VIDEO - HPV Vaccine Death - 21 year old Chris Tarsell died suddenly in her sleep with cardiac arrest two weeks after 3rd HPV Vaccine jab (Gardasil) June 2008
Christina Tarsell was a 21-year-old college student majoring in studio arts at Bard College when she received a series of three Gardasil shots. A talented athlete, artist and honor roll student, she died suddenly and without explanation shortly after the third shot in June 2008
¨100% of Physicians approached with this form have so far declined to sign it.
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form
¨100% of Physicians approached with this form have so far declined to sign it.
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form
The following form was adapted from Ken Anderson’s original.
Download PDF English
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety
Download PDF Espanol
Garantia Medica para la Seguridad en las Vacunas
Download PDF Francais
Formulaire a faire signer (Vaccines)
Thank you for these posts, Mr Leblanc. I shall be forwarding them to family, friends and reposting on social media, with your permission re the latter.
Hi Penny - Please share as much as possible and all my posts. We have to stop this barbarous practice!
Thank you very much. Entirely agree that these unconscionable assaults must be stopped. The same goes for the rest of the abhorrent childhood poison ‘schedule’.
Your posts and links are invaluable and will save lives, thank you again.
Thank you. Other information to share. Most people have no idea what are the ingredients in a vaccine. In a store, they will look the label to see what king of ingredients are inside. They for sure, would not buy a drink with mercury, aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, or
DTaP exvcipients : polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine serum albumin,
neomycin, streptomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate, ammonium thiocyanate,
yeast protein, aluminum... but it is ok to shoot all that directly into the blood of a teenager.
How about a child now. Insane!
Human Vaccine Inserts
Vaccine Excipient Summary
Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine
In addition to weakened or killed disease antigens (such as weakened, killed, or parts of viruses or bacteria), vaccines contain very small amounts of other ingredients – excipients.
Thanks again!
Thank you for this!
Its brilliant what you are doing. Before long, all adults will need to do the same for themselves. But would this measure still not help with certain access to parts of day to day life, without proof of a certain poison injected ?
I am an anti-vaxxer. All vaccines are poisonous. All. Say no to vaccine.
¨How young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine.¨
¨Film Exposes Motives Behind Mass HPV Vaccinations and Deadly Side Effects
A substantial new documentary film released online to audiences in the UK and across Europe this week, questions claims made by UK, Danish and Spanish health authorities that widespread administering of the HPV vaccine is both safe and a guaranteed means of preventing cervical cancer. It comes at a time when – flying in the face of independent science – UK and European medical experts are proposing to extend the vaccine’s use from teenage girls, adding teenage boys and children below the age of puberty. 'Manufactured Crisis: What they're not telling you about the HPV Vaccine' exposes cases of severe, life-changing adverse reactions experienced by girls and young women following doses of the commercial HPV vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix – cases from which the public has previously been shielded. Recorded adverse reactions include severe disability, paralysis and even death. Throughout Manufactured Crisis, victims and their families tell their own, often heartrending, stories.¨Read More
Manufactured Crisis - The documentory :
I read recently that they are developing a genetic specific vaccine to HpV for African Americans and Latinos, because they have cervical cancers caused by different HPV viruses. Like I believe that.
The Vaccine Holocaust: Laura Hayes - “Why Is This Legal?”
"We cannot, and should not, defend that which is indefensible, and that includes the barbaric and reprehensible practice of vaccination. " Laura Hayes
Laura Hayes's Powerful Speech : NO ON SB277 Sacramento at The Capitol on April 8, 2015
214 Research Papers Supporting The Vaccine/Autism Link
I looked it up and it's on the vaccine "schedule" in B.C.
This type of transparent reporting is unheard of today.
And nothing has changed since 2008. A young girl I know was injured by the Gardasil injection. She eventually recovered and then got in line for the covid shot so she could go to nursing school.
Yes there are variations in human physiology, but if these 'medications' are killing some people they arent doing anyone any good. Beware the 'Oops syndrome'. "We thought we knew what we were doing, but oops we didnt. So sorry". PU.
Dr Makis , Please listen and watch
Now cath labs all over are pulling these out of living people
This is it.......
thanks for shedding continuous light on these anomalous deaths!
but as we all know, they have nothing to do with these medical products that are 100% safe and effective and are clearly the result of acute anxiety-induced deaths stemming from anti-vaxxer misinformation.
dr. fraudci