All right, tell everyone your name, please.
Hello, my name is Ana Espinoza Sanchez.
And it's a story about your beautiful sister.

VIDEO - CHD - Unvaxxed sister killed by hospital protocols (Lupe Espinoza, Mar.2024)

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Discussion about this video

I am very sorry for the unnecessary death of your sister. I apologize because I do not know how to write English well, as I come from Slovenia. It was the same here, the same deadly protocols in all hospitals in the country. When I fell ill with the so-called " covid", they first sent me home an oximeter, they harassed me on the phone every day (even three times a day) about what the saturation was and pressured me to go to the hospital because I could die. In the end it was so bad that I she lied to them about the oxygen levels so that they would leave me alone. But at that time I felt like I was poisoned with something. It was 2021. After it was all over, they appeared at my door the doctor, two nurses and started clapping and singing "well done, you beat "covid"... it was downright grotesque. And almost no one who went to the hospital (they convinced most of the people who were sick) never came back alive from it. I wish you and your family all the best and thank you for sharing this sad experience. Let everyone see what kind of "mengele doctors" they are!!

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May 6Edited

Holy cow Nataša! Where in the world was this? That's beyond outrageous and terrifying too. You did very, very well!!!!

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In Koper-Capodistria 10km from Italy.)Slovenia)

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I'm so very sorry to hear you lost your sister to this evil . I pray she watches over you and protects your family. They will pay for these murders.

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Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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I had covid in November 2021, I was on icu for ten days, what ever they gave me damaged my liver, though its since recovered, I was on deaths door at one point. I was asked by the senior doctor if I was to arrest, did I want them to resuscitate me, my answer was no. So many people have gone into hospital with minor illnesses & ended up dead. We had a doctor in Wales that removed the wrong kidney, another removed the wrong leg. A friend's wife complained about an ache in her leg & was told to take some paracetamol, it turned out to be a blood clot & she was lucky she didn't due. I'm so sorry to listen to this story, my heart goes out to you in this time of grief.

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I am so sorry for all that you and your family have been through and continue to go through. I can empathize since my husband experienced similar treatment and died in December 2021. I feel strongly that those of us who have lost loved ones this way need to band together and let the world know what happened. Perhaps…enough pressure can be put on the health authorities and the government so that those who were responsible will be held accountable and policies and protocols will be changed. May you all experience the love and compassion of Jesus as you continue to mourn the loss of a dearly loved sister, daughter and Mom.

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The governments are complicit in this mass murder. They order the Remdesivir, ventilators, Midazolam and ventilators for this purpose. These hospital protocols are approved by governments. Even though they know they cause death.

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My sympathies to you and your family. It is so so hard to bear this kind of treatment at the hands of people who are supposed to take an oath to do no harm (at the very least)

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Gosh my heart breaks for her. I believe the actor Nick Cordero had his leg amputated and was killed by protocol. In July 2020 his wife revealed Nick had been a part of the Remdesivir clinical trial. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8274895/Nick-Corderos-wife-Amanda-Kloots-recalls-dropping-hospital-29-days-ago.html

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Beware the medical Oops Syndrome. "We thought we knew what we were doing, but oops we didnt. So sorry". Institutionalized arrogance is a very dangerous mentality. PU.

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With all of these testimonies and clear evidence in the medical records, what is the next step? What legal recourse do these people have and what judge will take their cases? Congress won’t do anything except hold hearings and form committees on your tax $$$’s and accomplish nothing!!! So frustrating!!

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horrible. so sad.

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A mass formation of anger resides subconsciously because humanity is being killed and we the people are undergoing this process of acknowledgment.

These perps will understand rath as it is administered without discretion.

Would want to be them…

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Snake venom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sorry for your loss. Happened to my friend's husband. I think they needed more un-vaxed people to die. All the people in the hospital dying were vaccinated....

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