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What CAN'T Racism Do?
Blacks shooting blacks in New Orleans is apparently caused by white racism.
On Mother's Day 2013, two black gang members, Akein "Keemy" Scott, and his brother, Shawn "Shizzle" Scott, shot up an African-American parade in New Orleans, wounding 20 and killing two black women.
In 2014, the brothers were sentenced to life in prison for the shooting by U.S. District Judge Ivan L.R. Lemelle.
This week, the Nation magazine’s take on the shooting: LOOK WHAT WHITE PEOPLE DID TO US!!
[The murdered black activist Deborah] Cotton somehow dictated a statement from the intensive care unit .... “Do you know what it takes to be so disconnected in your heart that you walk out into a gathering of hundreds of people who look just like you and begin firing?” she asked. …
She cited “the evils of systemic racism,” explaining “racism can kill Black people even when a Black finger pulls the trigger. … This city and this country created [the black murderer].” …
In 2013, the president was black (as was the judge who sentenced the gang members). The Nation elided this by referring to 2013 as “the Obama-Trump era.”
Cotton believed that until America, especially white America, honestly faces what race and slavery have done, [we will have the] Mother’s Day shooting in New Orleans [and] the …possible reelection—of a white supremacist whose fellow neo-Confederates openly endorse waging a second civil war to “make America great again.” …
I missed the “second civil war” part of Trump’s platform.
“Afflictions like the Mother’s Day shooting and the rise of Trump will keep happening until more Americans talk honestly about what racism and slavery have done to this country.”
That should do the trick! God knows, we NEVER talk about racism and slavery in this country.
Father’s Day 2024. Loneliest day of the year in Detroit, Saint Louis, Oakland, and 125th Street in NYC.
Re: Second Civil War,
Our nation has never been closer to the possibility of a second civil war. The left in this nation would like to avoid it and complete the "fundamental transformation" Obama mentioned, which will remake America into the neo-fascist, globalist, tribalistic, totalitarian track & trace state it wants for the poor, lower, and middle class who are considered but "serfs" and "servants" of the elites. The left knows, despite their bravado about "F-16s and nukes" that they would lose a second civil war.
The left doth project too much. If Trump wins (and by all polling data and rally turnout his chances look increasingly good) and he doesn't justly go after all these crooks and cruds who've unjustly dragged him and his wallet through the legal checkout stand, he will not fully and faithfully execute the office of the presidency as the nation's top law-enforcement officer.
The Jacobins who've persecuted Trump purely out of political motives in the attempt to retain their power and agenda richly deserve to feel the heat and financial burden of the court system for their actions.
But unless Trump truly does "drain the Swamp" with a thorough legal cleansing of the Justice and State Departments, as well as the CIA and FBI, (and military brass) and punish and remove those who've skirted the law to preserve their power and agenda, not as "retribution" but as genuine justice, for their crimes, his four years in office, whatever positive results he will produce otherwise, will effectively be of little value in the long run, as the Democrats in four years will have the voting system completely rigged by men and machines to their permanent advantage.
Finishing the wall and deporting millions of illegals (both of which actions would cause me and Ann - and half of America- to shout for joy) will require Trump to circumvent the entire legal system. The only way I see this happening is with a legal device having more teeth than an executive order. Could he suspend Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln once did) to stop lawyers and judges from thwarting the deportation process? I think this is the only means capable of enabling him to accomplish these goals. I can't wait to see.
On a sidenote, I would love coming to hear you speak, Ann, but I am in the middle of working to finish a master's degree in divinity. Coming to one of your speaking events and meeting you is a bucket-list item of mine. I want to meet the legend in-person. I can't decide which book I'd ask you to sign but it would probably be either "Mugged" or "Adios America."
But the entire DEI anti-white racism mindset and movement is just another part of the larger globalist "Queer Theory" that seeks to be contrary to everything traditional in its quest to upend and destroy all things that have guided and created civilization since the dawn of time. DEI, the LGBT movement, CRT and BLM are all a part of Queer Theory. So, of course white supremacy is the reason for black-on-black crime! Climate change is also the fault of white supremacy!
The UN has been playing an important role in promoting Queer Theory, as well as the transitioning of America's children into zee/zer gender-confused robots, and in the massive invasion of this nation by Third World illiterate (and socialist/communist) poor.
The globalists have found what they believe is the ideal scapegoat in its condemnation of Christian Caucasians of the West and the United States in particular.
If we Christian crabs manage to climb out of the bucket of the Queer Theory globalists without a civil war it will be nothing short of a miracle.