , very very familiar, actually IDENTICAL
Milei gives a great speech on freedom and private property - Internet goobers: "CONTROLLED OPPOSITION!". Hey goobers: it doesn't matter who said it. Just like it doesn't matter who wrote the US Constitution. It laid down a marker. The goobers: "Yeah, but 15-minute cities!"
You can find the WEF graduate list at Robert W. Malone website.
Irrelevant. The WEF tries to tar every single person who rises above the crowd as a YGL, so the suffering, often disenfranchised-by-fraud electorate will have NO choice but to elect a supposed acolyte. It's a psyop, because putting a name on the list, or even having them attend Davos, means nothing (see the tarring of Vivek Ramaswamy, as anti-WEF as anyone on the planet).
What matters is what leaders say and do - even Jesus did not avoid the Pharisees, but confronted them often. Was He "Controlled Opposition" too, self-righteous "purity monitors"? Seems there are too many logs in too many eyes here.
The whole liberal party of Canada on the list I am sure!
Next thing you know we will have Musk promoting a non-censored Twitter. We all know he has held up to his promise on that. NOT!
Bottom line on this, talk is cheap, actions speak. Jury is out on Milei...
The vulture capitalists at Davos probably just want to get into Argentina & exploit it.
The predictable Hegelian Dialectic continues. Problem. Reaction. Solution. OR Thesis. Antithesis. Synthesis. The cattle are getting restless and may band together to revolt. Cannot have that. We will quickly go back to sleep if we think someone else is fighting for our cause. Two steps forward, one step back is still progress in their minds. Do not fall asleep with this one. All "leaders" on the screens are suspect, especially if they are on the Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street owned media.
You are correct..’We..the People..’ are the only ones who can push Back this horror agenda. Some one on here said we must join together and support each other..that is absolutely essential..break up the ‘splinter groups’ demanding their 5 minute fame and $’s destroying North America especially. Make these ‘groups’ aware they are destroying their own ‘freedom..rights..and security..after they are not needed anymore they will be thrown out also..🙏🏽
Begs the question why Milei is there! The Cartel must have known about his views & yet they have allowed him to speak!? a Ploy to Pretend that they also have freedom speakers? or IS Milei fake? just questionable why he is there..... ( Typo corrected )
I was surprised they let him in the building, until it dawned on me he was saying FREE TRADE, which is NOT FAIR Trade.. FREE Trade delights the audience... If he said FAIR TRADE, He would not have been welcomed....
Barbara Ellison
2 mins ago
How many of your readers know the difference between FREE TRADE and FAIR TRADE? Free Trade makes gobs of corporations and rich moguls who gets the lowest priced products from developing countries where their Western businesses are built on the cheap.
FAIR Trade gives the PRODUCERS of the goods in developing countries a fair price for their goods and their labor... Here below shows what both terms mean:
Hard to believe anything anymore.... certainly, NOTHING out of WEF, UN, IMF, EU et al is believable & in fact the truth is often quite the opposite.... Thanks for the link Barbara.
You are welcome.. PLEASE share that information.. The URL shows the differences.
have done. Great website
The WEF typically tries to bring ANYONE rising above the crowd into its fold, as for instance Vivek Ramaswamy, whom the WEF labeled a Young Global Leader over his objections. Ramaswamy is as anti-WEF as anyone on the planet. It's a psyop, to deprive the (often disenfranchised) electorate of any choices whatsoever who might become a speed-bump in their globalist agenda. It clearly isn't working with Milei, who, like Jesus, goes to the Pharisees to confront them.
I like the analogy 👍🏼
It must be fake because socialism and collectivism has been wildly successful throughout history!!! All a big capitalistic conspiracy!!
Hmm. Is this their weird way to "rebuild trust" I wonder? They know they have lost our love. So be sure, they will now throw about then lots of nice pledges and promises, and talk, talk, repeat, repeat, but NEVER KEEP THESE PROMISES. Remember the annual Talmud vow, Kol Nidre, which zionists swear by once a year, but which is in fact A VOW TO CANCEL ALL VOWS that they make until next new year's Kol Nidre! Accordingly, when they say "We'll guarantee your complete freedom" they're really saying "we'll enslave you completely". The promise broken means the Kol Nidre vow kept.
omg he really said this. Saw it on twitter thought it wa daseep fake
What we heard the translator say and what is in the transcript is only a small part of what he said. A large part of it is missing. I don't know how long he spoke or what he really said because it was not translated to English here. Anyone know where to get a real translation?
I know enough Spanish to grasp that it was an accurate translation.
Yes, I believe that, but where is the rest. If you follow the translation while listening, it's obvious that manyt parts are missing. The time stamp jumps wildly. And so obvious that much left out. I want the real full speech.
Donald Trump also spoke about patriotism rather than globalism....and then he miraculously lost the next election, as predicted by some 'elite crystal ball watchers'. Who knows what will happen to this president, who has decided to bow down to the not so mighty dollar instead of an alternative currency the BRICS are developing.
That second picture, "And the only thing it will bring is misery to the world"? Couldn't help but thinking how much that piece-of-shit, 2-bit sellout looks like Gollum...
This oughta be good
if communism is giving100% of your labor to the govt, what is slavery? What is being coerced into giving 40% of your labor to govt? if they can just print more money, why are we taxed at all? yet here we are, all running around about proclaiming how free we are. Goes back to Goethe’s observation; “The triumph of despotism is to force the slaves to declare themselves free. It may need no force; the slaves may proclaim their freedom quite sincerely: but they are nonetheless slaves.”
Klaus Schwab's Speech:
“Friends, Globalists , countrymen, lend me your ears”
I come to bury Javier Miley , not to praise him.
The Babylon Bee: America Decides To Cancel Election And Just Draft That Argentinian Guy For President.
The President of Argentina's own people were protesting against him days after he was elected.
On what basis are you an authority...The man spoke absolute truths doesn't matter what his position is or how he got a microphone
Sorry about the rudeness man
Indeed, it makes no difference who said it. Milei gave a great speech. It set set down a marker, on the record, against the Neo-Marxist WEF. The internet goobers calling it controlled opposition are looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth. They would rather whine and complain as things go down the Marxist toilet than get on board with freedom and private property.
Well said!! They... the lefty...dumplorables have not ability to thinking critically...they simply drink the koolaid
It must be embarassing to be them/they
This was a monumental speech at a location whose members believe in the exact opposite. This is infiltration in reverse. Wonderful! May God protect this man as he carries out the agenda to protect humanity.
Vigilant Fox ... It appears you are a cock sucker for some unknown reason I use to think your blog was great ... now I think .... Go fuck yourself. My comments was not offensive unless you are mentally ill and don't know the difference..
Well, your post calling him a cock sucker is still up. You have five posts in a row that are duplicates so maybe it's you who are screwing up and using this as a scratch pad.
One thing you are doing is spamming and abusing the privilege.,10 posts in a row with over 2,000 words. Your long screed is over 1,600 words, something no one would read even if it had paragraph breaks. You're just wasting virtual ink.
I looked at your 1,600 word screed, keyword "burning" and it's the same post repeated 22 times.
Whoever it is that keeps deleting my comment .. at least have the courtesy to state, why.
Milei is a self-professed libertarian, he'll sell out Argentina to Big Corporation vultures. Commenters here are fixated on his WEF speech, forgetting who owns Big Corp. This is all a slight-of-hand.
Of course they know all this. So he is quite intentionally "man-splaining" to them 🤣😂 Sadly our Western leaders have been parasitical puppets.
The WEF, UN, NATO, central banking, BigPharma, and most western governments, big christian evangelical churches, and so on, are FLOODED with zionists (i.e. talmudists), most of them under cover of some sort of philantropy, set-up "smiles" and well-rehearsed "welcome" guestures (and have you seen the wolf-in-sheep-clothing logo of Skull And Bones?). The cabal are masters of deception, identity theft, destruction, land robbery, plunder and all sorts of evil, so of course, if their true colours and intentions are revealed, they'll evaporate in thin air. That's what we look forward to!
"Rebuilding trust" is this year's WEF motto, and it looks like this private billionaire club now are desperately trying to create some new "TRUSTED PERSONS" they think we'll listen to and thereby accept the new normal, the amended narrative. Take the Argentinian prime minister, or Bret Weinstein, or John Campbell. Look, and you'll detect them. None of these "controllers" will ever call "covid", "climate change", "population control" and endless war what they truly are: deceptive scams. Lugubre mind control psy-ops. Kill programs. Weath transfer.
So, Klaus Schwab's club were all good with Milei speaking at Davos. If this was real, politically, Milei would be a dead man already. This is all a placation stunt, a pressure release valve, IMO.
Going by all the comments here, obviously you all think Javier Milei is a dud. That’s very disappointing.
Only the internet goobers. Milei gave a great speech. No other world leader has ever pushed back like that on the Neo-Marxist WEF. Yet that's not good enough for the internet complainers.
Lefties are successful because they are smart enough to not tear down their allies, For some reason those on the right call anyone who doesn't get in line with their precise vision controlled opposition, leading to a bunch of armies of one.
C.J. Hopkins is the perfect example. A very smart guy, he had a lot of supporters but alienated all of them by calling them controlled opposition, just because not everyone wants to go to jail on principle.
So Hopkins goes to court in Germany next Thursday for crimes against the state over two Tweets, all alone other than some gawkers who may show up to see what his punishment will be.
Milei will be impossible to coerce into the WEF agenda, because he has a clear understanding of human nature, self-government, and autocrats. He clearly laid out a completely anti-WEF manifesto; the WEF seeks to brand anyone that becomes an influencer of any kind with their scarlet YGL letter like Vivek Ramaswamy, despite some leaders being TOTAL opposites of autocrats. Don't be fooled, tarring leaders falsely will not work, it's simply a psyop.
I'll bet you think Hamas and the Houthis are blameless, too.
Wouldn' it be wonderful if freedom broke out all over the world insteafd of disease X?
Muchas gracias Presidente Javier Milei
Collectivism vs Capitalism
To understand the difference between a socialistic and capitalistic economy you must start with a description of what it is that we trade with each other to obtain goods or services. In complex economies with complex supply chains the ability to make direct exchanges is impractical. The solution that has emerged is money.
Money represents a medium of exchange that allows one to use a skillset, known as work, to get food or a service that one can’t or won’t obtain on their own. Money is simply a derivative of work and the value of that work. It can be represented and exchanged in real terms by commodities such as gold, silver, minerals or energy. It can also be created in the form of promissory notes as currency which is issued by entities entrusted to ensure that there is liquidity. This enables a system to operate or trade smoothly. Commodities or notes are traded in markets.
There is absolute value to the pool of money in the world and, with varying percentages, it is controlled by governments, individuals, corporations and/or criminals. Each of these entities claim that they are victims of each other and to that end they each try to influence the government or populace of their claims. In doing so they seek to make rules that improve their percentage of control of the absolute amount of money. Currently, this pool of money is mostly in the form of currency and only has value if there is confidence in the system controlling or regulating it.
In a capitalistic system the percentage of money that is divided amongst each of these entities is influenced by the changing sentiments of the populace, this is called democracy. In a democracy these ratios vary based on the votes cast by its citizens.
In a socialist or collectivistic system, the percentage of money controlled by people in the government is far greater than in a democracy. However, both systems tend to trend toward each other as societal ideas fluctuate.
In collectivistic systems the money is concentrated amongst fewer people than in capitalistic systems and therefore statistically more susceptible to errors. The broader dispersal of money between individuals or entities in capitalism represents less individual risk to the system. This is because in capitalism businesses control a smaller percentage of the absolute amount of money. Therefore, when they fail it’s of less consequence than in a totalitarian collectivistic system which can fail based on large bets placed by few people. Failure is a form of evolution, and it acts as a hedge, which is why in capitalistic systems, monopolies (which suppress innovation) are frowned upon.
In summary, in capitalistic systems great wealth is controlled by 1% of the population, which is actually a large number of people. In the United States, for instance, this represents roughly 3 million independent decision-makers and a few thousand corporations. Each of these entities control hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. Contrast that with socialistic/collectivistic systems where a fraction of 1% of the populace controls the bulk of the money. In either system the wealthiest money controllers do consume the most in terms of goods and services, however in neither do they consume “all” that they control.
There exists a common misperception that all that is owned is consumed, which is simply not true. This seems to be the perception of those who are in the lower wealth classes as life seems “unfair”. Perhaps it is simply the lack of intellect or ability or desire to take risks. Therefore, when the reward is comparatively low there tends to be social unrest or even war. In the end, true to evolution, only the most excellent control the largest percentage of the absolute money. Some people have pejoratively called this social or economic Darwinism which is exactly positively what it is and should be.
Wow. He is real. I wonder how many billions deposited into a numbered Swiss bank account it will take to turn him...
Or, maybe the Davos NWO/WEF Globalists will simply poison him w/ a cocktail of brain-controlling nano-tech nanites and make Javier Milei their puppet that way.
Bolsonaro wouldn't be bought. So they stuck a knife in his chest.
Fantastic, he called it for what it is! Excellent stuff!
Fox and all,
I am not holding my breath waiting for a True American LEADER to speak about and help reinstate the principles of Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness…
There is ONLY 1 group left who will defend Freedom because they are True strategic planners…an absolute necessity if you want to win a war!
NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…their site says all you need to know!
P.S. How about an actionable solution since free, fair, lawful and transparent elections are the highest priority for 2024 for ALL patriotic Americans???
ACTIONABLE SOLUTION…Patriotic Americans are under attack…isn’t it time we support each other???
FOX NEWS NETWORK cancelled all ads for My Pillow, a employee owned company selling pillows and all kinds of high quality products.
FOX NEWS was paid up for the advertising and My Pillow has spent millions advertising on FOX for years now. The only reason FOX NEWS cancelled My Pillow ads is they have targeted My Pillow and Mike Lindell for total destruction, in concert with THE DEEP STATE determined to continue strealing elections....
Mike has spent MILLIONS of dollars of his own money helping the MOST important 2024 issue…free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!
God bless those willing to seriously help America with their talents and blessings!
I hope he stays safe and/or they don't come up with something on him to flip him like Boris Johnson did after he (supposedly) got the virus.
How many of your readers know the difference between FREE TRADE and FAIR TRADE? Free Trade makes gobs of corporations and rich moguls who gets the lowest priced products from developing countries where their Western businesses are built on the cheap.
FAIR Trade gives the PRODUCERS of the goods in developing countries a fair price for their goods and their labor... Here below shows what both terms mean:
You have to be a spectacular retard to think Milei is an answer to anything... See Eye Aye.
Some people trust no one, even their own gang. That’s no way to live.
Text of Milei's speech,. The WEF goons left off "Damn It!" after Milei's closing, Long Live Freedom, but hey,
A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.
A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.
A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.
A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the man societal guilt trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now.
A big part of the problem is the millions of mush head university graduates who have been made to hate their country, hate their fellow citizens, hate themselves via the many societal guilt-trips over the poor colored folks, the poor native Indians the poor immigrants ... etc. They also live in great fear the world is burning up and it's our fault. Never has their been more successful gas-lighting of a population than there is right now. And don't forget to get your latest booster shot.
There are millions of university mush heads who cannot understand what is truly happening. They are fed a large amount of misinformation and lies. By the time they graduate ... deeply in debt, They cannot think for themselves and they don't like their country.
The man comes from the world of finance ... so his speech is finance blather that most with find sleep-inducing. I agree with this man 100% I hope people can get by the spreadsheet talk and understand that he his warning us to not comply with the leftists of the WEF and elsewhere.
Listen not to words, observe and assess only actions.
Milei has already begun to dismantle the bureaucracy in Argentina, but has a long ways to go because on Argentina like most national gub'mints the unelected state is an entrenched behemoth. You can search for it, the info is not secret. The economy he inherited was in a death spiral, so pretty much anything he does is a plus, despite what the self-righteous internet poopslingers here think.
And the puffy under the eyes can be a sign of degeneracy. Too much fecal compaction, or so I hear.
Sure...the freak Milei, who is advised by his dead (but cloned) dog through a medium (¡!), was invited to the Davos freak circus to give him an air of credibility and supposed opposition to the 2030 Agenda, given the disaster in which he has sunk Argentina even further in just a few weeks.
He gave a very rational speech, nothing freakish there.
Where is the evidence of your claim that Argentina is a bigger disaster than it was before Milei? Do you have a better plan than Milei?