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So tell everyone your name, please.
Hi, my name is Peg Bauer.
Peg. And we're going to start with your grandson, okay?
VIDEO - CHD - Grandson killed by hospital (Peg Bower, Apr.2024)
May 13, 2024
Double dipping by the transfer to another of their hospitals? Disgusting. Hospitals. should be forced to disclose all profits made from these murders. Profiteering pirates and greed using doctors convinced they are saving lives.
Asked all my text contacts to watch and share this. Prevent needless suffering. Be a saint. Too few people know that flu shots can ruin your quality of life.
Peg Bower, we hear you. Thank you for telling us what happened to you and your grandson. Of course she had to diagnose herself.
This video is definitely worth watching!
So tragic...I'm convinced some of these hospitals are run by demons at this point. Definitely by the Satanic Serpent Race, as they show us with their symbols. BTW, the Vatican is a snake. Look up Jonathan Kleck for more info. This one explains the Serpent Race at the start...
When in doubt, blame it on/ discredit the patient. The old CIA tactic of conspiracy theory or 'its all in your head.' Too bad Guillain Barre happened to this nice lady and her son had bad luck also. It is getting to the point that if you are going to die, don't even bother going to the hospital and hope for the best. Avoid the bill. or padding the hospital's pocket. Boycott big pharma. We have to start a new private medical system with its' own hospitals. What used to be before corporate came in and ruined everything.
Sorry for your loss.
I read a very long time ago that the compensation payout for vaccine injury was highest for the flu shots!
Wouldn’t it be something if all the stolen, corrupt dollars just suddenly burst into flames, in their pants pocket, their purses and their bank vaults…. Just like the soaked EVs do after a blizzard? …..What a screaming, angry sight….the guilty ones, bursting out of front door, the garage door, and during an important speech…. that would make !!
I, too, thought the flu shot was benign. I got it sporadically, not every year. One year, about 15 years ago, I got the shot at work, and that night I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was going to self-combust. And, no, it was NOT a menopausal hot flash! I have no idea what was going on inside my body, but I truly felt like I was dying and that my organs were failing (not that I know what that feels like, it's just what it felt at the time) and I even woke my husband up and told him that I thought he needed to call an ambulance for me. I muscled through it through the night, but I was out of it for about 6 weeks. Never got another flu shot.
Dreadful…so sorry. So terrifying for you ….So when last at my doc’s the asst bustled around being officious and I told her “and I’m not doing anything about Covid”. They both looked at me shocked, but left it alone
This witness testimony is interesting because she mentioned she was affiliated with military. Anyone that has anything to do with military weather it be commercial or military have to be injected with all kinds of things. Part of the job description. Just saying.
They need to pass a law allowing people to sue for these injuries. No other product has lawsuit protection. With protection from lawsuits there is no incentive to put out safe products.
Thought this might be a good place to mention this.. connected with my friend H... whom I've not seen in a few years thanks to the Fraudemic -- he's in Vancouver, I'm in Victoria. He does not look well, he has a constant cough, said he's had “covid” three times except he and girlfriend W... have also had 6 doses each of The Lethal Injections... and W... has had cervical cancer. They think she's in the clear. He says he’s taking up bicycling again, he was into long-distance bicycling; I warned him in no uncertain terms to have his heart checked... 😳
In the immortal words of Han Solo: "I've got a Bad Feeling about this."
God may forgive them but we need the death penalty reinstated post facto. When they visit God he can decide on forgiveness.