And I realized that every institution in Alberta is compromised. Every institution closed ranks and backed AHS. Then I went to the courts and then I realized the courts are compromised and virtually almost every single judge is corrupt and has backed the AHS mafia.
Then my patients started dying and about two and a half thousands of my patients have died or have been physically harmed. I then put those patient names into the court record, and Justice Averell Inglis had those names struck from the court record protecting AHS.
I had a court order put that I had to destroy all evidence of the murders of my cancer patients that AHS committed. I was to never share any of those documents with anybody.

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Action 4 Canada - Exposing Pedophilia and Child Sex Crimes amongst Canada's Healthcare leaders (Alberta Health Services, College of Physicians)(Apr.3, 2024)

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Action 4 Canada - Exposing Pedophilia and Child Sex Crimes amongst Canada's Healthcare leaders (Alberta Health Services, College of Physicians)(Apr.3, 2024)


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Discussion about this video

I had the opportunity to watch this interview on Tuesday. I want to say it is an awesome interview. You mentioned many key elements in Alberta and across Canada that exemplifies the corruption. I am alarmed and disturbed by how people's health and well-being are put at risk on a daily basis. I am tired of the way that healthcare has been deteriorating and no longer is patient focused. I enjoy reading your substacks. I especially find your substacks on covid and turbo cancers informative. I am from Ontario. I see many of the things that are happening here. I am looking for positive solutions.

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I fear for Dr. Makis. He really pokes the bear by all appearances.

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When I talk to people who took C19 shots (& flu shots after C19), to share info like this, they appear to have programming that it’s wrong thinking and they can’t hear it - and it’s hard to even find people who care about this. Many are just at home I think.

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I too have experienced this as well. No one in my family or circle of friends would listen and now some are dead and some suffer serious adverse effects. I just don’t think they can admit what they have done to themselves and their children. My wife and I warned them and I think thats all we could have done. We know we are not alone, but it sure feels like it sometimes.

I am grateful that we listened, in the beginning, to the warnings and started studying and learning. I pray more will wake up from their sleep.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts as it has let me know once again that we are not alone.

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Feel similiar.

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I have encouraged people to charge their phones as far away from their beds as they can - when info and updates come in (which I think could program people - most of whom who have gotten hydrogels in bodies.

I hope this doctor can be a independent health coach & or science museum director & or blood lab overseer and get a dark field microscope and assist people to look at their blood.

Look at info at anamihaleceamdphd.Substack.com “humanity United now” newsletter.

She observes 2,500 mg of vitamin c a day seems to help her & her patients’ blood not clot. I want to suggest celery juice with 1/2 apple and a handful portion of carrot juice. For at least a portion of the vitamin C

Dr Ardis - interviewed on Brighteon.com, & maybe he has a Rumble.com channel - has info about benefits of foods like celery & tomatoes (but I have witnessed 3 days after eating eggplant - a nightshade like tomatoes- one woman had a excruciating flare up of fibermyalgia. She had been eating eggplant regularly I think (before I alerted her about it)

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I haven't watched this yet but I have read about it. The level of malevolence towards children exhibited by those who planned and executed the covid measures would take, IMO, sadism of such a nature that child sex abuse is likely rife in this cohort of people.

In the US there were many pictures of an unmasked Biden surrounded masked children. This seemed to be a frequent occurrence in many nations, not just the US. As this type of behavior makes no sense from a health point of view, it always struck me as a twisted and evil spiritual maiming of children and as a display of power of these evil adults over them.

Covid measures seemed designed to bring out sadism in adults against children. The things I saw and even sometimes still see truly shock the conscience. This sadism was mixed in with very fearful adults who sacrificed their own children. I believe this sacrifice was/is part of the evil spirituality of the planners. They wanted to see parents give over their children to maiming and death.

I have never been sure what drove so many people to engage in child sacrifice as well as the cruelty that adults showed to other adults and children. This has been one of the saddest things I have ever experienced in my life. I truly have no words for what has happened and continues to happen as deaths and illness from injections keep piling up. This evil must stop.

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Dear Dr. Makis

Thank you for your time sharing your knowledge. Thank you for staying strong for humanity. Please be safe. We all love you and I have a strong light around you.🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Dr. Makis, in case you don't know, Green Med Info is a good source for information about the healing properties of natural substances. It is well organized with many references to scientific studies that demonstrate the efficacy of herbs, etc. I think you might enjoy perusing its pages. And thank you for your tireless work uncovering corruption in the so-called medical industry in Canada.

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Corruption of the OPP and Windsor Police:

Constable Michael Brisco was charged by Windsor Police with ‘discreditable conduct’ and fined 2 weeks wages for his PRIVATE $50 donation to GiveSend for the Ottawa Freedom Convoy on Feb 8/22 (BEFORE Castreau’s illegal EA). OPP obtained his private info from the illegal hacking of GiveSendGo and shared it to all police services in Ontario. He was already being persecuted with unpaid leave at the time due to the Windsor Police Service’s (WPS) covid mRNA shot mandate.

He appealed on June 14, 2023, but it was upheld by the Ontario Civilian Police Commission in Feb 2024 - despite a SC Judge ruling the EA illegal & unconstitutional! Cpnstable Brisco is now applying for a judicial review, “a process by which courts make sure that the decisions of administrative bodies (e.g., the Windsor Police Service) are fair, reasonable, and lawful.”:


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Dear Dr. Makis We Share A Remarkably Similar Scenario With Our Former Employer.

God Is Pushing Me To Collaborate With You As We Are Both Fearless Warriors For Truth & Justice!

Please See My Testimony Attached.


I Volunteer And Pledge My Full Support For You & For Real Justice, I'm Interested In Moderating An Amazing Panel Discussion With You & Dr. David E Martin To Share With The World.


I Would Like To Invite Premier Danielle Smith To Join Us As Well But That Is Maybe Unlikely!

I Have Been Studying "The Great Reset" & "The Great Culling" Since 1996 I Have A Wealth Of Knowledge To Bring to Bear In The Fight!

I Love & Respect You My Brother!

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The powers that be did not think that this would be so hard for them. They didn’t. And given the onslaught of wrenches that have been thrown into their plans by so many like you, so many of us, they now perch on the edge of terror.

In many ways this has all - merely started.

Don’t sweat the clock or how much time this all takes. Because the need for more time is precisely what is suffocating them. Every minute it moves in against them.

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OMG! Mature minor for sex, assisted suicide, vaccination, medical mutilations? What else?

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It is as Dr. Elke F. de Klerk, from Holland previously warned, "This really reminds us of the Holocaust, 1940-1945. I can tell you this, this is worse than that, so please wake up. Thank you and protect your children."

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too bad this woman was obsessed with making sure everyone can see these faces...I'd rather be listening and looking at Dr Makis whose story I'm watching this video for. Geesh - its been 5 minutes that I'm watching this screen and being distracted from what he's saying...grrrr. Also - the ' Crown Prosecutor " is not working for anyone in Canada Dr Makis - he's working for the Crown - ie - King Charles of England - who's a pedo himself. All Canada is, is a colony of the Crown - the unowned land in Canada is called Crown Land and the government owned businesses are called Crown Corporations....its real. There will be no justice until the Crown is out of Canada like France is out of Niger. And Mature Minor can get a pedophile off the hook if he's a doctor or can find a doctor to call the victim ' mature enough '

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Thank you for this VERY INFORMATIVE interview

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this man is a HERO

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Thank you Dr. Makis for highlighting this travesty of Justice with regards to AHS !

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Dr. Makis you mentioned these psycho doctors who enjoy killing people. MAID also ties into the multi-billion dollar organ trafficking network that needs to be exposed.

Organs are sold for millions of dollars and the profits go right into the pockets of the owners of the private hospitals. All our "public" hospitals are privately owned in Canada.

MAID programs are pushing organ donation on vulnerable victims as a "good thing" to do before leaving this world. Organ donors are kept alive while they are gutted out for every organ in their body, also likely semi-conscious with the intention of generating adrenochrome. I bet these psycho doctors try to keep their patients aware of what's happening while they are cutting them apart alive.

This also ties into patient targeting in hospitals by doctors who are part of this organ trafficking network and who will do everything possible to get their patients to a comatose state where pulling the plug is the only choice for the family. Then organ donation is pushed heavily on the family. Either that or they will target sick children in children's hospitals and in some cases take away parental rights to eventually push them into palliative care and organ donation.

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Yes, there is a massive operation that David Hawkins revealed that includes who that pedophile would be selling the porn to and how. Big money in providing horrific footage. Huge names/corporations involved. The only video I can find of David Hawkins now is on the website A Warrior Calls. David passed away recently. Did those doctors even sign that petition themselves? Nothing is real unless confirmed. All of these pedophiles and enablers must share handlers at the very top. I am so very grateful you are exposing this. Clear criminal bribing and retaliation right out in the open with your case is proof of their guilt and intentions. You are the example of what we need all people to do because they are coming for the children and have for a long time. We've got nothing to fear since we would never want to live in a world that would allow this to go on.

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Excellent info, thank you Dr. Makis!

What a morally and ethically corrupt judicary.

So investors were going to get rich off your targeted radionuclide therapy, but no one other than Dr. Makis cared about the patients who lost out on their life-saving treatment.

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Expose This Evil Please & I Was Also Persecuted & Character Assassinated By Our Former Employer I Have Done Major Research Regarding This Corruption! I Will Volunteer My Assistance Dr. Makis!

Much Love & Respect!


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