Why the mRNA vaccine when it hadn't been tested and tried in any other circumstance before? DARPA, the research unit of the military, in 2012 launched a program called the ADEPT P3 program. It's still on their website today. And it said that the military would end pandemics with messenger RNA vaccines in 60 days. And this was in 2012.
Wow. So it turns out the United States had made a massive investment in messenger RNA and governments all over the world did.
Biotech companies, a paper by Lalani and colleagues in British Medical Journal said tens of millions of dollars, billions of dollars poured into messenger RNA vaccines all over the world because the idea is that we can use it as soon as the genetic code is known for the organism, a computer can quickly

Why was mRNA the Government Vaccine of Choice for COVID-19?

Massive Public-Private Investment Over Decades was Destined for Deployment

John Solomon on Real America’s Voice Just the News asked me why was mRNA chosen over traditional vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic? My answer goes back many years to the US Department of Defense Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (DARPA) ADEPT PROTECT P3 program which stated in 2012 the US will use mRNA vaccines to end pandemics in 60 days.

Former president Trump and the White House Task Force should have done their homework with a phone calls to DARPA and a few clicks on the internet and told America that mRNA was the plan for many years. It was not developed during the few months of Operation Warp Speed.

mRNA has a scientific “seduction” that lathers up molecular biologists unlike any other product I have ever witnessed with 9,613 patents licensed to giants in biotech and the US government. The National Institutes of Health Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and DARPA have had a torrid love affair with mRNA for decades. Note how both agencies end with the designation “Authority.” The speed from sequencing a novel virus to production of a mRNA vaccine is breathtaking. However, seduction leads to blunder and that is exactly what happened with the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccine programs.

Lalani H S, Nagar S, Sarpatwari A, Barenie R E, Avorn J, Rome B N et al. US public investment in development of mRNA covid-19 vaccines: retrospective cohort study BMJ 2023; 380 :e073747 doi:10.1136/bmj-2022-073747

Appreciate that I am able to give this interview in the middle of clinic with no notes because several years have gone by since 2020 OWS and I have done my research. It is shame that Trump and his advisors, with all the resources they had, could not work at the same level of investigative alacrity and disclosure to the American public. Take a listen to this rapid fire segment and feel free to click back on the links to see how we covered this topic on Courageous Discourse.


Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation


Discussion about this podcast

This is the problem when you put trust in the people around you to do their jobs. The people around POTUS were slimy snakes in the grass who had been planning to deploy this charade on the next Republican president for years. Didn’t need to be DJT. Just any generic Republican would do. Does anyone think that was an accident? Plausible deniability is a way of life for these government criminals. Should DJT pull off a return to the White House, expect all hell to break loose. 2019/2020 was just a warm up. We ain’t seen nothing yet.

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Just as a reminder, it was Mike Pence who was in charge of the covid response. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51654494

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The DOD was actually in charge. Pence, like all other politicians, was just a poser.

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And Judas Pence was the one who put Birx into her position and it was she who kept experts away from Trump. Ask Scott Atlas. It was Dr. Atlas who assembled a group of experts to meet directly with Trump but Birx canceled it but Kushner allowed the meeting but limited it to 5 min!

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Yes, I agree with Margaret Anna Alice, it was NOT a blunder, mistakes were not made, it was a deliberate move by eugenicists to cull the human herd. The evidence is too great to attribute to accident.

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He hasn’t been president for the last 4 years abd when he touted HCQ he was savaged. As for DARPA hindsight is 20/20. If he didn’t know the history how could he he expected to do his homework? All these colleges mandating the jab as well as companies. Read the oped I posted by Dr Kory. Turbo cancers in young adults. This is on the AMA the NIH. The FDA and the CDC. And they are STILL advertising on radio and tv to get your booster and flu shot.

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As was done for co2 and the climate change mantra. Same op

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Actually, very early on, David Martin did a video on all of the patents, extending back for at least a decade, with regard to mRNA, indicating that this wasn’t something ‘new’ but had been on the drawing board for years. Certainly, I understand the logic, or promise, of creating a vax based on the genetic code….but as Dr. McCullough says, it’s just a shame what happened next. It will be interesting to see whether the damage done to the public with this mRNA vax influences this protocol’s future.

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Thank you for the history, Dr McCullough. Reminder to us all, Mistakes Were Not Made. Here is the link to Margaret Anna Alice's iconic poem read by Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Tess Lawrie. https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-video-dr-mike

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Interesting sentence in the conclusion of this BMJ paper -- "With the SUCCESS of the mRNA technology platform demonstrated with covid-19 vaccines, hundreds of new products incorporating mRNA synthesis and lipid nanoparticles are being tested." Obviously Big Pharma's definition of "success" and mine are quite different. Their definition of success is the high number of people that have been killed by this toxic gene therapy, which meets the goals of the depopulationists.

Let's face it -- Big Pharma doesn't was to "cure" anything! They can't make money curing people -- only making them sicker and treating them, which makes one wonder how killing their customers, which meets the depopulationists goal of reducing global population to 500 million, will be profitable for them in the future. Dead customers don't take drugs.

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Not a “blunder”….and if the average person could do enough research (did not take much) to determine that the technology had failed repeatedly due to safety profiles…how can you dismiss this as blunder? Seriously, words matter.

This was a large clinical trial…arguably designed to collect extensive data lakes relative to the problematic issues related to the technology. Not to mention they have now positioned themselves to get increased funding in the future to help cure or treat all the ill health caused by the vaccine, and funding to tweak further this “elegant” technology that you all seem to be so in love with. Hubris, greed, God-complex, and some dark agendas underlie what at its core is a desire to be able to “engineer our own evolution”….in essence, eugenics.

Blunder….NO…at best, reckless disregard that rises to the level of malicious intent.

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It’s ridiculous to keep talking about health results as if that mattered. It’s always about the money so always address the profit, money angle first because that is what the priority for them is. Everything else is to avoid the conversation of greed. For crying out loud Google, big pharmas good friend, lists medicine as the third leading killer of all Americans. Truly they are the leading killer so why are they considered heath experts?? They profit off your misery. Wake up!!!

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There is a saying “good comes out of evil.” It’s true because of the foundational truth of our existence: the world is non-linear. You never quite know how things will work out.

LINEAR thinking gives rise to Procrustean solutions, like depopulation and poison shots. Kill everybody who seems to be “in

the way” of corporate interests. The principle of personal sovereignty the Found Fathers embedded in our Constitution is undermined by weak and corrupt leaders who cave when a lot of money is involved.

Awareness of the critical role of our human microbiome in immune response and overall health has gained a lot of traction in just two years, per my following. This collection of non human organisms … gut flora that diffuse throughout the body … is an indispensable organ .. it warrants the same attention as hearts, kidneys and livers. When it fails badly death is much slower, but nevertheless inevitable without correction.

I claim that Ed Dowd’s 61000 dead millennials who traded their laptops for death certificates in Q3 ‘21 … the “Silent Vietnam War” … suffered over-vaccination as children. The damage followed them into adulthood until their immune compromise collided with the COVID shots. Age 35 was birth year 1986. Ring a bell?

Along this line of reasoning I consider ALL vaccines discredited. Damage to the microbiome is likely for all vaccines if only a fact for some at this point in time.

Decades of “safety trials” never brought attention to this critical engine of immune response. Then what is “safety”

other than an interpretation of data steered by assumptions … an incomplete set?

I am super-duper educated but speak as a citizen/consumer/taxpayer. I concede to Suzanne Humphries and others who point out that treatments for childhood diseases are available and effective especially combined with proper nutritional and lifestyle practices.

Protection of the human brain from conception onward is a seminal

principle dashed to smithereens by the COVID shots, MMR and the rest of the poisoned injections. We don’t have to care what Offit or Hotez have to say about it. They and 90% of practicing physicians and State health authorities have been made blithering fools of. The lesson of the pandemic is this: do your homework. And we deeply thank the physicians, chiropractors and other healthcare givers and scientists of many disciplines who have maintained a tenacious grip

In reality throughout this ordeal.

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Fauci (satanic creature) and his ilk have been preparing for this moment their entire career and “we ain’t seen nothing yet” they have just started injecting the mRNA into our food supply!🤬 PORK Is now being injected: this is part of plan and it must end by military tribunals for them all. Here’s what Trump did👇


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Trumps EO 13138. Crimes against Humanity involving vaccines. Big pharma to MSM to governors, schools board administrators and others will be punished.

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Link doesn’t seem to work?

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DARPA fueling fantasy-insanity, fueled by GREED, where government funds/income streams are LIMITLESS!

Is everything the government pours taxpayer-money on a “money laundering scam”?

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This is a must read. Soon, they will attempt to move all Monoclonal AB therapies to mRNA platforms.

If you depend on MABs due to some kind of autoimmune condition for quality of life, I feel sorry for you.


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Yes, I used to work in pharma and can easily see how the mRNA platform has the entire industry salivating at the opportunities. I no longer trust anything administered with a needle, and am concerned about how stealthily they'll be able to change a medication's formulation to mRNA. On a personal level, I'm on Prolia for my osteoporosis, and tried going off of it but promptly fractured three vertebrae, so I may be faced with tough choices down the road.

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My like wasn’t really a like. I wish you good fortune in this. It’s an almost impossible situation. 🙏

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I agree that Trump and Pence didn’t do a good job vetting. But like many of us, they didn’t know and thought the medical community was trustworthy and knowledgeable. They should have done better homework and been more suspicious.

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Professor Dolores Cahill of Ireland warned in mid 2020 about the disaster that would ensue from the mRNA vaccine, based upon her work as the foremost virologist during the past 20 years. She stated the mRNA was proven to be unsafe, and would result in thousand of deaths within 3 years. She explained in detail the dangers on USA national TV, but governments including Trump and Biden listened to the money changers in the Temples of Politics

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Dr. McCullough finished with, "It's a shame what happened next."

Of course, when a modified vaccinia Ankara virus that expressed SARS-CoV spike was tested on ferrets, the injected ferrets suffered liver damage.


Likewise, injection of SARS spike and other proteins induced severe pneumonia in chalenged mice. https://journals.aai.org/jimmunol/article/181/9/6337/78904

Authors Czub, et al., (2005) finished their paper with these cautions:

1) "rMVA-S (spike) can induce rapid and vigorous neutralizing antibody response in ferrets challenged with SARS-CoV; however, such *neutralizing antibody did not prevent virus infection and spreading.*"

2) "vaccination with SARS-CoV S (spike) and/or N (nucleocapsid) protein may lead to enhanced pathology during SARS-CoV infection of liver and may cause damage of the liver."

3) "extra caution must be taken in future human trials of SARS vaccines due to the potential organ damage resulting from immunizations."

So: not effective -- doesn't stop infection or transmission.

not safe -- makes the disease *worse,* causing liver damage.

Any professional paying attention after 2005 would have known in 2021 that injection into humans of an mRNA inducing invivo manufacture of SARS spike would very likely cause serious problems.

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Mnra will never ever work, unless you are using Human and no lipoproteins. It cannot be controlled in the body, and the body immediately recognizes Mnra as OTHER and will kill all your cells that make it.

Stupid stupid idea.

And BTW, if you give some one human DNA/RNA it will still reject it....because it is other. Just like transplant patients

It was a bad investment to begin with...and I resent throwing good money after bad.

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Also, agree with the above comment

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Hubris, accentuated by $$$!

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The BMJ article talks about COVID-19 vaccine development public funding for the previous 30 years. Yet I was under the impression that the COVID-19 virus per is just a few years old? Are we talking about generic corona viridiae?

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There was no virus. It was all a lie. Every. Single. Word. Of the entire Scamdemic.

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in BC Canada: Dr. Stephen Malthouse B.C. Conservatives drop doctor whose medical licence was suspended for COVID response - BC News - Castanet.net

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I believe that is one of the reasons they had to get rid of Mike Flynn early on . He was both loyal to DJT and ex-military so DARPA insiders (whistleblowers) could have a channel to the President .

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