It's palpable that the anger of citizens is rising. It's been on a sort of slow simmer for years. It seems to be coming to the boil. The heat has been turned up, or the heat that's already there is somehow building in intensity.
You can't point to any single place on the map really and say, here's the seat of it. The building, anger and frustration and heat and pain is everywhere in the West, certainly. And it's for all sorts of reasons. You know, there are many symptoms all coming from the same disease.
By now, we've all endured, what is it, three, four years of the most dangerous and blatant assault on freedom and civil rights in the history of humankind. That's a fact. And I make no apologies for bringing this up over and over, for worrying at this like a terrier with a rat.

VIDEO - Neil Oliver: "There's a Storm Coming" (Feb.29, 2024)

Discussion about this video

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

― Howard Zinn

“Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it.”

― Howard Zinn

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A survivor of the Holocaust, warned that one should not raise their children to be too "obedient". She said that one day they would be obedient to whoever 'sings the piper's song,' and that whoever was in an authoritarian position, they would obey. Adolf Eichmann at his trial said, "I have always believed that one has to be obedient."

She also said humans need to be raised with a philosophy of ethics, with a conscience. Gisela spoke of Christianity and Judaism as examples. She concluded with, "We have to be very careful when these things start up again."

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Mar 19
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Keep going with your correct line of thought regarding Christ, and you see this:


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Seems you have a misunderstanding of Scripture. The Jews have been the Lord's chose people from the beginning, and His end time plan is designed around them coming to realize that Jesus, born a Jew, is their Messiah. There is no genocide happening in Gaza. The majority of those living there support Hamas, and Hamas absolutely needs to be eliminated. Saul's writings are inspired by the Lord Himself and if anyone knew the Lord it would be Saul/Paul. The separation of the wheat and the tares takes place at the end when the true believers are separated from those who aren't.

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Mar 19
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"are inundated with the writings of the one who did not walk with him?" Wow. You have articulated my observations so elegantly! I wonder sometimes if Christians have placed Paul over Jesus as The Teacher. These days sermons quote from Paul's writings much more than Jesus' sayings.

I guess the establishment finds Paul's teachings less abrupt than Jesus' in-your-face aphorisms. Jesus was an iconoclast, never an apologist.

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You say, "The teachings of Jesus are tossed aside in favor of the writings of Saul of Tarsus." You are very ignorant of Scripture, if this is something you think is true! You toss aside 13 books of the Holy Bible due to your ignorance! Just because you don't understand that part of God's words to us, you rebel against God by rejecting his word.

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Mar 19
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You're in rebellion against what the Holy Bible says, because, as you say, you don't even believe the Bible to be the words of God, so no wonder you're ignorant in your comment, here.

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As I have written about on my Substack, my husband and I are wearing 4 inch paperclips (like the Norwegians of 1940 and currently, people such as MP Andrew Bridgen and Dr. Ryan Cole) as a symbol of resistance. It has been interesting to be asked, mainly by fellow church members, why we are doing so. Some respond to our answer with a blank look or a strained smile, but I have been surprised at the allies we've found. One such person is a young mother who regrets that she didn't learn about the dangers of childhood vaccines until her older two children received some of them. One of her sons is autistic. We have to continue to find allies and work to enlighten those who are still deceived.

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where does one obtain these paperclips and read about them?

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I bought the 4" gold paperclips at Staples. I've been told Hobby Lobby has them and Amazon has various options.

My first Substack on this: https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/the-great-paperclip-resistance

Handout I made recently: https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/my-first-paperclip-resistance-handout (I did have some info on a half sheet of paper which I gave out until I created the handout pictured in the Substack post.)

Hope this helps! I'm sure you can improve on these ideas!

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Wow Anne, that is fantastic! A great handout and idea, well done!

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Thank you. I just want to encourage others.

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You do inspire others, I’m going to check for the paper clips.

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For those dealing with side effects from the clot shots, get Nattokinase or Spike Protect to help eliminate the spike protein that is destroying their cells.

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Right on. Man!!! As a veteran reporter, I’m ashamed at how extensively our mainstream media sold out. Much of this misery and chaos could have been prevented had reporters done their job. They are complicit. Shame on them.

Byron Christopher

Edmonton, Canada

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Yes, they are shameful. They are simply another tentacle of the satanic monster. People in Canada need to forget the days when there were honest reporters who cared about honesty. They are a different entity now, owned and operated by the enemy.

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Trudeau gave 6 Billion dollars to 1500 news outlets. We really can't expect them to look a gift horse in the mouth now, can we?

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Trudeau admits to paying off the news outlets. Reporters & journalists will never get paid, and be honest. They can’t. The success of Covid fear-mongering & lies about the vax ( Fauci), are all the result of a pay-off.

The amount of compromised agencies & industries, has resulted in blood on the hands of so many. There are even paid trolls on internet news sites that defend the vax & increased “ sudden” deaths.

They try to normalize these deaths. Why else would you respond to a news report of a young soccer boy that collapses & dies on the field with, “ this happens, kids die- it’s not vax related.” Ugh! It’s so obvious. I can’t let it go & I squash them every time I see this. Many have joined in the fun & it’s given me new hope. There ARE people that are pushing back & waking up.

I wonder if this is the ultimate goal? And the elites continually stir the pot & it’s difficult to imagine the goal ISN’T civil war. Then, their ultimate goal would be achieved: martial law!

Yes, I feel & sense more anger & frustration, but seriously, what if that plays right into their evil hands?

I say, focused frustration is the answer. Not violence, and chaos, etc. That’s what “ they”

would love. Make changes locally & be vigilant about checking city council “ comprehensive”

plans & amendments. That is United Nations: Agenda 30 or 50? They keep changing the number. 😂 ( 15 min. Slave Cities)

Read “ Behind the Green mask” by Rosa Koire

It explains the U.N. Agenda & how to push back.

It’s happening NOW so get involved. Controlled anger will accomplish much more right now. Let it fuel your courage & determination to turn this mess around. Love God & your family. ( elites will hate that too)

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It's not a civil war, nothing civil about it, we are experiencing a global coup d'etat using the concepts of Sun Tzu, Art of War. The bio weapon deployment was a major salvo to eliminate and weaken the target group. We are in WWIII.

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True that! The Covid/Vax scam was deliberately created and promoted by the Elites to assist in the creation of a Global Elite with an expressed intention of reducing the world population and using the survivors as domestic slaves and cannon fodder for their endless wars. AI is the means of control and suppression of the free and natural world. Same rationale as the French elite Royalty and the Nazi coalition. Historically, they will ultimately fail as evil inevitably collapses in upon itself. You simply cannot outrun the history train……

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Further ... The protests such as the truckers etc. were fruitless. The greatest effect would have been achieved if EVERYONE stayed home from work. The BS would have ended in one week. Total non compliance.

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Simple but effective!

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I remember reading this story a long time ago...

A bunch of ex-Vietnam Vets had retired and found solace in an area of the Pacific Northwest. Years later it was announced that a large multinational company was going to start Heli-Logging in that area. The CEO received an anonymous letter stating that they knew where he lived and the names and addresses of all the Heli-Pilots. Needless to say, they never Heli-Logged in that area.

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We've been under siege for 4 years. Sadly most are blissfully unaware or actively fighting for the enemy against their own neighbor, for personal gain. What must happen to clean up this mess, can only be supernatural.

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In Canada, MAIDs is routinely offered to those who are suffering adverse events from the Jonestown Jabs.

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Or simply suffering from depression.

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I hope he's right because I don't see it here, too many are still glued to their MSM "news" channels and still believing the bullshit. Also Biden is arming the illegals by promising them citizenship if they join the military, thing is, they mostly hate America and its people. In Canada we have so many jabbed injured who have been left to swing in the wind, "doctors" have lied to them and/or ignored them. So I will continue to pray and ask God for protection because He is our only hope.

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No - WE THE PEOPLE are the only hope we have because we are the majority that THEY fear !

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“The memory of oppressed people is one thing that cannot be taken away, and for such people, with such memories, revolt is always an inch below the surface.”

― Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

― Thomas Paine

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Why not made this coming storm in the forrm of a complete, yet peacefull, strike.

This is the most powerfull and efficient form of dissent and, at once, the most secure for the protesters.

Simply refusing to produce goods and or services until TPTB's minions will walk out the door of parliaments and agencies.

After that only will we be able to reconstruct a viable society.

Until that day comes, we are nothing more than condemned men on death row.

“We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

― Howard Zinn

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I heard on man calling for that worldwide on April 1st this year.

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I like how you think. We have to do something like this before “ the chip” gets into people. I was watching a documentary today on Illuminati group & history of it. Basically he said it doesn’t matter what we call them, bottom line is when they convince people to get a chip inserted in their body, it’s over. And never, never believe in the reason they give for it, duh?! But there IS always 2 reasons for everything they do.

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I don’t see anyone angry yet and baffled by it.

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I see them here on Substack. It’s been 4 years but the anger has simmered to a low boil. A pressure cooker of hate that only needs a clear route to follow. There are thousands in this country that would rise up with little preparation to defeat evil. Not for “ revenge”, but for survival of our freedoms. Revenge is HIS. Romans 12:19

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Yeah, I meant in person.

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Anthony Fauci = Josef Mengele.... mass murderers whose weapons were government sanctioned medical experiments on their victims.

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thanks for this…he is always on the target

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When the "Let-them-eat-cake" elites have been trying more aggressively to depopulate the masses, eventually, the masses wake up to that reality. While the propaganda media tries to subdue the masses with propaganda lies, and psych-ops of fear, more are awakening. When the elites (e.g., Zuckbucks, Sorass, etc.) fund for the stealing of elections like Stalin so proudly stated, it is not who votes, but who counts the vote, eventually, the apathetic masses begin to awakening.

Thanks to the alternative media, the elites lies are not working as they desired. Even if the alternative media was cutoff, the awakening would happen anyway since the reality the elites are creating has becomes so painfully unjust and immoral, it cannot be hidden. These actions of true Marxist-Fascist who are influenced by Satan in bringing destruction, chaos and death actually cannot discern moral and physical reality as they think such actions are good!!! It is just like Romans 1:18-32 and Isaiah 5:20 tell us. It is also what leads them to their own self-destruction as we have witnessed with Fani Willis, in unjustly trying to destroy Donald Trump. Pride and arrogance become so strong in their own self-deception that they make careless decisions and mistakes that the truth finds them out. Sometimes it is God who may supernaturally act against them too in bringing a reaping for what they have sown in inequity.

Never trust a Luciferian!!! Their father is the father of lies, Satan! What Western Governments need are more regular people who have a fear of the Lord, and trust in the Goodness and Mercy of God, in Jesus Christ. These leaders can help bring back the blessings of God, but it starts with a change in the Church, then an awakening to God in the people. in otherwords, a bottom up movement to restore God and His Ways into the culture, not Satan's ways.

The elites are purposefully destroying everything that was good in the West. What was good was from God because of our forefather's belief in the Judean-Christian values for a society. The Luciferians are at war with God because they hate Jesus Christ, and that war is against the people too.

Sadly, for too long, too many people have kept voting these godless Luciferians into power, and you get what you wanted. Don't stay silent, tell those whom you know who are deceived by Satan, to wake up, and come to faith in Christ for their future destination is eternal hell. We must vote the Luciferians out! We must demand justice against the evil doers using the rule of law like Nuremberg. Do not promote a pendulum swing to the right that lashes out in the same kind of lawlessness that the left so loves. In other words, do not become the same kind of evil person with an opposite ideology. Stay true to justice by seeking truth and righteousness like Jesus Christ. Let the law serve them their justice, and if they never come to faith in Jesus Christ, God will bring them the ultimate justice they deserve with a higher burn level in the eternal lake of fire!!!

The only hope for the West is to come back to Jesus Christ who is the God of truth, righteousness, and justice.

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Well said !

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" Freedoms are not given.

They have to be taken. "

Aldous Huxley

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If watching his facial mannerisms is distracting, just listen to audio. The message is important enough.

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Every systems that exist today were all design by the elites. That first start 5 000 years ago with the knowledge we no longer know in our times. The knowledge of the cosmos which brought upon the religions that are based upon the cosmos, (Zeitgeist Documentary explain this fact that date since way before Christianity came around). Then along the road came Politics, money and taxes. Then again many other systems that simply existed and get updated over times and school came up when they realized that they could brainwashed us even better while they start working on the killing of the family unit which is the most important thing to do for them. Family unit used to be strong together and hard to brainwash... not the case today. Feminism came up to help push women to work... more taxes that are paid and, well mothers now goes to work instead of being there for their kids which help the destruction of the family unit. And more could be said but make your own research.

People... you really need to know history of our world to help connect the dots.

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Absolutely...we shall not stop speaking about the treacherous acts of the ones we call govt.

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It has already arrived and I am the bearer of those grim tidings: Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK


I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments. I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines. -Dr. Yeadon

Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication

To: Ben.Bates@met.police.uk


Cc: Mark Sexton

Dear Ben Bates,

Dear Ben Bates, I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity.

Let me begin my outlining my credentials to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place. My name is Dr Mike Yeadon.

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another interesting historical fact is that a fixation on gender confusion manifests before empire collapse, the best example being the Roman Empire.

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As the late General Douglas McArthur once stated, "History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into economic and political decline. There has either been a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster. It's not a matter of if God's judgement will come, it's only a matter of when."

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Thanks, doc. I do love Neil Oliver. He’s a real human—with his critical thinking skills still intact.

Most of the people all around us, especially professional doctors, lawyers, politicians, cops, soldiers and journalists have been so “schooled,” bio-synthetically brain hacked diverged from reality and outright bought, that there’s few left the desperate majority people can turn to for assistance and trust for the truths, especially with all the unnatural political divisions facilitated by monsters like Trump, Biden and their crazy-made-crazy supporters.

Instead of normal, centered, moderate individuals capable of critical thinking and “naturally-occurring diversity,” Americans and the rest of the world have been intelligently divided up for bloody civil and world war.

It’s NOT an accident that the most powerful bought politicians of our countries have bomb shelters with plausible deniability immunity protections—which they have no constitutional rights to—meanwhile “We The People” get the business end of spy networks, batons, bullets and bombs to use against each-other. These well protected war & disease profiteers and their bought politicians cowering behind several layers of unjust laws and legalisms MUST be punished, not the people trapped to one bogus, rigged election after election, plus the wars that are always interlaced to keep us distracted; intentionally triggered to psychologically-drive the people to hate & kill one another.

I’m going to end this madness—if I can get the few human doctors and pro bono lawyers with human souls to sacrifice their lives for the majority, the same as they expect brainwashed soldiers to do time and time again—without equitable compensation.

It’s the same scam; create divisions like a rigged Super Bowl, then have the fanatic fans war each-other, but this time after being poisoned by ChemTrails, weaponized vaxxines and energy weapon systems via HAARP, DARPA, 5G, satellite, WiFi, Bluetooth…

This is NOT a conspiracy theory (code for nuts), but an unnatural reality. Humans don’t naturally hate and war each-other. Nor do they fear fair trade and diversity at our boarders. But our boarder are NOT about markers & mapping for orientation, or security, or honest trade & immigration, but a corrupt politician’s tool to create fascist police states, just like Israel. The Americas, all of Eurasia and Africa are next, and Trump knows it, just like his friends he labels our enemy. They are all humanity’s enemy. Help me stop this!

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I agree with much of what you say, although as a Canadian watching what has taken place in the US these past few years, I disagree on a couple of your thoughts. I would take Trump any day over the criminal that is running our country, and you are mistaken about Israel. When the entire world turns against Israel, the Lord Himself is going to step in and wipe out all those who are against her. The Jews are His chosen people and due to their disobedience they are going to suffer the seven year Tribulation, but in the end many of them will be saved. At least, all those who come to realize that Jesus is the long awaited Messiah.

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My understanding of history is too complete to support evil apartheid Israel.

I’ll always support an individual’s right to practice any religion they choose, even satanic Jewish faiths, so long as they don’t spy, torture and murder anybody but themselves, not slaves.

Israel and individuals like Trump are monsters that must be completely destroyed, and I’m not taking about war, but just them and their brain-hacked supporters, and their satanic masters must also be imprisoned.

Even after being brutally tortured as a child by religious fanatics, I still remain kind and open to the individual’s rights to be free and practice their faith, but I’m determined to destroy anyone who wishes to control individuals by abusing any God with their religion.

I support Dr. Shiva, not Trump or Biden or RFK or any candidate that supports satanic Israel. It’s not a choice to be forced to choose between two or more evils; Eugenicist Zionists. Don’t hate me for your love of God, I’m just so NOT a normie; very logical-autistic and completely intolerant of all emotional slaves of any kind insisting upon any social-religious radicalisms.

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Please share this video with your naïve friends and family. Critical thinking cannot take place in a knowledge vacuum. https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1768033041568727391

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Huge fan of Neil Oliver for some time. Such a great mind!

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Love the accent!

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"The resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion.” ~ Club of Rome, "Goals for Mankind." (Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, and George Soros.)

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Mikhail Gorbachev? Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union, did away with Communism and want Russia to be a partner of Western Europe.... but was thwarted by the Neocons in US to this day.

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“I envisage the principles of the Earth Charter to be a new form of the ten commandments. They lay the foundation for a sustainable global earth community.” ~ Mikhail Gorbachev, co-author of The Earth Charter

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"The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of a world government.” ~  Mikhail Gorbachev, State of the World Forum

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“The threat of an environmental crisis is the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” ~ Mikhail Gorbachev

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That makes me wonder, yet again, if the whole thing with Russia, China, USA and all the other players is all staged?

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I usually like watching him - but his eyes keep looking up one side to the ceiling and it is distracting!

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Nonetheless such a powerful statement. Neil encapsulates perfectly for all of us the dystopic sense of reality we're feeling these days but have not known how to express.

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I just scrolled the screen up so I saw the bottom of his face.

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Yes, I too found it odd since he didn’t do that when at GBN. So something is different causing him to look up momentarily, perhaps to gather his thoughts, because something or someone in front of him is distracting him.

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I watched the first three minutes and totally agree, his eye movements are very distracting. In NLP the eye accessing cues state that if the person you are looking at keeps looking up and to the right (your right), then the repressentational system they are using is visually remembered. Not sure I believe all that mumbo jumbo, but it's interesting that he constantly does it. I haven't seen him talk before, but does he always do this? Is it a personal tic of sorts?

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I don’t recall noticing this quirk before. It’s oddly frequent here though, almost like a tic. Anyone notice it before, or is this new?

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Just out of curiosity...did you get your name from the Marty Robbins song "Big Iron" ?

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Weird. Never noticed it previously. Easy to check.

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I have a Muslim friend at work

He told me that Israel has purchased 5 Red heifers one of these heifers will be sacrificed on the 28th March for the building of Solomons Temple / Third Temple , I’ve seen a picture of the alter .

Now the problem . The temple will stand on the foundations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque !

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...they'll try everything to provoke Iran...yay

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Mar 18
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Absolutely false. Hamas did exactly what has been reported and Israel is doing what they need to do to survive. Yes, the Jews have the Red Heifers and plan to sacrifice one very soon. However the next temple will not be started until after the Rapture and the Christians are taken out of here, which could happen at any time. We are living at the end of the Last Days and things are happening exactly as predicted in Scripture. For those who miss the Rapture they will experience seven years of the Lord's wrath being poured out on an unbelieving world, but it will give everyone a last chance to be saved and spend eternity in heaven.

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Well and carefully stated. All points taken and understood. I agree, the zephyr is leaving if not already left.

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The article below indicates the Trudeau Regime, through the Winnipeg bio weapons research lab, collaborated with China to engineer covid and now disease X, a bio engineered super contagious and deadly Ebola virus. I can't help but ponder if the Great Reset is really about the release of disease X as the final solution to depopulate the planet. Does the "X" stand for eXtermination? Perhaps this tie a lot of loose ends together and may explain why Davos elites like Bezos, Zuckerman, Gates etc are building underground bunkers. "Don't worry, you will own nothing and be happy"? No, it appears all the "useless eaters" will be dead.


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The best-laid plans of mice and men still often go awry. It looks like Nature & Nature’s God might soon have the last laugh. https://youtu.be/mlVhswYead4?feature=shared

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Indeed, let us hope that those who dig a pit as a trap for others, will fall into it themselves.

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There are two Human species on this planet now. 1) Those who have refused vaccines like Trump, RFK Junior and Me who remain Human and are protected by the Laws of Humanity 2) Those who volunteered to be vaccinated and were subjected to the vaccines which are a bio weapon, designed to take away their Humanity and which makes them a new species which has Zero Rights of any kind, now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, or the Military who paid for the vaccines and their injections into the arms of the willing, to either kill you, because your bodies are not suitable for genetic modification, or for genetic modification, those that survive the vaccines and the diseases they deliberately deliver like Cancer, as Genocide, if you had remained Human, but no longer are.

Both the WHO and your government, who has signed up to WHO control are behind your planned extermination, because this is in line with the removal of the Human Rubbish which they see us as and the expected reduction of our species, of now, the two species, down to around 500,000 World Wide by 2025/26, better known as the Great Reset, which is online to have occurred according to Deagle's, by then. Further more, governments, all of them are trying to suppress this above information from getting out, by creating New Laws to make these actions punishable, once made into Law, because they don't want you to know they were behind your planned extermination and deaths can be written off as just plain bad luck - the Covid pandemic did it - but how could it have done:


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Thank you for an excellent summary. I hope there is a ground swell forming against what seems to be a headlong plunge into global totalitarianism. Sadly I think most people are just lemmings blithely heading to the cliff.

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Thank you very much for continuing to speak to these atrocities. I hope and Pray that there will be righteous judgment on the perpetrators of these evil decisions. SO THANKFUL FOR THE LIKES OF YOU BOTH!🙏🇨🇦

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Neil Oliver certainly understands what is going on around the world. His one mistake is believing that Gaza is a genocide. The majority of the Palestinians are in support of Hamas and that evil entity must be eliminated if Israel is to survive. We are living at the end of the Last Days, and if the entire world turns against Israel now, as is predicted for the very end, the Lord Himself will step in and save them.

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Why does no one point out that not ONE of the Arab countries surrounding Israel will take a single Palestinian into their country? They don't want them because they know they are trouble. I worked in the Middle East (Iran, then Saudi Arabia) for 10 years. I was in many of the countries in that area. Everyone hated the Palestinians. They still do.

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Neil Oliver is a guy with integrity, but there is one important historical fact that he and millions of people haven't discerned yet: Governments don't rule nations, governments do what the international jewish bankers order the to do.

British prime minister and USA presidents have revealed this historical fact, so why on earth so many people still don't know it? They're constantly kept distracted with fabricated political issues.

Start researching what Benjamin Disraeli and Woodrow Wilson revealed!!!

Nation's leaders are paid pawns who obey the script given to them by characters well above their heads, normally 'advisors', the intermediaries between them and the bankers.

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William and all,

Why aren’t all Americans who want to begin reclaiming America talking about and/or writing about the most critical highest priority issue right now...ELECTION INTEGRITY???

Most important writer regarding America’s serious issues...


Click on Lex Greene’s name to catch up Americans!

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Love ya Neil Oliver!

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no no no..........it is only stressors and not the poison jabs that are causing problems !

Lemmings ,please look over here all .....

"One of which is our physiological response to stressful events such as Covid. Stressors can cause chronic inflammation in our bodies. Chronic inflammation is linked to serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer – and may also affect our thinking and behaviour."

I guess the unusual white fibrous rubbery clots are also caused by stress ! LOL.......


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Isn't there a reference on the NATO website itself that they are now in the battle for the mind? They've been dissecting controls of billions of minds for centuries. The tech tools at their disposal has that on steroids now.

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As far as resistance, the only thing this guy is missing is the major resistance and revolution taking place right in the face of these oligarchs, which can't be stopped now because it is worldwide. Look up: Robert Breedlove, Guy Swann, Peter McCormack... This happened in 2009, right after the big crash, and has been building since. Look up Marty Bent. Look up TEXAS SLIM and the BEEF INITIATIVE.

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The storm is part of the plan.

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I thought "the plan" was part of "Operation Trust".

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Mar 18
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The planned coming digital ID's will be designed to contain all of our personal information, health, driver's license, bank info,, etc. which will allow those in control to shut things down at will. Everyone is going to need a "Credit Score" based on how well we fall in line with the agenda, including big companies like Costco and Walmart. In order for theirs to be good they will need to insure their customers are all falling in line. Start today paying cash for everything as it can't be tracked. Buy small silver coins that can be used for bartering. Stock up on food and other essentials as the planned food shortages are already in the works. Over 20 food processing plants in the US have burned down in the past couple of years. Farmers are being forced out due to the climate scam. The controlled weather is causing major crops, such as the fruit in the Okanagan to be destroyed.

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This is true. One thing is needful, though: The Lord Jesus Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6). Believe in Christ's death, burial, and resurrection as atonement for your sins and you will be given the gift of eternal life. May all who read this choose to trust Jesus Christ as their Saviour today, before it's too late. Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

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Mar 18
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Up in Canada, I used to read about them but never saw any. Now, more and more, I see them. Sprayed like grasshoppers, sounds about right.

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Same here! In southern and central Alberta our skies looked the same.

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Mar 19
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Also heard they were seen in Ontario.

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The HighWire had a long and really interesting segment last Thursday! Jim Lee believes they are 98% contrails that already contain all of these polluting elements and that the planes are having their routes, altitudes etc. directed through a Google AI, resulting in the checkerboards.

So there is absolutely still intent and they are using an already existing pollution, it is just a question of semantics, as he says. He also gives his thoughts on why, incl. the upcoming solar minimum, and how dangerous this manipulation is.

I'm not convinced, but it is worth considering. And maybe it is a both/and?


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Mar 18
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Wow! Thank you for your observations and thoughts on it. I've sent pictures taken from my window to The HighWire, with a lone and very low hanging short, dispersing cloud trail that seems abruptly cut off at both ends and ask how that can happen? Many of the trails seem at not that high altitudes, but we have an airport near by (maybe 20 km), so occasionally, planes fly at a very low altitudes right over where I live. Trying to connect the dots...

Yes, the Lahaina arson was brutal. Heartbreaking. Jim Lee is aware of the weather warfare and ended the interview with saying that they hadn't even talked about all of that.

All I know is that I'm struggling to breathe in my own home, and have been almost daily during these past winter months where we have had both floods and a snow storm in between (DK). So I ended up writing a 5 page letter to the local police, letting out a lot of my fury and asking a lot of 'why?'s! And telling them it is time to 'lion up'!

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Mar 18
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War is absolutely being waged on all of us. I remember a retired firefighter from Austin who after Lahaina among other said:

'This time the whole world witnessed the weapon being used. This war is now visible to all of us... our reality is so distorted that this happened in front of everybody and nothing happened.'

You could also see the rippled frequency clouds starting over the islands just before it all started, and the satellite images were blocked out during.

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Mar 19
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Hadn't heard about the town in Chile!

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Mar 18
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Not just one door coming off, but a wing coming apart, a tire flying off on takeoff and destroying some parked cars, and another plane suddenly dropping and injuring numerous passengers. Hiring based on DEI does not make for good outcomes.

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Here in Alberta it has been going on for a long time, not just one or two days but all year.

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Mar 18
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Yes I am surprised how people believe the narrative put out by the legacy media.

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