Iran's Revenge: Operation True Promise
Preliminary Synopsis of Tonight's Momentous Events & The Ensuing Aftermath
Objects are seen in the sky above Jerusalem after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, in Jerusalem April 14, 2024. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun
SOURCE: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/reaction-irans-drone-missile-attack-israel-2024-04-13/
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم
إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُاللهِ وَالْفَتْحُ
وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِی دِينِ اللهِ أَفْوَاجًا
فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ تَوَّابًاIn the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.
1. “When Allah’s ˹ultimate˺ help comes & the victory ˹over Mecca is achieved˺,
2. & you ˹O Prophet˺ see the people embracing Allah’s Way in crowds,
3. Then glorify the praises of your Lord and seek His forgiveness, for certainly He is ever Accepting of Repentance.”
~ Surah An-Nasr 110:1-3; Translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, ‘The Clear Quran’
While Toiling away at My DOOM Furnace, polishing up the final touches on some of my Most DOOM-full work yet (to be presented to the most excellent Sir
for & Truth Jihad), something most unexpected occurred:The Iranian Frens struck the Vile Zionist entity squarely in the Jaw. Hundreds of UAVs, Cruise Missiles & Ballistic Missiles have hit as of this writing.
Granted, this was not without Iranian warnings, nor were the Zionists & their American poodles entirely oblivious to the revenge that was coming.
That said, I think many of us analysts (including myself) were taken aback by the overall bluntness & ferocity of the Iranian response to Zionist aggression:
Recall, Dear Readers & Listeners, that when the Zionists martyred some seven military personnel at the Iranian consulate in Syria, the notion that this would preempt a Direct Iranian Attack on Zionist-occupied territory was quite the leap:
Firstly, Iran rarely attacks its foes directly, opting to use a myriad of Sub-State Actor-Frens to avoid more significant escalation & to keep the peace in & around West Asia. For them, such moves count as Standard Operating Procedure.
Second, & more importantly, 'Israel,' that vile Zionist entity, is a rogue pirate entity with not just access to Nukes but likewise a vast tranche of related weapons of Mass Destruction. A direct attack would mean an escalatory ladder with an extensive gamut.
Both of these considerations prompted me (& others) to take the view that a direct Iranian attack on Zionist-occupied territory was not in the cards. Perhaps they would carry out a strike on military installations in the occupied Golan Heights at most?
Oh, how wrong I was in the end!
The Iranian frens have demonstrated to us all Tonight why it is they are the leaders of the Islamic Resistance movement in West Asia. It is not because 'they bought & paid for' all these sundry Resistance actors in the region, as some erroneously claim.
No, it is because Iran is the sole Great Power in West Asia, willing, ready & able to suffer high costs & retaliation if it means the liberation of Masjid Al-Aqsa & Palestine!
This virtue did not appear overnight, nor was it cultivated by accident. Iran did not get here merely by 'willing' it to be so. Years & Decades of sanctions, humiliation & overall suffering preceded this moment of triumph for the Iranian people.
After Tonight, the World Order has radically shifted. The 'Old Rules' will no longer apply & Iran can be thanked for this Tectonic shift overall. Granted, the signs of this coming earthquake were somewhat apparent:
Iran (contrary to Western propaganda) is a highly rational actor. For decades, it has engaged in ‘Strategic patience,’ bypassing conventional, Symmetric conflict in favour of sundry Asymmetric options against the Zionist enemy.
Several months ago, I penned an Analytical piece that touches upon this aspect of Iranian Strategic Culture, shaped by the pressures of American hegemony in West Asia, prevalent in the post-Iran-Iraq war climate:
Today, Iran is officially a Great Power with its own 'Sphere of Influence.' The attack on 'Israel' has solidified this & there can now be no doubt on this matter:
For one thing, 'Israeli' leadership has demonstrated once & for all that without significant American backing, their vaunted 'most moral army in the world' is an utter paper tiger, not worth much even with its sundry overpriced tech & gadgetry.
US, UK & French forces stepped in to try & intercept a measly bunch of UAVs, Cruise Missiles, & Ballistic Missiles, amounting to a few hundred. The puppet regimes in Jordan & Saudi Arabia likewise assisted in this ignoble endeavour to defend 'Israel.'
What does all this mean?
'Israel' has demonstrated that it cannot defend itself any longer. Without sufficient assistance from the Americans & their Arab vassals & EU satrapies, this military garrison & primarily European outpost is all but DOOM-ed, given current trends:
From now on, Iran will directly intervene (should the need arise) alongside its sundry Axis of Resistance frens. This development is a seismic shift in the balance of power in West Asia, albeit in many ways a return to the mean.
For centuries, the Turks & Persians have dominated the region. However, these past few years & decades have been anomalous, courtesy of American pre-eminence worldwide & its focus on West Asia in particular. That is now coming to an end:
The Empire of Lies is in retreat worldwide. From Ukraine to Taiwan (& everywhere in between), it is being pushed back rapidly on all fronts & all axes of confrontation. Even the most diehard Regime mouthpieces today acknowledge (at least in part) all this.
This retreat means that 'Israel' can no longer rely on the Americans to bail them out. Gone are the days when Uncle Sam & Lady Liberty could sail across the Ocean & assist the Zionist menace in brutalizing the Palestinians & their allies.
Likewise, gone are the days when American weaponry could do much given the cheap & diffuse nature of the foes it faces on the field of battle (& outside it) & said foes' weapons systems. Cheap UAVs are the tip of the iceberg for this novel threat matrix.
As The Most Excellent Sir
(writing at ) put it in our recent podcast episode:The American Carrier Battle Groups are no different today than the French Heavy Infantry were at the Battle of Agincourt, nothing better than sitting ducks for incoming enemy projectiles, ready to be mowed down & utterly decimated.
Total Defeat is inevitable in West Asia-proper, given the Massive escalation Dominance (in UAVs, Ballistic, & Cruise Missiles) that Iran can inflict upon the American Navy.
But it gets much worse than that:
In the Twilight of its Empire, the Americans no longer have sufficient sealift & airlift to prosecute anything close to a 'War with Iran.' Nor do they have enough manufacturing or industrial prowess. I analyzed all this in my very first smelted DOOM wares here:
Given all these facts, it is no wonder that the 'collective Biden,' which runs the current crumbling Imperial regime, is not keen on a wider regional war. That said, this will likely not deter the vile Zionist regime from striking back at Iran shortly.
Why, You Ask?
Simply put, Values ultimately Trump Logic when all is said & done.
Indeed, there are those analysts out there who think that American capitulation & retreat on this matter (i.e., 'We will not support you retaliating in kind against Iran') is the end of the matter. But the 'Israelis' will not simply be content with just this:
Zionist society runs on Apartheid & exclusion, whereby a significant chunk of the population views the Palestinians & other Arabs as Untermensch & savages, with whom conversation is not only impossible but is likewise downright repugnant & unseemly.
The 'Israeli' Superman can merely 'will & inflict upon' said barbarians & savages whenever & whatever it is they please, so why bother with useless dialogue? This Mythology of 'Israeli' supremacy undergirds the very foundations of the society.
Thus, this attack on the Zionist entity is a soul-crushing blow to millions of these pro-Ethnostate nutjobs. The public outcry for blood, revenge & reprisal will ring across 'Israeli' society, for this humiliation of the Zionist Supermen cannot be allowed to stand:
Should Netanyahu & his cronies not heed this populist cry for retaliation, his government will rapidly implode, & Civil War will be the result, pitting the myriad Zionist Supermen against one another in a bloody, ignoble fight to the finish.
& so the irrational, logically absurd & completely imprudent option remains, courtesy of this brutish process of logical exclusion brought about via Zionist' Superman' thinking & values, namely the option of striking Iran without explicit American backing.
If so, at that point, we have a 'boxing match' on our hands where both sides strike one another in a Tit-for-Tat manner, using conventional weaponry.
Given its lack of Strategic depth & a population of a mere 10-12% of Iran's, the 'Israelis' would inevitably lose:
Losing 500,000 (killed & wounded) for the Iranians would be horrific, but not something they are unfamiliar with (courtesy of the Iran-Iraq war).
Losing 500,000 (killed & wounded) for the 'Israeli' Supermen, meanwhile, given the facts above, would mean Social Implosion & Collapse.
That said, I, your Friendly Neighbourhood DOOM Merchant, am of the personal opinion that given the supremacist nature of Zionist society & the humiliation that its alleged supermen have suffered, we may yet see this baffling Tit-for-Tat commence.
If it does, it will be the end of 'Israel' as we know it:
For all the reasons noted earlier, the loss of men, materials, infrastructure, etc., would more adversely affect the Zionist supermen far more than the Iranian 'Untermensch.' For its part, Iran has already declared that the era of Strategic Patience is officially over.
If so, Netanyahu & cronies may get that ‘War with Iran’ they have wished for...
The DOOM cometh!
Addendum: Here is an excellent live stream from several hours ago, which (to my mind) did a most fantastic job in collating the DOOM that befell the Zionist entity, as Iranian frens peppered 'Israel' with UAVs, Cruise & Ballistic Missiles en masse.
It is exceptionally long (well over the 3-hour mark!), but it is very raw & 'in your face' given the LIVE nature of the broadcast, in tandem with utilizing scant to limited information (at the time). That said, I think this broadcast deserves high marks:
For One, it used Palestinian & other Resistance forces' OSINT channels rather than Western ones, which (to put it politely) were 'talking out of their backsides' for most of the night, obfuscating the overall gravity of the strikes across 'Israel.'
Second (& more importantly), it answered several audience questions in a forthright, prudent manner, even though the 'News Cycle' was exceptionally busy, given Zionist & Western panic. The Brother did an excellent job overall!
Dear Readers & Listeners, please Subscribe to his YouTube channel and check out his work; I found it to be of excellent quality! The shorter video material was exceptionally well done and easy to digest and understand.
Even more impressive was The Personal Website, & more importantly, This Excellent Book. It is the most concise, impressive primer I have found that postulates a workable 'One State Solution' for Palestine. I Highly Recommend reading it in full!
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Yes sir, I believe they are panicked as well. I am under the impression America assumed their days of having to deal head on with foreign adversaries was behind them. Not much doubt in my mind the W elite thought Russia would roll over in early 2022.
Prior to that a war was declared domestically instead. In order to make Western Civ easier to control the elite opened the floodgates on its own population. Started arresting and demonizing everything that had any inking of common sense and humility.
This included the individuals at the bottom of the military as well. You know the ones actually doing the fighting. The elites and their beloved hegemony are in a real pickle now. It’s so ironic for me to be saying all of this having come from a very patriotic background. The adults in the room that seem to be pro humanity are the very same nations dubbed as the latest “axis of evil.” China, Russia, and Iran are the reasons this has not escalated out of control. It’s been a personal struggle since the covid crisis on my end. Let’s just say it’s been a learning experience.
I thought Iran really threaded the needle quite nicely with their response. We will overwhelm you with cheap drones and then hit you with a hypersonic left hook when you run out of ammo. Though I am unsure if any (hypersonic) were used last night. Seems all of the things they did hit were military related as well. So far it looks like they achieved the mission without escalating the matters.
Those of us on the right should understand that if Iran was really an uncontrollable monster they would have done irreparable damage long ago. How difficult would it have been to target facilities in the region that would raise the price of oil making gas $8 per gallon. Probably not too hard at all. If gasoline and diesel hit these prices in the US we would be toast.
What this tells me is that contrary to conventional thought Iran, China, nor Russia want to see the West go down in flames; at least not yet. After careful consideration it becomes clear; why would they? Having a destabilized nation being led by psychopaths with nukes is probably not great for anyone. That would be counterproductive one would think.
“May you live in interesting times” they say. Well congratulations we sure do. The old order is falling. I will be the first to tell you that does not look good for humanity existing in West Civ. It’s a recipe for really dark times ahead. I had to throw in a little DOOM of my own. This is the place to do it I hear. 😉
Thank you for another excellent article!
Victory to Iran!