VIDEO - Canadian Independent special on 17 year old Canadian hockey player Sean Hartman who died 33 days after 1st Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (Apr.4, 2024)
WATCH: Perfectly healthy 17-year-old Sean Hartman was found dead beside his bed 33 days after receiving his Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
The Canadian Independent sat down with Sean Hartman's dad, Dan Hartman, for his first-ever in-person interview to hear his son's tragic story. Sean's story has garnered international attention and resulted in a lawsuit being filed against Pfizer and the Canadian government.
Sean was a normal, typical, perfectly healthy 17-year-old from a quaint little town in Beeton, Ontario. He was deeply passionate about playing hockey, spending countless hours on the ice honing his skills and dreaming of a bright future. With his whole life ahead of him, filled with hopes, dreams, and aspirations, Sean's sudden and tragic passing has left his dad with many unanswered questions.
As the 2021 fall hockey season approached, Sean found himself facing a mandatory vaccination requirement from the Ontario Minor Hockey Association to participate in the sport. On August 25, 2021, Sean received his first and only dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.
Four days later after Sean's first Pfizer shot his dad says he developed “brown circles around his eyes, a rash, vomiting, an extremely sore shoulder, opposite to his injection shoulder” and was taken to the emergency department. According to Dan the doctor at the emergency department did not do any blood work, a D-dimer or troponin test and says his son was just given a pain reliever for his shoulder and sent home.
Thirty-three days after Sean's first Pfizer shot, he was found dead on the floor beside his bed. An autopsy was performed, and the pathologist determined that Sean’s cause of death was "unascertained," meaning an inability to determine a specific cause.
Dan eventually filed a claim with Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP), introduced as Canada's first-ever vaccine injury program in 2021, but the claim was denied within a month due to insufficient evidence.
Following the VISP denial, Dan sought a second opinion from U.S. pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, who determined that Sean’s cause of death was from spike protein from the Covid-19 vaccine in his adrenal glands.
Dan has since filed an appeal with the Vaccine Injury Support Program providing them with the pathology report from Dr. Cole. The VISP has yet to respond to the appeal.
Dan then started a GiveSendGo fundraising campaign, hired a lawyer and filed two separate lawsuits one against Pfizer and another against the Attorney General of Canada, the Department of Health Canada and former Minister of Health Patty Hajdu suing them for millions of dollars in damages for malfeasance in public office, deceit fraud, negligence, and more.
Recently, the Canadian government made Dan an offer, which he describes as "a bullshit offer," and he has declined it. The government's offer to Dan was that if he withdrew his case against them immediately, they wouldn't pursue any legal or court-related fees against him going forward.
Dan insists that he is fully committed and not backing down; he wants his day in court and is determined to pursue it relentlessly until that day arrives.
A top cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough from the United States, has been secured and has agreed to fly to Canada to testify in court on behalf of Dan. Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist with degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University.
The Canadian Independent will continue to monitor this story and bring any new developments as they come. If you want to support Dan with his upcoming legal battle you can do so by purchasing t-shirts and hoodies or by donating directly to his GiveSendGo fundraising campaign at the links below. You can purchase Justice 4 Sean t-shirt and hoodies at the link below.…
You can donate directly to Dans GiveSendGo fundraising campaign at the link below.
This child was known to my family. He died in his sleep.
Since this news, and because I have been paying attention, I am aware of 6 other teenagers that have died in their sleep.
From the article...
"The coroner released a report into the teenager’s tragic death this morning, finding while the myocarditis caused his sudden death, he could not satisfactorily determine what caused the myocarditis."
I know this article came out in 2021, but what a load of BS tripe....OF COURSE we and the whole world know what is causing myocarditis in teens, and we darn well knew in the fall of 2021. JOURNALISTS DO YOUR DAMN JOBS!
My neighbor's niece. Age 19. Not a party girl so no drugs/alcohol.
I expect these seven teenagers, over the last two years, are more than you heard of in all your life prior to this point.
Hearing of just one teenager dying in their sleep in the summer of 2022 was plenty convincing to me. She was the daughter of an Illinois politician who ironically was devoutly behind the covid jab campaign, she also had promoted the jabs on her social media. There was no reason for this healthy young and vital person not to anticipate a full and long life; she had been with friends the evening before, went to bed, and never saw another day. To call it a mysterious sudden death syndrome is just plain BS, when the SADS label rolled out I realized, duh, what SIDS was....both are a way of deflecting attention from the truth of what really is killing such people. If the numbers had been magnitudes fewer with covid they probably would have gotten away with it. But there are simply far too many who have died in close temporal proximity to the shots...and the explanation from the powers that be is CRICKETS? Or SADS....neither are explanations. Healthy teenagers do not die in their sleep. They are not gravely ill. They have no reason to even consider that their life may come to a sudden and shocking end. Even though I did not agree politically with Sean Casten or his daughter Gwen I mourn that losses such as hers should take place at all. THERE IS A REASON she and others like her died. It is high time for honesty and accountability in these matters. Every day that passes in which denials continue makes it more and more suspicious that such deaths were intentional.
They need to go to police. Self assembling quantum nano lipid dot technology to deliver a genetic mutation to produce poisonous to humans spike protein is murder. No one received informed consent. They lied, it is a bioweapon.
I’m so sorry read your very sad post Andrea... these crimes against humanity must come out and soon, people are dying suddenly all around the world
What a sad thing to happen to this boy and his poor father. The government lawyers who threaten in this way have no moral conscience and are the epitomy of slimy lawyers and the opposite of the upstanding lawyers that are representing the father.
What kind of government do we have in this country if they can treat this poor father this way after they mandated what killed his son? Could it be any worse?
The government may try to fix the case as it proceeds through the court process by having the chief justice appoint judges to hearings who will commit fraud on this boy and father to coverup for the state. I hope this does not occur, but if this happens at all, we all need to expose it and call it out for what it is - corruption of the judicary involved including the chief justice involved.
When a government body mandates and ineffective dangerous drug there has to be accountability. If you mandate something you have to be certain beyond any shadow of doubt that it is "effective" as advertised and is "safe" as advertised. This drug was neither.
The first case of a teen dying that I am aware of is Ernesto Ramirez, Jr. from Texas. He received one Pfizer shot and died while playing basketball a few days later. His heartbroken dad has not stopped speaking out after losing his only child. I don't know why there aren't more parents like Dan and Ernesto, Sr. who want justice for their children and who want to try to spare others suffering the same heartbreak.
The murdering US government offered (twice) to Ernesto, Sr. to pay for his son's funeral costs to keep quiet, but Ernesto refused and said that would dishonor his son. Yes, wish there were more parents like both of these.
That should have made everything right for this grieving father, shouldn't it?? The poison pushers are so callous and evil.
Murdered his sweet baby boy…so now they must pay.
Don’t let them get away with it!
This is the most heartbreaking story of all that I've heard on these murder by pfizer stories. So sad! Not only did they kill his son but they've broken this man's heart and set him up to grieve his entire life. At least it wasn't his forcing his boy to get the shot as it is with so many very stupid, ignorant parents. At least he doesn't have to carry that guilt. He did his best to save him from being poisoned. :(
With facts about COVID vaccines and treatment suppressed and censored by the government, big tech, and legacy media, access to truthful reporting can literally mean the difference between life and death.
The Australian bureau of statistics recently released the excess death rate for children is 7% MSM has not commented.
Dr. Chris Shoemaker and Dan Hartman in Honour of Sean Hartman
Filmed September 3, 2022, at a rally before a vigil march in Toronto, Canada
Source video:
Rally for Vigil March Up Bay Street, Toronto, Canada
Filmed September 3, 2022
"No More Shots, Let's Follow Denmark's Lead! 09/03/22"
(in the full-length video the transcript starts at 8:58)
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: I'm proud of my last name but I'm also proud of the fact that almost all of my patients and almost all of the mothers and fathers of my patients, you know, call me Dr. Chris. So I can be called either, there are my two names, Chris is my first name, Shoemaker is my last name, and it's a real honor to be here with everybody.
Well, ah, in the very near future I'd like to ask a wonderful man to come forward and stand with me. His name is Dan Hartman. He's here in the crowd. I would welcome him coming up to be with me in the next couple of minutes or seconds. And it is at this time that we will put a face to the sadness of what vaccine injury is.
Vaccine injury, when given to people who don't need it, and no one under the age of 18 needed this shot, no one. And they were all likely to have bad things happen because their immune system is so strong at that age. That's the reason that Denmark has canceled the shot for the future. If this dear gentleman and family had been living in Denmark, to be honest, his son would be alive because there is no mandating of the shot for children in Denmark. They could get them, but they were not mandated for activities, social, physical education or otherwise.
Smart people other there in Denmark. Morons over here in Canada. Morons! Who don't know that you should not vaccinate babies and children.
And I pass the microphone to my dear friend Dan Hartman. God bless you, Dan.
DAN HARTMAN: Thank you, Doctor Chris.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Great honor. [inaudible]
DAN HARTMAN: My boy loved hockey. It was his whole life. He was playing ever since he was a little kid. It's all he ever thought about. It was his love and passion. To keep playing hockey, he had to get a vaccine. Sean's biggest fear in life was needles. He was terrified of them. And if he would have had the choice, he wouldn't have taken a needle.
On August 25th, he got vaccinated. On August 29th he went to the hospital, to emergency. He had brown circles around his eyes, he was vomiting, had a very sore shoulder, and a rash. And the doctor sent him home with the medical equivalent of Advil. He didn't do a d-dimer test,[1] he didn't do a tropanin test.[2] I filed a complaint against this doctor with the CPSO[3] for not doing his job. Two little blood tests that he could have done that might have saved my son's life. They found him not guilty.
So he went to hockey on August, on September 26th. Went to play hockey with his friends. On the morning of September 27th he was, he was found dead on the floor beside his bed. My perfectly healthy son, who had no underlying conditions, was gone.
They did an autopsy and the cause of death was unascertained. Sorry, we don't know why he died.
I want to know why my son isn't here. He was perfectly healthy. There was nothing wrong with him. He faced his biggest fear, which was needles, and it took his life. And I want someone to tell me the damned truth, why my son isn't alive anymore.
This man next to me has been a doctor for over 45 years, he's worked in emergency for 25 years, so when you needed his help, you went and saw a man like this. You trusted him. So now the world needs to trust what he's saying because he's just trying to help. And that's what a doctor does.
My days are absolute torture now. I just cry 15 times a day. And it's hard to even exist. I want the truth about these vaccines.
Every other country in the world is admitting to vaccine deaths. Not Canada. I haven't heard of one.
Is that what we're going to do? We're just going to pretend it's not killing anybody? Really?
If someone could say, I'm sorry, Mr. Hartman, your son died from the vaccine, then I can grieve my son. But not until that day.
Thank you, doctor.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER [taking the microphone]: Based on the medical history, I can say to you, your son was killed by the vaccine. Immediate symptoms within 48 hours of the shot, including symptoms of thrombosis or hemolysis, the fact that marks under the yes, something was going on with his hematologic system and the only thing that had happened was 48 hours before, he got a toxic shot.
I'm so sorry. We're here with you and with all the vaccine injured. Love to you all.
Thank you Dan.
# # #
For more about Dr. Chris Shoemaker visit
[1] "A D-dimer test is a simple blood test that can help your healthcare provider determine if you may have a blood clotting condition. If you have a high level of D-dimer in your blood, your provider may have you undergo further blood tests and/or imaging procedures to determine a diagnosis."
— Source:
[2] "A troponin test looks for certain types of the protein troponin, in your bloodstream. Those types of troponin only occur in heart muscle cells and only enter your blood because of heart muscle damage. That makes troponin invaluable in diagnosing heart attacks and other heart-related problems."
— Source:
[3] College of Surgeons and Physicians of Ontario
I hope Sean's dad, Dan, is also suing the person who administered the vaccine to him. How does one allow a minor to receive a vaccine without the parent's consent?
Oh my. I feel your pain. I lost my first grandson to this horrible jab. We were like father and son. The same thing. Coverup. No cause of death. I know, and you know different. My beautiful grandson would still be alive today embracing me. Short story. I raised him till four. He called me dad.
The covid fake vaccine is world wide mass murder.
So upset, the child had no parental approval. Why was Sean given the needle. Surely the worldwide pain must wake up the population to what is happening to children around the world. They told us the vax is safe and effective?
Sir, I am so sorry for your loss, god bless you! I cannot fathom how governments around the world, including my own in the United States, have done such atrocious horrible things to people; due to this vaccine and I think all of it was intentional!
I was forced to take this vaccine and developed an autoimmune disease due to it And this was because my employer mandated it and if I would have had any other way out, I would’ve resigned.
I sincerely hope you win and win big in the name of your son and everybody else who has been hurt or have died due to these vaccines. May all governments, administrations, media anyone that was involved with what is going on with the cover-up of these vaccines may they all rot in hell and be held accountable!
May God bless you!
No words can comfort a parent that has lost their child this way! All I can say, as tears stream down my face is…. Bless you all and … I hear you!
Consider the thousands of of similar cases with the family doing little to nothing about it. Good luck with all the lawsuits. People should hang. I would also sue the individual who injected him. Probably injection went right into blood vessel, injection was not properly aspirated.
May God continue to provide you strength and encouragement knowing that your son's memory will continue to live on in all he touched while here on earth. Keep sharing your story and your truth, There is not ONE vaccine ever in history including childhood ones that have ever been tested on anyone and not ONE that is not filled with neurotoxins, cancer causing, immune destroying crap, causing many injuries and deaths for at least a century and the human race are Big Pharma's test subjects, and with politics playing medicine, with money being the biggest factor they don't care. I lost a child due to a childhood vaccine, age 11, he too loved hockey, I know many others with injuries too. This particular jab was never designed to help, just designed to make many people a lot of money, so sir keep sharing your truth through your pain as I know your son will be watching from above and cheering you on until you all will meet again; until that time be the light that exposes the darkness and corruption and be that voice for so many that cannot. My prayers will be with your team..
we hear you in nz . sorry fir your loss
Let's think about who is the original promoter of this!
Welcome t Canada’s vaunted medical system and how you are CD really treated by the Canadian System!
We whom are awake, know this was intentional and planned as part of the eugenics 2030 global elitist depopulation plan. The effort worldwide, in concert has been the largest crime against humanity propped up by the Alphabet gang, elite billionaires and unelected mouthpieces. Governments, provincial health Ministers were agents complicit in it’s entirety. Wishing you much success in the murder of your son!
I should als add the ABS released neonatal statistics ( both to 4 weeks. In QLD there was an increase of 8.6 , in other states high 6’s. When the QLD health minister was asked about the increase by a reporter, she said the neonatal rate hadn’t increase , the increase is because stillbirths are included on n the number- still no thorough questions.
If this is true, it’s staggering.