Jan.25, 2024 (Video above) - “The English-speaking world is reaching its limit. Our speech in the Oilers arena in Edmonton.”
My Take on the Edmonton Speech:
Most people will not get the “Albania 1985” reference.
This refers to the state of Communism in Albania, which was the poorest of the Soviet Block countries but also the most ideologically Marxist-Leninist in terms of its style of Communism.
Albania was absolutely frightening even to those of us in the neighboring countries.
MAID - Tucker addresses proposals by the Canadian Federal Government to approve medical assistance in dying for children without parental consent, which is a topic I have covered on my substack.
Although technically not approved yet, this is going to be approved in less than 12 months.
Tucker also addresses the issue of BC Provincial government giving fentanyl to children without parental consent. I hope to cover this soon.
Overall, Tucker’s message is to shake Canadians awake to the fact that the Canadian government (and the BC provincial government) are killing Canadian children (among many other abuses) and most Canadians are in a stupor, staying silent while our country is being destroyed from within.
CALGARY SPEECH (Jan.24, 2024)
My Take…
The Trudeau Liberal government is composed of clowns, that is true.
They should be mocked and ridiculed, that is also true.
Where I disagree slightly with Tucker is that these are dangerous clowns who are doing irreparable harm to the country.
“You should recognize what is happening to you”
“This is a destruction of you, your culture, your beliefs and your children and your future as a country”
Fentanyl is the number 1 cause of death under 40.
“if someone is giving fentanyl to your children without telling you, they are trying to kill your children”
Their aim is DEMOCIDE, plain and simple. Murder by deliberate—all-categories—malicious intent.
“Strong delusion” abounds!
When will the oblivious be shaken?
"When will the oblivious be shaken?"
When they understand fully how much they have been LIED to.
It is only the LIES that keep us OB-LI-VIOUS to what would otherwise be blatantly OBVIOUS....
Mankind and its adversaries have grossly profited from the endless, deadly LIES.
The discernment they require comes from God. May it come soon!
My take is that Canadians aren’t too “nice”. They are cowardly! Afraid to say things that might have others not think well of them. Afraid to be called names. Afraid to be that one person who disagrees. It makes me want to 🤮. And I know cause I was born in Canada, spent my childhood there and still go back to visit. Still have lots of relatives there as well. To a person they mocked Trump and Americans who supported him before he was elected. Who’s laughing now? Me!!!
As is the case with all things, one mustn’t generalize about all people irrespective of their nationality. We are all individuals and act on an individual basis, and all of us can’t be the same, think the same, behave the same. There are many warriors amongst us and people have to wake up at different times in different ways, likely many are afraid of taking in the whole big picture but once they do, there will be much anger in the streets.
Which country had the first major push back against the vax/mandates? Which country has the bravest freedom loving warriors?! The CANADIAN FREEDOM TRUCKERS CONVOY made the world wake up. Yes- they were peaceful, but they were warriors.
It is way past time! Millions have either died or are disabled due to the jab!!!
I know… we’re trying, there has been much less uptake of the newest bioweapon so called vaccine on the market which is encouraging but as I said the msm here is our biggest hurdle to getting the truth out about the jabs! I’m sick about how they’re still pushing and promoting it for pregnant women and for babies 6 months old and up. It’s criminal. All we have is our alt media, bloggers, livestreams, Substacks and truth coming from OUTSIDE of our country thru the Internet cause Trudeau has bought and paid for all mainstream media in this country and successfully blocked news from fb.
So a question for those who took the jabs but will no longer comply. Why are you not taking any more shots? Specifically, why??????
Because now we know they are not a vaccine as they were labelled to encourage uptake but a bioweapon meant to harm and kill us. The entire mRNA technology unsafe cause can’t be targeted to one specific area in the body but goes everywhere in the body, the liquid nano particles the mrna are wrapped in are toxic, the jabs are contaminated with dna strands, they contain graphene and God knows what all else, 20 MILLION people are dead globally since the rollout of the jabs, with 2 BILLION injured.
You are obviously in the know but are most people aware of the harms now? I don’t hear people around me talking about it at all. Are those who follow MSM hearing bad things elsewhere that is making them refuse? Have they noticed they still get Covid so why bother? Are too many harmed so not taking anymore? Just wondering why they’ve changed their tune and if so why they won’t admit it was wrong. If they did start to talk and were honest this would all end!!
This was SO awesome and SO refreshing just to hear someone so eloquently speak the truth, and to be so disdainful and mocking of these criminal tyrants.
They have absolutely nothing to offer except embezzlement, exploitation, destruction and misery.
They are defective, and empty - devoid of all morality, empathy and honesty.
They only APPEAR powerful, but the truth is they derive their power from US, and we can withdraw it at any time.
We do that by no longer believing them, no longer trusting them, no longer obeying them and no longer consenting to their insane diktats.
They have abused us in the most brutal and egregious of ways. And "savage" is not a term we should equate with Government, but here we are.
When a rogue Government feels emboldened enough to plot to kill its own citizens, when they feel emboldened enough to coerce your children into volunteering themselves for euthanasia and making sure you don't find out about it - we are dealing with terrorists, extremists and psychopaths.
We cannot afford to have these people running loose in Government. We say we don't tolerate terrorism, yet we have been terrorised for the last 4 years.
At some point it becomes our DUTY to abolish them, and we need to do it before our lives and our countries are completely destroyed.
Good post!🙌
Canadians better wake up to themselves, and soon.
Were you not aware of our Convoy for Freedom Protest in Feb of 2022 in Ottawa protesting the Trudeau Government’s covid mandates? There were many of us there, so believe you me lots of us are awake but with our far fewer msm who are paid to work for Trudeau and his government with highly censored and very biased reporting it is very hard to reach the normies who only listen to and watch mainstream news from official sources. Tucker Carlson’s visit to Calgary and Edmonton helped too, in fact it might be funny for you to hear that the results from a poll that they did showed that more young Canadians supported Trump than young Americans did! So people are waking up every single day.
I was very aware of the trucker convoy whose participants were persecuted by Fidelito Trudeau. I grew up in Calgary and have relatives and friends there. They’re as stunned as mullets and grumble some, but little else, equivocating on the big issues.
Just saw this post after I made the same point you’d already made. 🛻 🇨🇦 🚚🇨🇦🚛🇨🇦🚜🇨🇦🚚🇨🇦
Thank you, Tucker, and Dr. Makis, for telling Canadians (and all Westerners) so clearly that we must resist! Here in the US, a convoy is headed for Texas as I write this (on Monday, the 29th at 9:00) to show support for Governor Abbott as he seeks to defend the border against the invasion orchestrated by the Biden administration. I only wish this had happened long ago. We need to have a mass deportation because it's ridiculous to let all these people in under the pretext of being asylum seekers. I love the community I've found through Substack, because you are awake and you want to DO something about all the various forms of tyranny being pushed on us now. Let's get busy!
Canadian government is EVIL. They’re killing people.
They look at civilians as parasites , Useless eaters , idle citizens etc.
It's time for a grand jury investigation into the suspicious deaths of relatively young Kingstonians. Medical bureaucrats, liberal-appointed judges, and crooked cops need not apply.
At Queen's University since the rollout....
Note that KFL&A was served with the WCfH's Order to Cease and Desist icer two years ago:
Here is the local (Liberal party) media's response to the order:
If someone could post this to Twitter, that would be great. I am permanently banned for "abusive behaviour".
You are my kinda guy! Thanks for posting. That is my hometown and I’m sick about all of it, but especially the people who will not see it for what it is!
Elon won't even allow you back on?
I've been banned from Twitter for ages for a innocent comment I made that was the truth. Musk only brought back the big names on Twitter, but the little guys who dared to ruffle their status quo are still banned.
Elon "the biggest recipient of government funds because he knows that CO2 is bad for the planet" will not allow me back on Twitter. I applied last week. No dice.
It's eugenics, as it was from the 1930s and 40s in Germany and Japan. WWII isn't over; it's just morphed into a more insidious form. War is a business and our children and workers are the fodder for the machine. The elders? To the slagheap with you!
We need to curtail Big Biz; it is impossible to install ethics into the corporate body, no matter how much greenwash and hogwash it puts out.
Thank you for revealing the truth ! The world wide view that mankind is basically good IS A LIE ! This is a HARD TRUTH to understand ! Proverbs : 16 : 4 - The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
Sadly, Christian churches have gone passive if not outright woke. Not all of them. Recently moved, I found a nice Christian community who have suggested I avoid politics ( to them, flagwaving and teaching the unaware is politics) So be it. I will not make the same pact made between prewar German churches and nazis:'you pray, we govern' . That ended badly. Some faithful believe that the material.world means nil, and I can agree but that doesn't absolve me of the responsibility to teach against the tide of evil. Win or lose this war, I would rather be a cog in the right wheel. Eric Metaxas is right!
Tucker is spot on . He clearly cares for our country more than the 2 puppet clowns who are attempting to ruin our country. .Trudeau and his cronie NDP puppet are attempting to change the voting laws . Canadians must wake up.
Check out Northern Perspective on YouTube, they just covered this topic last night. Highly recommend if you want to learn more about how our political system works and only hear the truth, no lies, no sensationalism, yet their viewers and subscribers and supporters are growing in leaps and bounds by the day.
Will do . True North is good as well .
Thank You Dr Makis for posting this. I get caught up in the small picture and fail to see the big picture, this video helped bring this awareness. However, I feel like a hypocrite, I collect taxes for this corrupt and evil government as a business owner without pay, take taxes off peoples pay cheques and produce income tax papers needed by those who rule to determine how much more Canadians who actually worked must pay in the spring. Oh, and if we get a refund, wow, great! but that just means we overpaid in the first place. In fact, what I’m doing supports the government’s rule against me, against us, adding fuel to the fire, supporting a government that “hates” us, as Tucker said. In my life I try to be aware of not supporting someone’s weakness, but here I am supporting the governments weakness.
You gotta work, don’t beat yourself up for it.
I don’t think it’s accurate to generalize. Canadians are not homogeneous. That said, there is a disturbing level of superiority, anti-American attitudes and Trump hatred in the country. Having lived and worked in both the U.S. and Canada, I see heroes and villains (freedom lovers and fascists) on both sides of the border. It’s my (perhaps naive) hope that the freedom lovers are beginning to rise up and feel the wind in their sails.
Pharmaceutical companies have turned the general population into hypochondriacs. People run to drs for the stupidist of minor things. Take pharmacuticals like candy, support idiotic theories like covid ,so programmed into believing every little ailment needs hard drugs ,keep. Bottles of overt the counter drugs at home.. yep. Everybody is a hypochondriac, doing same thing to their kids. Right down to stuffing kids with fake phony empty vitamins (chemicals to hold pill together with very little benefit in said pill) yep. Keep popping all those pills and coming up with ailments and drug necessities. Yep.. drugged up hypochondriacs. .
I've told my dental.patients for years: you shouldn't need me, and your physician is in your mirror.
Yeah it’s murder. But first it’s degrading and humiliating... the image of God and His Innocents... cuz it energizes the psychopathic entities. Way to go TC and WM. More truth and more often.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Human Stupidity
"Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved- indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one."
Don’t forget that he mentioned the Coutts 4 while in Calgary, Political Prisoners in Canada.
Woohoo!!!! Thank you Tucker for shining a bright light on our poor seemingly forgotten Coutts 4 political prisoners and today a fifth man James Sowery faced the courts. Thank you Tucker Carlson for bringing some attention to it, very grateful!
Tucker struck just the right tone. No mercy for the psychopath state which under the guise of conpassion murders millions with poison and war.
Dr Makis thank you for the phenomenal work! Tucker’s speech in Canada was great!
Please research and comment Cecile Richards has brain cancer! Chicago unvaccinated fan!
So I understand that Justin Trudeau has a financial conflict of interest in mandating the COVID 19 injections.Apparently the Trudeau family makes 2 of the four toxic lipids that go into the COVID 19 casing of the toxic spike MRNA
Whatever is needed to jolt people out of their bubbles even if a little hyperbolic is better than saying and doing nothing.
It takes time for people to wake up. If anyone listened to Tuckers speeches, and then watches the Canadian mainstream media (& most other) about him, they can see the systematic brainwashing that's been going on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2voyyowjJNM They don't waist a second from the very start
How many children (and teens/adults too) who want assisted d--ath have 'neurodiversity' (ASDs)? "Intense World Syndromes" where various sensory stimuli (which wouldn't bother the shrinking NT population) could send you into a full-fledged screeching rage/uncontrollably hurting self or/and others from it. Or not enough certain sensory stimuli (such as not enough physical pressure/itchy skin from not brushing/etc) could also trigger rage. I suffered all these growing up 'neurodivergent'.
The rebranding of autism and severe-moderate autism in particular as 'neurodiversity' has ugly and dire consequences on entire societies. I'm not really against all the "other disorders" (such as PDD-NOS and Aspergers) being labelled as autism necessarily (as these patients also have various, significant social, communicative and ADL/daily living issues similar to classic ASD, though typically less extreme). Most cases of "PDD-NOS" (except the mildest, "Asperger-like" cases) actually look like childhood onset Alzheimer's disease or dementia with PANDAS/PANS. I had both PDD-NOS alongside Kanner autism growing up (I was labelled as classically autistic/299.00 with the PDD label in my papers. My 'ND' was severe-moderate, was labelled as "profoundly autistic/SPD" aged six).
Sad, but not surprising that so many autistics want to k--l themselves and have wanted to in the past. To hide all this damage and destruction of childhood and adolescence as "neurodivergence" is a Greek tragedy. Most adult ASD "therapy" is laser-focused on speech/SLP or job assistance, most OT/SPD clinics are aimed at toddlers and young children's needs, completely unsuitable for "neurodivergent" adults with very severe sensory and ADLs issues.
Not saying you are wrong, but from what information do you base this comment on? I would be interested to see your research.
This video has TC and JP, and is wonderfully insightful and empowering.