LLC, its founders and owners.
Get ready for truth bombs and guidance from conservative leaders and entrepreneurs, from God-fearing, freedom-loving, truth-telling, patriotic Americans. Welcome to Patriot of Grit. Now let's jump into today's episode with your host, Darren Ross.
Get ready because today we're going to talk about the CCCP and it's not China. It's communism, Canada, cancer, and pharmaceuticals. Here we go.

INTERVIEW - Patriots with Grit - Turbo Cancer Special (Mar.21, 2024)

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Discussion about this video

I am unvaccinated and have been following Dr. Makis and use animal ivermectin and fasting 72 hours a month to deal with possible shedding. 80 years and healthy. Myrna Kerr 🌝

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Great interview of Dr. Makis.

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Excellent presentation.

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Great video, thank you all.

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Great Interview DR. Makis! Thankyou so much!

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Has Dr. Makis ever dealt with the "no virus" theory?

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of course.......at start of all this corruption

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Really!? Seems to me he thinks viruses are real. The no virus people think not!

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One thing that's absolutely certain is that there never was a 2020 pandemic and all official stats and numbers prove this ! Somehow despite the 24/7 fear mongering about 'cases' and 'deaths', the 2020 global mortality rate was completely NORMAL‼

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YES! Normal flu season!

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Flu cases 29 million - Covid cases 0


Flu cases 45 million - Covid cases 0


Flu cases 36 million - Covid cases 0


Flu cases 38 million - Covid cases 0


Flu cases 0.0015 million - 32 million COVID CASES

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But yet pathetic idiotic fools and self proclaimed 'experts' who follow the $¢£€₦¢€ will tell you with a straight face that the draconian convid mandates and lockdowns some how stopped the flu but were unable to stop the LESS transmissible convid virus and all its 'variants'‼

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Rebranded flu. However, we must question why there were so many flu cases and flu deaths all these years with no significant early treatment!

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Excellent question!!!

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Yes! Good early treatment results for COVID19 were really good results for the flu!

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What they are labeling as virus' are extremely small parasites. In the 1950's they were labeling everything under the parasite label.

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We do have Integrative Functional Medicine MDs in Canada; we just lost ours to Red Deer cuz of BC's Bill 36. U. Calgary started an IFM program some years ago; they were first to notice that mercury crosses the placenta.

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Great discussion. I’m sure I’m not the only one who agrees with everything Dr Makis says there.

It’s so good to see an emerging movement of doctors open to natural medicine & healthy living rather than the old model relying entirely on Pharma chemicals. There are good medical products around but lots of natural alternatives too.

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Yes there is. Preciscely why the governments are trying to stop natural remedies from being sold. In Canada they are trying to pass a bill agsinst natural methods of medicine.

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Yep. There’s a similar attack on natural medicine here in Europe. It’s globally coordinated - just as the plandemic was. Just as the attacks on free speech are. Just as the WHO power grab is.

We are seeing a global MAFIA attempting to control ALL wealth & resources. And humanity.

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sacredpurity.com sells Ivermectin and Fenbendazole

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Excellent interview! So informative with such valuable info in a way that is easy to understand and entertaining at the same time.

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Great interview! Enjoyed the interactions between Dr. Makis and the interviewers.

One key point to remember is most American Doctors follow the protocols given to them through the AI electronic medical records. They aren't allowed to be creative. That'll be the patients responsibility.

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I fear the enemy is always one step ahead and either we go into martial law - censorship or whatever Luciferian tactic, they would rather burn down the world than give up control! And great interview!

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This interview has true Grit!

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I will never forget the interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits exactly 4 years ago done by Wikki Willis in the U.S.. She did predict that millions of people would get sick and cancers from those vaccines.

And because of my knowledge I came to have through my research about the elites, I also knew in Dec. 2019 when they first talked about Wuhan, China that their plan was to collapse the global economy and it so did.

My point... Knowledge is power and can save you. Do some research and inform yourself before you could get screwed by not knowing what you could have found and done to help yourself. Know about your enemies to be able to defend yourself and your loved ones.

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If Dr. Makis is right about the floodgates opening re: DNA vaxxx damage, it might be just in time to completely discredit Trump and his absurd endorsement of the vaxxx prior to the election.

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Trump was duped. They lied to him. He dudnt know just like 80% of the rest of the world!

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But, paying for his grave error might be just around the corner. How can he be duped by the same Establishment persecuting him? His resistance to seeing the big picture seems suspicious to me. But, who else can you vote for who might make a difference? No one.

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You seem lacking in important info facts and knowledge..new too the truths and the reality maybe

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No. Just lamenting.

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Please consider a much deeper knowledge surrounding Trump and his steps on "warp speed" Like him or hate him ..he is not a globalist in the strict sense; and he was by all accounts "an outsider" i.e. he wasn't part of the club...that's why the elites hate him so much...he bows to no one and can't ever be bought! From a Canadian perspective...I pray that Trump gets in...it is absolutely critical I believe to Canadian politics. In the 8 years of Trudeau's reign, he has wracked up 659 Billion dollars in debt and all the other Prime Ministers combined wracked up 634 Billion in debt.

He is not stopping when it comes to "Up to Date" on your experimental jabs. They just completed the Moderna vaccine plant in LaValle Quebec...whereby Trudeau brags it will offer 100 million doses of experimental injections.

God Bless

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Mirror image as usual down here in Australia-mRNA facility under construction in Victoria..Trump is all western countries only hope.He must win.

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Excellent interview.

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Check Adam Gaertner on substack

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You little Darlin you! One of the most comprehensive, truthful, fully packed abbreviation of the big picture THAT WILL SAVE LIVES. I am curious what you think of Andreas Kalcker's Forbidden Health protocols based on Jim Humble. My gratitude to you over and over.

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It would be interesting to get blood test from the Nazis that pushed this dangerous drug to see if they got the vaccine.

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Here's a technic that I myself went through twice. It was a bit different technic from here where I'm from but it is very similar and so amazing. The link is about their course but still you can get their info

-- https://www.universityofterrain.com/hidden?cid=85b947b4-660c-4c4b-9ff5-3e20afb0b960

This is what I like the most with Natural practitioners... You have an answer and a treatment from the first time you visit them and healing does happen and fast.

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'They' deliberately DID this! Diabolical Intergovernmental Democide‼

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