my name is Amalia and this is about you breaking your dad out of hospital yes so I have a first question I have for you did your father take the COVID shot he did not and he had COVID twice and he's 82 now why didn't he take it he and my mother I believe felt they already had COVID so why would they take a shot for something they already had
And so what made him go into hospital? Did he have a pulse meter on his finger?
Yes he had a pulse oximeter on his finger and this was June 2020 when everyone was really frightened about COVID.

VIDEO - She broke her father out of Hospital before they killed him (Amalya, CHD Mar.3, 2024)

Discussion about this video

Yes, Amalya. You make sense. Thank you for speaking.

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so appreciate your words! I didnt know when said said "Live" that we really were. I thought she meant this was being recorded then edited :) My hobby is to give us a voice, hope we stay in touch Kristine https://rumble.com/v4gdcpq--dr.-sabine-hazans-clinical-trials-covid-early-treatment-sabotaged-during-p.html and https://growthfactororg.substack.com/p/embalmer-richard-h-since-2021-never

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This woman is on a fire…. And everything she said… made sense about what everyone else in her industry is trying not to say.

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Well said Jomico! Fire of Truth! 🔥

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Jomico For sure I KNEW later my brain was being guided by a Higher Source when I broke my dad out of the killer hospital! Mrna shot contraindication seems to be that mental head meds, or some of them such as for bipolar, stop working, leading to suicide. My next interview is PEOPLE TOLD GO HOME to die CALL HOSPICE 3 WEEKS LEFT TO LIVE cancer spread, instead used a basic protocol - cancer disappeared! Join me here https://growthfactororg.substack.com/p/meet-steve-63-fit-healthy-to-misery hope you subscribe to my Substack and Rumble, I am censored on YouTube https://rumble.com/v4gdcpq--dr.-sabine-hazans-clinical-trials-covid-early-treatment-sabotaged-during-p.html YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQVkcimoByE&t=2170s

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THANK YOU Warrior Dr Makis for standing up for the best cancer treatments and for all you've done since .covid hurt us all. My hobby is to give us a voice , for those who want to stay in touch https://rumble.com/v4gdcpq--dr.-sabine-hazans-clinical-trials-covid-early-treatment-sabotaged-during-p.html and https://growthfactororg.substack.com/p/embalmer-richard-h-since-2021-never

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Brandy Vaughn was an ex drug rep who left her job to advise people on how vaccine trials were done, no placebos, comparing to previous version or if none, to a different vaccine, so that they hid adverse events by reporting the being tested one could be classed "as safe as" the control vaccine used, which of course, had deaths and adverse events themselves, and they too, had been given approval in exactly the same way! She was harrassed and intimidated by known and unknown forces, and one day, found dead by her junior age son. Interesting remark this woman made about people injured by a drug not real, just looking to make a few bucks. Shows how the companies brainwash their employees. At least she'd realised the propaganda and got her dad out.

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Mark, I heard her story and thought she was murdered however just minutes before this interview a friend informed me Brandy had the same medical condition as her mother and had struggled 9 months prior. Hope we stay in touch here on my channel - https://rumble.com/v4gdcpq--dr.-sabine-hazans-clinical-trials-covid-early-treatment-sabotaged-during-p.html and https://growthfactororg.substack.com/p/embalmer-richard-h-since-2021-never

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Thank you for this update on Brandy. She lived in Santa Barbara and I heard that she was murdered too.

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Yes, friends who knew her say it was not murder, hard for me to accept but she had that medical condition like her mother. For sure I KNEW later my brain was being guided by a Higher Source when I broke my dad out of the killer hospital! Mrna shot contraindication seems to be that mental head meds, or some of them such as for bipolar, stop working, leading to suicide. My next interview is PEOPLE TOLD GO HOME to die CALL HOSPICE 3 WEEKS LEFT TO LIVE cancer spread, instead used a basic protocol - cancer disappeared! Join me here https://growthfactororg.substack.com/p/meet-steve-63-fit-healthy-to-misery hope you subscribe to my Substack and Rumble, I am censored on YouTube https://rumble.com/v4gdcpq--dr.-sabine-hazans-clinical-trials-covid-early-treatment-sabotaged-during-p.html YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQVkcimoByE&t=2170s

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Its all a psyop the virus that never existed in the air or on surfaces, we all know it was a scare to push the poisons from DARPA into the veins of the people while irradiating the public and blaming in on germs and all that non-sense... Fear and profiting from people's ignorance to cram synthetic drugs down their throats! That's the game! Same thing with the cancer industry, there are already plenty of alternatives that have NOTHING to do with hospitals and ''high tech'' cutting edge science! Its all to keep the people sleeping at the wheel! This was a pandemic of testing https://rumble.com/v4gp7v9-forced-to-homeschool-because-of-vaccine-mandates.html

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Mar 6, 2024
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No, no coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. God's Providence is leading, guiding and directing all things to their appointed end. The Lord moves in mysterious ways, yet knowing Him enables one to see His hand at work in the world.

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For sure I KNEW later my brain was being guided by a Higher Source when I broke my dad out of the killer hospital! Mrna shot contraindication seems to be that mental head meds, or some of them such as for bipolar, stop working, leading to suicide. My next interview is PEOPLE TOLD GO HOME to die CALL HOSPICE 3 WEEKS LEFT TO LIVE cancer spread, instead used a basic protocol - cancer disappeared! Join me here https://growthfactororg.substack.com/p/meet-steve-63-fit-healthy-to-misery hope you subscribe to my Substack and Rumble, I am censored on YouTube https://rumble.com/v4gdcpq--dr.-sabine-hazans-clinical-trials-covid-early-treatment-sabotaged-during-p.html YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQVkcimoByE&t=2170s

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Wow, I love her. She’s a pistol!!!

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Amalya - you're on fire and feisty! Love your spirit and thank you for speaking the truth.

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You got to love this woman’s courage, common sense, and love for her family and friends as well as the truth. And yet, she does not think she is anything special!

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Thank you! You have shared great information. I will watch your substack 'Growth Factor'. Keep sharing!!

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I wish this woman was my sister instead of the sister I do have. My Mom would probably be alive today if it was that way. Instead I was fighting the system and my sister who "They are doctors and you aren't a doctor so shut up". I love this woman.

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Thank You Dr. Makis for posting this!! All these interviews are very important!

Repeating myself so many times, but will mention it again. After the 4th covid Pfizer injection, ~ his 80th birthday, my uncle committed suicide, and that AFTER going almost daily to church, and knowing very well one of the 10 commitments: DO NOT KILL, which includes oneself.. How the covid injections overwrite the deepest connection to GOD, was described in one of my first posts here on substack, in 2022, AFTER I was posting that analysis ever since 2020, BEFORE the introduction of these ILLEGAL gene modification treatments!! I submitted this summary to FDA/CDC upon request of CHD/Highwire, with NO RESPONSE(!!!). Here parts of these submissions inside of the post from March 2022 (2 YEARS AGO!!!)


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You made perfect sense! Thank you so much for sharing. Your voice is an important one! I know you have saved lives through this interview. I'm so encouraged to hear from someone who has broken free from the bewitching power of pharma's deep deception. Stay fast your course for the pursuit of truth. You're a lovely person as well.

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Thank-you, Amalya. Unfortunately, can't hear the interviewer's questions. Hopefully, there will be sound checks from now on to remedy this problem.

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I wrote to them reg. this problem and thought it had become a little better. Some of them also now have subtitles. But please also write to them here:


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Thank-you, Kamikaze.

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I do not like the title, it is not clear. It should say . She broke her father out of hospital before it could kill him.

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Ummm what it are you speaking of? The people in these hospitals were doing away with patients they swore by oath to do no harm.

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Amalya says at minute 4 that in May 2019 there was a conference in Pasadena, which appears to be the "1st Annual AMC", where a whistleblower was already discussing the threat of vaccine passports.

It would be awesome to find a clip of that presentation.

It seems there was a video recording of the event, and even a book transcript, but I have not been able to find them. Does anyone have it?

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Some nurses have contested that hospital protocols (remdesivir + ventilator and withholding of steroids) caused 90% of "COVID deaths"!! https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/killing-factories-how-official-hospital

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Thank you for sharing this video! The more we know the better we can advocate for ourselves and our loved ones.

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Yes Amalya, you made perfect sense. Grateful you were able to get your father out to a better facility. Thankfully you had experience with industry knowing about Ivermectin and how the propaganda changed the once being proud of providing a medication for men, women and children, to one that was only for horses. So glad your radar went up and you “woke” up. Keep on speaking about your experience and how you friends died in the hands of “the system” needlessly. Thanks for sharing.

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For sure I KNEW later my brain was being guided by a Higher Source when I broke my dad out of the killer hospital! Mrna shot contraindication seems to be that mental head meds, or some of them such as for bipolar, stop working, leading to suicide. My next interview is PEOPLE TOLD GO HOME to die CALL HOSPICE 3 WEEKS LEFT TO LIVE cancer spread, instead used a basic protocol - cancer disappeared! Join me here https://growthfactororg.substack.com/p/meet-steve-63-fit-healthy-to-misery hope you subscribe to my Substack and Rumble, I am censored on YouTube https://rumble.com/v4gdcpq--dr.-sabine-hazans-clinical-trials-covid-early-treatment-sabotaged-during-p.html YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQVkcimoByE&t=2170s

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Merk owns most of the chemical industry. Good luck getting them to send chemicals to your residential address (small business). A NWO company.

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Thank you Amalya! You are Amazing. Incredible. Divine. I truly believe more and medical field workers will wake up and help us clean this mess up with their wonderful expertise and beautiful passion. Thank you

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I know that hospital well. I even have several friends who work there. One says she is seeing many stillborn babies post-vax

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Thank you for speaking up and being real about the pharma industry, I’ve shared this video several times.

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Is this woman for real?

She is so eloquent, candid and knowledgeable.

Those of us lucky enough to know her can say she IS!

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A follow up study on the treatment Actemra + dexamethasone+azithromycin proved Actemra was no effective. In fact, the body counters it and produces more of the cytokines it's supposed to block. O

What worked was the powerful cortical steroid dexamethasone and azithromycin for the bacterial infection.

$3500 Actemra was a complete waste of money. Of course it couldn't work. To those with an active bacteria infection, it's akin to throwing gasoline on a match. This is well known. Which is why is has a black box warning on it. The whole deadly cytokine storm narrative is likely bullshit, as evidenced by everyone surviving that did not go to a hospital to this day.

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Already had covid? The PCR test is a fraud and so are the people who claim they had covid. This is microwave radiation warfare. Might want to review your investigation.

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