“Building on their longtime commitment to social justice, equity and diversity, Louise and Leonard Riggio have made a $5.6 million gift to Weill Cornell Medicine to establish a named scholarship for medical students with financial need who are Black.”
NO BLACK STUDENT IS PREVENTED FROM ATTENDING MEDICAL SCHOOL BECAUSE OF FINANCES. But how many future physicians who are actually capable of making major medical advances will not get funded because of this idiotic virtuous waste of resources?
Therefore, our panel of judges unanimously voted to give our "Upper Class Twits of the Year" award to self-righteous billionaires, Louise and Leonard Riggio.
“Since 1985 Riggio has been Chairman of the Board and 49% owner of MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. based in Columbia, Missouri. MBS is one of the nation's largest wholesalers of college textbooks.” From Wikipedia
That solves that…Riggio was just paying the liberal mobsters another installment of protection money.
Does this mean my boringly normal friends and I can endow a middle class white male only scholarship???you know, for the truly marginal element of our society whose families actually built this country.