This Amesh Adalja, MD, he says, and I'm going to go full screen here, and he's saying, well, there's going to be a small segment of people who are hurt by any vaccine. Is this a small segment? Is he telling the truth here? Or do you think a small segment of people injured by the CV-19 bioweapon vax?
Well, let's talk about his comments in lieu of some other comments that have come out recently. There seems to be an effort to acknowledge some injury. but to normalize it as small. So A, it's not small. B, I find it curious that he's saying these things at the same time that Deborah Birx is admitting to vaccine injury,
but small as well. And Chris Cuomo is now going on news shows saying that he was wrong about ivermectin and that he's vaccine injured. So there seems to be a concerted effort to rewrite the narrative that yes, There are some injuries, but they're small and not significant.

Ed Dowd Exposes the Big Lie Surrounding COVID Vaccine Injuries

The worst part is that people actually believe this.

“There seems to be a concerted effort” to rewrite COVID vaccine history, says data analyst Edward Dowd.

While Chris Cuomo and Dr. Deborah Birx admit that vaccine injuries exist, they push the idea that they’re “small.”

Well, that’s not what Dowd is seeing.

His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen:

• 1.1 million excess deaths
• 4 million people becoming disabled
• And 28.6 million vaccine-injured people are often missing work due to chronic illness.

“So, it’s about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.”

Click here to watch the full interview.

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