Happy first day of May! Although it doesn’t quite feel like it yet here in Newfoundland, but at least I can sketch the RDF (rain, drizzle, fog for those not from here) from out my windows.
Lately, I've been fortunate to be part of two groups of friends. "The Fast Enoughers" are musicians I jam with weekly, and "The Amblers" are hiking buddies I've known for years. With “The Fast Enoughers” we play tunes at whatever speed it takes for all of us to learn and enjoy playing the tunes. “The Amblers” take leisurely walks through the woods with plenty of breaks to look around, take photos, and enjoy the hike. We don’t worry about how far we go or how fast we get there.
Everything these days seems to have become a competition, and I believe healthy competition is becoming rare. From competition shows to social media, the pressure to compare and perform better is relentless. Productivity isn’t measured by what is reasonable to do in a day anymore. We are constantly being pushed to race harder, produce more, buy more.
This unhealthy competition fosters a myopic view of the world and causes anxiety. We fear being last or excluded above everything else. Unfortunately, this doesn't build a sense of community or confidence; it only perpetuates an ever-shifting goal of “better”.
And, competition is death to art.
When we compare our work to others', we hinder our creative growth. Art should be about exploration and sharing, not fitting into some predetermined standard.
I have gone down the social media rabbit hole and have given myself the “am I good enough?” willies, as comparison on these platforms is unavoidable. But, these days I’m trying to just focus on the act of drawing, playing music, or walking in the woods rather than wondering if I’m doing them right.
It’s much more rewarding.
Have a good week!
Love this! Enough is enough, in the nicest way!