I’ve been saying that since 2017 and it was an underlying concern clear back in 2009 when I agreed to help Chet Uber get Project VIGILANT moving.
I really enjoyed Civil War, so much so that I used a screen shot from it for Multifaceted Overwatch. But I do not think this, or a “national divorce”, or any other euphemism that dignifies the run up to it is correct.
If (when) the conflict that saw its lone first shot fired on January 6th, 2021 escalates, it should be known as the …
Snivel War
Attention Conservation Notice:
I’ll alternating my palm and the back of my hand across the faces of any right wing fantasy grievance merchants within reach for the duration of this post.
The United States industrialized. Our fertility rate fell below replacement levels, just like every other society that has industrialized. The right has been hyperventilating about this for the last forty years, sniveling in this area began with Birth Dearth back in 1987. This watershed publication for the white nationalist movement was authored by … wait for it … Joseph Ben Zion Wattenberg. This guy is also responsible for the creation of data journalism. I might be an older Gen-X but I can’t even.
The current top sniveler in this area is Nick Fuentes. He was just caught streaming gay porn on his livestream, which he’s blamed on a pro-Israel hack(!) If I could find a reliable medium I’d pay for a seance to get Wattenberg’s hot take on this.
If you’ve taken my hints and dug into Peter Zeihan’s work you know the United States is in a sweet spot … which is entirely dependent on immigration from Mexico and Central America. All of the groundling snivelers cashing those Social Security checks don’t seem to realize that depends on some kid with a Z or a vowel at the end of their name paying into the system.
We had a bi-partisan border bill. It failed because Trump wanted to run on the border being insecure.
“If given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law,” Biden said.
There has been a LOT of sniveling about this and you gotta cui bono it. U.S. investment in local manufacturing has doubled in the last few years and Mexico stands to become the new workshop of the world.
Putin benefits in the short term, if Trump manages to slither back into the Oval Office, but the real winner will be China. If we expect to succeed in a world where China is imploding due to their own demographics and housing crisis, we need a calm NAFTA working environment.
Foreign Affairs:
The isolationist U.S. mood, the ending of the globalization we fostered to counter Stalin, this has led to a lot of posturing for domestic audiences that neither know nor care much about foreign relations. The sole exception to this are the religious snivelers who are sniveling about Israel.
I’d be having a good laugh at the expense of Zionists who thought that the “We Stand With Israel” Americans were allies, if it weren’t so grim and serious. But we’ve got 1,200 dead Israeli civilians and thirty times that number of Palestinians have paid with their lives. Zionists have been forced to come to grips with the fact their “support” here are people who hate Jews and only want Israel preserved as the scene for a final battle, one which they now believe to be imminent.
The world didn’t end in 1998 (3 x 666!), nor in 2000, nor December 21st of 2012. We’re going to wade through a generation of snivelers sniveling about “tribulations”, a convenient seven year period in which the world is supposed to be in disorder. The goal posts will be moved repeatedly, then around 2035 the goal post moving will stop, thanks to the dying out of the angry old white people, and by Mother Nature being done with our shit in a really final, undeniable fashion.
I can drop snarky one liners about the dumbfuckery to which we have become captive without putting a lot of thought into it. Insults to one’s intelligence are ready available no matter which issue you care to name.
But this really is a branding issue. Our society has been degraded by reality TV vermin and anti-social media. It’s past time the adults in the room stop rolling their eyes and start calling things what they are, no matter how our rotten media tries to “both sides” it.