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Can you tell us your name?
My name's Omkari.
Okay, hopefully everybody can hear because of her condition, she can't speak very loudly.
VIDEO - CHD - Two Moderna shots destroyed me (April 2024)
May 24, 2024
I’m just a dude with a cell phone, curiosity, common sense, and a tin foil hat! Knew this garbage was poison and started warning friends and family March 2020. Got laughed at, censored, accounts shut down for speaking the truth! So surgeon general’s, doctors, governors, governments, politicians, presidents, etc didn’t know but a dude with a cellphone did! And I know tons of jabbed injured with life threatening injuries. Should have listened to me and just said no! If everyone said no this whole shit show would have ended in a week! Now we are approaching year 5 of 2 weeks to flatten your pulse!
I’m a 74 years old granny and a retired Registered Nurse and feel the same. No one in my family or friends would listen. I’m curious to see how the sheeple react with this disease X aka bird flu they’re trying to scare people with. As you said this shit show would’ve ended in a week had people refused to comply.
I laughed daily on my drive to Miami working the whole plandemic at the sheep waiting for hours at testing centers to get brain raped by a swab!
...did you ever consider the ergonomics of the alleged testing, especially with the useless PCR test? We supposedly had billions around the world taking these PCR tests...daily. So how did all those tests get properly processed? Where were all the labs and the lab workers to test billions everyday? How did they get a test "48 Hours"...when billions upon billions were allegedly being tested? Who paid for all those lab workers? Where did all the trained lab workers come from who had to "process" these tests? It doesn't work out mathematically ...and there isn't enough time in the day to process all of those tests. They simply lied.
A flu is nothing more than a detox process from someone being poisoned. When sheep get a flu jab, they’ve been poisoned and now the body is reacting to that poison. No so called bird flu exists and is jumping from birds to mammals. They need the sheep to believe this fairy tale to push the WHO one health nonsense. Where everything and everyone needs a poison shot to stop the spread of something that doesn’t exist. It exists only in the sheep’s minds and on the tell lie vision! :)
Good comment! There are a few Doctors who say "you're not sick: you're poisoned".
The only reason there’s a so called flu season is because human sheep inject themselves the same time every year with toxins. Then they get deathly I’ll from the poison. Then they tell the sheep next year there’s a new strain so they inject poison again. Then they tell you your body is just building immunity from the poison! 😆 The same with convid. There’s a new fake variant out there. 10 poison jabs in 3 years! 😆. I never really get sick because I don’t inject health aka poison through my skin!
"...flatten your pulse "?!?! LMAO!
Like you, I was suspicious of the Covid event from the start and I was surprised that most people around me simply accepted what they were told (including most healthcare providers). But we should remember that the Covid event and the massive propaganda blitz were years in the making and were heavily funded. It is understandable that many people were confused and/or coerced and went along with the hoax. Hopefully, they will not fall so easily for the next planned attack.
It’s easy to stand firm w/ a critical thinking mind when your career/livelyhood are not on the line. I felt so bad for all the critical thinking healthcare workers in BC. 😞 only 2500 said “no thank you to the experimental gene therapy”… and then got canned by the embarrassment of a public health officer… B. Henry. 😔 What happened to “Not all bugs need drugs”?! Western countries are now in a health deficit thanks to all that has transpired. Compromised immune systems - genius Bonnie… 😡
My boss is one of my best friends! I said you mandate this poison I walk today! I would rather be homeless or dead than take that sauce! The one thing in life you have to stand for is body autonomy!
Your skin is your biggest and most amazing organ in your body!!! Never let anyone penetrate your skin with anything! You have one chance above ground! Stand for body autonomy! If you give that right to some scumbag you’re done!
I agree with you totally
He never did hit his son got wrecked by Pfizer. Throat paralysis, organ failure bladder doesn’t work anymore, and transverse myelitis!
Nearly 3 years of hell for his son!
Great comment! There was one huge thing here in the UK that persuaded people to happily comply. At the first lockdown (g0d I h4te that pr1son word), Employees were told to stay at home. They were given furlough payments funded by Govt to sit on their backsides getting paid for nothing. Furlough was often 90% of your usual pay. At the same time, Employees were allowed to seek other employment, whilst keeping the furlough payments and keeping their jobs. I knew one young couple who bought a Transit van and set themselves up as delivery drivers for Amazon, Hermes, etc. I know of no Self-Employed people (who of course didn't get furlough payments) who happily locked down and sat at home, earning zero. That still had one of the desired outcomes of destroying a considerable number of Sole Trader and Small Businesses. "Year 5 of 2 weeks to flatten your pulse" - that made me smile!
Nailed it 🔥🇨🇦👏
What's particularly noteworthy is that there was a two-year lapse after the jabs that the horrible injuries occurred. So you can never be sure you're out of the woods after taking those shots. Terrible.
I had dental procedure in 2020 ! Anesthesics are just like the Covid Vaxx. I started to fall ill in december 2022. My blood is full of nanotech... 10 EDTA IV in a clinic have not been suffiicient. My blood is not clean in spite of a lot of EDTA IV, and my right hand does not function like before...
What dental procedure? If you had a root canal, you most likely have bacteria harboring inside/under the tooth and no amount of chelations will help. Tooth extraction is probably the best route to take, but go see a biological dentist to determine for sure. They also perform oral bacteria tests.
Ici La France ! What are you talking about ?! I got roots extracted with a lot of anesthesics !!! The anesthesics killed my health and my blood !!!
who knows whar is in any shot they give now....
Do they not use just plain old freezing there or is this a practice that offers anesthesia dentistry?
Mark Luersen is raising the issue of Root Canal Treatments and the biological carnage that they cause - in case that's what you had done.
Gargle using your own fresh urine. Swish around and through teeth for some minutes, several times a day.
Fixed all my dental pain, and an abscess. Have not been to a dentist for nearly 15 years now.
what about all the medications and toxins coming out of the urine? how does that work?
KarlM might have meant that he swished without swallowing - that is, he applied urine topically. You don't normally swallow the liquid that you've swished with. If he did swallow or absorb any, well, for there to be meds and toxins in there (if indeed there was) then your organs have filtered them out once, into your urine, so they are able to filter them out again. This will still allow you to get all of the stem cell benefits, etc from the urine.
It is preferable to not be on any medication. There should not be appreciable toxins, since urine is filtered blood. Those that might be there, will be recognised when reintroduced - same with antigens etc.
But as Scouse Wife pointed out, it is unadvisable to swallow after swishing about.
But if using urine-therapy to cure a condition then the fresh urine is drunk straight down.
It is also the case that amniotic fluid, chemically, is nearly identical to a mix of the foetuses and mothers urine. So we have all drunk and breathed 'urine' for around 9 months.
The fact that so many claim to have cured so many, often intractable/terminal, conditions by the simple use of urine therapy (+ fasting) means, imho, that it could be an excellent way of dealing with jab injury.
Bit more info here:
What is a biological dentist? I’ve never heard of that term. Thanks.
From the page link below "Biological Dentistry is concerned with the whole body effects of all dental materials, techniques and procedures. It unites the best clinical practices and technologies of Western dental medicine with a wide array of practices beyond its horizon. It is fluoride-free, mercury-free and mercury-safe."
This is the way all doctors should practice. I wish they would bring back herbs too. and also There are more search tools but can't find them at the moment. Unfortunately most are not covered by insurance, but it is well worth it!
Thanks. I took 2 or 3 mercury fillings out in mid 90s. Would never have those done on kids
Mainstream dentistry is another borderline barbaric 'science'. Most of them still recommend fluoride which is an established neurotoxin, and it's still under debate?! All because of the propaganda decades ago so mining companies can make more money. Reminds me of doctors telling people smoking is good for you, how long did it take to get this science settled? Money buys science, and big pharma learned from big tobacco.
I have been saying this about my fluoride loving dentist for years. Pisses me off that I have to sit with his fluoride propaganda in his office. But yeah it is like the doctors promoting smoking years ago. Never thought of it that way. Thanks.
I have been wanting to ask my dentist what a fluoride bomb is but don't want to lose having a dentist at all. He says he doesn't make enough money off my family already.
Switch dentists. Tell him to go pound sand
I think they are all the same, unless you can afford a holistic dentist.
They all love gets them tickets to african safaris.
Clearly it is extra bucks in their pockets if they can convince people to use more fluoride and erode their teeth, then people need more dental visits.
Wasn't fluoride added to the drinking water of the prisoners in the concentration camps to make them more sedate?
I don't know but wouldn't be surprised it it was.
....well...the answer to "why push fluoride" has been answered, and it has nothing to do with teeth. Fluoride has been shown to reduce the IQ of those consuming it. The largest source of fluoride, other than treated machine de-boned meats...such as chicken nuggets and such. The machine sucks the fluoride out of the bones as it strips the meat off the bone...and all of it leaches into the chicken. Imagine how many kids eat chicken nuggets and tenders...getting dumber each time. terrible.
Find one on IAOMT International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Website is the initials and dot and org
I read some time ago that they putting same kind of stuff in the dental shots. Seems most people haven’t heard about this!
Graphine oxide for sure. There is a video from an honest dentist on that as well as one from an honest vet about all the shots animals get.
Much more : hydrogel and nanotech... I can see the effect on my blood !
Then I'm screwed too!
As long as you do not feel bad. But since december 2022, my life is a tragedy and a mess... I tried everything : EDTA IV, Vit C, NAC Citrate Sodium... it does not seem to work... you add a grief ... I am done... I was not expecting being so bad...
Ana Mihalcea has found that
A person will never be "out of the woods" after those shots.
And the non vaxxed get contaminated !
Once jabbed you’re never out of the woods
Not even your silly doctor knows what the drugs he gives you will do to your body. He has no clue. He is trained as a drug marketer and not a health practitioner.
So true. All that is left is to pray for the loved ones who've taken it. Even if they stop, their goose is cooked.
It is much bigger than that ! I am in danger and you are in danger. all the injectables are evil, and the vaxxed do shed !!! Believe M.
The towers aren’t for better cell service! :)
And Dr Rash1d Butt4r gave a short video on what he suspected was going to happen re payloads and short pulses. He was going to expand in a Medical Conference in a few days time. Guess what? Found dead. Another hit, just like Dr Andre4s No4ck who published vids on the graphene compounds and the effect on the lining of your blood vessels.
They injected technology!
I was thinking along the lines as you. This is brutal
Our government intentionally destroyed its people. And employers were complicit. I do t care about the PREP act, there is no way on God’s green earth, that someone could not force liability on this criminal behavior. What a horrible system we live in right now.
I have mega wealthy clients now jabbed injured and can’t sue! No shit! Should have listened to me instead of the tell lie vision and Fox News!
Isn't it funny (not) how all our friends and family who totally respected us and our opinions and thought we were pretty smart, thought that we suddenly and magically turned into know-nothings when it came to the shots? I always think about that.
Everything I’ve ever said or talked about over the last 15 years is 100% truth! I’m batting 💯! Straight facts and knowledge, common sense and the love of humanity and spreading truth!
God how I wish that you had been around, no one I knew said anything negative about the shots…
Certainly in my family, some of the nastiness was professional arrogance.
I’m censored and banned for a reason!
Fuck any act. The people who create the act are criminals so none of it applies. Also the depth of evil goes so deep it’s better to just say NO and spread the word.
Scatter the seeds and many will take root. Don’t spend too much time on any one seed.
There's a reason that they're called "acts" and there's other hidden-in-plain-sight "jokes" like the "theatre" of war, etc.
Money speaks loudest.
No one is safe despite wealth and fame!
Dear Father, have mercy upon this poor dear hurting woman, may she get the care that she needs. More importantly may she see her need of salvation through Jesus Christ, the only true God who came to this earth, lived a perfectl life and died in our place to pay the price (eternal separation from God) for our sins that we could not pay. What a wonderful Saviour you are.
Have mercy upon her soul. In the thrice holy name of Jesus, amen.
I feel bad for the people who took it to put food on the table, who bought the narrative that they had to so they could save grandma, and who were a nice person that just simply trusted the wrong people in life.
It just goes to show that no one knows when they will exactly get struck down after they take the shots. It could happen any time from right away to years into the future. Try nicotine patches to see if they help, 7 mg patch for 6 days at a time.
And of course you have those fortunate souls who were given saline. That was intentional too - they became unwitting Jabvocates - "oh I've had mine and I've been right as rain".
SUCH GREAT SUFFERING/// would have been more merciful a shot to head..... instead they make unending suffering by making people a milking cow for the medical industry.... justice needed
That is part of their plan...make humanity suffer for as long as possible.
Bullets are cheap
Exactly they are soulless creatures with no ability to think
we tend to believe doctors enter their professions to serve... maybe part of the marketing con of their profession.... many of course do.... yet the damage they do is so terrible for merely following orders... how much is due to the indoctrination system they go thru or just a basic soul defect.. I don't know... but we punish crime so peoplewill learn not to do wrong when they have gone wrong.....
Ici La France. I have a friend in Brittany, found dead suddenly in his garden after 2 Moderna shots... in 2021. A short time after he got vaxxed.
So sorry 😞
Xavier was the first case I knew of... many others died since. And now unvaxxed like me are getting sick...
Yes look up. We are being sprayed like bugs every day and night.
In my case, it is the dental anesthesics...
Because to these perpetrators we are no more than bugs!
💔sorry you have to experience this. MANY others trusted them too. They lied, and who knew. Praying for your recovery 🙏🏼
I am so sorry this has happened to so many people and yet so many are still oblivious to the dangers of this covid shot....I pray that this beautiful lady will find the help she needs.....
Dental anersthesics and vaxx contamination drestroyed my health... EDTA chelation IV have not worked...
You can all make jokes and laugh, calling people names but the reality is that a lot of people are dying. Saying I told you so, doesn’t really help when you have loved ones with lung and brain cancer, strokes, tinnitus, vertigo, MS, etc etc. The reality is that the hospitals know why we have these health issues but they’re not talking about it. It’s a flippin nightmare. I don’t know how many people I know who are either sick, dying or dead. I’ve lost count. Please have a little compassion for the sick and dying.
On the other hand, many people have experience vicious treatment especially from family and Clinicians / have been ridiculed and called names / have felt severely threatened by the prospect of a knock on the door and enforced jabbing. Moreover, everyone who fell into line, whether by accepting furlough and sitting on their backsides on full pay, meekly complying with 2m rules, one-way systems in shops, filthy face rags, lockdowns, and the infamous jabs - well, they just gave super strength to the psychopathic goings-on by the psychopaths in charge. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who can't see what's staring them in the face. They were stupid enough to get jabbed and are stupid enough to not understand that this is what's causing their diseases and injuries. The criticism of jabbees just might make some of them stop and think for a change.
She should try reaching out to Dr. Bryan Ardis.
I feel so bad for this young woman. She needs to be compensated for her injuries. I can’t imagine being sick and unable to work.
Once again big pharma has created life long dependency on their drugs to deal with the injuries they created to make their $$$’s. That in of itself is criminal and so the Rockefeller’s live on…..
So Sad !!!
AHS should be identified as a criminal cartel, dismantled and banned. But of course this will never happen while elected leaders continue to support the idea that people should have the choice to cause bodily harm and/or death to themselves. I’d like to know their position on MAID.
Mast cell activation syndrome
Hey, it couldn't be simpler. You take big pharma drugs and vaccines and immediately you put your good health at risk. You must understand that drugs are not natural to a well functioning body and seldom will they help you live healthier. You are not suffering because of a lack of big pharma drug poisons...they are likely what is causing or adding to your medical troubles. But go ahead and allow your brain dead doctor to give you more and more until you die.
Poor girl.
maybe going back to an Inuit diet would help.
There is ample anecdotal evidence that a meat only high fat diet can cure auto immune disorders.
I also had a lot of these symptoms, I treated myself for most all that is wrong with myself. Ended up with MCAS, and much more. Also have vac injury. Possible long covid. Treated for lyme 2009. Has been a very long road, since 2020.
Listening to this poor woman, I couldn't stop crying.
The evil ones that created these bioweapons, need to be hung. Sorry, that's how I feel.
It is truly sad to see what these shots have done, especially knowing fauci financed the covid virus research, then they knew there were lots of injuries, but they also knew they could not be sued so they went ahead with the shots.
I’m a nobody with a puppy in my lap! 😂
I’m sitting here drinking a beer!
There are 194 Countries, in WHO and in each case, it is the Politicians who drove the WHO false Covid Pandemic from February 2020, by putting in place "Disinformation Laws" from May 2020 to June 2023 to force as many to get vaccinated as possible. Those same people who we the majority, voted into Politics to look after us and our interests and they live amongst us - what seems to be the case is that Big Pharma pays them large lump sums when they quit Politics - but how can that be, the Politicians are paid huge incomes from the public purse, with lurks and perks, to keep them honest - surely any Big Pharma paid Politician is corrupt, as were the decisions they made to get everyone vaccinated, without knowledgable consent the purpose of the vaccines, or their Military end game, being what?
Don't you think it interesting that nobody has challenged Moderna about their patented Covid-19 virus CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in 2013 - they stick with the Wuhan variety, even when evidence shows otherwise, or say they don't know where it came from - why is that?
The rest of this article on my free substack
It came from the towers!
so sad. She looks like she's native. They are more susceptible to it I think.
Some Medical Scientists have evidenced that there are people of 2? types of raycial origin who are much less likely to suffer from the jab technologies. That ties in with the infernal aberrations who're behind this.
this woman is SO STUPID! I can't even finish listening to this!! How did we end up with so many ZERO IQ PEOPLE in highly DEVELOPED countries?? #SpareUsOhLord
I recommend you take a lesson in compassion and mercy.
It is telling that talked about having the second jab and then having a great time in Alaska. In my own family, there are several who, under guise of virtue-signalling, got jabbed purely to fly off on holidays. Four adult relations, very small family, 1 Shingles, 1 almost unbearable leg pain hours after going to the Jabbatoir, 1 blood transfusion ?decidual casting?, 1 bone break that refuses to heal and might lose leg. One of those blood relatives said that people who didn't get jabbed were Scumbags. That was just before a horrendously painful bout of Shingles.