name please yes my name is terry nosak and this is about your mother yes and she
took a moderna just one or how many just one moderna uh covid 19 shot correct tell us what happened
Yes, so my mother, she was 96 when she died. And previous to the Moderna shot, she'd been living in senior living, and she'd been quarantined for about a year in the senior living facility that she was at. And we were only able to visit through the window, or we should go out to our balcony.

VIDEO - CHD - Moderna killed her mother (CHD, Apr.2024)

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Pfizer killed my sister (with blood clot) and seriously injured both of my brothers’ hearts.

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That's terrible, my condolences.

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May 15
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Sorry to hear. Prayers

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They've fucking around with mrna for decades, so they got all of the information, the animal tests & despite the negative results they decided to test it on humans. Whether it was deliberate or a huge mistake they ought to own fess up, pay out the effected, serve there jail time with what ever dignity they have left, but they ain't going to do any of that. No they'll hide behind their lawers or what ever bent corrupt politicians that supported the mass vaccinations of healthy adults & children. Why isn't America ablaze? Why aren't there mass demonstrations, why are people trying to ignore this? In a decade when millions have died of cancer, blood clots, heart attacks etc it'll be too late to do anything. How many of the illegal aliens entering our countries have ever been vaccinated, will they eventually become ill due to coming into contact with the vaccinated. I don't believe that our world leaders had the vaccine, they may have poised for the cameras, but what ever they got injected with, definitely wasn't the same shit as us. Biden looks like he'd fall over if hit by a feather & that dementia bullshit is just for the cameras & any lawsuits he encounters.

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May 15
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There you go, Boris Johnson was supposed to be on deaths door with covid yet he made a remarkable recovery. I think his nurse mentioned that he was really ill, it was a just a show to win support for his prime ministership. I think it's the same with the royals, big ears with cancer & I like to play with my willy, Williams wife dying of cancer as well. I've heard there's a wonder drug for cancer, I bet they'll take it, recover & then everyone will be rushing to take it.

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But they won't get the same cancer cure the over lords got.

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Yes that's right, the public will believe what they read & when the media reports there cancers have gone, everyone with cancer will be demanding this magic bullet only to die shortly after & big pharma will say, well it only treats certain cancers & there's a time limit to when it can be administered.

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Lockdowns killed my mom in her nursing home in Nov 2020 in B.C. The cruelty of the public so called health officer " Dr. B. Henry in ourj province is off the scale. All done with a sacntimonious smile and soft voice.

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2500 terminated healthcare workers in BC still not hired back?! Encouraging 6 month old babies and pregnant women to get this injection regardless of the fact that there was no long term study?! I asked an unvaccinated nurse recently if Bonnie was ignorant and anti science OR engaging in criminal/evil decision making. She said “criminal” without a doubt.

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And yet at the end of the day and after all these tragic true life stories, most people have/are/will line up for the next shot willingly! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I don’t want to say too much of what I was thinking as I was watching and listening to this woman but I will say one thing that hit me right in the beginning. Why in the world..would she take something that she knew was ‘experimental’ into her body, that she, after doing all her own research, listening to real Doctors and Scientist’s warnings, and agreeing with them…..and then trying to tell her own Mother not to take it….would she go and take it……she had 40 years of working as a Nurse of some kind and I would imagine could have easily taken retirement, at least I would assume that anyway……

I am not going to say too much here because they are only my thoughts…..and only God knows what was behind her reasoning on taking the shot. All I could do was listen and wonder why in the world would she do that…especially taking a stand the first time against it for ‘work’ ….. And then for ‘work’ she turned around and took the ‘jab’….perhaps the fear of losing one’s job was too much….Who know’s…..I certainly hope that she will overcome the damage that it has caused inside her body….

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Yes - hard to believe after all she knew and her mother getting sick the same day she had the Moderna shot which she had tried to talk her out of, that she would actually subject herself to one! Really?

Also she never mentioned whether or not she asked for her mother’s medical records to see what she was given whilst in care.

Not only that, but both she and husband took the shots after all she said she that she knew was going on! Why why oh why?

My mouth drops open!

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So sorry for your love.

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Not sure about this one...feel like I already heard it although it was just posted today. Maybe somewhere else? Can't believe people who knew better took the jab to keep a job or let their elderly loved ones take it. Insane, evil world.

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The fact that they wouldn't let you in to see her should have been a red flag to get her out of there. So many people play follow the leader or friend, in this case. And then there is the coercion tactic by the employer.

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It makes me more and more angry when listening to all these stories about such an astronomic amount of LIES, all related to covid crimes.. The only hope is ALL THESE VICTIMS will come together in one GIANT lawsuit and will turn the current 'medical system' into a second Monsanto, which then will need to be transported away or annihilated completely!!! The lies about help of the covid GENETIC THERAPIES for the elderly are touching me in particular, since in my family all ~>80 years old who got it, THREE CASES, are NOW DEAD. Synthetic genes encoding foreign non-human proteins are the killer, to decimate the populations, and to annihilate the HUMAN GENOME to foreign entities. All against the Creator of our human bodies, after HIS IMAGE.

My entire sub-stack is all about it, and 'somehow', not only nobody listens, but I'm being censored by few other writers here... For example, a RUSSIAN sub-stack user named Lion of Judah, banned me for my comments, AND 'somehow' arranged, that I can't even post comments on her todays articles at ForbiddenKnowledgenet.tv, all about religion, prophecies... Part of the substack became the most dangerous mafia out there, apparently with christian religious background, and yet, behaving like Moslems, who are beheading anyone not applauding their views...

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Manslaughter needs not melicious intent, only outcome. Magna Carta rules; Since their actions make Hitler look like a failure, executions are in order.

Gas, crucify, torture

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