This is a special message today for the prayer people, for the radical worshipers, for the Davidic hearts, for the pioneers, for the missionaries. This is for you. I want to confront one of the tactics that the enemy uses to come against those of us who are wanting to radically pursue Jesus and go deep in God.
And it is the temptation towards spiritual pride. I think this is a huge issue in the prayer admissions movement. Specifically, I've seen it in my own life now, 20 years of doing Worship and prayer ministry 15 years full time I've seen this own thing in my own
heart in my own life and even communities and cultures and ministries That I've been a part of and so I want to look biblically. I think Jesus gives us some help And I want to go through some scriptures in Luke 18 and Luke 10 today. Help us to get free.

Spiritual Pride in Prayer and Missions Movements

Presence Pioneers Podcast Episode 131

In this teaching, Matthew Lilley addresses the issue of spiritual pride and its impact on those involved in prayer ministries and movements. He explores a biblical perspective on spiritual pride and practical ways to “humble ourselves” such as God-centered worship, thanksgiving, confession of sins, serving others, submitting to authority, and receiving correction.

Watch Part 2 of This Interview Here:

The Presence Pioneers Podcast exists to help you experience and host God’s presence through worship and prayer - because God’s presence changes everything!


  • Spiritual pride is a temptation for those involved in prayer ministries and movements.

  • Humbling ourselves before God is essential to combat spiritual pride.

  • God-centered worship, thanksgiving, confession of sins, serving others, submitting to authority, and receiving correction are practical ways to humble ourselves.

  • Our spiritual disciplines are not the sole indicator of our spiritual maturity.


00:00 Confronting Spiritual Pride in Prayer Ministries

03:01 The Temptation of Spiritual Pride

08:16 The Importance of Humility

11:38 The Condition for Healing and Revival

14:35 Practical Ways to Humble Ourselves

27:08 Recognizing and Addressing Spiritual Pride: Insights from Jonathan Edwards