Hi, everyone. Welcome to another episode of 15 Minutes with Dr. Marcus, my new podcast, the hardest-hitting podcast on X. I'm seeing a lot of fear-mongering around influenza H5N1, so I figured let me do an episode on this because a lot of assets are being activated, a lot of propaganda is being pushed, a
A lot of scientists, MDs, PhDs are diving into this thing. And it's really looking like influenza H5N1 may be the disease X that we've been threatened with by the globalists. If you recall, the World Economic Forum had sessions on disease X. back in January, closed door sessions that were attended by the WHO director Tedros,
as well as the AstraZeneca board chair, interestingly enough, one of the vaccine, failed vaccine manufacturers from the COVID-19 pandemic. I know something about propaganda. I grew up in communist Czechoslovakia, and so a lot of us who grew up in Eastern Europe can smell propaganda from miles away. We can recognize it when we see it.

NEW PODCAST! "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" Episode 002: Influenza H5N1 is Disease X! (Part 1)

I go over the tsunami of H5N1 Propaganda that hit the US in the past week, from my favourite big pharma propagandists Eric Feigl-Ding, Eric Topol & Peter Hotez

- H5N1 in raw milk

- Cats dying from drinking H5N1 infected raw milk

- Ground beef now being tested for H5N1

- & a new COVID "FLIRT Variant" taking over the US with talk of new COVID-19 Vaccines in the fall (because they just can't give up the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine scam)

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LOVE this up-close and personal-take on the basket case that medical-industrialised-propaganda has become.

They need to strike while the iron is still (somewhat) hot, because there is (astoundingly, after 4 long YEARS) still enough dingbats who'll believe Eric Feigl Dingbat.



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I don't think I will ever be able to accept how many dingbats there are, in spite of the overwhelming evidence we have of the scam.

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What overwhelming evidence has the normie seen?

People have been trained to be allergic to conspiracy theories, to only trust 'the authorities', MSM. They have seen none, zero, this overwhelming evidence you refer to.

IF you look, yes it IS overwhelming, agreed. But folk have no idea the things they never heard of, they wouldn't know where to start. They'll bump into something about the earth is flat, chuckle indulgently, be confirmed they were 'right', and go back to CBC and Alberta health etc. As Susan M says, good folk, upright citizens. Ignorant, but good, think they are helping save the world.

We redpilled are very very quick to make assumptions about normies being stupid and wilfully blind. Its not that simple.

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That's why I am doing my best to educate people. If they refuse to consider evidence shown to them, I call that willfully blind. It seems somewhat stupid to me that they can't, or won't even recognize that the shots aren't protecting people. You're right, it's not as simple as it might seem, but my husband and I are 73 and 71 and we resisted, maybe because we'd already abandoned mainstream news sources.

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One of the things that makes it harder to educate normies is that the front end of the internet has been bought. When they "google" it the first page of results are pure propaganda.

Convinced they did "research" into these topics, they then go on to believe the lies, and we are just crazy conspiracy people. People like us know how to find the truth, but most normies could spend a week and still never find it. The internet is not like it used to be.

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My family and friends impacted by cv19 propaganda are not dingbats— they’re highly responsible citizens who sadly trusted their government and fell for the biggest lie in human history along with millions of other good trusting people. Most people are good and the evil devils running the scamdemic counted on it.

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Without a definition of ‘dingbat’ it’s hard to tell. But seriously, we’ve been living in a world with advertising for a lifetime. Did you believe them? Those promises? I knew they were lying since age seven. And this sort of bullshit detector operates by using common sense. And common sense was conveyed to me by my mother who said, ‘never buy anything you see advertised on TV.’

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Never buy anything you see advertised on TV is a funny statement. I was brought up in the '70s and remember that show that used to sell things all the time and we would watch it and just dream of one day being able to afford to buy it cuz I think it was only American stuff at the time. K-tel?

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Not sure because by 1970 the TV was already pitched out and haven’t had it since. In the 50s it was Ipana toothpaste. Never bought that one.

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Maybe I was lucky I lived in rural Alberta because I've never heard of that toothpaste lol

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Yeah, it's funny (comic relief in various forms) Ipana phased out AFAIK when I was a kid. Back then it was between Ipana and Colgate toothpaste (maybe throw in Crest--always seemed like the glamorous one, ha ha) After a while seemed you stop hearing about Ipana and it was just between Crest and Colgate. Probably owned by the same conglomerate. (and both poisonous, btw)

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Here in the US we are getting sick of obese chicks dancing around on the tele because they are on Diabetes medication for type 2 , rather than fasting and losing the poundage that the great Nephrologist Dr Jason Fung from Canada recommends !

Watch his videos if you are overweight and have diabetes and read his book ,"The Diabetes Code."

Simply put , he makes common sense when he states the more diabetic meds you take the more insulin you produce and the harder it is to lose any weight.

But your MD does not realize that and ups the med dose while yelling at you to lose weight ! What a Pharma fraud this all is !

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Sadly, yes. My friends and family too - despite the many times I tried to warn them, subtly at first, then more emphatically. Some began to see the truth, if only too late. None saw before offering their arms (alms) up to their 'betters' (bettors).

Now, with minimal effort, most all can see the results of their blind acquiescence: these were not safe, nor effective. For too many, they were deadly. For many more, a lessening (lessoning) related to their overall health and vitality - that will become deadly over time.

So, no more. No more pity parties for friends and family. For most now, their ignorance is simply a wilfully dull and lazy choice. They'll spend more time scanning Netflix's latest offerings than they will seeking out the plainly laid out evidence of the Lie. Sad.

And now? Pandemic V2.0 - H5N1 - beckons and will soon be thrust upon a hapless world like a reaping whirlwind. Will they react differently now? They can pray for discernment. They can heed that intuitive voice of truth. Or they won't. It's their choice. In fact it always has been, as hard as the alternative may have appeared.

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They don't, and refuse to, believe (in) God's Word(s), Jesus the Messiah, and that the complete truth, and facing it entirely, will set them completely free (John 8:32).

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I can understand how you took offense to the word dingbat but it is puzzling how so many people fell for it. I've always said I didn't realize I was living among so many people who had the inability to critical think. I'm sorry that your family didn't see through it was not an easy time for anyone

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I beg your pardon but I now take issue with your opinion and it is your opinion that “ I’ve always said I didn’t realize I was living among so many people who had the inability to critical think”.

I am angry! We’ve been lied to, manipulated, gaslighted by our governments. Indoctrination at all levels. I just don’t know how people don’t see when it’s so extreme now…. however they’ve played the biggest psychological experiment on mankind and will continue to do so as long as people don’t see it. It really is like the frog in the pot of boiling water on the stove. So many are numb just trying to survive.

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It IS a problem of non critical thinking. Most have been brainwashed by the communist infiltration of public and even private school systems enforced by television.

At some point you have to realize we are humans not frogs and the water that is boiling is everywhere around us.

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Yes now I agree that is the problem but before the plandemic early 2000’s on the thing that was really beginning to bother me was the stifling growing repressive “political correctness” and that I was no longer able to express my views or opinions or to use my vocabulary with people I knew without being made to feel I was being very “narrow minded” or “out of touch” old fashioned even! I was very angry about it no longer being “acceptable”to say Merry Christmas for instance in my own country! I was worried about being called out for my opinions or even worse being physically attacked for them while out in public. At that time I felt I was definitely in the minority and no longer in the majority and I was wiser and safer to keep my opinions to myself long before the plandemic and so I only spoke freely with trusted friends. Turns out I didn’t know the half of it, I just knew I no longer saw eye to eye on most subjects with most people.

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FYI ! Read the book Romans . Romans : 3 : 10 - As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

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I'm sorry .but when a a friend or relative refuses to listen they are dingbats. apparently warning them results in a bell that goes off in their brain that YOU are too stupid to even warrant a look see into what you are saying.

I had that with my neighbors . they actually laughed at me. After all ,their daughter and son in law were both Physicians. I asked if they knew what was in the shots and they told me ,"Of course !"

To which I responded that it was a miracle because no one else did.

A year later well after getting the shots, they came back from visiting their relatives.

The wife screamed at me that the government had no right to use us as guinea pigs. Then ,assuming I got my info from Tucker Carlson ( which I did not because I am a retired nurse and many healthcare workers speak to me and let me know what is going on and I have followed Fauci since the early seventies when a military helicopter pilot from Ft Detrick told me he was spraying viruses and bacteria over parts of LI, NY for epidimiology studies ) she started screaming about Carlson ,at which point I walked away.

Her husband recently passed from a surprise and quick growing cancerous tumor .

Her wonderful Physician children moved and opened another practice in a different state.

Maybe your friends and relatives are not dingbats . But they certainly think you are.

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Yeah yeah - they want to close down everyone raising cattle, chickens, pigs....

We see you, WEF billionaires.

We see your investments in artificial meat & artificial milk.

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Exactly. New regulations in the US are an attempt to shut down small farmers.

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yes, look at Oregon shutting down small family farms to save the ground water.....

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Florida just outlawed the fake crap meat .Thank you Gov DeSantis ! Big finger to Gates and Fauci.

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What about AI? Which I always thought stood for artificial insémination.

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(Laurent - t’es en France?)

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Non, Canada. Près de Lion’s Head. Et tu?

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Et près de quelle ville?

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Come for my cats and see what happens to you.

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Many years ago, in the UK, there was a ´mad cow’ scare, as you may know.

Neil Ferguson (Imperial College; funded by Gates; responsible for wild ´covid death’ forecasts) forecast huge numbers of deaths.

The « authorities » started burning cattle before getting test results.

They came to our house & told my husband they’d be burning cattle in the field next to us in a few days. They’d already tested them for the disease but it was too urgent to wait for results. It was an EMERGENCY.

«Oh & when we come to kill the cows, if you have a cat you have to give it to us; it has to be killed too ».

I was away for work. My husband called & said: «This is madness. What’ll we do?»

I said: « Get the hell in the car with the cat and drive away. »

The officials burnt the cattle.

About a week later, they got the results.

All the cows had been healthy.

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May 1Edited

Holy smokes, we have a poultry farm and several months ago they asked to test to ensure that our birds were Avian influenza free. I let them in and the birds were “fine”, …recently 1 farmer had one, one positive test on one bird and the rest of his birds were not presenting w/ any illness… the whole flock was culled. Tens of thousands $ in lost income. This happened in the last year. 😒.

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I read (not confirmed) UK is requiring or promoting that even a single backyard chicken be 'registered'. This is global.

You need to work out a strategy, hopefully legal, hopefully non violent.

Because they will be back.

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Inge, I don’t know if you can get hold of tests to use but if you can & bureaucrats arrive & say they’re testing again, you could also test.

I’m guessing that your birds would be fine - but the official tests may not be....

You could then present your own tests - assuming they’d be negative - & challenge a positive test, if the officials say their test was positive?

I thought of this because a neighbor was pretty much imprisoned in a hospital here because the bureaucrats said he ´had covid’. He said he felt OK & wanted to leave. They refused. After 8 days, his wife was allowed in and we, their neighbors, suggested she take a test in.

The hospital said: « He tested positive - he can’t leave ».

His wife said: « Well that’s strange » & held up the negative test she just gave him.

Leaving aside the many important arguments about the covid tests, her husband left the hospital & came home.

The bureaucrats didn’t have the nerve to keep lying!

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He had the RIGHT, and if ambulatory, he could have got up and walked out, discharged against medical advice.

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We’re not in America.

However, he probably did still have the legal right despite very draconian ‘emergency’ measures here in Europe - but this was a couple who are pretty compliant faced with “authority” & “health personnel”! That’s why we really encouraged the wife to get her husband out before they “ventilated” him...

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Powerful and grisly story. Get the cat in the car and drive. Excellent advice. Too urgent to wait for results - sounds familiar. "We had to move at the speed of science". It's a lot to take in. Awakening to the reality that deranged psychopaths with dark hearts wield so much power is harsh. Well fuck them. I have faith in a power far greater than their infantile egoic soul-less selves..

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Such a sad story. I remember it well. Thanks for posting. Reminds us that the stupidity has been around much longer than we think.

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I do remember that story vividly, the guy from the Empire College who spread the narrative and the fear monger was later associated with Gates himself as a sponsored ie paid for his work of lie to the English people and by rebound to Europe.

Never bought that narrative

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Thankyou and I agree.

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Exactly. You want to see a mama bear for her kids wait till you see a mama bear for her cats and dogs..lol

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Wait til gunfights break out in west texas between ranchers and government officials trying to cull the herd

We'll hear about 'anti science white male right wing extremists trying to kill us all with their deadly infected cattle', you can bet they factored it in, plan to benefit.

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Well said!

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Propaganda may be true or false, however propaganda always has a purpose. These disease propaganda agents must all meet regularly to make sure the purpose remains on target and they don't contradict one another. Anyone with a built in Bullshit Detector can discern the purpose. Great exposé Dr Makis, keep it coming.

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Thank you once again Dr Makis. Your use of your intellect and experience are well harnessed in your unrelenting commitment to bring out the truth of the dangers we face. Only knowledge and the sharing of, will save us.

Some of the Prep Act clauses have been extended to December 2024 and cover ‘any influenza’. They’re working hard to get the pandemic panic fuelled so the counter-measures can be rolled out by then.


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Dr. Makis, thank you SO MUCH for all you do...you must never sleep. I met you twice when you graciously came to speak to us here in the Hat, and you're my first stop in my research every day. This particular video just cracks me up. I love how you never pull a punch; so refreshingly honest in an absolute sewer of lies. Though I didn't grow up in communism, for some reason I too can smell the stench of propaganda, and the very sight of Peter Hotez' weasley face brings on my gag reflex. Our "Fringe" group had Dr.s Bridle & Mallard here last week, and we hear that there are huge pits already dug in Saskatchewan, ready to receive the thousands of sacrificed livestock. The rancher in me mourns in advance and I beg my God not to let it go that far. But I begged the same when it was time to jab the babies and kids, the pregnant women and so on. Now I'm praying for farmers and working men in jail and on their way to jail. And today I'm making chili for the family next door. Their youthful, energetic 65 year-old mom has just been diagnosed (with abdominal cancer, progressed to palliative in the 2 weeks since discovered😭 What on God's earth is it going to take!?

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I've just heard about these pits as well, as I was in Lloydminster and heard it from the locals

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How did you hear about the pits in Saskatchewan? Do you have a source or was it word of mouth?

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I love you Dr Makis! Your new podcast is fantastic. You make all this information digestible and put it in perspective from a realistic medical viewpoint. Very hard hitting! Keep on doing what you are doing. I am inspired by your bravery and courage to speak out.

Your substack is fantastic and I so appreciate the information that you provide that we can use to improve our health. I am forwarding the information your provide to help family members who unfotunately took the countermeasures. Please watch out for your safety. I can see that you are ruffling a lot of feathers with this information. These organizations have a lot of money and power, as you know firsthand. Please be safe. You are my hero!

To my fellow substack readers, please try not to make derogatory comments about those who took the shot. Many of us didn't, but some were scared into it and others were forced by their particular circumstances. I tried to warn a family member not to take the shot, but she was just too scared to not take it and trusted the narrative.

I travel quite a bit and in many places around the world, you had to get the jab to get your drivers license or any official document. Many were forced to get it to be a normal, functioning member of society. Please be kind to others here. We need to get through this awful assault on our freedom together and bring as many of those who followed the guidance to join with us, to fight this insanity. Unfortunately, those who subcumbed to the propaganda are the majority of the population, esp in N America, Asia and Europe.

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Thank you Dr. Makis for your excellent video's counterbalancing the Covid Scam. At 77 years old and having dodged the first round of population control and I still have my natural immune system intact I know I've had my LAST vaccine for ANYTHING . I have a supply of ivermectin and Dr. McCullough's recommended nasal spray for using at the first sign of any viral infection.

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Thanks for the news on disease x. I hope they don't start to eliminate cows now. Those who have been injured will not take the shots again. That leaves a small percentage who took it ... but didn't get sick, and still believes in it. Look forward to part 2!

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I recently saw Eric Topol in a video regarding cancer cases and he was speaking about a miraculous cancer cure in the making and gleefully( I am not exaggerating ) stated that in the near future 1 in 3 persons will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. He is pure evil. I also remember him from 2021 when the medical and scientific community was just beginning to push the COVID 19 vaccine for children and he stated “ we have to give the vaccine to know whether it will be safe for children. “.

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Thank you Dr Makis. Very informative and short, to the point. Looking forward to the next one.

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Can't own cats and dogs to fight climate change...that was a funny one Dr. Makis.

I am so SICK of these nutbars....my Lord.. please help us.

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It would appear that the H5N1 virus is indeed running rampant, as it has a selective preference for the brains of propagandists and pseudo-scientists, all of whose thinking clearly shows signs of severe infection.

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Attorney Tom Renz talked about this Ding clown on one of his podcast in the past. Nasty individual.

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Thank you so much! I am glad to get the facts from a rational doctor, and I will be waiting for the promised second video on this subject. For those of us in the US, it seems likely that this, or something else, will disrupt our election season and allow the left to remain in power. Our country cannot survive another four years like the past four and even with a change, I honestly don't know if we can recover. All I can do is continue to pray and trust the One who has promised to never leave or forsake me. (And do my best to warn others, of course.)

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Thank you Dr Makis! So many without a conscience - they live very well amongst us!

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I like the new format Dr Makis, its effective.

-Use a high cycle flow test to get the positives whereever you look

- Get some culls happening, some alerts

- Raw milk! THEY SAID it was dangerous only 'big box' dairy can be trusted.....

-Folk go ho hum another 20 million chickens culled, next the cattle, Cats! (didn't see that one coming)

- PPE for farm workers, Hazmat suits effectively, more conditioning - scary pics!

so thats the runup?

They may be sitting on the 'transition to humans' gain of function variant, to be released the right time. Maybe lots of cells as it might burn out, being truly lethal? The warnings from Gates "wont be laughing at the next one" and 20x worse than covid, as has been telegraphed.

So get the culls, and infrastructure on false tests warmed up, folk 'prepped'.... and then boom! 1000 seeded cells of the gain of function variant which is actually pretty dangerous.

Another jab, and bonus, people will clamor to cull near all livestock to save Grandma, and the children.. and some real kill rate....., just wins all around.

Gargles yes, however I wonder if a truly lethal pathogen could have been engineered to follow on the preliminary 'setting the stage' work we are seeing now?

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Same story, same playbook used over and over again by the evil globalists…….

Thank you Dr. Makis!

These short length podcasts are great to share with friends and family.

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Thank you!! I am looking forward to part two!

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This is hysterical! Those poor cats. Hey! At least they're getting autopsied!

Wow...these evils will stop at NOTHING.

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Lots of farms have cats running around. When a cat dies nobody cares and nobody is going to do an autopsy unless it is a government funded scam in progress.

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Dr. Makis please reachout to me. I have left so many messages for you. I will be more than happy to pay for your consultation and guidance. Shahfagh@hotmail.com

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I saw some of these posts on X, talk about ridiculous , I laughed at the cat one.

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The guide stones predicted this event/s five hundred million to remain, depopulate the planet through any means. The elite can disappear underground & then reappear 25 years later. The doomsday vaults hold all the seeds they need & AI & artifical wombs can breed the workforce they need, look at 1984 & brave new world.

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The Guidestones were not a prediction but another epic lie and scam from the Luciferian/Free Mason lunatics who PLANNED the depopulation agenda we are now experiencing and that’s written into the UN’s Agenda 2030. Munitions experts have already proven that the Guidestones were blown up by a lighting strike (not by explosives as claimed by media). God’s just getting started. Watch God!!

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Yeah, it was their satanic version of their 10 Commandments.

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Then repopulate across the land using orphan trains again.

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Yes, cabbage patch kids

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Is all this propaganda meant to deflect from what Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has been warning about re: how vaxxed people will not be able to handle the expected viral mutation (unlike the unvaxxed with natural immunity)?

See pertinent links on that here:


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i think they really dont believe GVB's theory, but when it starts coming true they will indeed again find other causes to blame. see for example the increased news releases on other causes of cancer and heart problems. H5N1 is ideal especially if there are no autopsies.

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My apologies.

This is why text type messaging can be bad. I'm sorry that comment came out as hurtful it wasn't my intention. This has been such a difficult time for everyone. Their divide and conquer methodologies must not come into play amongst like-minded people like ourselves. That's the last thing we need. 💙🙏🏼

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So I can get natural immunity by drinking milk and eating raw meat. I can't take this nonsense seriously. Zero cases, Zero deaths = Fake

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Yes the runup is fake. But gain of function is the deal. Right now they are running around with hi cycle fake tests to get the stage set.

Doesn't mean they dont have a real, deadly, human spreading, gain of function variant ready to spring after the background drumbeat of '20 million more culled chickens', and 'its the cattle - herd of 5000 culled in west texas' etc gets settled in folks minds. Then the drop some cells of the gain of function kills humans variant, the stage is beautifully set, kill some folks, new jab, cull most of the livestock. An actually deadly variant, coming to you from Ralph Baric and the chapel hill folk.......

I try to think like a vampire squid. After shaking down the processes via C19, thats what I would followup with. And they told us what is coming, they always do it seems, and they said 20x more lethal than covid. We should be aware of their telegraphed plan?

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The scam is not fake. The risk of bird flu is fake. Even if they mange to create a flu that spreads around the same things that successfully treated covid work on the flu. Zinc, Vit D, Vit C, Ivermectin, EGCG, Quercetin, HCQ. Their goal is the same. To get people to take another deadly vaccine.

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Yes totally agree, the scam is real, it IS a scam. As I suggest, hi cycle flow tests to get the positives, kill the chickens, next is cattle. Hazmat suits for farm workers, scary pics! etc etc.

It might be that simple, that may be all it is. I hope so.

However I note that truly deadly pathogens can be engineered, where vit D, gargles and Quercetin etc will NOT help.

A european whaler visits some island in the pacific, 1800. A later visit in 1802 and the population is ALL dead. They bumped into a pathogen they had no defense against. Not sure what happened the Aztecs and Cortez et al, but clearly some sort of mass dieoff occured.

They can engineer truly deadly spreadable pathogens. They have been working hard on this for decades. While each cell they seed may self limit, hey! Just seed it a thousand times, 10,000 times..... that'll do it. As a followup on the scam they are running right now with the high cycled fake flow tests and the actual, endemic, avian flu. Test for it right, you'll find it, we agree. But they could have a followup with something they will call 'avian flu', after they set the stage?

I dunno - they told us directly 20x more deadly. They seem to need to warn us, their version of informed consent. I hope I am wrong.

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We know the globalists(as per Catherine Austin Fitts in a recent interview) want to control the food supply. They don’t want the people to have access to good meat and dairy products. They want to put out of business independent small farmers, ranchers, fishermen.

They want us to eat Bill Gates fake meat and bugs for our protein sources.

I imagine maybe they will ramp up the fear propaganda to where the populations will support huge slaughters of the animals and that will be their “solution” to the problem they created.

Also, I believe that the test being used is the accurate and reliable(NOT!) PCR test.

This is insanity.

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Let’s hope and pray the tidal wave of cv 19 TRUTH and millions dead from the shots as recently broadcast by MP Bridgen in the UK blows the H5N1 “X” scam/murder plot to smithereens


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I'm sor4y....unless 5hey genet8cally fucked with it..and sprinkled 8t in the milk..there is no such virus that can be deadly for more than one species.

Just doesn't happen.

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I would take the advise from the first 100 people in the phone book before listening to the dorks at the CDC, NIH, WHO, ETC.

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Canadian military to conduct door-to-door wellness checks in Goderich, Ontario this weekend May 3-5. Not normal for our military to "practice" on civilians like this. This is what Communism looks like. Papers please. The next "pandemic emergency"..or perhaps implementation of billion dollar "buyback"? I hope Goderich gets after their MP & MPP & mayor & council on this infringement of private property. Do not answer the door. Put up your NO TRESPASSING sign. Record video so the world can see. WTH are they training for?

Tamara Ugolini report:


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Love the Podcast Dr. Makis.

SUGGESTION: Can you do an episode on the BIRD FLU?

There's been a heck of a lot of ramping up about this lately in all kinds of media. This suggests that it can be used as a choice "candidate" for the next scamdemic. Let's not forget the added benefit to them that they can impact the Food Supply with such an "epidemic," as they would have to cull countless chickens, possible cattle, destroy milk supplies. etc.

So, I think the Bird Flu would make for an excellent Podcast overview so we can stay ahead of the curve and their game.


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Listen to the related things White House Secretary KJP has said here:


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Grass-fed, hygienically-handled: raw milk from A2/A2 cows (Jersey/Guernsey) possess extremely important pre-probiotics that are the necessary (gut brain<=>head brain as a whole => 1brain). In comparison, the Holstein underwent a genetic mutation to a A1/A2 genetics that was then bred to continue the line (later gmo) etc. The Jersey/Guernsey cow therefore has numerous advantages over the Holstein going beyond the genetics.

Sasha Latypova: Substack article outlines this difference:

Study in Lancet shows relationship between gut biome and "long-covid" [ahem, mostly vaccine injury] symptoms. SASHA LATYPOVA FEB 29, 2024.

"(Beneficial microbiome plays vital role in our health, including proper body and mind function. Gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters that our brain and nervous system require to function. Specifically, the following neurotransmitters are produced by the following microbes:

GABA: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium

Noradrenaline: e.coli, Bacillus and Saccaromyces

Serotonin: Candida, Streptococcus, e.coli and Enterococcus

Dopamine: Bacillus

Acetylcholine: Lactobacillus

Disruption or destruction of gut flora is the primary driver of neurological conditions and mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD and a host of others." Sasha also provides a link to the Lancet paper.

So IMO: Raw milk and by-products production (from A2/A2 cattle) needs to be gotten rid of just to save the Psychiatric Oppression Industry/PhARMA products alone! The Dairy Industry regs. began in 1903. UN/WHO-Timeline Codex Alimentarius Commission (1963-named & headed by x-Nazi (WWII) has praised it for providing the necessary inputs to further its global cause.

Sasha Latypova further states in this article that, "Finally, both animal and human microbiome is now under attack from poisons marketed as genetic vaccines. These include not only mRNA, but also DNA plasmid vaccines already approved and used in animals (primarily fish), and many other vaccines that use DNA plasmid as raw material - a variety of recombinant products." Sasha provides a pictograph of the known aforesaid type of injections. https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8a72edb6-f066-4ad9-a386-6896153f437d_4218x2475.png?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

For further info check out: Amos Miller Organic Farm (specifically blog). There is an opportunity here for Muslims (who have been missing the wonderful milk derived from camels) to join with the West in promotion of NHPPA.org (Natural Health Products Protection Act, a grassroots effort (Federal/Canada) NOT to have it made illegal. As a people we want the same thing: Healthy families rearing healthy children in a wholesome environment :-) Robert Barnes Law firm (VivaBarnesLaw.locals.com) was hired by Amos's private membership (buyers) to protect Amos & Family, to keep him in business & to get the political aberration of Dog-King-Fascist-Tyranny from destroying organic farming most important resource: REAL DAIRY!

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A Rothschild who was in the House of Lords appointed for life only presented himself three times, on the last occasion he wanted to stress pasteurization of milk continue AS IT CAUSES STERILIZATION! This was about 1850 in London, England. They have known for a long time about the sterilization aspect. White people over Millenia of keeping cattle developed the ability to digest cows milk, not everyone can digest it.

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https://www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/about-codex/history/en/ (1903)

"International Dairy Federation: The International Dairy Federation (IDF) develops international standards for milk and milk products. IDF was later to be an important catalyst in the conception of the Codex Alimentarius Commission." (1963)

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Maybe it's the changes in the genetics of the Holstein vs Camel, Sheep, Goat, and other breeds of cattle that have not undergone the change in the genetics. There is more than the breed. There is the pasteurization. This is a pic from an organic producer of unpasteurized, raw, grass fed (no grain) & hygienically processed of the different qualities of milk. Unpasteurized Human milk and Unpasteurized Cows Milk both possess the "Lactase Producing Enzyme", which digests the lactose sugar in milk. You may be correct! But once one looks at the constituents in cleanly produced, grass-fed raw milk, you might wonder why humans have survived the synthetic (toxic) biology that we have grown up in. Imagine you are a baby born to a mom that needs (for whatever reason) to use a soy-based formula (no colostrum) and so the synthetic formula is refortified with some basic synthetic nutrients. The soy milk has nothing bio-available in it. Would the child NOT have the prerequisite gut flora/fauna for a healthy body/brain. Granted, if one goes to the internet and asks AI to tell you the difference between raw and pasteurized. It will tell you that pasteurized is safer and raw is prone to possess bacteria, like e. coli species - exactly, but which kind? the bad e.coli or the good e.coli The following is from Sasha Latypova substack article Feb. 29, 2024.

"Beneficial microbiome plays vital role in our health, including proper body and mind function. Gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters that our brain and nervous system require to function. Specifically, the following neurotransmitters are produced by the following microbes:

GABA: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium

Noradrenaline: e.coli, Bacillus and Saccaromyces

Serotonin: Candida, Streptococcus, e.coli and Enterococcus

Dopamine: Bacillus

Acetylcholine: Lactobacillus

Disruption or destruction of gut flora is the primary driver of neurological conditions and mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD and a host of others." Sasha retrieved this info from “Study in Lancet shows relationship between gut biome and "long-covid" [ahem, mostly vaccine injury] symptoms.” If you go to https://retractionwatch.com/ one can appreciate WHY science studies haves to say "long-covid". There are 18 Concerns & 414 Retractions. In the last 4 years => https://retractionwatch.com/retracted-coronavirus-covid-19-papers/

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22 min. interview with Michael Yon, War Correspondent, former Green Beret, from Big Picture.




'Michael Yon is an interesting man. A former Green Beret, he spent over a decade aboard turned war correspondent. He is an American, although he spent more most of his life outside of the United States. Three quarters of his life was downrange in more than 90 countries. Six years in Europe, five in the Middle East and 19 years throughout Asia. He visits the world's most dangerous places and reports on issues you don't find covered in the media.


One of his focuses in recent years has been on the implosion of the agricultural and livestock sector. He bought every book he could find on famines and studied the issue intensely the last few years. He has observed that practically every government in the west is pursuing a dangerous policy of purposefully dismantling the agriculture and livestock sectors and bringing food production to a screeching halt. In each country this is occurring with slightly different measures and fallacious rationals, but the goal is the same. Obstruct food production. I believe this is a way of restructuring of the food industry. Michael Yon believes it is the preparation for a historical repeat on a broader level of the Holodomor that occurred in the 1930's in Ukraine, where Stalin starved millions of Ukrainian farmers he labeled 'Kulaks.'

The older Green Berets would often try to imbue a spirit of studying foreign cultures, foreign religions, cults and that sort of thing, because these are things that he would encounter in the course of their duties. The understanding of cult techniques are very important for everyone, Michael says, because we live in this world in we cannot escape cults, period. "The only cult you'll never see is the cult you're in. If you look around you, you're either already in one or a lot of people around you are in some form of cult or another."

The issue he is probably best known for reporting on today is the mass migration issue and has been reporting on the migration issue from the Darian Gap. He warns the demographic subversion of the United States of America is in full swing and these economic migrants eventually will be turned on the population, creating a contrived conflict of which no one is prepared for.

He has been bravely documenting the various forms of subversion the United States and Western Europe are been facing, from mass migration, destructive economic policies, the implosion of energy sector via "green" policies, the squeezing of input materials for the agriculture sector and the conduct of the disastrous war in Ukraine.

You can follow his reporting on his twitter account https://twitter.com/michael_yon

PLEASE DONATE to the production of important interviews like this https://bigpicture.watch/donations/support-our-work/'

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Love your new 15 minutes series and I’m glad you post them on telegram! You do a phenomenal job, Dr. Makis, a true hero in this evil agenda against humanity.

And I pretty sure you are on the top of the Canadian globalist’s list for the people they hate because you bring truth!

As a former health care professional, I chat with many people in public bringing truth and warning and usually follow it up with your substack info.

May God protect you, bless you and divinely guide you!

We win, God wins and we have a beautiful new world coming!

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Gee, is it possible this is how they damage the food supply. I am fed up with so called experts telling me what I should take serious. They were wrong and lied about everything pertaining to Covid and the vaccines.

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Just the face of Peter Hotez makes me cringe. I guess I have heard and seen too much of his lying mug on the news.

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I trust your subsequent update debunks some of the propaganda.

It is fun to scoff at hyperbole and ridicule the shills on their record, but we need evidence to formally push them back.

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Love your take on these turkeys.

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Very interesting! TY! It really helps to see how they operate + shocking how bold, evil, and audacious which appears to mean that they will not go away without maximum damage to the people.

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Dear Dr. Makis.

I am a breast cancer patient that has had 2 recurences. I would like to communicate with you. I am more than Happy to cover all the cost. I think my Drs. Have had so many mistakes in my case and I suspect all is not well again with me. I live in Vancouver BC. I have all my tests and reports. Please give me a contact No. my email is shahfagh@hotmail.com

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*ucker works for the swarm, but an interview would be good, all publicity is good.

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Oh my goodness, I remember that.

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When the US has patents for viral strains that have not yet been “accidentally released” then you know that they are just as guilty as China - and obviously working together, how delightful … it’s called “teamwork”.

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Yet another bit of hard reality for us Americans. I’ve consistently been warning loved ones about our collaboration with the WIV, via UNC Chapel Hill & other ‘esteemed’ places of academia/agency. No one really wants to hear it (from me) or consider the repercussions to the US’ standing in the global marketplace.

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