So can you tell everyone your name please?
My name is Nurse Reena.
And how many years have you been a nurse for?

VIDEO - CHD - Nurse Whistleblower (March 2024)

Discussion about this video

I tried to watch it, but quit halfway. Maybe I have to stay away from these CHD videos for a while I guess, 'cause I noticed that my anger was growing to such an extent that I'd probably have smashed my laptop into the wall at some point. This is the kazillionth clip in which a medical professional explains plain and simple how 'things were going' in the hospitals. How much more evidence do we need? How much more whistleblowers have to stand up? How much clearer do things have to get? The effing madness behind all of it. Patients, killed deliberately, put on vents unnecessarily, remdesivir administered for no reason other than to effing kill people, I mean, it just never ends. Nobody seems to give a rat's ass. People in my neighborhood have no clue, all jabbed up the wazoo and still they're too effing dumb to read a little bit further. The other day I overheard some schmuck at the supermarket saying that he now loves working from home, but that "...during the covid era..." he hated it. Every single one of those dumb f*cks refers to the scamdemic as the "covid era" it seems. As if it was even real. It's good to know that these videos are out there so that we won't forget, but I more and more get the feeling that we're a minority screaming for water in an empty desert sometimes.

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Yes I’m sorry it’s emotionally and intellectually draining and we do need walks in flower gardens, giggles with toddlers and puppies and a good movie to restore perspective….but righteous anger will keep us in the fight…..take time out, don’t drop out. We need your fury!!

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Well said!

Toronto Canada

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I could t have said it better. I retired when I knew what was coming down the pipeline at my healthcare (sick care) facility. When flu shots were mandated I knew it was just a matter of time before they would mandate other poison treatments to be shot into your body! Do I feel rage….you betcha!!

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It's all hellthcare!

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Healthcare is a Criminal Business Money Making Scam at the best of times let alone a Pandemic. It shows that the Drug Companies call the shots and everyone else underneath them blindly follows along. It's a resurrection of "The Snake Oil Salesmen" of years ago.

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Deathcare. They know dam well that 1/370 died. They also admitted it was contaminated with carcinogens, but yet it is on the recommended list for newborns in Canada. It was a political agenda. Everyone of the SOBs who voted to mandate, became millionaires.PP maybe billions with his phoney China crap test kits, which were for genetic profiling. Gene based population control, aka vaccines. Having a WEFUN WHO government of compromised nodes makes for easier Global communism, welcome to Chinada.

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It really is stunning and shocking, when one thinks back to “Drank the Kool -Aid….” phrasing….That many hundreds of humans all together were bullied into taking such a death, and with kids! “Oh honey, just drink it, like mommy’s doing,”. and those who resisted mostly had nowhere to turn to escape…. This, only in the late 1970s…Gruesome sickening…this story needs to be played again for these recent generations…. !! School principals, who mandated sports teams line up in the gym…..and didn’t remember Jonestown….. Ai yi yi

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As I said in a recent comment, you can tell the cult is beginning to collapse when the marks no longer wanna drink the Guyana Punch.

Booster uptake has cratered.

It's going to take a little longer before they figure it out. But their actions speak volumes.

There are cracks and fissures inside what still looks like a solid mountain, but the stones and gravel are now visibly falling.

I'm pretty sure Normie Mountain is becoming deeply destabilised.

There are almost no positive comments on Xitter now.

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Indeed yes I’ve watched, most of it twice. Painful, maddening…And thinking of who else I could send this to….grammar, LOL….Amazing courage and.articulate memory, she has. it’s 2:30 am in Phoenix and I’m lying here thinking of all the people I know who would mock the efforts shared here and refuse to watch…and threats from the employer? yah….I could easily imagine same, from my last abusive job…hemming her in, leaving no one of conscience to listen because they also don’t want to lose their shifts and $$. bonus. For shame, such casual treatment of lives…. OMG. I picture sports arenas full of spectators …and some court set up in the grassy middle with the Fouchees et al….giving us a chance to see them, tomatoes, rotten eggs, whatevered…..humiliated and brought down, and led away to their justice….”Thou God seest me,”. Hmmm….These folks were not brought up to care about such things….they shall pay….amen and amen

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I got very angry when I first became aware. I describe it like living among robots now. lol Eyes open no fear. Only compassion for them. Reach within for strength and understanding. Be grateful you know the truth. Fear cannot be in you if you are full of gratitude.

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With you on this! Still reading and following but ever more angry that people still won’t wake up. This nightmare needs to end!

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I understand your rage. We need you, though.

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Corman Drosten Review report. Online. You have no clue just how much of a reality distortion the entire Covid19 ruse was. The professional peer review of the protocol that underlayed the most used medical test used around the world for the identification of the SARScoV2 virus. The problem was/is the molecular chemistry and methodology were manipulated to give massive numbers of false positives. To the tune of billions of false positives to build the illusion of a worldwide viral pandemic out of a respiratory infectious event on par with any other that has ever come along. PU.

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felt the same, but actually one has to listen to all of it, because that's the only way to learn how evil the cabal is and get an inside of what kind of tactics they use in order to 'finish humanity'. Just my view now..

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We are not a minority. We are a repressed group. We will take down this corrupt medical system and we will do it by speaking loudly, frequently and by supporting alternative medicine in every way that we can! ... by the way, Ivermectin is proved to go after cancer stem cells. Imagine that. Cancer industry is multi billion dollars and they certainly didn't want you to know about it or even look at it.. Learn all you can and teach were you can. Ive been in this fight for decades. I will never give up!

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You may be right… The brainwashing of the people was successful to such a degree that many don’t recognize and dont want to recognize it (ie-stop denying it happened)


“Never in America, it can’t happen here”…..



1. It did happen here.

2. It happened to me .

3. Thus i’m part of the problem.

4. But that CAN’t be true because.

5. I’m mot like that.

Therefore: DENIAL !!!!

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Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn tried to warn us, "There always is this fallacious belief: "It would not be the same here; here such things are impossible." "Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth."

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Well, you do know that most of these people lack the ability to think outside of the box or analyze anything. These are the 'do what you are told' set, programmed through schooling just as the elite dictated in the public school system. Cross them out of your life as the vast majority are programmed for life and will not wake up this time around.

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I just finished listening to this and the second half talks about the politics of the medical profession. It is truly hateful and especially if you're a whistle blower. This lovely nurse has had her career blackballed in the community in which she lives and is prevented from working in any other medical hospital because she refused to go along with the deception. She has really been persecuted and it is so sad to think that a once admired profession is in the toilet now.

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My feelings exactly. I tell myself I’m not going to listen to any more of these stories, then find myself in tears watching another one. I just want to know when we are ever going to see justice!

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Justice... So far it's been crickets...

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I would leave California if you can, your expertise would be greatly appreciated by other states

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I'm sorry, call me harsh but if you're not enraged by this, at this point, you should be.

In addition to every Head of State, every Governor and Premier, HHS Secretary Xavier Beccera, every CHO, and all the hospital CEO's and Administrators, we need to start making examples of doctors and nurses. Every one of them that worked through the pandemic and zealously and gleefully “followed orders” they KNEW were wrong, need to be investigated and prosecuted.

EVERY doctor and EVERY nurse who vilified anyone speaking out, who went out of their way to report anyone who objected or anyone who raised concerns, needs to learn the lessons and the consequences of following an unlawful, inhumane order, and rejecting your own humanity. Of acquiescing like a coward, of joining mob-think, of bullying co-workers and colleagues, of sucking up to superiors.

I thank God for Covid in many ways because it unmasked the traitors and the tyrants among us. It completely blew out the un-earned foundations of White-Coat-Worship and we found out that for many who work in healthcare, that adulation was completely undeserved.

We need worldwide trials on a scale with war crimes. This was a crime without parallel.

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Wow.. This nurse explains how hospitals were at first empty & losing money until the govt started mandating the “covid protocols” which mandated payment UP FRONT to the hospital

IF they put the patient on on the protocol while they waited for the test to come back… If the patient was on the protocol the doctors were forced by hosp administrators to put down Covid as cause of death THUS, the sooner they died the more money the hospital could keep and not have to spend it on their care……. This what happens when the power is shifted away from MDs & given to administrators !!!! … The goal becomes driven by the numbers ($) and coding codes not by doctors’ medical management decisions made in the best interest of the patients….

*ie- people were KILLED.”

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Shocking and sickening the ruthlessness of such leaders

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I was in southmead hospital Bristol UK with covid, November 2021. I was there for 6 weeks, 10 days on icu & a further 6 weeks at home using oxygen. During my stay at southmead the wards were packed, at one point my room was divided so another patent could be squeezed in. My oxygen saturation fail below 80, I was never put on a ventilator though I did wear a hood for my stay on icu. I'm not vaccinated & have since made a full recovery. I was diagnosed with long covid & attended a clinic, which I discarded myself from as they were totally clueless. I had pneumonia in 2011 & spent four months in hospital, two at first then another two after they'd sent me home & two weeks later my right lung had filled up with fluid. I'd say that the pneumonia in 2011 was far worse than covid, bio weapon or what ever it was.

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So so sorry, what a shameful waste of You, have hope…lwe must win, the righteous are seeing the truth, Naomi Wolf, Ed Dowd and many more exposing the fraud and deceptions

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It wasn't a pleasant experience, I was treated badly by ambulance staff, nurse, doctors & domestics once they heard I wasn't vaccinated against covid. I also had to endure wearing this hood 24/7 for the 10 days on icu. I had to drink through a hole in the hood & could only remove it for twenty minutes to eat & to go to the rest room. Thank you for your concerns, I've made a pretty good recovery, not as active as I used to be, but I'm 60 & have osteoporosis & problems with my shoulder & reacuring hip problems, inflammation which my GP isn't interested in. I suffer from a personalty disorder & find my local GP extremely rude to talk too.

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Dang! A thinking, nurse with a conscious and morals! Can't have that! You're fired!!!

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Yah! First! Do no harm..heard that one?

…..Courage to show themselves above the ramparts And so much loss and sacrifice for it Meanwhile the buckets of $$ made by those who juggled the applications for Covid “relief” !!!


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Remdesivir was developed as an antiviral drug by Gilead Sciences and was first tested during the “Ebola” outbreak in 2014. The drug was found to have a very high death rate (over 50%) so was not pursued further at that time. In the early months of 2020, however, the drug was used in “covid” trials and performed just as bad. Not only was the drug ineffective but it also had serious and life-threatening side effects, including kidney failure and liver damage.

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and of course that is why the hospitals used it!

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You forgot to mention Fauci was behind all this.

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Good is called evil and evil is called good.

And seemingly, only a small remnant seems to see, think and understand reasonably.

Sinister and despicable beyond words.

We cannot give up and comply.

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With the HUGE & demonstrable covid crimes against humanity WHY aren’t there more legal cases against government, hospitals, Pharma, doctors?

I know, I know - «no-one is coming to save us» etc., and many of us have spent several years writing, speaking out, trying to let others know what’s been going on. But unless & until millions get out on the streets, we have limited impact.

Legal action is one form of action that those with training &/or resources can take against the perpetrators & Aaron Siri at ICAN has done great work. We need a lot more action to force these issues into the spotlight & to let the villains know we are working to hold them ACCOUNTABLE.

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Yeah there’s class action lawsuit in N America.

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CHD - please establish a Give-Send-Go fund for this nurse. I will gladly contribute. Her experience mirrors many other ethical nurses & is horrific.

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You are a hero thank you for your bravery and service to humanity.

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Compelling witness. I didn't get it where she says around min. 12-13 that her employer demanded a doctor's note for partially removing her mask and that it was a "set-up" to fire her. The interviewer did not clarify it for the viewer.

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Facts my family in AZ. Doesn't want to know what evil is being pushed on man kind. And three family members in other parts have passed away from this poison. We are all infected from nanos in our food supply in our water and air. Now meat supply is injected with this poison even your pets read the label it listed as part of vaccine. And people don't believe in Christ Jesus and he told us all these things were to come.

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So so sorry. Yes, we can know the end, and righteousness will win, but shure hard to watch the show

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So her life with her kids is being sacrificed. Shame she can’t move with them out of that state and get into some other caring profession, away from hospitals.

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There are other freedom doctors and private nurse organizations I’ve read about but this upstanding woman would have to move her family out of CA, and they already have stress so it would likely be too hard as a single mom cut off from her employment insurance.

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We should be so grateful that their are people out there like this women that sacrificed so much, because it was the right thing to do.

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Isn't that testimony 'ENOUGH is ENOUGH' proof of a crime and a 100% ready material for a class action lawsuit against all the criminals in the DEATH CARE provider system??? That needs to END NOW, CHD, please do something about it.

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What a wonderful example of courage and morality. So glad she is telling her story. The other side of the coin is astounding in its wickedness. May she be blessed.

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We lived through a horror movie.

'The Hospital' is a monster that must be prosecuted/eliminated.

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Another great Read is “TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN Vaccine Science and Myth”…very eye opening…I bought it on Amazon


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Yes I heard it’s excellent information, so I bought it and have to start reading… I’ve purchased several vaccine books, so I have my work cut out for me , besides getting a multitude of information from videos and Substack, etc 🤓

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I remember that the hospitals in Calgary were telling people to come to Emergency if they needed to. Many people wouldn't come fearful of infection from Covid-19. The sickness and deaths began in 2021 after the shot was being injected.

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I'm sorry that you have been vilified and persecuted! It is simply disgusting and I hope that you find work that is much better for you and that uses your knowledge and honesty!!! Kudos to you for standing up for yourself and the Patients!

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question: how much money the hospital is making??? No clear answer, 'just;': 'the faster patient is dying, the more money they make.... how on earth those people can even look into other humans' eyes???? That's a murder scene here! And 'just' wonder like other commenters here, would it be better not to know this death protocol by the blood hungry criminals? No, it is right to know the bloody truth, only such a SHOCK can wake more people up!

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I saw on another blog that everything had a compensation dollar value , from the pcr test , to being admitted, to giving the CDC protocol medications to Death…

They received $40,000.00 reimbursement for Death alone….

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Dr Makis, I noticed a while back that you put up a blog post with a picture of Fenben Lab fenbendazole. Initially I purchased that but I got such a huge backlash on Joe Tippens fB site that I returned it. I had no problem returning it. I was told that that product was tested by an independent lab and it was found to be inferior...so I have moved to a Merck product. Have you looked into the quality of that product? Please advise if you can.

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⚖️ Critical thinking meets ethics. Thank you for taking a stand. Your critics may one day regret their behaviour. This is one of the ways we try to deal with them in Australia, with Forest of the Fallen displays: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Q0tSGyl68/?igsh=dDNieXR2NDZqZ2E0

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So where can you get the book for info on big pharma.

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Gayla Hall, I have audible so I went on there to see if it was available to purchase. Turns out they have it and it is a free one to download!

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I was working in the Edmonton Zone. The hospitals were empty. We had 10 new CV billing codes, they made huge dollars to promote lies, to provoke massive fear in the public. Absolute monsters, not humans.

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May God bless you and protect you, Nurse Reena! You are a beacon of truth and light! Thank you for coming forward with your testimony.

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Well, there are 2 choices:

1. Do away with corporate medicine. Which will be very hard because of the money plus brainwashed/scared for their job doctors & medical personnel and patients. OR

2. Create another system in the private whereby patients have to be members, there is no government oversight or medical licensing (other than peer reviews via complaints/problems) and the personnel have to be of the highest ethics and have taken the proper training/schooling/experience to qualify and no insurance is accepted because the rates are a lot lower. The way it used to be before insurance got into the game.

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Good video interview. Th interviewer needs to have a better Mic, turn her volume up.

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I'd like to know the title and author of the book she talked about, published around 2013.

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How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients - Ben Goldacre

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Oh thank you! She swished it past the camera, thanks

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Thank you!

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Apr 29
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Praise the Lord for internet technology…. We could not encourage and warn and inform each other without it

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You are right… Communicating (Speech) is saving us, while cancelling and censoring is being used by woke and by democrats at this time in the attempt to enforce iron rule based on a socially generated unreasonable

HATE created by Media lies about a kind, smart, caring Orange man.

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