By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
There could be no other time in American history where free speech is on life support, particularly involving scientific discourse in the context of doctors and scientists responding to patients dying from an infection with a human engineered virus and later suffering from another novel exposure—mass indiscriminate genetic vaccination. Both the illness and the vaccines expose the human body to the damaging and potentially lethal Wuhan Spike protein.
Everything from the origins of the virus, early therapeutics, and early data on vaccine toxicities was censored in mainstream and social media in a premeditated and coordinated fashion all over the world. It took government agents working hand in glove and in some instances directly within media offices to “moderate content” in order to put out the following line to the public:
Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex False Narrative
SARS-CoV-2 was equally deadly to all age groups and thus everyone must mask, lockdown, and wait in fear
The infection is the first in history that cannot be treated early by any means
We will be saved by global mass vaccination campaign with an array of products administered every six months without an endpoint
All vaccines are safe and effective without question from their release in December 2020 until now
Despite a broad array of arguments put forward by the plaintiffs, the Supreme Court on Monday, March 18, 2024 appeared to be caught in a tangle of procedural and substantive issues all poisoned by partisan politics. The importance of scientific discourse appeared to be lost as witnessed by this exchange captured by Politco.
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson pressed the Louisiana attorney about instances when the government could require speech to be suppressed if there was a compelling interest — raising a more expansive defense for the government taking action against certain speech. Notably, the other two liberal justices did not publicly follow her lead.
“Not every situation in which the government engages in conduct that ultimately has some effect on speech necessarily becomes a First Amendment violation,” Jackson said. She later went further to say some might argue the government “has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country.”
If government paternalism wins over the free speech of scientists, then we are in for dark times in clinical medicine as attorney Daniel O’Connor alludes to in his speech on the steps of the Supreme Court. O’Connor leads TrialSite News which has been a beacon of scientific integrity and free speech in a time where rapid communication was needed for scientists and doctors to collaborate and save lives.
Please listen to O’Connor’s well developed delivery and contrast it to the warped analysis from Justice Brown. We will find out in a few weeks what SCOTUS decides and will need to recalibrate our approach moving forward.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
"Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson pressed the Louisiana attorney about instances when the government could require speech to be suppressed if there was a compelling interest"
Of course there are instances such as these! They occur constantly - daily - in communist countries.
This particular iteration of federal government seems to always find one or more compelling interests to violate the Constitutional rights of a large swath of American citizens whenever those interests serve the federal officials, high level employees, Establishment politicians, and the multitude of NGOs and Corporate entities who all profit significantly at taxpayers' expense while providing little to no benefit to taxpayers or while actually threatening and/or harming taxpayers.
The entire federal government and all cultural institutions that support and encourage its current posture and behavior have become domestic enemies of the People and the Constitution.
Wise and concise.
Cowardice and treachery in the John Roberts SCOTUS.
Shameful trash.
When I click on the comment icon lately, it takes me to a page that says I need to update the Substack app. When I then click on the update button there, it says there is no update available. I can go to to get the app. Once it takes me there in the App Store, I can click on update. It asks for my phone number to send me a code. After I enter the code, it then insists that I agree to share my contacts. My contact list is private. It includes my doctors and other private contacts. There is no option to not allow my contacts to be shared. What gives? Substack does not need this information.
Very worrisome!
Ketanji offers sophistry, and the other members of the court remain silent. She offers a hypothetical that amounts to what are commonly known as Public Service Announcements. Yes, the government can offer Public Service Announcements, and has for generations. Usually they are a waste of taxpayers dollars. The government CAN issue PSA, but they must be truthful and accurate.
All the Covid and shot claims made by the government have been falsehoods.
Ketanji's comments were sophistry, and her mates wearing black robes remained silent. SCOTUS has only one role in modern times, to support the status quo even though it be criminal.
If only Trump had used his second two choices as wisely as he did his first, although I suppose he might have had difficulty getting another conservative like Gorsuch confirmed.
Thanks for all you do, Dr. McCullough.
I agree that a better choice than Kavanaugh could have been made. He was the one that helped Roberts concoct the scheme to get the unconstitutional Unaffordable Obaminable Care Act passed. But people sometimes judge things differently once they are on the Supreme Court. At least Trump’s choices helped to overturn Roe v Wade.
Oh you mean the Medicaid (eventually for all) that the 2008 Trojan horse of total Socialized medicine that is intended to expunge all personal medical sovereignty like they authorized by Covid emergency decree. Yeah, well actually that was a setup for the coming flood of illegals that Hillary was supposed to begin in 2016 until the people elected Trump to stop it. That’s one reason they hate him so much. Anyway, as the Cabals of hate the American middle class who hide behind the Democrat banner collaborate with their WEF (circa 1971j globalist Oligarchy friends the plan for the 2030 reset is still active. By 2030 most Boomers like myself will have met their demise so that’s a good time to expunge Medicare replaced with Medicaid for all, Yay, no more personal autonomy, compulsory medicine for the god of all and they will let you know when you’re not complying with a penalty, and with digital currency their control of all assets they can lower individual value with social credit scores and other manipulations making your value decrease whatever way they chose. What’s that you say? But you have a Constitution? Right!
I’m thinking the corporate hospitals and “practitioners” (doctors are now a premium) were swamped with “free” healthcare debt and needed a bailout and bingo, Covid jabs and the need to print $6 trillion of play money to get the middle class replacement illegals settled and help the globalists move along the climate scam so the CCP can buy more nuclear subs, cause they’ve been our besties for three decades now and counting. And also a little to go to Ukraine to take out the lifetime childhood nightmare of these 1960’s whiz kids at the helm of government right now because many still have nightmares of Nikita Khrushchev under the bed, ya know? Have a nice day.
All that you write is certainly the Marxist Demonrats’ goal. I hope to be raptured before then. The world you describe sounds like the End Times to me. Much of the Book of Revelations has already come true.
My apologies, as a Vietnam infantry combat veteran I can tell you I have been to the abyss. I lived it all and paid the price. My intention is not to slander my own generation that I loved being a part of, even though back then many were merciless as many followed the Marxist that were and still are in our government to slander America, its military, and especially its weary veterans that most have no idea to the extent. America has faced more and survived. My intent is for Boomers like myself and their offspring to understand the relevant history to this point from 1960’s forward. I am long on America, if it is lost there is no place to go that won’t be worse. I was hoping for my comments to be a call to arms in a country that has it all but in its ultimate freedom and security the youth citizens of the era mocked the warnings and have allowed an elite class to sell off what they could as they went global leaving America in the lurch. It was the election of Trump 2016 that awakened me and I have spent the past 9 years studying and retracing every colloquial and professional comment and history available in a time when truth is weighed in bunches and difficult to ascertain. Thank you for your reply, Best wishes.
Remember, the son of God did not require that we be him, but to emulate him as best we can knowing we are but human, unlike he the embodiment. He did not suggest, from my interpretation, that faced with fear we curl into a fetal position. He said without judgement about how we got there, fear not in the valley of death but have courage, I am with you.
I couldn't imagine a conservative court not seeing through the web of conceit that overt and covert government action to silence citizens and experts isn't forthrightly authoritarian and illegal. How could it be possible that the Court would pretend that a pandemic allows government to act as an all powerful, coercive actor, destroying liberty and forcing obeisance and forcing citizens' actions through force of law? This is revolting.
It is extremely troubling that the scotus finds this worthy of discussion and debate rather than quick immediate judgement in favor of plaintiffs. If The Court is captured by the globalist leviathan, as it appears, they will methodically make rulings against our Constitution and rights and everything else that makes our nation and people difficult to conquer.
Disgusting Cowards!
Thank you Dr. McCullough!
Memorable speech. Thanks for posting.
Well-written article, Peter.
The Royal Society expresses the scientific method of investigation by utterance of the Latin phrase "Nullius in Verba,,". In English translation this phrase is "Take nobody's word for it."
Occasionally,, it is profitable for people in power to force the members of a human population to "take somebody's word for it." This is what a minority of the members of the U.S. Supreme Court hope to accomplish by suppressing free speech for the American people on topics that include the safety of and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines for the treatment pf infections of humans by the COVID-j19 virus.
In the book entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarian Rule," the Professor of clinical psychology Mattias Dsmet reveals a situation in which this scenario sometimes plays out. Tjhis is when a "complex" physical system is mistaken for a "non-complex" physical system by the argument made by a model of this system, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system Though the runs of this model provide one with no information about the outcomes of the events of the future for the physical system being modellled, these runs
The Royal Society expresses the scientific method of investigation by the Latin phrase of "Nullius in Verba.". In English translation this phrases is "takei nobody's word for it.
The method is abundantly clear now.
The One Party State under the Democrat banner has under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion has empowered itself to make any and all who for any reason, hate or loath the American ideal a party to its hierarchy of complicity. In that complicity, either nefarious or naively once a part, one can be blackmailed, captured by fear to comply further. Yet, there can be no quarter for the complicit if the nefarious are made to play and pay by their own rules, but first we must stop the bleeding of thousands of cuts over time to America, especially marking six decades ago, the era of the 1960’s that set it all in motion.
With all do respect to Dr. McCullough and his courageous tenacity, staying at his post overseeing the corruption of his beloved science of medicine, this so much greater than Covid and the Jab. Of course the American ideal has had its detractors and haters from its beginning and periodic past by connecting the dots of history, but of the past six decades the multitude of faceted attacks on America by capture to enslave Americans by expunging all sovereignty has been as insidious a method, as a slowly metastasizing cancer that has perhaps reached final stages.
Chaos manifests fear as fear manifests distrust, uncertainty, and anxiety on all levels that weakens the legs. The chaos need only be periodic but targeted to insidiously but be exponential in effect to take down the largest prey. It need not begin as a significant conspiracy, but like cancer or modified virus can become exponential by its own means of fear, man’s oldest rival or refuge.
If the method becomes captured by an intentionally nefarious faction or friendamy’s at any point, then it becomes a conspiracy that can plan a decade or more in advance, never letting a co-opted crisis or planned crisis go to waste. At that point the method becomes:
DEMORALIZE to weaken the legs.
PROPAGANDIZE the weakened.
CENSOR the survivors.
Sounds absurd to the free and secure with so many rights. So much freedom, security, and rights that pride in exceptionalism becomes hubris, becomes hierarchy of the cabals that cannibalize one another in a pure democracy.
That is precisely why the brilliant Founders used dissent as the catalyst to political science and decided on a Constitutional Republic to defend the democracy of voting, without being defined as a democracy that historically cannibalizes itself with diversity, empty equity, and inclusion as a ruse of inevitable victimhood for all.
Anything that resembles the latter are not anomalies over and over or ford of modern democracy that puts the people in mass stupors, but directs attacks on the people and there can be no quarter for either the insidious or direct attackers of the Constitutional Republic.
Their minds were poisoned years before their bodies were poisoned. This is now a computer game. Their Media Masters, who they think love them like a mommy - fucked them up.
The spiral staircase goes both ways. The choice, we’ve been told is ours.
It’s almost like the Supreme Court Justices don’t want to examine all the data indicating government malfeasance ie. Censorship. They just want to spout off inappropriate hypotheticals, which is their ‘justice speak’. I hate to say it but their DC insularity may have shielded them from recognition of any free speech abuses. Not impressed with their inability to see clearly. They are probably going to support the Biden Administrative State dictatorship. It’s possible that the DNI, Avril Haines, has already warned them how to rule.
I can’t see how SCOTUS can rule against, but Jackson’s position, totally against free speech, is the feeling of many liberals and, of course, the current administration. I’m praying for our country and its people for freedom.