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Okay, we're live. Tell us your name, please.
Carrie McLean.
And this is about your daughter. So when you were pregnant with her, did you at any time have any conversations about vaccinations or anything like that?
VIDEO - CHD - Childhood vaccines - 4 month vaccines lead to lifelong seizures (Karen McLane, Mar.2024)
May 11, 2024
My 19 year old Son was a healthy thriving athlete that died from SUDEP. SADS SIDS, it’s all the same and it’s childhood vaccines that killed him! A mother knows! We have been lied too! I wish I knew then what i know now! My Son would be alive.. Vaccines kill! They have to start connecting the dots.
I am so sorry !
Corinne, I cannot imagine what it has been like for you to lose your healthy son. I am guessing he got the mRNA Covid shots since many young people are dying suddenly after getting them?
Don't worry, they won't. 😥
There is nothing government hates more than an educated, informed and healthy populace! It’s why they shadow ban the real doctors, why they call natural doctors quacks and why the try to belittle you! (Remember the horse paste ridicule?). At this point, that psycho babble crap should roll off of people like water on oil! We all should be done with any and all vaccines!!
A primer for you:
"The Medical Racket" by Wade Frazier -
The medical personnel don't know what is in the 'vaccine' vials that they are giving to kids and people. They don't even read the inserts on the ingredients, reactions, contraindications, etc. They blindly just follow orders to inject and get reimbursed from big Pharma. They are brainwashed and threatened and they pass that on to their clients so that they can stay in business. Medicine in America is a sad state of affairs these days because you cannot trust doctors in the regular medical system and in some cases you may become dependent on them in an emergency.
After 4+ years of devolving obscenities like this I have lost faith in all our institutions: Government, the law and judiciary, religion, orthodox medicine, the academy, organised labour and especially the despicable, boot-licking, lying whore media. All of them, corrupt and rotten to the core. A degree of evil beyond human, it is Satanic.
Yes, it is Satanic. A sick society brings wealth to certain persons, but poverty to the cell and organ harvested.
Most medical persons do not believe in All Mighty God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They serve for money, which Satan shells out for a period of time.
Satan declares them as his own and will take their life and soul.
They are in big trouble if they harm the child in birth and thereafter.
Before the baby is vaxxed, it is already in a blood weakened anemic state by the afterbirth standard of care policy of Active Management.
It facilitates premature quality of life umbilical cord clamping.
The then trapped placental/cord blood is taken and sold by the birthing institute.
Mostly, they want the baby's deprived own need for its stem cells to be inside its body and not, deceptively, stored in a cord blood bank.
The parents will, in most instances, take home a revived living and vaxxed weakened baby.
It is Santic, they seek the baby's blood in the after birth care. The parents are none the wiser.
Amen! You got that right!
Alas... 😭
My condolences on the loss of your son. I'm pretty sure -- now -- my twin sister's death at 52 in 2011 from colon cancer was due if not to childhood vaccinations then certainly the HPV vaccination. Bright, articulate, a lawyer, ate healthy, exercised... and blue-pilled to the bitter end: Anything I tried to tell her? Instant sneering clueless comments about "conspiracy theory."🙄
The academics are very hard to convince that their own professional group deceives them by following the same narrative, get vaxxed to live.
Nope, it's get vaxxed and shorten your lifespan.
The benefit to the State is that it Saves money for the State, no pensions paid out, and being dead, no more medical expenses. But they lost a highly skilled person that took at least 24 years to be serviceable to society for at least 70 years.
In my experience? Academics are morons.
Hi Jennifer. No Evan passed at age 19 in 2011. He died just like all these athletes and people now that have received the Covid shots in his sleep. He started seizures at age 16 when he started growing. The Nurologist told me his brain will settle down once he stops growing. My guess all that crap that was in his brain from childhood vaccines caused it. Autopsy. No cause of death. They also told me it was like SIDS!
Thank you for sharing your personal story Karen. You speak for millions of us who "trusted and loved" the doctors taking care of our children and we believed they were doing what was right for them. I remember arguing with a friend who was a surgeon about the DPT shot and he said the chance of a bad reaction was 1 in 300,000 (or something like that). I told him what if my child is the 1? We never discussed vaccines again. My guess is these doctors get some kind of $$$ for every child/every vaccine given in their practice.