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Only 11 spoke with a local woman who says she lost feeling in much of her body just hours after getting Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. You are, as you write, one of the unlucky ones who suffered, who was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome. A B.C.
man who says he suffered a rare COVID vaccine injury that left him paralyzed will be getting financial support from the federal government. Now, if you got sick after taking the vaccine, what would happen if you did get sick after taking the vaccine and when you tried to get help, everyone just treated you like you were an anti-vaxxer?
VIDEO - Vaccine Injury Compilation (by Henry Benedict April 2023)
Mar 29, 2024
Trump you need to Acknowledge that your words are Lies, and you need to repent for it!!
He never will. His minister for 20 years who he loved was a 33° Freemason, who wrote the book on positive thinking, and he was taught and believes that all you need to do is try to do better. He is not an apologist. Also, he knew exactly what was going on three months before the supposed covid, Trump declared a quiet executive order that most people don’t know about that would fast track the flu vaccine in case of a pandemic. He is definitely in on it he could’ve fired. Found any time he did not. He kept his enemies close because they’re not his enemies. these are Luciferian actors maybe now you will realize that politics is one big Freemason/illuminati game. We don’t elect anybody we get two people before us and they’re both freemasons and we’re supposed to pick the best!! What a joke. Its all a scam
You have to realize when that video of Trump was done. It should not be in this substack. This was taken before any significant deaths and injuries were reported. By the summer of 2021 the results were changing. Trump was fed the lies about the unvaxxed as well as a "vaccine" will be developed with "warp speed". He had to listen for hours to the corrupt doctors feeding him this misinformation without a competent real doctor to give him the correct side. Remember this was in 2020 when many people still believed in the Scam. If Dr. Zelenko would have been in that office with him the result would have been different.
Note what happened when he quoted the good doctors about the success of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Azithromycin. Fauci, the drug companies and CNN came out with non-stop fiction.
In addition, At the time of that video, you have to remember that the injections were just starting and more important is that treatments with safe and effective Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine combos were very few as the NIH, Fauci and the drug companies essentially had them banned. Only a few dedicated doctors were able to prescribe them while being harassed. The hospitals waited until you were really sick and gave you the dangerous Remdesivir and tubes. Most people did not survive that.
" Safe & Effective" ... remember? NOPE! ...
500M by 2030. Wakeup Dummies!
My friend texted me yesterday that she had met an old friend who had told her she was going to the funeral of an acquaintance's 7 yo daughter here in Vejle, Denmark. The girl had been diagnosed with fluid around her heart right after the shots and now her heart had given up. The doctors had worked on her for 45 min..
On 21 March, a primary school student was flown away in a medical emergency, from a school in a neighboring municipality. There has not yet been a follow up on that story, and I am wondering if it was this girl - or yet another child...
I thought Denmark only ever jabbed 11+, and they certainly aren't jabbing kids now. So how can this girl have recently had covid jabs, do you mean other types of jab?
Children down to the age of 5 have been eligible. She wasn't recently jabbed. My friend wrote that her heart gave up 'a year later', but I'm guessing it must have been more than a year. I don't remember when they stopped jabbing kids. I think in 2022.
Unless maybe her parents had her jabbed on their own account. I think that has been possible, but not entirely sure.
Ok, thanks. I'd not realised they went so low. I remember Brostrøm going out and personally injecting people (not sure if any kids) on tv. He needs to be reminded of that.
Just looked it up. They were recommended in Dec. 2021 for this age group, and this was re-evaluated already in Feb. 2022. I don't know for how long they may still have been given by doctors or how many children 5-11 had them. The younger, the much lower the percentage overall. Fortunately!
His own mother was injected and the photo made public, with Søren standing behind her. She died a week after my own aunt, May 5th, I think. That same month, in May 2021, Brostrøm won a vote for some position in the European part of WHO. Now he is employed full time. I think as some kind of adviser to the WHO/Tedros. He is actually trained as a gynecologist...
I am seeing some colleagues waking up and acknowledging personal damage. But it is slow going. Me and kids unjabbed, wife jabbed. Almost got divorced. She wanted to divorce me because she thought I was crazy not getting it. I stayed with her because I still love her and understand she has faith in the government and medical system. Its impossible to break this faith at least up until now. If it does break I fear what she will go through will break her.
Lost most friends due to the lies propaganda and censorship that has made it impossible to have any discussion which killed me for a time. But now I am over it and just watching and to some degree dreading that they wake up because it will destroy them. The full realisation that this is a genocide and end game, means that the perpetrators are not going to stop, let up, they have to continue now so it will get worse. Don't get me wrong I am not giving up, I will fight to the death, but I fear for what is coming.
Same here. Stay strong, and if this world is influenced by our sincere prayers, pray like nobody’s business.
Shocking and truly believable. They’ve messed with mankind and it will never be the same again. God help us!!
I watched those testimonies and it was absolutely heartbreaking…God Bless Senator Ron Johnson….
This is winner take all. Considering how many have already died from the vaccine and how many more are going to die. I declare victory. Already.
So easy was it, that we didn’t have to DO anything.
Just not kill and maim ourselves and one another.
- Like they did.
Fraudchi needs to be hung by his tiny lil gonads.
He is among many that should be hung, but they won’t be because this is Satan’s world right now, but when Jesus starts judgment, he’ll take care of them better than we ever could
They will probably throw Fauci under the bus.
So good this information is coming out! I have a family member so ill from the vaccine and so many friends injured and many more with sudden Cancer. I am not vaccinated as was the decision of half my family. Only by this information coming out will there be hope that there may be some compensation for these unfortunate people who believed they were making the “right decision” and protecting themselves and their family and the world. Unbearably tragic and such an evil action of our governments and particularly that they are hiding the injuries and deaths and lying. Myrna Kerr
Compensation, yes, but it should come from the perpetrators, not the tax payers.
I am right there with all of the victims of this horrible poison. I pray for the people who are in more distress than myself. May they find peace and solace knowing that one day the monsters who created, approved and implemented the use of these death and destruction jabs will be held accountable. I believe with all my heart that they will pay for what they have done. If not in their lifetimes, definitely the next.
These reports and testimonies are so important. Thank you, Dr. Makis, for sharing this video.
PS For any commenters and comments section readers who might be new here: Since 2021 I've been transcribing video testimonies for the historical record. May the collection of transcripts red-pill someone somewhere. Source videos documented on all. Some videos have already been wiped out.
Full List of Transcriptions:
Sublist of bereaved and injured speak out:
Relatedly— for those who don't do video:
Misinformation? YouTube removed my ‘COVID-19 vaccine injury compilation’ video #shorts
henrybenedict June 20, 2023
HENRY BENEDICT: Hi everyone. Unfortunately YouTube has taken down the covid 19 vaccine injury vaccine compilation video I uploaded to my channel.[1] And I can't say that I'm surprised, but I am a little bit confused as to how it's considered misinformation when all I did was string together clips that have already existed on YouTube for over 1 to 2 years and even since the pandemic had started.
To my delight, though, the video did generate over 630,000 views, it generated over 30,000 likes, and over 14 plus thousand comments within the span of a month and a half.
But, yeah it is, it is a shame that YouTube took this video down, but if you'd like to continue watching it and sharing the video then just feel free to check me out on rumble or Twitter and you can view the video there.
# # #
[1] See:
COVID-19 vaccine injury compilation
henrybenedict, April 18, 2023
You’re doing amazing work!
Thanks for reading.
It's so sad to see these videos of vaccine injuries. My wife and I were so right to just pause and see what happens for a year after the Covid jab release. She was a nurse as a career and I have a heart condition for 20 years,. Neither of us took the jab. I would have died for certain had I taken it, unless of course I was lucky to get a placebo.
Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK
The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).
Viral vectors do the same thing.
So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.
All vaxes are full of nanotechnologies, to remotely access peoples bodies
Precisely, but it is worse than that. Download and read this: Next I have to tell you that if vaccinated, you have a bio-weapon installed in you and I don't think it can be removed. Read my last post on my substack which is free, all feedback and suggestions of how to possibly, beat it, appreciated.
I so wish that the whole world could see this video, especially in all parliaments. Thanks Dr. Makis for all you do.
Extremely rare, blah blah blah. Spare me.
Not rare at all. Scandalously dangerous, harming so many people my head spins contemplating the tragedies. Accountability must happen. Don't let them get away with it.
It is beyond difficult to watch this, to listen to the lies💔so many peoples lives are totally ruined & so many young dying😈evil