Aubryn Grendy was a typical healthy 17 year old. She loved being a big sister, going to concerts and spending time with her family and friends in her hometown of Livonia, Michigan. According to her mom, she wanted to help others and she just loved life. In January of 2022,
Auburn received exciting news from the Odd Fellows Organization of Michigan that she would be one of only a few students chosen from her state to travel to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Canada that summer. Before leaving for the trip, Auburn was required to get two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Within three weeks after receiving the second Pfizer dose, while on her trip, Auburn tested positive for COVID-19 and was sent home early. Two days later, Auburn went into cardiac arrest, fighting for her life in the hospital, but tragically passed away 17 days later. The Canadian Independent joined Auburn's mother Shauna and stepfather Adam to hear her story.

VIDEO - Canadian Independent - 17-year-old Aubrynn Grundy was mandated 2 Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines, 1 month later went into cardiac arrest, was hospitalized, went into multi-organ failure & died

VIDEO - Canadian Independent - 17-year-old Aubrynn Grundy got COVID-19 a few weeks after 2nd dose of Pfizer, went into cardiac arrest, was hospitalized, went into multi-organ failure & died

17-year-old Aubrynn Grundy contracted COVID-19 a few weeks after her second dose of Pfizer, went into cardiac arrest, was hospitalized, given a cocktail of drugs, went into multi-organ failure, and tragically passed away.

Aubrynn Grundy lived in Livonia, Michigan. She was a perfectly healthy 17-year-old, and her story is sad and tragic, leaving her mother, Shanna Carroll, and stepfather, Adam Carroll, with many unanswered questions.

How did a perfectly healthy 17-year-old, who was recently double vaccinated for COVID-19, go into cardiac arrest three times, require life support and ventilation, develop multi-organ failure, and ultimately pass away?

In January 2022, Aubrynn received exciting news from the Odd Fellows Organization of Michigan that she would be one of only a few students chosen from her school to go on a youth pilgrimage trip to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Ottawa, Niagara Falls, and Pennsylvania that summer.

Before leaving for the trip, Aubrynn was required to get two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. She received her first Pfizer dose on June 7, 2022, and her second Pfizer dose on June 28, 2022.

Aubrynn left for her trip on July 9, 2022, and a little over a week later, on July 18, 2022, she texted her mom from Canada, saying she wasn’t feeling well and had tested positive for COVID-19. Aubrynn’s mom and stepfather were unable to drive into Canada to get their daughter because they were not vaccinated, so they had to wait until the following day, July 19, 2022, when Aubrynn would be coming back across the border on the American side, to pick up their daughter.

On July 20, 2022, Aubrynn was back home in Michigan, still feeling unwell, so her mother took her to urgent care at St. Mary Mercy Livonia Hospital. After being dropped off by her mother, Aubrynn's biological father showed up to wait with her, and shortly after that, Aubrynn went into cardiac arrest in the emergency department waiting room.

Life-saving measures were taken to keep Aubrynn alive. She was placed on ECMO, a form of life support for people with life-threatening illnesses or injuries affecting the heart or lungs. She was ventilated and administered various drugs, including fentanyl, dexamethasone, ketamine, propofol, hydromorphone, lidocaine, and others.

According to her medical records, she received such high doses of narcotics that Narcan had to be administered to bring her back. All of this happened within an hour and a half.

A request was then made for Aubrynn to be transported to a children's specialty hospital, and an ambulance was dispatched. However, the ambulance was called off on the way due to insufficient beds. The Children's Hospital of Michigan stepped in and said they would take Aubrynn and sent a helicopter to pick her up.

Shanna and Adam say that when the helicopter transport arrived at St. Mary Mercy Livonia Hospital to pick up Aubrynn, the healthcare team onboard the helicopter had to unhook all the machines Aubrynn was connected to because the healthcare staff at St. Mary’s had not done it properly, potentially compromising their daughter's health.

By the time Aubrynn arrived at the Children's Hospital of Michigan, she had gone into cardiac arrest twice more and was moved to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), where she remained for 17 days as her health continued to deteriorate. She was suspected of suffering from myocarditis, her fingers, hands, toes, feet, legs, and arms began to turn black, gangrene was setting in, her organs were failing, and she would have required multiple amputations.

By August 6, 2022, Aubrynn's condition had not shown signs of improvement. Her body was becoming increasingly resistant to pain medication, and the discoloration in her extremities continued to worsen. Ultimately, the decision was made to remove Aubrynn from life support, and she tragically passed away approximately 20 minutes later.

Shanna and Adam say that they had hired a lawyer to pursue legal action against St. Mary Mercy Livonia Hospital for malpractice. However, a year later, they received a letter from the law firm stating that they were dropping the case.

Aubrynn’s parents express their desire for answers; they want to understand why their vaccinated daughter passed away and hold the initial hospital accountable for what they consider multiple mistakes.

They mentioned that they are planning to seek legal representation again and have set up a GiveSendGo fundraiser to raise funds for this purpose. A link to the fundraiser can be found below.

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Discussion about this video

Anthony Fauci guilty of capital murder

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And a whole lot of other people, too.

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They ALL are - and they ALL need to be brought to justice! Everyone from Fauci, Trump, Biden, Gates, right on down to the school presidents, doctors, and nurses.

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Br. Alexis Bugnolo opined – and I'm not inclined to disagree – all these people should be burned at the stake for what they've done.

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We could take our time. Watching their hands and feet turning black and dying, followed by 4 amputations is a good start.

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Silly me: A lethal injection of The Lethal Injection! Do they make hypodermics in 1 litre sizes?

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That is a bit extreme. Wouldn't you prefer hanging, drawing, and quartering? Burning actually deprives the victim's breathing zone of free oxygen and supplements carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, so the heat of the flames might not be felt all that much before the victim loses consciousness.

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You have a point.. how about "impalement" in the fashion of Vlad Tepes? Or possibly the old Persian method of execution, "scaphism"? I'm good with either of those.

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Dr Makis - thank you for all this work documenting the harms of these injections.

You are, clearly, doing work « the media » should do - but will not do.

After 9/11, the media brought story after story of those who died & their families.

Now, with this huge CRIME right in front of us, they ignore virtually every injury & death.

Your work documenting the harm is important now and will remain important for generations. This is testimony to a global crime.

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These murderers NEED to be brought to JUSTICE!!!

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I am weeping. That beautiful beautiful girl. My heart aches for the parents and all the other parents who have needlessly gone through this. Wake up people and fight back.

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A simple Ivermectin or hydrochloroquine could have cured her. But those were BANNED, banned, get it? They were hoping she would die and all of us, and don't kid yourself, they are coming for us all !!!

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Yes they are, one way or another. Including WW3

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How sad. These monsters have destroyed healthcare.

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There has been no "health" care Mary Jo, I'm sorry to say.... We've been duped for more than a century. Finally it's obvious .....

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So beautiful ............. what a loss for all of us. I sit here with tears in my eyes.

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WHO are the sick inhumane lab techs ( can’t call them scientists) concocting these putrid multi- disease ridden death jabs? Made by Pfizer Moderna etc . The bastards will no doubt know the inflictions & outcomes by batch - with the ultimate goal hideous death

There are many cases now of gangrene & people having all limbs removed .

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Just wait until the WHO "Pandemic Response Treaty" is promulgated worldwide May 27. Just reading the "definitions section" is enough to void your bowels. And it will be "the law of the land" in just over a month.


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My God! Please stop this! Amen.

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I'm so glad you pointed out those creeps - they are LITERALLY scientists Nancy and they know exactly what they're doing.

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This is what medical murder looks like. What's missing from this article is the children's hospital administering remdesivir which is likely what caused the multiple organ failure including liver failure and, ultimately, death. Small wonder medical professionals are traumatised by what they think is covid outcomes if this is the treatment protocol they are trusting and following.

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Read the book What the Nurses Saw by Ken McCarthy. 'An investigation into systemic medical murders that took place during the COVID panic and the nurses who fought back to save their patients'. There has never been a medical event filled with such fraud and malfeasance. It rolled from the political elites down and screwed the most vulnerable. They cant be allowed to walk away from any of this. PU.

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The book is a real eye opener. Relieved I did not buy Pfizer or Moderna shares.

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I have. The chapter on the financial incentivisation of the top-down 'just-follow-orders' mentality, in conjunction with the extent of the accounts of intimidation towards anyone questioning, was particularly enlightening.

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Where is this book available?

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Yes it is on amazon. I found it there.

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My heart breaks for this family🙏. Kindly post the givesendgo link so we can support the family’s legal fight.

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This is so ghastly. There was no fully informed consent; fully informed consent was impossible. And that was the problem, the football-field-sized red flag, to begin with.

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According to the Western Standard Alberta has, apparently, just changed their mRMA vaccine recommendations to every three months including 6 month olds. The survey on "X" is running 97% "criminally corrupt". https://www.westernstandard.news/news/alberta-updates-mrna-booster-guidance-to-every-three-months-starting-with-six-month-old-babies/53832

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Full tilt genicide

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Democide. It's not limited to any religious or ethnic group.

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Do the parents still not know it was the Pfizer shots that killed her???

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Seems the first ER drug cocktails made no sense, then REMDESIVER killed her organs. The hospitals were given bonuses for Covid +s then extra $$$$ for remdesiver and intubation. So many guilty in her death.

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Friend of a friend who is a nurse at MGH, Boston has just been moved to oncology. She's young enough and inexperienced enough to not see what is unfolding. She said she cannot work there because there are too many young people, it is too depressing and I'm guessing the survival outcomes poor. Are they filling hospital wards with youth who won't know any better? That's what I saw in a recent visit to a patient. All of them very young.

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The old, former stock exchange, called 'Børsen', in Denmark is burning! A 17th century building right next to Christiansborg Palace where Folketinget, the Danish Parliament, is seated. This is really symbolic. Under restauration to celebrate its 400 year birthday.


People are upset and horrified - I see a new world emerging!

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OMG Kamikaze - I've got full body shivers. Thank you for sharing this.

And LOVE your interpretation!!

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Thank you 🙏❤️ To me it has really felt like a cleansing. Maybe of old, stuck evil energies. Like the earth is replenished after a fire.

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So incredible to trust your instincts and "knowing" like that. I really needed to hear this today. xo ❤️

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Me too ❤️

Maybe you'd also like this very uplifting interview. Great things on the horizon, and how to help uplift humanity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54lhxnPDyMc

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Thank you Kami - I could definitely use the assistance today. xo ❤️ 😢

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I hope you find it soothing then! I didn't want you to feel I was pushing something on you. Xi's knowledge and videos are often a great help for me, but Rory Duff and his wisdom and knowledge, as I perceive it, about the planet's ley lines coming back on-line through a cosmic influx of 'higher' energies etc. was new to me.

Sending you a huge hug and lots of love! ❤️

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You're so sweet, thank you. The "higher energies" are what I look at as different frequencies and I've been aware of that stuff for quite some time - not saying I completely understand it but I do know about ley lines as well. Sending you a hug also and love with thanks for taking the time to share that. It didn't at all feel like pushing. Gosh, people are so sensitive these days eh? Often for all the wrong reasons it seems. xo ❤️

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Ah yes, frequencies is a much better term! 😀 The thought that Earth's Dragon lines of Original Divine Creation will be fully up and running again by winter solstice this year just fills me with so much hope! Evil will be rooted out as it will have no fertile ground any longer.

Really appreciated your comment telling me about your reaction the the old stock exchange burning. I later found out that the unique spire, where the fire was very much located and that fell to the ground ca 8.30 in the morning, had 4 water dragons around it at the bottom with their tails curled around the spire upwards to the top.

The were there to protect the building from war and FIRE. And now, in the year of the Dragon - and on the abdicated queen's 84th birthday - it burns! With no one dead or injured. And already debate has begun, incl. about the dark past that this former stock exchange also very much represents. God knows what dark deals were made in that building! But it feels so cleansed now!

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WOW!!! That is amazing and even better that you sensed the meaning of it! Very impressive! Incredible that you found that information too! Sounds like ALL the dragons are busy this year! Thanks for sharing that Kamikaze!! Hope you have a most beautiful day. xo ❤️

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Love dragons 😉

Thank you. You too! 🐉❤️

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You obviously also believe that genocide is a form of cleansing. Shame on you. obviously no one you have loved has become a victim of this ongoing murder.

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No one died in this fire. Then it would have been a completely different matter. I have sensed it as a cleansing of some of the energies that are behind the genocide. And you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH IN MY LIFE AND HAVE TO DEAL WITH E V E R Y DAY! And how I for more than ten years still have put myself out there, completely alone and on my own, to try to inform. My heart and soul have been obliterated!

Shame on you for throwing that at me! I am NOT the enemy!!

I don't toe any line, but think for myself and don't shy away from pain or suffering. I'm immersed in it. And I thought we all wanted a society where different perspectives and understandings were allowed, and the freedom to express them! If it turns out I was completely wrong, I will accept and acknowledge that. But so far, this is what my whole body feels. For a new world to emerge, some - maybe a lot - of the old institutions have to come down for the necessary transformation.

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I'm sorry that person triggered you like that. Don't take it on. She's projecting a standard narrative on you that is not yours. It's a misplaced knee-jerk reaction with the standard acceptable whine. It's like she believes she has cornered the market on suffering and knowledge while having no concept of the world at large at all and certainly no compassion for anyone outside her normie narrative.

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It's okay. I get to know myself better through such a comment. I take it as a reaction that stems from pain or trauma that was triggered, and I actually have great compassion for this person, who is a man and even a Holocaust survivor acc. to the bio. But I know my own heart and own level of suffering (a thing between God and myself), and I will not be used as a boxing bag.

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You are truly a realized human. Good for you. I looked up that person too and what I think I saw was that her husband (or significant other) was a holocaust survivor. ie., not her. So I feel like it was mis-placed anger at best.

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Ah... no, not at all. Still a VERY, VERY long way to go. Trust me! 😂

Thank you for the correction! I WAS a tiny bit upset when I read it and had wondered if I had gotten it right. That's the 'kamikaze' in me... 🙄

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I got a lotta kamikaze in me too! The fact you see it and recognize for what it is is practically miraculous. At least that's how I see it in order to encourage myself to not beat myself up so much. You're doing a great job, however you want to categorize it. We're never done growing and learning, thank goodness. xo ❤️

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Thanks for the report....

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I was just so overwhelmed I had to share...

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So sad!

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That's not my sensation or perspective.

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English version? I cannot seem to locate a translation option.

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Apr 16
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Not all destruction is bad, or produced by the evil forces. I have a completely different feeling about this one. It has felt very cleansing, and today has felt highly vibrating.

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Apr 16
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You are 'obviously' very confident in your own eyes' ability to see. I trust in my own senses on this one.

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The parents weren’t jabbed, but they allowed their daughter?! Tragic!

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To go on this trip, which included Toronto Canada, she needed to be shot up. There you go again Canada, specifically PM mandating these deadly shots.

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Governments can mandate anything they want - it's the idiots who succumb to their murderous plans who are to blame at some point. What self-respecting parent would allow an "Odd Fellow" to have custody of their child?

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If I remember correctly didn't Dr. Ardis mention that Fauci, CDC, had just labelled a new disease phenomenon called multi organ failure disorder for children some time in 2021? All of these new disease groups created before they are injected?

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Yes. That is the plan of the medical industrial complex

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It's not the hospital they should be suing and crying out against. It is the whole medical cartel itself. Tragic. Surely, not being vaccinated themselves they must have been against their daughter getting vaccinated. I pray these parents pursue justice as all families who have suffered will.

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Why anyone required a vaccine in June 2022 when everyone knew it didn't work is beyond me (all the vaxxed people i knew didn't bother getting boosted ...would laugh it off about how it doesn't do anything). yes, Canada, but wow crazy. Did they end up doing an autopsy? Maybe sue the Odd Fellows for requiring it?

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Apr 16
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In Quebec the parents also received the same request regarding vaccination but the covid vaccines were not included. Interesting, isn't it? As for Alberta, the parents didn't receive any requests about their children vaccination let alone the covid one.

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Ugh! That's awful! Do all schools still require it in Canada? Is homeschooling a possibility?

There really isn't anyone we can sue it seems like. All kinds of legal protections for these criminals.

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Apr 17
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Good Lord!! Poor kid!

I think lawsuits will have to come thru other parts of the globe, unfortunately, not here in North America. Pharma owns the US. Same in Canada, sounds like.

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This is so sad😭😭 So sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️

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Crimes against humanity trials NOW!!! It is estimated there are 17 million Aubrynns worldwide. That doesnt include hundreds of millions of other people who have been damaged by the ruse called Covid19 and the associated mRNA vaccines. A virus that, at worst, was on par with every other respiratory virus to come along. Propagated by the most corrupt medical test ever devised, the SARScoV2 RT PCR. A massive false positive generator. See the professional peer review of the protocol that backed the test at Corman Drosten Review report. Online. The death penalty is in order for anyone having anything to do with any of this. PU.

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I can't believe parents didn't research the jabs before letting their kids take them, if they had their kids would still be here.

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Military grade mind control was rolled out to the masses. I know people who had never given any childhood vaccinations to their children decide 'this was the one', just for a school trip or to see the grandparents. Culpability lies with many at many different levels of they pyramid chain-of-command. Ultimately, humanity has to learn to become sovereign and take responsibility for self, not outsource it to others. But this is a harsh way to learn!

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Yes its the worst way to learn, a 12 year old girl I knew died just before last xmas because her mom would not listen to me, she jabbed her daughter from the time they came out until she died two years later.

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With all due respect Rebecca, the sovereignty of humanity is what has gotten us into this mess in the first place. God's holy Word says, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus..." This is from the book of Romans chapter 3 verse 23-24 in the New Testament of the Bible.

God himself is Sovereign and we need to repent and get back to His ways. This is our only hope.


Dear Father: please help each of us to understand how much you love us and want to bring us into relationship with you through Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to you except through Jesus. Father help us to understand your Word, that we may live for you in this life and in the next. Amen

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The fear propaganda was so great that many people would have wanted to protect their children, even though the risk of severe CoVid was minimal for young people, and very treatable anyway. So the criminals created huge fear and took away the safe and cheap drugs which worked, in favour of drugs like Remdesivir to damage kidneys, or an experimental injection which was known early on to kill and injure people.

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I guess God gave me the "knowing" at birth because Ive always followed it. I knew the day they announced "covid" something was off, then I started scanning the internet to find out I was right, then when the lethal jabs were released I scanned again and found I was right, they were dangerous. I refused to wear their stupid masks or social distance. I was chased around the grocery store a few times by the manager, I told him he was wrong to wear a mask because they were harming his health as well as anyone else who wore them, he left me alone after that. I have always wondered if I could find the truth why couldn't anyone else, especially parents. It's incredibly sad to see such young kids dying but they didn't have to if people would have fought thru their fear and investigated first.

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So true. My thinking at the beginning was why would I take a jab for a virus that:

a) 99. whatever% of people would survive;

b) had not been properly tested

c) the manufacturers were NOT liable for any injuries!

Follow the money.

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Me too 🙏🙏🙏

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One of my nieces was so paranoid about covid/vaccines that people other than her husband and sons had to be tested before she would be in the house with them for a meal. Her older son, now 15, has had at least two shots and her younger son had one as soon as he turned 5. They seem to be okay so far. I'm sure when the next thing is released and the newest vaccine offered, she will be in line to get it.

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That's what I can't figure out Anne - my brother was murdered with the shots (the second one) and all their friends are all addicted to boosters - their adult children and their little kids too but they all seem to be "ok" except for getting "convid" regularly. Most of them have an incredible multitude of health conditions, some of them should rightly be dead, but they're not! I don't understand, I really don't. So my sister-in-law is having a tough time believing her husband (my brother) was killed by the shots, even though it's fairly obvious. None of his friends (who loved him dearly and cry from grief still, after 2 1/2 years) ever entertained it was the needles/poison that gave him multiple turbo cancers that killed him within 6 weeks of his second jab.

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It's so incredibly sad that no one can make them understand.

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But I don't either - so many of them still taking boosters 7 and 8 for crying out loud. Why aren't THEY dead?

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takes time for some; sadly, they will be gone in the next 5 years.

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At first I bought it but then it became too gruesome and burdensome to believe that .... I honestly hope it's not true Katherine.

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Me too. ALL of my friends have eagerly taken them all. I am now watching them decline and die. At least my family did not, thank you Lord!

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Oh dear, I'm so sorry Katherine. I don't even have the words .... 😢. At least none of your family partook. I'm the only one in mine ....

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You took it? If the first two in early 2021 haven't impacted you yet, they may not.

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The scary part is that nobody knows for how long they are going to be ok. I remember doctors telling those who had no adverse reactions, that after a year has passed, they will be fine. But that didn't turn out to be right.

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Nothing like incompetence in medicine and these people have licenses to kill.

Medical licenses say nothing about the competency of the person holding one.

They are only revenue for the state.

This is a case of be careful of what you wish for because you won't know the outcome. as was the case in taking the shots so that she could go on the trip.

We have yet to see anyone brought to justice in this scam and there is a good chance that they will all get away with it because the perpetrators own the justice system.

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The family needs to sue those who mandated these death shots into oblivion. An international People's Tribunal is needed to bring the jab-monsters to justice, and it should NOT be pretty. Televise it all!

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I'm so regretful but the truth is their bioweapon jab murdered my sister & your daughter. We should no longer have any faith, and should completely remove ourselves and our families, if they will listen to us, from the medical industrial complex, which is being used to impose mass genocide upon us

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The cocktail of drugs Aubrynn was given are blatantly a complete amateurish mess. I mean fentanyl and propofol?! My gosh!!! No wonder she succumbed. The hospital should definitely be sued BIG TIME!!!

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Murdering children with this Biological weapon is the worst of the worst. May justice prevail for these parents. 🙏

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What a totally SHOCKING horrendous situation of medical malpractice causing death. It started with the poisonous injections and became the now familiar chain reaction avalanche. The perpetrators should be held to account in Court.

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"...Odd Fellows Organization of Michigan..." How about those guys? Would you let "Odd Fellows" take your child anywhere for any reason? I sure wouldn't and they should be held liable immediately. They have no right to require a child to get deadly injections. All the other "screw ups" by other medical murderers is just par for the course in my experience. I can't wait until people wake up to the fact that the medical system is Nazi influenced, right down to its core. Health is not an option.

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Such a sad story. Condolences to the family.

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So sad.

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Family should sue those who mandated the shots for her

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This beautiful girl murdered because of corporate greed. What a loss Shots that are not safe and effective and still they are pushing them

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Beyond horrifying.

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A tragic, heart breaking story, like so many others. If Aubrynn’s parents want answers, they must first confront the covid19 bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine.

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This is horrific and tragic

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So absolutely tragic! Another family destroyed! Murder!

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🙏ing for this family and justice for the murder of their daughter.

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If the media would print this story and others, I believe there would be a groundswell of anger and we would see some serious investigation and prosecutions.

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So so sad!

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In Texas we execute murderers! That will never change unless they take our protection. Good luck with that!

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Oh my God, this is the worst, and thank you Joe Biden ~ I am sure it is YOU who is responsible, YOU sold us to China, and for a mere 31 million dollars, you and Obama. If money was that wonderful to you two ~ we could have started a GoFundMe for poor you.

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Trump is the one who initiated Operation Warp Speed. Biden just continued it. ALL OF THEM ARE IN ON THE PLAN.

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Military took over and pushed Trump aside. Not a Trump fan, but it was a military psyop form the beginning.

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And Trump was participating fully and knowingly in the democide. He is a 33rd degree Scottish Freemason.

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Trump did not initiate Warp Speed. It was done by the criminals after he quoted Dr. Zelenko's success in treating Covid with Hydroxychloroquine. Fauci and the drug companies initiated it. They essentially held Trump hostage for several hours convincing him that the bioweapon aka "vaccine" would "save lives". Trump did not have an honest doctor present to counter the lies. He did not know that the poison was patented many times in the several years before 2019. The quotes you hear from Trump are before the multiple deaths and injuries. It was also Biden who mandated the injections. I do not call them "vaccines". They are registered as "experimental gene therapy".

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Trump is a very accomplished conman, liar, and actor. He has every “attribute” of the antichrist. He has all the fake Christians and naive people completely fooled. He is part of the plan. Always has been. And he initiated this democide willingly and proudly. He’s still bragging about Operation Warp Speed to this day.

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The population reduction or "democide" was planned by the WEF, Gates, Schwab, etc, long before Trump was President. The "vaccines" and SARS "virus" have been worked on by Fauci and his band of criminals for over 20 years. They were done long before "Warp Speed". Time to ignore CNN and the MSM.

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Apr 16Edited
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Trump's term ended in January, 2021.

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