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that not only have they put out a product that causes myocarditis and pericarditis and those things they've admitted or blood clots but imagine something that causes cancer and they're keeping it on the market and they're giving it to children as young as six months old and they're giving it to pregnant women and others fetuses that are developing cancers in utero newborns that are developing cancers that I've never seen before they will fight this as long as they can
Geez, it's just their agenda of making money and there's other transhuman agenda they have is so important to them that they are willing to just go to the mat on everything. It's just incredible. So are doctors dying at a faster rate than the general public and medical professionals?
So that's a good question. I believe so. And I'll tell you why.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Sarah Westall and Dr.William Makis - COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries, Shedding, Turbo Cancers, Excess Deaths and more (Feb.7, 2024)
Mar 03, 2024
Wonderful interview Dr Makis !
Thank you so much .Your comment on Communism was very poignant and i hope all the allegedly free Democratic people here take note because there has been a subtle infiltration and takeover in the US going on for decades.and decades.
Those of us whose parents and grandparents left or escaped poor nations handed over to the communists after WW2 see more clearly what is happening here and need to speak out. Bravo !
Great interview. I have numerous covid vaccine injured people in my support group who have turbo cancer. One just lost her husband who had turbo cancer and she also has a rare cancer, she is a former nurse in Canada.
This has to stop. We are sick and dying at a astronomical rate. We have to share our truth and hold these people accountable!
So sad and wasteful of life….who could they have been, years ahead without the shot ~~~And I continue to marvel that so many millions of highly “ educated” people have no intellectual curiosity. They seem to believe that their degree answers all questions, even if. It was obtained in 1992. So many going into bankruptcy taking that cruise down DeNial.
As one of the vaccine injured, degrees, education, common sense, none of that had anything to do with the decisions any of us made. Many of us had no choice, we would loose our jobs, benefits, medical care, etc. We did as much we could in research and finding out about the shots.
Instead of blaming or putting down the persons that took it, how about go after and blame the ones that did it to all of us. We all make mistakes in our lives and we are nowhere next to perfect.
Do not throw stones especially if you live in a glass house.
I'm sorry you took the shot. You are right. We all make mistakes. I hope you are well.
Our anger comes from years of being blamed for spreading covid, spreading misinformation, being ignored and called names.
All of us were abused, and are still suffering from it with no end in sight.
Amen! My hubby & I just plain said no. Self-employed, for 30 years, all our events & revenue sources cancelled for a full year. Lost clients, almost lost our home, etc., etc. It was terrifying & we couldn’t go into restaurants etc., but never swayed. I could not be more grateful for where we are today. No regrets.
I wish I would not have. I have regrets everyday.
But here we are and if it is my journey in life for this to have happened to me so I connect thousands all over the world for resources and support, then so be it.
It is a blessing that you did not and I am happy for you. Please continue to support everyone that did and did not, regardless and share our truth.
Thank you Dee. I appreciate that. We all have been abused from sun up to sun down. We just have to be better than that and support each other.
Unfortunately I am not well. I am one of the many that have more conditions than I can shake a stick at. Heart failure, parkinson's, addison's disease and so much more. 32 or more.
But I fight for our community, help people all over the world even in my worst of states.
We welcome anyone to join and support our community.
Sorry to be spelling police but it's "lose our jobs," not "loose." It continues to baffle me why that particular error is so common.
Its called brain fog, memory loss and parkinson's along w/ 31 other conditions. I was aware of it but I did not change it bc I was in the middle of my heart skipping a beat and I thought putting my finger in the pulse oximeter was more important than taking the "o" out of the word.
And as a former "police officer" the correct definition would be preening pedant.
Dr. Makis, when someone asks me who my doctor is, I give your name. RR
Someone (Diane?) wrote a neat explanation to me explaining "shedding" and I accidently deleted it and can't find it. Can someone do that again for me? Thanks ⚘️!
Exactly. Look at our vaccine injured military members. Do we throw them under the bus for being required to take the covid shot or anthrax shot, etc.? Should they have gone awol? There are so many veterans and active military that have been vaccine injured for years as well as children from childhood shots.
I suggest she check out Operation Truth and Former Feds Group and see how long this has been going on.
Wow! I had a tetanus shot in 2019, I’ll check it out.
You don't have to be a trained data analyst. All you need is common sense and the ability to research and evaluate......and think. And when things don't add up, they don't add up and you need to look elsewhere to find out why, Follow the money and quit electing politicians. Also, limit government lobbying. People need to take responsibility for what they take in as the truth. We live in a censored society now. People need to be critical of what is put out in the media and question everything. Even better, tune it out. The problem is that there are too many people who don't know how to think and they give their power over to whoever they consider are "the experts". and do whatever they are told.
Thanks Dr .. Sad and sick that this continues.. we have to withdraw, as much as possible, from any financial dealings with these people and finance those who are truthful..
What was suspected in Canada is one thing but this is devastating to hear the Canadian health system is so corrupt from the top down. Death by Greed is the biggest industry on a global hierarchy. This establishes the COVID-19 vaccine as a global, population genocidal program.
Great work Dr n Sarah will share wisely x
Our great Canadian of many..but one I have followed for a few years now..thanks to hearing him on Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson's podcasts.
We in Canada, have not realised just how many courageous heros we really have..!!!
Dr Makis proved he really cares about people..not just his patients..and he stood tall against the protocols, health officials, and the Fed Govt to bring us truth...!!
There are few words of gratitude that cover this courage!
Exactly Sarah their cover-up is worse than the actual crime. That was a great interview. Thank you I had no idea Dr. MARCUS was from Czechoslovakia. I was visiting there right before “Covid“ and absolutely loved. It stayed in the little place by Charles bridge. Took a ton of photos and enjoyed the classical music and all the beautiful churches there Dr. Makis have you considered doing a trust and private membership association then you can practice whatever you want to do and “they” cannot touch you …if you’re not sure what I’m talking about. Please get in touch.
A woman in the Philippines (not a Filipino, but who lives in metro Manila) has also been tracking excess deaths since the roll-out of the covid "vaccines". She has her own substack called SuperSally.....
There may never be a tipping point because the ruling class / conspiracy got their global financial power "ducks in a row" in advance. I look back to David Rockefeller forming the Trilateral Commission back in the 1980s to organize all the major Corporations into a unified force under the unified Central Banks.
When you talk about unified force there is none stronger, or more powerful than the upper money moguls. That would be the people who are a so-called Fringe Minority. This unified (Fringe Majority) populous has gone global with the Rallies throughout the northern hemisphere. The clock is ticking.
Supposedly the Red Cross is screening blood donations for vaccination status. PU.
It's NOT only the money - It's DEPOPULATION BEFORE MONEY
Speaking of ivermectin, pay particular attention to the data from India in this article, as compared to the other named countries. It also highlights the use of hydroxychloroquine in India.....
I love your work. You are blssed. I pray God protects you and your family. And now we get vaccinated through our air, food, and things we use daily... so am I really a pureblood?
As I watch this and all the other videos on this subject I have come to the conclusion that what the Trudeau government did to Dr. Makis was part of a long term plan they had in place to monopolize cancer treatment, knowing that their plandemic was on the way and also knowing the fallout from their poison jab is going to be out of control cancer.
Pfizer has acquired two of the largest oncology drug producing companies on the planet, Seagen and Ambrx Biopharma. Expecting something??? PU.
Exactly, they did not dream up this plan in 2020. It goes much further back than that.
Hey perpetrators of this scourge on the human race, no one can be brought back from death, most people injured cant be repaired. Think about what you are doing. Take off the blinders. Get honest. Acknowledge the realities of the situation. Quit the medical mysticism. PU.
As long as there will be naive persons to trust governments, banks, Hedge Funds, etc... there will be a good future for psychiatry.
My general doctor's office now has multiple signs in the waiting room with a warning not to get violent or else we will call the police. LOL
So I guess people are getting pissed at the doctors that gave them the death shots.
I saw a similar sign at a local convenience store. People are getting mad everywhere. Dr. Michael Nehls? who wrote the Indoctrinated Brain has been talking about how these shots affect the hippocampus. I heard him with Mike Adams last week. I need to hear more from him to digest it all.
It's brain damage. We live in a sick world.
Thank You Dr. Makis. Greetings from Peru. Sooner or later we will se how the Commonwealth countries (more than just UK, Australia, NZ, Canada) behaved from Day 1 Pandemia to date"Post Pandemia".
Corman Drosten Review report. Online. A professional peer review of the most corrupt medical test ever devised, the SARScoV2 RT PCR. They did a point by point examination of the molecular chemistry and methodology the labs used as per the test protocol, and concluded, "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be useless as a medical diagnostic test". The most used test across the planet. Use to create the illusion of a global viral pandemic through high sensitivity and no specificity. Massive numbers of false positives. PU.
I still have a "Hire back our Healthcare Heroes" sign at the end of my driveway in B.C. It will not be removed it until B.C. public health officer, Bonnie Henry or the B.C. gov't drops/retracts the vaccine mandate for the over 3000 healthcare workers in B.C. who were "pushed out" of their profession for using their critical thinking brains and choosing not to get an experimental injection. I have a sister and a niece who are no longer permitted to work in their fields of public healthcare... This has gone on for 2 years!! We are still the most backwards province in Canada in this regard - it is so embarrassing and harmful to our healthcare system. Shame on these decision makers, our leadership is compromised. Doesn't the CDC now acknowledge that there are 770 safety signals?!!!... in the past 1 safety signal would be enough to pull a vaccine. For the love of humanity and the Hippocratic oath "1st Do No Harm" Bonnie!
In France now you can go to prison for three years if you say anything against shots...and pay 400,500 france which really isn't much, but THREE YEARS! Freedom of speech is dying rapidly. The WHO (Bill Gates, Pierre Omidyar, George Soros own it and their goal is depopulation.
It's mandated for all health workers in the US, too. A nurse asked me if I wanted the latest shot recently. I said, god, no, and said I would never take another. He said, I'm forced to take it or lose my job.
Dr. Makis’s is the real voice in Canada and perhaps the western world that opens the hidden abuses and lies and exposes the realities of the corrupt elected politicians and Goverment staff about who we have made the huge mistake of believing and trusting. And they are, I believe, being protected from injury by receiving vacillations that are not armed with the poisons and spike proteins that are killing off our families and friends. There is no long list of elected politicians or Canadian government employees who have died suddenly from some mysterious “cause unknown” disease that I have read? Myrna
When it comes to "shedding" I think it's very important to consider the fact that many people are emitting BLE and 2.4 GHz signals after getting the jab and very likely also after a PCR-test. Do we have any idea what this means for the human body and brain on a cellular level to live like a "human celltower" constantly receiving/emitting all those signals? And what this does to their living environment exposed to an enormous extra level of emf radiation the last few years? To not speak about the amplifying effect of it all together.
The docu "Bluetruth" shows a telling result of those now emitting bodies.
I'm familiar with people who are very radiation sensitive and have been for years, long before Covid. They now seem to suffer without any end and without any relief, wherever they go and whatever they do to mitigate their symptoms. It's heartbreaking to see, knowing what I know now and might very well be the case.
I would say, it's urgent to delve deeper into this subject of plain old "radiation poisoning" without the décor of all these nanotech- and transhumanistic distortions to pacify you, completely unjustified. I truly hope you will address this Dr. Makis. Thank you for all you do.
On the section halfway in about self-replicating mRNA vaccines, it occurred to me, that would be the ideal manufacturing process too. You can bet they're salivating at the idea of switching over to self-replicating in all the mRNA facturies that are going up. And I bet that could be part of the drive to develop self-replicating. And then when that shoot into you, it continues on replicating.
On the excess deaths, we're probably about the point where you start running out of people to count, and the "absolute" numbers only seem to level off or go down. We need to start counting excess deaths by percentage of population and percentage within age groups. And go back-calculate the numbers by percentages instead of absolute numbers. I haven't thought to notice if Dowd and the others are already doing that.
use linkedin
Broken record here
Math. Say the death within a couple of months is 1 in 500. Those are the deaths folk might react to personally. They dont see one of those. Same with regular docs, they didn't see one, or maybe they saw 2 of a 1000. Coincidence.
Injury x ten. Now folk have seen, temporal to the jabs, maybe one or 2 severe injuries, ie 1 in 50. Thats a coincidence. Same with the docs (generalists that is), they see 5 or 8 serious injuries, total.
However the injuries, AND the deaths, present as quite an array of 'syndromes'. And the timing say 1 or 2 months out, many of them. So 6 different things, spread over time. Coincidence.
I dunno. And then ponder cancers a year out, 2 years out. A stroke 2 years from last jab. OK. Many syndromes, now quite a distance in time from the jabs.... coincidence.
ARE we reaching a tipping point? IS the overton window shifting? Why would it? You got cult members primed to believe, desperate to conform, believing it was all in the public interest. And what they see personally is arguable. Nor do they even know where to start in the alt news universe. Helpless.
The poll suggests I am wrong. Thats good.
didn't know japs are so retarded