I know that learning to love yourself is the start of great mental health.
I know that there is no knowledge without bias—everything is perspective. Sometimes the right answer is just a matter of which side you’re looking from. This is helpful in arguments when you understand everyone has a point and no one is flat-out wrong.
With people you care about, I know you have to let them make their own choices even though you think they’re wrong. But you should always keep space to love them and help them if you can.
I know that healing is not a straight path. It is a life long commitment and just when you think you’ve healed from all your trauma life throws another one at you.
I know that the best way to help yourself is to help others. And the best way to help others is to help yourself.
I know that the greatest opportunities don’t come as opportunities but rather as challenges to be accepted or declined.
I know that everything you do should be completely for yourself. When you help others it should be for you, because you want to. That way you don’t feel resentment or regret when it doesn’t go as planned with that person.
I know that the best job to have is the job you’d do for free. Like seriously, if you had $10 million dollars in the bank right now—what would you spend your time doing? Thats what you should be doing NOW.
I know that without passion you can never do your best work. Because the best ideas don’t come to you when you’re ready and receiving. Rather they come when its 11 pm and you’re tired and about to sleep. If you have the passion it’s less like work and more like play, so you do it.
I know that true greatness requires true freedom. Which means you need to give yourself and others the freedom to fail. Only then can you push past all limits.
I know that for most people, responsible psychedelic use, will lead to a quantum leap in positive life outcomes. It helps many deal with depression, can make psychopaths feel emotions, cure addiction and PTSD.
I know that when you’re making something, in the beginning, speed matters more than quality. And when you’re really really good, then quality matters more than speed.
I know, trust me, I know—that you shouldn’t fall in love with someone because of how you feel about them. You should fall in love with them because of how they make you feel about yourself.
I know that you have to be able to say “FUCK ME”—and be completely disinterested in your own well being to truly focus on someone else. This is the secret to truly being happy for someone. Like if a friend just inherited a fortune that makes them way richer than you and you start thinking—”they’re doing way better than me” or ” they’ll be traveling around the world now”—just say “FUCK ME”—escape yourself for the moment.
I know that fear, anxiety, and panic stop a lot of people from living great lives. But once you name the monsters, you can feel when they rise in you and stop feeding them. So much is possible without these three emotions.
I know that having a daily routine of positive activities is the foundation of mental health. Find something you love doing, that’s healthy and do it every day.
Learn to cook a simple, cheap, and nutritious meal by yourself. I know that this will save you money and pain.
Always bring your authentic self to new relationships. I know that you might lose this person if you show your true self—but it’s the only way to get people who are actually there for you.
I know that when doing truly difficult things you have to give your all and expect nothing. This is the only way you stand a chance of winning.
I know that listening is very important, yet listening doesn’t mean you have to do what they say. It only means that you have to see their point and make your own decision. Everyone is on a totally different path and we need different things.
I know that you shouldn’t worry about past mistakes too much. Some things can only be learned after you’ve done them. The best thing to do is to resolve to do better now that you know better.
You can change yourself to a surprising degree. How you look, speak, work…but you need a detailed understanding of who you want to be first. Everyone should write down the type of person, as specifically as possible, that they want to be—come back to this often and see if you’re on the path. This is every personal development book in one tip.
Everyone is different and you've got to appreciate them for who they are and what they bring to the table rather than wishing they were exactly who you want them to be.
I know that letting go of shame frees a lot of our hidden personality....our talents undiscovered.
Everyone should have something challenging they're working on. At first, it will feel like you’re giving everything to it—all your energy into a vast unfillable hole—but sometimes that black hole becomes a Cornucopia that reminds you what it truly means to be alive—especially in your darkest hour.
Tell the people around you that you love them as often as you can. Some may have never heard the words “I Love You”. And this is something they will think about more than you realize.
I know that all progress comes from a series of very small but challenging steps rather than one big decision that sends you to the top.
The reward isn't the reward. I know that you should love who you're becoming and what you're creating. The end isn’t the goal.
The best way to motivate yourself to do hard things is to think about the good things that will come from winning and also think about the worst things that can come from losing. This gives you something to run to and something to run from—MAX SPEED.
I know that you are not your thoughts but your actions. We can’t always control what our minds send us but we can always choose how to act. Eventually, the thoughts will follow.
I know that wealth is not a thing you create. But a feeling you bring out in others. It’s a need/dependence for something you’ve made. Whatever it is, making money then is all about scale and moats.
I know that how people treat you when they know you can do nothing for them is the true test of character. Even better, watch how they treat people they call enemies—eventually, you’ll be on the other side and this is how they’ll treat you.
I know that no matter how bad a situation is you can always make it worse. So instead try to think about how you can make it better. If it can be worse, it sure can be better.
I know that we should all be watching more comedies than horror.
I know that a different perspective is worth 80 IQ points. There’s a reason why so many brilliant discoveries have been made in isolation. Einstein came up with original findings after being rejected by the Physics community for years. Some times the best thing you can do is step away from the momentum of the crowd.
I know that I have to be happy here and now. If happiness is always in the future you’re like the dog chasing the bone on a stick. Happiness will always evade you. so no matter how imperfect the moment is, you have to love and be happy NOW.
I know that everyone is more powerful when they go after their passions in life. You become more alive and others can feel this.
I know that everyone needs to value their own personal currency. We all know and love the mighty dollar but imagine if you had your own money and could pay yourself whenever you did something you loved. For example, when I’m really tired but still want to create another video before I sleep, I tell myself it would be awesome if I could do it…just one more. And then when I do it I give myself “feel good points”…cause I FUCKING did it. The more of your own personal currency you value the less the world has an effect on you. You may be earning six figures but I’m already rich baby.
I know that gratitude is a multiplier of blessings. The best way to get more of something is to love what you already have. I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal/diary for years now. It’s healing to look back at the challenges you had months/years ago and laugh at them now. I use this App.
I know that money isn’t everything. We all have personal/family challenges to overcome and for some money simply isn’t it. It could be poor mental heath, a lack of love, shame, or abuse passed on for generations. Find what you want to fix in your life and focus on that.
I know that silence, rejection, and criticism don’t mean you’re doing anything wrong—keep going.
Everyone should have regular events they go to and meet people physically. We are social creatures after all—even if all you do is stand in the corner—go out.
I know that 90% of people can dress better if they just check Pinterest for ideas. As simple as searching for your body, race, and event type with the words “ideas“. E.g. Rave dress ideas for black men.
I know that more people would be gorgeously fit if they could learn to do very short < 1 minute workouts at home—rather than going to the gym. Ten pushups, situps, and pull-ups a day add up to a ripped body over time.
I know that every negative thing that has and will ever happen to you has an equal positive no matter how sinister it seems to think about it. Just use your imagination and light will appear from the darkness.
I know that we shouldn’t always reward positive behavior and punish negative behavior. Sometimes we have to roll the dice on someone and not reward them or reward them regardless.
I know not to argue when it won’t bring me or the other person any benefit to do so—pick your battles well.
I know that when you really really want something to be true but you feel it’s not—you’re usually right.
I know that in a creative field, you can’t always predict what people like. You just gotta keep making and making and let them choose what they want. Every once in a while though, you strike a chord with a lot of people and go fucking VIRAL.
I know that I’m happy/glad/excited that you’re alive on this earth and reading this even though you could be doing something else. I love you.
I had to write this after reading Sasha Chapin’s wonderful list.
aiiiiiiii see ya later ✨