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The hard-working staff here at Drezner’s World has had a busy 2024 to date. There has been the updating of course syllabi, the crash-writing of book chapters, and the performing of academic service work that I would not wish on my worst enemy. I needed a few days in a place where one could see the kind of sunrise that is pictured above. And since I took that picture 48 hours ago, I’m going to say mission accomplished on that front. Wait, here’s another vacation picture!
My point is that this newsletter is on hiatus until Tuesday while I catch up on some very overdue assignments rest and recuperate.
For readers looking for weekend distractions, I would suggest reading John Scalzi’s delightful Starter Villain. I read it in preparation for Space The Nation, and I cannot remember the last time I laughed out loud as often reading a novel. Scalzi is a science fiction writer, and this falls into that genre — but calling this book sci-fi is reductionist. Instead, think of it as a wicked satire on the techbro disruption culture. With talking cats and unionized dolphins.
Talk to you all after Presidents Day weekend has ended! Oh, wait, here’s one last beach picture: