Press Conference from Japan: A Call for Global Solidarity: The Largest Global Protest Against WHO. Highlights:
Hello, everyone. This National Movement is, in fact, a campaign to protect the lives of our citizens from the public health dictatorship of the Gates Foundation, WHO, the Japanese government, and the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, created through an artificial pandemic.
During the coronavirus crisis, in April 2021, you might remember, Japan's own Anthony Fauci, Keizo Takemi, in a public webinar organized by the UN Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federation of Economic Organizations, ....stated that the main source of funding for these activities comes from the Gates foundation.
...WHO has not stopped using the pandemic agreement and IHR revisions as a lever for the global vaccine business and the building of a totalitarian framework.
Deceptive procedures and meetings by WHO must be monitored by people all around the world, as a necessity.
On May 28th, from 9 am local time, (during the 77th World Health Assembly) Community A's deliberations and decisions will be critically observed, and as a result, this movement might immediately call for withdrawal from WHO. The event of Community A will be live-streamed on my X at the same time on the day.
From this Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare press room, to everyone nationwide I once again appeal for everyone to gather at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Hibiya at noon on May 13th, to hereby declare a national movement!!
For Japan, for the world, please lend us your support.
This should be happening in every country.
Why is nobody protecting Canada from the monster WHO , WEF and Bill Gates. It’s not about health. It’s about murdering Canadians physically, financially, socially and personally and constitutionally.
It’s our job as citizens of Canada to act don’t wait for someone else
The UN is the head of the snake it’s big next treaty September 23
Is it true that the Alberta leadership is making an effort? When I think of the shunning and canceling and firing it can’t be so simple under the provincial leaderships. So sorry
Japan gets it. Lead the way Japan! America , wake the **** up!
Where is Canada, Canadians and Mr Trudeau the failed high school drama teacher pretending to be a leader. Instead he is a follower of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, WHO, WEF agenda 2030 and phoney climate narrative to bring in Digital ID, Digital surveillance phoney currency and national and international digital report cards all interconnected for a perfect totalitarian, fascist global monster. My grandfather told me about this. This is history all over again. Wake up before it too late to do this peacefully.
On September 23 something more macabre will be signed by UN nations and there will be no getting out of it once signed.
All over the world…. Follow Japan …. Pull out of the WHO
Thank goodness for the Japanese leadership ... I sincerely hope the rest of us learn from and follow their great example!
The WEF has selected, promoted & installed many young, callow, ambitious, inexperienced, mediocre people as national “leaders” precisely because they are easily manipulated.
Macron, Attal, Trudeau, Ardern & the young Finnish woman (before they moved on to more money), the Irish PM in his 30s....they all do the bidding of the WEF billionaires.
These non-leaders are only too keen to sign power over to the globalists, on the promise of more money & power for themselves.
We have to take power back from all these organized criminals.
Government should be for the people, of the people & by the people.
NO unelected unaccountable sociopaths should wield power.
We know the Liberals (Trudeau government) hired consultants for everything because they were inept at managing canadas affairs. I think that those consultants (some of them) are most likely from THE WEF and we are paying for it!
I agree with you
Go for it Japan! I’m glad they are awake.🥂💕🙏🏻
Dr. Makis, this Video was excellent….
I am reminded that it was Japan Researcher’s that Dr. Byram Bridle spoke about when he got the Data on the Harm of the Spike Protein in the very beginning of all of this….Dr Byram Bridle did a quick interview with a Lady (I forget her name) and said that they had made a mistake in making these ‘vaccine’s’ because they had chosen the most toxic part to use, the Spike Protein which they found out was the most Toxic part of this entire ‘virus’……and the injections needed to be stopped..
He was so concerned when he saw this, I remember thinking ‘wow’ finally, a Scientist and Immunologist speaking out in the open and admitting this openly. I am so thankful for him…..Then the ‘you know what’ hit the fan for him…..every attack imaginable came against him and his family, just like you Dr. Makis…..and still is to this very day….
Anyway, this video was excellent. I have heard the Japanese speaking on this for awhile now….God Bless all these people that are trying to take a stand for what is right and trying to wake people up to the very fact that these ‘injection’s’ are NOT vaccines but Bio-Weapon’s and they are not for Health..and as Cristina7 mentioned here, it is time to dismantle the W.H.O and I might add amongst other organization’s.
As for Bill Gate’s, his ‘daddy’ the Eugenist, his ‘guide and teacher on how to succeed to ‘depopulate the world’ would be proud….BUT Bill Gate’s….your daddy won’t save you from the judgement that is about to fall on you if you don’t turn from your evil ways….you will have your part in the ‘lake of fire’ with the rest of them…..GOD IS WATCHING! AND TIME IS SHORT!
God Bless you Dr. Makis…..God Bless you…
What is the “lake of fire”? Judgement passed sounds wonderful for all of them!
I’m thinking the book of Esther, what happened to Haman, what he had planned for his enemies he was able to enjoy all for himself …the gallows 75 ft high, higher than he ever hoped he could be.
The lake of fire is a term used in only a few verses near the end in the book of Revelation (Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8). Jesus refers to Gehenna/hell several times (Matthew 10:28; Mark 9:43; Luke 12:5), as well as an “outer darkness” (Matthew 8:12; 22:13). These all seem to be different references to the same thing. Hell, the lake of fire, and outer darkness are all terms describing the final destination of those who reject Christ. This is a state of complete separation from God, never-ending and inescapable.
According to the Bible, the lake of fire is the “second death.” This is the ultimate consequence of sin, which is to be totally cut off from God. The lake of fire will be a place of perpetual suffering and misery. Scripture indicates that every person whose name is not in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15). The lake of fire will also be the fate of the beast and false prophet from the end times (Revelation 19:20), as well as Satan himself (Revelation 20:10). The Bible indicates that both death and Hades—the temporary destination of the unsaved dead—will also be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14).
Even though hell is described using terminology such as fire and flame, it is not meant to be thought of as only a physical place. Hell is described as a place of “torment,” not “torture,” initially intended for purely spiritual beings (Matthew 25:41). In fact, the worst aspect of hell is an eternity of conscious, guilty, shameful separation from God and all forms of goodness. In that sense, hell is far worse than a literal inferno; a purely physical hell is actually not as terrible as what the Bible describes.
In other words, the Bible tells us what hell is “like,” using symbols such as the lake of fire. But Scripture does not tell us too much about what hell “is,” in direct terms.
Fire is often used as a symbol of God’s judgment. The symbolism stems from real-life examples of God’s use of fire to punish the wicked—the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24), for example, and the destruction of Elijah’s enemies (2 Kings 1:12). Prophets often described God with a stream of fire coming from His throne, a symbol of His holy punishment of sin (e.g., Daniel 7:10; Isaiah 30:33). The fact that the destiny of those who reject God is described as a “lake of fire” speaks to how serious the judgment is. When God finally abolishes sin and death, all sinners will be condemned to the worst possible fate, described in the Bible using the most horrific terms.
Wow! Thanks for all of this information!
All I know for certain is I want justice to be served to all who participated in knowingly maiming and murdering humanity and this lake of fire sounds like justice to me.
May they reap what they sow 🙏
Question is why is the opposition not jumping on this? Kudos to Dr Leslyn Lewis for her petition against the WHO. But she was reduced to being a back bencher why she should have a strong port folio she has clout
Why indeed? Asked myself that same question.
May 31st! High noon!
Can you elaborate I missed that one
5/31 at 12pm is when the demonstration will take place. There is still time to go.
Love it!
From what I have heard of the Gates foundation, is they would like to see depopulation. The vaccine campaign certainly did a lot of that. Is that not Homicide?
I agree but they think they have enough scientific institutions doing their bidding, have people they pay and influence in important positions and pay for the media to be controlled too (allegedly) so even if some of us see through the bs they paid off experts to make us sound stupid (have been running a psyop campaign for years planting information to label and disregard “anti-vaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists”) and try to discredit all who question and paid for fact checkers to spin more bs. Or so it seems (allegedly) to many of us. So they don’t even seem scared of being called purveyors of poison and murderers- they just have so much money and influence- they have planned obviously (allegedly) for years - and have tricked or bought off or murdered all the world leaders I mean they are bolder then the drug cartels. They have people thinking they are nerdy Harvard type grads but 🤷♀️seem like they are a different type.
Bravo to the Japanese people!
Wow! What a telling documentary. I knew all of this but to have it in a documentary for the world to see is a wake up call for Canadians pass it to as many people as possible
Since I am Japanese, I will tell you a story.
Takemi Keizo went to a school (Keio) from kindergarten to university where you could go to higher grades without taking exams. It was expensive, but in particular, this course is famous for its poor academic performance. On top of that, he only graduated from the Faculty of Law and did not study medicine, and he has never passed the bar exam or the high civil service exam. His family was wealthy, so he became a politician. He was made a Goodwill Ambassador for UHC by Tedros of the WHO, who recognized his stupidity.
Holey moley!
Japanese script is blocking the English subtitles, so it is hard to understand the video of the Japanese scientists unless you know Japanese.
I’ve got a great idea without confrontation. The WEF, WHO, BIS, Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau and their ilk should own nothing and not only will they be happy but the rest of us will be happy left alone. We need to get that ilk to agree to interconnected Digital ID, surveillance currency and national and international report so 8.1 billion people on earth can watch these subversives and empty their bank accounts when they step out of line with grandiosity and subversive thoughts leading to killing innocent peoples.
Well, I mean, when they all climb up into their private jets …and tell us that we must buy electric cars, take the bus or walk….they’re not sacrificing for the climate …of which there is certainly not an emergency…..these peopul, what do-dos, multi degrees or not….
You mean, that part of the perp's plan where we 'chattels' accept what the perps and you're suggesting we accept, so that WE have limited/easily-instantly-frozen access to money and can be starved and kept captive in '15 Minute cities' until disposed of?
It's the criminal Central banksters who will impose, control and freeze data-dot accounts that are to be anyway limited to buying such as Bill and Melinda's Crunchy Fried Crickets/Cockroaches/whatever and not function out of the tiny areas we're all to be limited to, in the perp's plans.
They'd hardly do that to the others at the top of the Money-tree, at least not until we're all gone, along with the perp's enablers, before they start taking down each other, to steal THEIR resources.
The big push for "pandemic preparedness" and already formulated new mRNA vaccines are, none the less, going forward. Digital ID is being rammed down everyone's throat, which will impose immense tyranny on humanity. Maria Zeee connects the dots. People cannot be complacent any longer; these deadly agendas are being pushed hard. Resistance better not be futile. Besides, whatever disturbs a person about the agendas, there will be something! We must resist and say NO, no matter what.