Well, thanks so much for finding the time during the day for our first daytime edition of the Restore Childhood Book Club. I'm Natalya. We are so excited to welcome Jane Buxton, who wrote this really incredible book that I think everybody should read. Great plant-based con. Great title, too.
And I was so excited to come across it this past summer. When I was at Cambridge University just visiting the bookstore, my husband found it on a table and was like, this looks like it's right up your alley. And it was. I have a background in food studies.
I was at NYU with Dr. Marion Nessel, learned a lot about food politics and started a nutritional consulting company with a pediatric nutritionist about Natalya Eat things that rot And I'm really happy to welcome Jane. She's based in the UK and here she is. Please introduce yourself, Jane. It's very good to be here.

Eat things that rot. Eat rotten things!

A conversation with Jayne Buxton about the science behind plant based diets

Continuing the conversation about food and health, we were tickled to have Jayne Buxton join us late last month to talk about her fabulous and meticulously researched book The Great Plant Based Con. This book is a deep dive into the politics behind the vegan movement and the science, or lack thereof, that exhists about what we should be eating and why.

You can watch or listen to our conversation and feel free to share your thoughts on how it might impact your food choices in comments below. We would love to hear from you!


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Great conversation, glad I was finally able to listen to it!

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