VIDEO - Pierre Kory and Kevin McKernan discuss ribosomal frameshifting
Genomics Expert Kevin McKernan on How mRNA Vaccine Frame-shifting Could Be Causing Long-COVID Symptoms: “If you frameshift over the stop codons, you’re going to be making proteins that are spike-mito proteins. When I talk to a lot of the Long Vax patients I hear of all these things that remind me of my time in the mitochondrial disease sequencing space…We tried to publish this in 2021 with Peter McCullough. Two reviewers signed off on it and then the editor stepped in and torpedoed the paper.”
(Source: Chief Nerd on X)
"Long COVID" appears to be the blanket excuse for all vax-induced issues
I can't count how many times I've heard of people say, "I've been struggling with long COVID, but good thing I got all my boosters, think how much worse it would be!"
A very highly paid employee of mine was healthy as a horse. He was vaxed. Then he got ‘COVID’. Then he got vaxed again. He got it again. Then again. Then boosted because his doctor said he had Long Covid. For the next year he was sick about half the time. $225,000 a year salaried employee. Sick for half a year. He then went off to work somewhere else! Thank goodness.
meanwhile, the UK economy is tanking due to "record long-term sickness"...
He shouldn't call it "long vax", it's incorrect and makes it sound insignificant. It's VAIDS.
I remember watching this interview….these are the people that the Governments, Medical and pharmaceutical companies threaten …. And try to attack….Kevin McKernan does an amazing job of explaining this…..Love all 3 of these men, I follow and watch most everything they do…..This is the type of truthful information that needs to put out there and spread to everyone ….. and the only way that is going to get done is by all of ‘us’ hitting that share button……thank you again Dr Makis for sharing another wonderful, scary, but wonderful interview…I just pray that people continue to wake up…..
Unfortunately, it seems that the problem is that bad actors are tying to accomplish some political agenda, and the jab is an essential component. This conclusion is based on the fact that no matter how damning the evidence becomes, and no matter how qualified the experts are who present this evidence, at the end of the day The CDC, and other governmental agencies repeat the mantra: “ safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective…”
DARPA/.DOD sponsored through the likes of Fauci and Gates monies.
It appears our governing organizations have been compromised just like our political parties and the unions. The Educational Union comes to mind.
You are exactly right!
SHARING is EXPOSING in this 5GUW as Michael Yon calls it.
5th generation warfare which is the most sophisticated form.
If millions do it it works and can't be stopped on many platforms TPTB can't control.
I don't care about social sites but use them to SHARE.
The EXPOSING is happening but no POLICE or MILITARY are yet willing to do their jobs.
They all have the information.
As Christine Massey shares below.
Why is mRNA still allowed to be used in people and in LIVESTOCK without being labeled? We need to stop this.
Why can’t independent doctors create their own medical journal and publish these studies that are currently being censored?
This. Is. A. Disaster.
This will now be my go to Physician even though I knew not to take Fauci's poison.
I went to five Dermatologists showing them a spot on my neck that i suspected to be cancerous. All five said not to worry . Then I found one to biopsy it and it was basal cell carcinoma.
I went to three Physicians who wanted to give Embrel for my arthritis claiming they were pretty sure it was psoriatic, until one to notch nurse warned me about the side effects when the Dr left the room.
I went to an OB who urged me to get a D and C ," they could examine the lining of my uterus for a hormonal imbalance." Obviously a lie but who knew at 23 back in the seventies......He, "may have cut open a major artery by mistake." I was too stupid to know to sue at the time.
Later I became a nurse and watched Physician Pharma Prostitutes lie to patients honest Physician is hard to find . The one interviewed below is just that and she has over 2000 c19 vax injured patients.
The whole thing seems to be becoming more and more serious, more problematic health concerns, more things to be afraid of. Thank you for the videos, I listened to all of them on this article. I sure hope these revelations get through to all the people listening. If the US bans the vaccine then Canada should finally wake up.
Most of this is beyond my understanding but this I know...... 1. There are experts like these good men exposing the Devil.
2. There are experts that have failed the temptations by the Devil.
3. There are experts that are complicit in this evil because they are afraid to speak out like the good men in number 1.
This is probably the most important revelation on the pathology pathway of these particular mRNA safe and effective vaccines.. I always thought the mitochondria was involved the moment I first saw the “disintegration” of the mitochondrial walls of those people reporting fatigue from the Salk Institute as far back as April 2021.. they already discovered this phenomenon.. 4 months after the first vaccines started going into arms…
It was unlikely the virus itself could get into the mitochondria of the heart or brain without getting past the lungs immune barrier.. but bypass natural immunity by sticking a Trojan horse full hypodermic with the toxic part of the virus would take a much shorter timeframe to get into the cell machinery and destroy the natural process of making ATP…
The clue is difference between a respiratory disease and a vascular disease… one you breathe in… the other you inject in.
Link provided …Read and weep…
God help us . Dr Stephanie Seneff was absolutely right !
Thank you but I am Orthodox and we go by the Julian calendar.
You just always come around to slam the latest vid and suggest everyone is controlled opo.
I hope my fellow redpilled can discern a certain pattern here.
If we listen to you almost no one can be trusted and even eg McKernan is either totally wrong or controlled opo. Maybe you are just like really really paranoid, fine we all have reason to be, but man, to you there are no leaders, they are all wrong. Below you lean on Seneff, that is like literally insane.
Of course the leading lights in the vaxx truth 'movement' disagree on much. They come from different backgrounds and know different stuff, on a background of little being known of this new tech. So inevitable. You just make such obvious, predictable disagreements, into mountains, bigger than they are. My view.
Sorry Steve you are wrong. Dr Stephanie Seneff , researcher and Professor at MIT with a duel degree from the same warned about this happening several years ago. She had nothing to gain as she is retired and a dear soul concerned about others.
Steve O , you might want to judge for yourself if Dr Seneff makes sense or sounds credible'
I understand it can be difficult for someone who has no medical background to grasp .However, she certainly is not a liar.
I see you believe Dr Lee Merrit and her expert Lab tech
Dr Seneff has made more than a few wealthy enemies , especially with her books and articles warning the world about the cancerous toxic effects of glycosphate.
Have you heard of RoundUp ?
I am wondering if you have not noticed the Wikipedia was just one of many online publications that have been compromised by the "Trusted News Initiative" , a left leaning financed group who combat any scientist or physician who does not go along with the "safe and effective" message of Dr Fauci and company. Dr Stephanie Seneff, Dr Judith Mikovitz, Dr Zelenko and many other educated persons in the health and scientific community have also fallen victim to their attacks as have the treatments that they employed to lessen the impact of the covid disease which kept people alive and out of the hospitals.
One medication in particular that was viciously attacked in print by media members of this group was IVERMECTIN . As a result the Drs Kory and others sued and won the lawsuit proving this Noble winning medication was safe and effective used off label for covid. The FDA heavily criticized the use of the drug through media outlets which were part of the The Trusted News Initiative. .
"FDA settles lawsuit over ivermectin content that doctors claimed harmed their practice. The US Food and Drug Administration has settled a lawsuit over some of its posts about ivermectin, including what may have been one of its more popular pandemic-era social media campaigns.3 days ago"
If Dr Seneff 's work was not to be trusted I wonder why MIT had her as a Professor or awarded her two Graduate Degrees ?