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outside the hospital. Okay, we're live. All right, what's your name?
My name is Melanie Bolan. I'm a pharmacist.
You're a pharmacist. Let's start with that. Okay, so you're a pharmacist. Yes. Did you give people vaccinations?
VIDEO - CHD - COVID Jab killed 29 year old daughter (CHD, Apr.2024)
May 17, 2024
My heart breaks for Melanie. She is tormented because her daughter died before they could reconcile. She’s haunted because she wanted her daughter to forgive her for something (it doesn’t matter that whatever it was, may not have been Melanie’s fault, that’s not the point in Melanie’s mind, I’m guessing) and come back to her and now Melanie will Never have the chance to atone. Again, I’m not saying that the estrangement was Melanie’s fault, it could totally have been her daughter’s fault, but from a mother’s perspective, it doesn’t matter one whit who is at fault, we just want our children to know we love them. I am only guessing at her torment because I know what it’s like - my mother died before I, as her daughter, could atone for our rocky relationship. I’m only speaking from a daughter’s perspective, I cannot imagine a MOTHER’s pain in the unfinished business of forgiveness.
So sad with this story. There are so many sad stories about this jab. Hang in there momma. You are a great lady. You did the right thing. We love you!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The only good things coming out of this...Many are out of this more suffering. I believe they are in a far better place. I lost my brother and his former wife who was very dear. We all lost members of our family. The other thing which is GOOD! We have learned I great deal more about what is going on in this world. It was mind blowing for me to learn....the ingredients in these shots that all of our children have been receiving for generations; and what is in this NEW JAB that was mandated for so many worldwide. Now, we know a great deal more about Medical CARE!!! I knew years ago that Medicare was primarily about LEGAL Drug Dispensing...and I didn't want its toxic drugs. Health CARE is PREVENTION. This was left out of the equation.
The edit did not work...I tried 3 times to add a letter K to the word know... it did not work.
Medical murder due to greed and out of control ego. This isnt just malfeasance. Criminal trials are in order. If the circumstances warrant, capital punishment. This is exponentially more criminal than any of the worst street thugs could ever aspire to. PU.
It is true that we need to forgive. But forgiveness occurs after repentance and restitution - which is justice & mercy.
It's as Jesus said in His day; we strain gnats and swallow camels.
The tragic irony is this mother was giving shots to other people’s daughters for her own reasons (job, livelihood, forced, etc); while someone else just like her was giving those same shots to her own daughter for the same reasons….a senseless tragedy all the way around!!
This pharmacist should resolve to fight on, to prevent further victims.
Quitting the job was a good/ necessary decision. Maybe she could spread the word in the pharmacy community. It won’t be easy.
This terribly sad story resonates. My firstborn and only daughter died in a fire when she was 36. She left her husband and four children, and four brothers and an amazing stepdad. The woman telling this recent story needs professional grief support, and I pray she gets it. Hopefully the Lord will allow her daughter to send her signs, as He did and still does for me.
Melanie, your story is one of the most moving of the dreadful narratives coming out of this terrible time. I cried along with you. There is no consolation, I know, but bless you for your courage and honesty.
I think she kept jabbing people because she needed the job, how heart wrenching that must have been, then to lose he daughter to the same jabs is beyond horrible. I wonder how many other moms are going thru what she's going thru.
Cannot hear the interviewer on any of these videos
You need to turn up the volume on your computer, or use headphones. The interviewer speaks softly as a matter of courtesy to the bereaved and vaccine-injured.
I agree, I've mentioned this once before. We are left not knowing what the answers are for.! So frustrating.
I haven’t been able to get updated information on us life expectancy for the las couple of years. Is the government withholding data?
Er, yes.
Bless your broken, beautiful heart, for giving your testimony to all of humanity . You help validate those of us that stood against this nightmare.
The world is a better place with people like you in it.
Death of a loved one is infinity harder when there are serious, unresolved issues.
Thank you for your report, Melanie❣And thank you for leaving the Pharmacy. Hopefully truth will set us free. My condolences regarding your daughter. I have to believe her spirit lives on in heaven and that those gone before us look upon us. Not sure if these next words will be helpful. In 2000 I fasted for months seeking God. My late Great Aunt Marisha used my body to sing to my 3 year old daughter at the time in broken English in her Polish accent. And in stead of thinking the words coming out of my mouth, I was thinking, "This is Cocia Marisha, this is Cocia Marisha!". So now I truly wonder is the afterlife a reality. I also look into reincarnation. Thank you so much for speaking truth, I feel it is Holy Spirit working in you. I pray for you❣🙏
What a sad, sad story, I’m so sorry for her heartache.
Seems like a compelling interview. Wish I could hear it. And I have super-hearing.
These are serious and credible witnesses, too bad the videos are so Mickey Mouse. The survivors and the dead deserved better.
What do you want, a Hollywood production?
It's done on an old bus: I anyway can hear what the poor lady said, otherwise there are subs.
I can hear it (with tinnitus both sides).
Tinnitus? Did you know that walking in front or near a multi- directional pulsing Smart Meter can cause that? It can cook and deform the inner ear like a microwave.
I also have tinnitus. I’m 73, I have had it for about 10 years. It’s louder in my left ear.
There are several ways to get tinnitus. A friend in the Navy said that standing on deck in front of the Radar dish would melt the chocolate bar in his pocket. Is there MRI damage not talked about?. High BP can cause ringing. So can a 5G router and/or booster router like some past neighbors had. on 24 /7. It set off my car alarm. Right in my previously quiet living room, I sudden,y experienced head pressure, ringing, heart arrhythmias and headaches, which was all new. Finally they bought a new garage door opener, and it conflicted with their 5G router frequencies. They then lowered their power to 2.4 or 2.6 ? or whatever it was. The neighbors were young and low on compassion for my health or feedback. They felt that I was invading their privacy when I told them about it, and asked if they could turn it on when they got home from work and off at bedtime. The duplex on the other side sends Smart Meter signals through my bedroom walls x 2, about 10 to 12 ft. From my head. It’s a question of where to go to escape the increasingly loud radiation. It is a giant pollution problem. Probably creates warming. There are 100,000 Smart. Enters just in y county. So no, it’s not cow farts, Billie. It is tech, Chemtrails for climate engineering and HAARP.
Did anyone get safety testing info on distance on those things? Smart Meters? I heard a minimum of 30 ft. thrown out from some internet source. It also dumps dirty or overage? Electricity into the house.
When focused through foil-backed foam over their (north neighbor’s) sliding glass doors to keep winter cold out, with a small slit cut out in the middle for light for his birds, it peeled the clear coat right off my car a few feet away, and the rear view mirror fell off.
Frequencies can heal, damage and kill.
It’s nice to be able to date back when you noticed it, and hopefully remember when, in order to get the cause. I wonder if any medication has tinnitus as a side effect.
Absolutely, tons of meds can cause tinnitus. Some of the worst are the Mycin family of drugs. I refuse them. There are lots of others. The book “When the Hearing Gets Hard”, lists them all.
Turn on closed captioning and you won't miss anything.
You need to turn up the volume on your computer, or use headphones. The interviewer speaks softly as a matter of courtesy to the bereaved and vaccine-injured.
I am able to hear. I use ear buds with my cell phone and it helps. It's true that Polly ( the interviewer) could speak a little louder but she is trying to be sensitive to the interviewee.
Connect your phone to a blue tooth speaker and you will hear everything no problem!