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Morgan Housel Is My Finance Guru
Too many books are out there trying to teach us how to be rich.
Too many books are out there trying to teach us how to be rich. All of them come with a promise to turn us into millionaires within a timeline that should usually raise our eyebrows, but because we need quick cash and time is not our ally, we fall for them. I've been a victim of all these shoddy books. No shame here. We all want to make money, right? Well, at least we don't want to be poor. I don't want to be unable to afford food. I don't want to be unable to afford data. I don’t want to be unable to afford rent or electricity. So, I am open, perhaps unreasonable, to anyone who tells me he has a solution to my problem.
Years of disappointment have made me skeptical. Enters Morgan Housel. Morgan Housel has become my finance guru. I like him, mostly because I've learned WHY people stay poor. Of course, he has some great insights on wealth, but those insights only make sense when you understand the WHY. Why do people fall for scams so fast despite so many historical records of scams? Why do people explode their spending when their income increases a little? Why do once-rich people suddenly lose it all? Morgan Housel has provided answers to these questions. The most solid answers I've heard.
It all boils down to human nature. Behavior. This is one aspect of finance that I never thought about, nor do I hear people talk about it often. Surprisingly, this is one aspect that I can control, that you can control; the stock market will surely crash someday, companies will surely go down, and bad management will surely catch up with some companies, but I can’t control any of those. But I can control how I behave in all of these circumstances. I can't control who wins the elections or which country terrorists will attack, but I can control my behavior over savings and investments. It's a new field in finance that some amazing scientists and researchers are exploring. Morgan Housel brings it down to your level in a way you can use daily. Funny enough, Morgan Housel never says “do this” or “do that”, by just reading him, you see the line of human stupidity and avoid it.
Another great thing about Morgan Housel is how he blends history and storytelling. This guy tells stories better than all the finance guys I’ve encountered. His love for history shines through his work!
Morgan Housel is not the guy who will tell you what stock to buy or what investments to make, but he is the guy who will help you get the fundamentals for building a wealthy empire. He will help you get your behavior right. I saw something Brian Tracy said that has stayed with me; he said, “It is not becoming a millionaire that is hard; it is becoming the person you must become to be a millionaire that is hard.” Morgan Housel will help you become that person.
He has two books in the market. "The Psychology of Money", which I’ve read every year since the first year I read it, and “Same As Ever”, his latest masterpiece. Read them.
I will see you at the top, my friend.