For you: A 15-minute pep talk for those who may feel like there’s a lot of noise on Substack.
The amazing Claire Venus and I guide you through my top, top Substack tip of all time: Don’t subscribe to or follow a bunch of Substacks that talk about how to be on Substack.
For those who may not know Claire, she’s the mastermind behind Sparkle on Substack and Creatively Conscious. She’s a creative who also writes and a Substack enthusiast. She describes herself as being powered by sustainability, slow living, big dreams, and quiet ambition.
Claire is the real thing. She’s a Substack educator I often recommend, especially for creatives.
Sparkle on Substack is “a bespoke space to help you stay creative on Substack with co-working, workshops, weekly posts, chats, a podcast, and all the tools to help enhance your journey to growth on Substack in a joyful sustainable way.”
We encourage you to follow/subscribe to one Substack guide (two max) for a year. Sure, it’s great to get lots of perspectives and ideas, but when you listen to everyone, you risk not hearing yourself.
Some of you do well with noise. Blessings.
For those who don’t, listen to or watch this conversation with Claire.
one more comment - those who promise easy quick results - I am less impressed - if it was that easy then we would all be earning millions!
It is not you it is them :)- if you dont click with someone- then why stay? It seems like a good idea and my unfollows/unsubscribes are not personal - often a sign of my over exuberance than anything else!!! Yet I think it is easy to be disheartened - when you feel so passionate - yet remember if you make a difference to one person - that is better than having lots of subscribers who never read... follows are for instagram - this is a different type of relationship. I think substack of more friendships over aquaintances' - and they take time - talking with someone over chatting in a bar with promises to meet up that dont materialise - ok enough anologies
Haha yep, it’s a volume control issue now.
Love that: it’s a volume control issue now.
This was an encouraging peptalk. I’ve been subconsciously avoiding Substack the last couple weeks without realizing why, but now that I think of it, a lot of noise has shown up on my feed and that’s what I’ve been avoiding.
This is a helpful reminder for me to set some boundaries here!
Oh we have to don't we Blake - I love coming to the page but the other features feel like work and so I approach them that way... ✨
Thank you for this, Claire and Sarah! Grateful for you both!
You are SO welcome Dana - thanks for tuning in.
I loved listening to you both. You are so complementary to each other. It feels that being subscribed to you both, is all I need. Overwhelm has stopped all creation lately and listening to you both has lit a spark in my brain. I'm off to paint!
I'd still like to learn how to turn off email for SS.
Smart notifications! Yes so it’s in your writer settings rather than dashboard settings. I have a post on it but I’m wondering if SF has a video?
Thanks Claire. I'll see if I can find it.
On desktop now - if you scroll to the bottom of this page instructions are here -
Thank you!! :D
Love seeing you both in the same space! You're the only two I subscribe to for this exact reason. The overwhelm is real and it's important to keep the noise out or I would never write. I think there's a line that can be crossed if we're not careful and what was once an inspiration can turn to imposter syndrome and fear.
That’s exactly what I experienced Kaitlyn. It was deeply unpleasant. It starts to feel like the world is against you. I take good care of my mental health as Sarah does but this (and the internet at large) is all new to us! ✨🙏
Yes! It takes some learning around where our boundaries lie, especially as you said the internet is all new to us. I appreciate all that you both do for your communities!
So so good. Thank you.
You’re welcome! What was your main take away for your Substack!?
The camaraderie and respect, and the reminder to take it slow and feed the creative impulse above all. Those are big takeaways. I identify as a creative and I don’t always know what I’m doing and “making plans” stifles my organic process. Having you two together reminds me there are many ways to do this thing. There aren’t many spaces, online or in person, where that sort of energy exists. Thank you for bringing it here.
Thank you for that feedback and yes what a brilliant way to exist in the world. ✨
I’m trying to jump back in but every time I come here, I’m so overwhelmed and feel like I’ve gotten farther behind. This was a good pep talk. But now what… 🥴
Ah you’re not behind, you’re exactly where you are meant to be. ✨ We both see Substack as a long game and in that you get to shape your own priorities here.
You know when I started on Substack I just wrote, I didn’t even change my welcome emails or about page. I just wrote and the wrote some more. I remember opening the settings page and thinking ok I’ll do three of these a week until I get to the bottom 🥴 it took a while…
I know folks feel like they have to “set up” but in reality the writing will help enthuse you to do the set up.
In my simple substack advice section there are four posts on “setting” up I put out as a challenge and people found that super useful.
I also think it’s wonderful to separate time as a reader. I pop in a few times a day to support people on Notes and sometimes write my own but that’s a conscious choice.
If I started everything again now and knew nothing I’d just write and get comfortable in that as a priority. Hope this helps. ❤️
It did. I like the part about separating time to be a reader. I overthink my pieces and strive so hard I end up writing one every few months. And now I haven’t written in six months and feel extremely detailed and dejected. But when I do read good work, I’m inspired again. I really need to clear the clutter.
Yes do it! Also lean into this process for yourself - there's nothing wrong in taking your time... sometimes allowing ourselves that breaks through some blocks and we get faster othertimes that's just our process. My husband often sits with a post so long he gets lost in it and it can take months to get out, I have a client who is the same. Everything is ok. ✨
Pick one person. Mute everyone else who even talks about Substack. Focus on yourself and the amazing work you're doing. You don't need a new design, new features, none of that. Know that you're amazing for being on here.
I appreciate your insights and encouragement. I love the idea of going directly to the "post" page instead of through stats.
Yes the post composition page rather than dashboard - SO good!
Yes, that's changed my entire life.
This was actually a really good listen and so worthwhile. Especially the part about choosing a Substack educator and running with them for a while. There can be SO much noise here (as with anywhere online, really). I always refer people looking for coaching to you two, even though some of them first come to me for it. But that's not my wheelhouse and I know what I'm here to do vs what you ladies are here to do.
I'm glad I tuned in...I rarely take the time to sit and watch videos.
Yes I think it’s so so important. You know when I first started Sparkle I had massive imposter syndrome because I thought well Substack have so many FAQ pages. Folks can just go there 😂
They’ve even just launched a best sellers education space - hoping I get an invite 😉!
Anyway, as I showed up in service the way I always have I realised the missing piece was both confidence, decision making and folks OWNING who they are the world and what they are here to do.
Unfortunately unless we have the right mindset with that Notes feed it’s going to confuse our direction.
I like that Notes is connected to Substack I really do but a few weeks back when we were going through some stuff and my head was foggy I was like I WISH I could turn it all off and FIND my creative spark away from the noise of my head and realised I could. 🥰🥰🥰
Thanks for referring people to us Kristi!! ⭐️
We really have to watch it don’t we. I had a friend come to SS and leave and she said it just feels like the Claire Venus show. 😳
😂😂 The Claire Venus show!
Honestly, there must be some algorithm at play because in the past I've resorted to muting you and Sarah occasionally (😳) because of how often you'd show up in my feed lol. Sorry! 😬
HA - brilliant... Similar interests? Hmm - mine is more balanced since I've started using the follow feature.
We send people to you too!
Sarah, after I talked to Todd the other day I was blown away that you referred him. I had no idea you even knew who I was 😂 And I totally appreciate the reciprocity. This is such a great platform where support is concerned!
Thank you both .. good to see and hear you. I follow you both and am starting to realise I can’t follow everyone back. How do I turn off emails as I prefer to read in the app as my personal magazine.. love that phrase
Thanks so much Carolyn! Yep it’s a real problem the longer we spend here. 😅 You want to hit smart notifications. You can do it in your writer profile settings on desktop.
Thank you
I enjoyed listening to you both. I certainly need to mute out a lot of unnecessary noise here on Substack. Hopefully I can get back into writing again.
Yes! And your session is waiting whenever you're ready.
We’re here for you Lynn! Come to co writing on Fridays? It’s every week! We just write!
Ok thanks, sounds like I can have a clear out whilst avoiding any hurt feelings.
It’s just part of the game we’re in lovely.
Great discussion guys.
I totally get the overwhelm part of what you’re saying. For me it hasn’t just been Substack overwhelm - it’s been a crazy time in the rest of my world which has needed some balance.
So in my non Substack world I’ve started a new job, sold my house and my daughter has been doing exams. There are times when life takes over.
In these times I’ve developed a few Substack coping mechanisms to keep the newsletter going. (You could call them cheats but let’s call them coping mechanisms to be kind 😅)
So when life overwhelm hits these are a few things I’ve employed over the past couple of months.
- asked a friend to write a guest post which was amazing and they loved having access to my subscribers too
- cross posted one of my old posts from 2022 that didn’t get many views at the time because I was tiny then.
- re written an old post in my new style and brought it up to date.
- posted a visitor book thread post for people to introduce themselves and their Substack.
I did all these things and I don’t think anyone noticed! 😅😂
Thank you for sharing these strategies, I'm gonna save them for my upcoming move!
oh, I love the idea of an old post makeover! :) thanks.
Amazing! So good.
What exactly is ‘cross-posting’? This one still confuses me!
What Martin said. So I will cross post this piece to my audience in a few weeks to give it another airing. I’ll introduce it and perhaps add a different context/ lead in. I would like to cross post between my own lists but that’s another story!
Hi Emma. You can take any post on Substack by any author that has this enabled and email it to your subscribers.
It’s a nice way to expose your subscribers to new authors you admire.
You can also do a reciprocal arrangement with other substacks.
aah ok - thank you!
So savvy Martin! Good for you. I was saying to Sarah before we recorded I did a whole digital detox for a week and NO one noticed. 😅 the power of scheduling. ✨✨🙏
Do people get offended if their subscribers unsubscribe from them? I have way too many subscriptions and only manage to read about a quarter if lucky. I’d like to reduce that number, only keeping the ones I go to most regularly.
A reframe that can be helpful is to think of each unsubscribe as refining your community to people who really enjoy your point of view.
I think it's something to think about that you'd think about this and that you would worry about offending the writers by not reading them anymore.
Why would that be your worry?
We all need to look after our own time and mental health, right? YOU are important, and only you can know what fuels you - so do not worry for the ego of a newsletter writer. They'll live!!
/Kind regards a newsletter writer but also a reader 😜
I think it is wise to remember that when I or you unsubscribe or stop following it is not personal - it is separating the wheat form the chaff - if that does not sound too mean - more a subjective. I can be impulsive so I am aware I can click without thinking about it (not paid as I dont have a budget so I am very careful there). Great to know that I can have unsubscribe button off.
❤️🩹✨🙏 it’s just such a new culture isn’t it - an unsubscribe in the early days can feel like a failure or being on other shadowy feelings can’t it? In my experience it all flows once we look after our mindset and better understand we are here in service to x number of people not ALL the people.
I always worry about that but just did a clean out. I have to hope they won't be. I never am.
Margi, as Claire said, lots of us have notifications turned off so we don't even know if people unsubscribe. That's my preference. I'm here to write, not get sad when someone decides not to read me anymore. We all need our time to test the waters!
I think that’s fair enough Margi!
I have unsubscribed a lot over the years. Sometimes I circle back. Sometimes it’s because there are too many paywalls and I’m not planning to pay, other times it’s missing value/ over promising. When I think about it it’s a gut response and more often than not it’s just because I prioritise high value, education, escapism and inspiration in my reading time.
My advice and SF too would be for publication owners to turn unsubscribe notifications off. I don’t know anyone who leaves them on therefore I don’t think they’d know you’d decided to leave?
Loved it, especially also the length!
Me too!
Yes and we got to our key message pretty quickly. SF is right to edit.
I’m learning to podcast shorter but I just love connecting and struggle to wrap up in an hour usually. This is my year of edits so we’ll see if I apply that to podcasting too. 🥰
There’s no right or wrong and definitely so much value in longer episodes too! 💕 I know it’s a big ask to have them short and sweet or broken into junks. And editing takes a lot of time, seeing that with my podcasting bf
Love how you both laughed at the muting!
Such simple advice that we all need to be reminded of - to quieten noise when there’s overwhelm.
We don’t need to ‘wrong’ what’s out there, just pull back from the noise and connect back to who we are and why we’re here 💚
There is So. Much. Noise. in our modern world. I read once that we get literally 300 times more mail / message / texts / email / phone calls than our grandparents did.
Exactly! I love that she muted me. It made me laugh.
This sounds great, Sarah! Pep talks always helpful. Quick note, I can't find the link to Sunday's replay. I somehow missed it. Can you please re-post? Thanks.
Thanks, Sarah!!
Thanks for having me Sarah - wonderful to reconnect on our Substack thoughts and how we lean into looking after our nervous systems and deepening our creative practise. ✨
So great!