Get a professional in here to comment on this. Joining us to discuss all this, he's a cardiologist, internist, and the author of the book, The Courage to Face COVID-19. Our pal, Dr. Peter McCullough, back on the program. Let's see, should we start with COVID's just a cold? Or should we start with, for three years, You demonized people.
For three years, when I say you, I mean the CDC, the FDA, the Biden regime, all those stupid celebrities, and every one of the mainstream media pundits and mouthpieces were all telling us that if we took ivermectin, it was going to hurt us. Like they said with hydroxychloroquine. Well, Doc, you know my story.
I took the concoction of a steroid, zinc, hydroxy and ivermectin twice because I had it twice over the last three years and I got better instantly and it worked. And here I am, I'm healthy as a horse. Idiots. Your comments on that. Sorry, I had to fill that in.

FDA Deceived America on Ivermectin, CDC Covering Up Vaccine Myocarditis, and Much More

Dr. McCullough on Dan Ball's Real America

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Like a giant dislodged boulder barreling down a steep rocky slope, US government agencies are hurtling towards inevitable destruction all packed around a core of deception, lies, and infringement of Americans’ rights to the medical care they deserve and vaccine safety they expect.

Listen to this quick interview Dr. McCullough had with Dan Ball, on Real America, One America News. Ball’s is exasperated at the gross fraud, deception, malfeasance, and corruption exhibited by the nations public health agencies—in this shoot specifically, the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control.


Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation


Apter, R. L., Bowden, M. T., & Marik, P. E. (2023). Robert L. Apter; Mary Talley Bowden; and Paul E. Marik v. Department of Health & Human Services; Xavier Becerra; Food & Drug Administration; Robert M. Califf. In United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (pp. 1–5) [Legal case]. https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/22/22-40802-CV0.pdf

Discussion about this video

I live in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). Nearly all of the people here just can’t wait to get their next COVID booster shot. They are not hearing from Dr. McCullough or any of the other medical freedom doctors. They mostly have only basic cable tv so they are hearing only what the lame stream media wants them to hear. They don’t have Real America’s Voice, OAN or any others that might interview Dr. McCullough. Few of them know how to use the Internet to find information and the majority don’t even have a computer. I’m struggling with how I can get the truth out about these shots and early treatment protocols without getting beheaded. I’m sure the administration is required to offer these shots to maintain their accreditation and they probably have to demonstrate a significant majority of residents are receiving the shots. While younger people are rejecting the repeated boosters, the captivated residents in retirement communities are not. My community has just been through another COVID outbreak. That makes the residents more inclined to think that they need another booster. I wish that there was a COVID informational video presentation specifically directed at seniors that I could show to my neighbors. I would have to show it secretly to avoid being called in to the administrator’s office to be told to stop or to prevent an uprising against me. I need the proper tools, armor and courage to get the word out. I have been trying to speak individually to people but it’s not enough and not impactful enough. I really wish I could have an excellent video to show. Any suggestions?

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Maybe show them some videos of James O'Keefe interviewing some of the Pfizer directors?

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They have phones? Can't they just install the substack app on their phones? Or use spotify and listen to "America Out Loud PULSE"?

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Possibly the majority do not have smartphones. Most are technologically challenged.

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Maybe you can setup a micro FM radio station for your neighborhood and livestream stuff? Or record videos on dvds and hand them around like candy? Can't really think of any other options assuming no smartphones.

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I need to pick something that covers key areas of lack of safety and that reveals the lies that have been told and that does not include an infomercial.

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You will need to do an internet search in how to download rumble videos.

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Certain folks working in colleges and universities face the same dilemma: parents marching their kids off to into a situation which could kill them. Seems the earning potential for the students in allied health seems worth the risk.

The dilemma is how to inform the students, without getting in trouble with the authorities.

A university could always set up an informational van, parked in a neutral place not too far from the college.

A educational institution could have mass emails penetrating the email system, although risking legal action.

A school’s newspaper could be contacted, to see if the editor of their newspaper could be enlisted.

A assisted living facility has many employees that know the truth about the shots. They are working under duress. I know from personal experience.

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FDA and CDC are criminal-bureaucratic trash.

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Terrible Psychotic Murders. The USA DOD, Gates of Hell and all the Psychos!

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The CDC, The FDA, Fauci, Walensky, Cohen, the media, and the talking heads were played like dummies. They participated in a culling of the useless eaters, and many of their ranks probably don’t realize that. Seems the science went right over their heads. Many others probably do realize they were psyoped, but wanted the OT more than keeping their integrity.

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Donald Trump is a major player in promoting this horror to this very day, his operation warp speed. If he wins the election, he will not ask Dr. McCullough to be the next US Surgeon General. Instead, he will come after Dr McCullough and all the others opposing this massive criminal conspiracy. Make sure you have your passport up-to-date.

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They Deceived and Lied to Trump & Everyone. The Deep State has infiltrated the CDC, FDA, DOD, CIA, WHO, Pfizer, Moderna......They are all in cahoots. The DOD mfg this Bio Weapon.

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Trump is not innocent he’s been in on it from the beginning. That’s why he is still lying about it to this day.

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I watch Dan Ball on OANN on Apple TV, I also subscribe to OANN live app. OANN ( One American News Network) I get all my news from OANN.

OANN is real news no propaganda!!

They were telling the truth about election interference, Covid etc. when our congress wrote letter ( to all cable stations to drop OANN and cable companies complied. So then OANN had to go streaming only etc. I dropped Att network when they dropped OANN ! Then all cable dropped OANN after government demanding it!

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Doc or anyone,

Explaining excess deaths and illness I'm getting from those in denial "well, it's because for 2 years during COVID people didn't go to their routine checkups or take care of other medical issues". How do I answer that?

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