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Well, thanks very much indeed. Welcome to the channel. My name is Jim Ferguson, and I'd like to welcome Dr. Marcus back to the channel. Doctor, it's great to see you again. How have you been? Thank you very much for having me. I'm good, thank you. That's my absolute pleasure, Doctor.
And, you know, we've had several thousand new followers, quite a large number of people who have joined the channel since you've been on. Otherwise, I wouldn't normally bother, because a lot of people would have heard you on the interview with me the last time.
But I think for the sake of those people who haven't heard you or may not be aware of you, would you just be good enough to give us a little bit of a background on your specialities and what you do, please?
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - UK's Jim Ferguson with Dr.William Makis (Jan.18, 2024)
Mar 31, 2024
Scary beyond words. The huge disconnect in the medical community with many medical professionals taking up to 7 mRNA jabs to-date is insane — we are losing young doctors to these poison shots, the doctors we need to care for us, and we are losing many more people around us, yet our governments and legacy media remain totally silent —deaf, blind and mute, refusing to acknowledge any of it — including the epic numbers of sudden deaths aligned with the jab rollouts. How can ANYONE with any conscience whatsoever, especially those who are supposed to be publicly accountable in our governments, continue to sit idly by and ignore what is happening? They MUST be held responsible and at this late date after sweeping everything under the carpet this long, they leave themselves totally without excuse for their role in these horrible crimes against humanity. WHY ARE THE MRNA shots and “experimental technology” not being banned worldwide!?!?!
Because it is antichrist tool, and the white Horseman. WHO did it with our governments who signed up to WHO in 2020 and have been lying ever since that they have not. Download the PDF, read it, pass it on.
You probably have forgotten that this is "The Great Reset". Those in control: want to reduce us, who they call "Human Rubbish" down to around 500,000 all up, well after vaccines those not vaccinated, myself included, will probably be all that survive this to some degree. We are the people who worked in their factories which created the wealth that later generations of them now enjoy. But these people are thick beyond stupid, because our system works so well with a multitude not a minimum, but they think that robots and machines can replace us, like duh and unfortunately, this could very easily be the end to most life on this planet, created by a few mad people who can't see what they are doing and have done. At days end, they can always jump to the Globalist thinking and say they saved our world from overheating by killing most of us off, but if they were so concerned, why did they not kill themselves off, to save all of us from the heat their bodies generated instead - oh I get it, not me, pass the buck to you, sort of thing - right?
Dr. Makis, ✨praying God’s greatest strength and blessings over every area of your life. So thankful for your integrity and amazing courage, and for all Canadian truth and freedom ambassador/heroes like you, and for many others around the world whose brave commitment to all that is good and right is blazing a bright path and banishing all darkness. 🌼✨💛
Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.
I agree Rob but have you thought of the millions of "scientists" who actually do the torture? Like experimenting/torturing animals and stuff like that? There are literally hundreds of millions, if not billions (probably) who are complicit in the obvious (to me) Nazi medicine (operation paperclip.)
Dr Makis, thank you for warning people about the next « pandemic » they will fake or create.
Thanks too for warning about Pharma & cancer.
Contrast these 2 statements:
«One in five people develop cancer in their lifetimes, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said [recently].»
Bourla, to Yahoo Finance, March 13 2023:
«Right now, one in three people are set to get cancer in the course of their lifetime ».
That’s quite a rise in cancer that Bourla’s predicting. He certainly seems to have some inside knowledge. But then, he knows about the LNPs, the frameshifting, the plasmid DNA contamination, the SV40 sequence, the T Cell damage.....
I wonder if some of the risk is related to 5G?
I don’t know the ins & outs of 5G technology.
However, regarding the shots, it seems pretty certain that the immune system can be disrupted by the LNPs in the injections, by the spike, the pseudouridine, the SV40 sequence, the plasmid DNA contamination & the frameshifting that forces human cells to make completely random non-human proteins.
Pfizer has bought a cancer therapy company for a price way above its value & Bourla STATES one in 3 of us are going to get cancer. My guess is he knows a LOT of cancer is coming.
Yes they already warned us cancer will increase within the next couple years. Sure wish I had a crystal ball like they had 🙄 we are dealing with the worst of humans
jim has an interesting tie on!
Ask him about this one while you are at it:
Thank you. I have been looking for this!!!
Happy to oblige - get feedback and get it posted - i want to know what the fuckwits have to say about that!!
So, the fuckstory saga of censorship continues… Someone I forwarded this to by link asked me who Ben Bates was (the email recipient of this letter). So, I did a quick search using Freespoke search engine. Came up with 3-4 hits directly linking to the email letter. -Today, a few more people opened the link and got the error page not found.
I forwarded through IG and they hammered it shut. Now, a search query for Ben Bates returns ZERO hits to the email/ letter. The game continues…
Talk about the ultimate test of gullibility if people do not see the clear con unfolding with these sudden investments in cancer after their sudden mass vaccination program. They can't answer even the most basic of questions. Will people be fooled? No! Not any longer. This absolutely will be connected to the toxins and em radiation coming out of your wifi devices, towers, etc. is my opinion, Levels have doubled on just routers themselves in the last few months. Wake up my friends. Your phone or any of this wifi is not your friend from years of readings I and others have been doing,
Dr Makis, Katherine Watt writes that she has:
«located a Federal Register Notice of Final Rule through which then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb shut the doors of all biological product manufacturing facilities to FDA inspections, effective May 2, 2019, eight months before public announcement of Covid-19, and more than a year and a half before the Covid-19 mass vaccination campaign got underway in December 2020.
« This fact helps to answer the question: How could hundreds of millions of doses be manufactured, shipped and ready for use a few weeks after the FDA's December 2020 "emergency use authorization" decisions? Manufacturing began well before Covid was announced, inside factories not subject to inspection. That's how. »
Inspection or not. It took 1-2 years for experts to discover (graphene oxide, micro parasites, DNA contamination etc). It was a military operation, not a health emergency….Rockefeller and Gates bought all the king pins, media, federal organizations, even John Hopkins who was a respected hospital etc
All before they launched that “apocalypse “….and the ones coming forward. Those billions GMO mosquitoes 🦟 financed by Bill Gates.
All of those high placed, with diplomatic immunity from Switzerland. Lots of elimination to do. But WHO will do it against so powerful forces?
The Jews in Nazi Germany at least knew getting on a train was the kiss of death. Most of the people now don't have a clue, which makes it so much worse.
Sorry dr makis but why are you not looking into the "no virus" ? I've been reading and educating myself on these and it's about time you doctors should too !
A few thoughts on how the Covid scam began: Bill Gates owns patent that grants him “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body
12/12/2022 / By Ethan Huff
I downloaded and read the Pfizer secret contract as I am sure some of you did too and what I found interesting was that Pfizer, at least, did not want assets in the form of real estate or properties, but they wanted Embassies and Military Installations with airfields and with airfields we associate planes. Trump signed the secret contracts to remain in force to 2027, yet Trump NEVER had a vaccine, did he?
There was a story going around, prior to the release of the vaccines that they were tried in a herd of Texan Cows. All the Cows died within a few days of the vaccines injected, except one Cow which lasted 9 days before it died too - then guess where they were injected, why, into the volunteers arms of course: Contracts let to record 1,000 deaths per day in VAERS - BEFORE - vaccines were available, or released into human arms - like "How was that possible" You tell me?
Contracts wording provided and with who
CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting of vaccines injuries and deaths.
The contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature:
According to the contract, VAERS had been receiving an annual average of 53,000 reports in recent years, so in contracting for up to 1,000 reports per day, the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher.
The initial total amount specified (with options) under the contract with Eagle Health Analytics was $5,925,388.58 or $7,077,054.90 “with all options” (which presumably includes the extension of the VAERS work through July). This amount also includes the CISA project assistance. However, it does not include the increased hours in the Oct. 29 revision, nor the increase for the V-SAFE pregnancy registry work. However, I have not been able to find the contract in any Federal contracts database. Perhaps one of my readers will have better luck.
How Much Did All of This Cost?
The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars over a 6 month period.
Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN on gene drives 2016 December 4, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the U.S. military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic extinction technology known as “gene drives” – pumping $100 million into the field. The trove of emails, obtained via open records requests, also shed light on a $1.6 million dollar UN gene drive advocacy operation paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna Inc., the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, is responsible for creating it. Don’t believe us? Then read the exhaustive evidence below and check for yourself.
ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG By The Exposé on April 30, 2023
Moderna's Covid-19 virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG may evade vaccines or the protection of natural immunity. CDC
Covid Crusher - don't tell Biden, he has just invested 1.4 billion, in more vaccines against Covid and we know vaccines don't work and never have - way to go Biden!! Pfizer's Puppet.
Just don't take any vaccines, it's not rocket science. Just say No! simple.
Breath of fresh air in the middle of a disaster we face! Thank you for all you do!! So many good people stepping up against evil! 🙏
Kudos to our host, yet another great interview in a long line.
Still a comment like a broken record I continue to flog.... if disease X really does have a very high mortality? The seeded cells would likely burn out as eg ebola or MERS. BUT - contact at that point would be deadly? Could be deadly? Vit D and IVM would not be sufficient?
Yah I dont want to stoke fear. Nonetheless I see actual folk in large numbers dropping dead in Edmonton, I may hermit up and try and wait it out?
This interview really went into 'X', but stopped short of suggesting if you are near a 'seeded' cell maybe you should steer clear? Actually have on hand what you would need to wait out say 3 months in self quarantine?
I dunno. 20x is a lot. They keep telegraphing it. Gates said with his hideous squid smirk 'they wont be laughing at the next one'.
Elon named one of his brats X (for gender neutrality) .
REALLY??!!!! This is what to retain from that interview??!!!
Don’t know why but his implication to warn whoever is ready to listen is more than supplements.