Hi Friends,
It’s been a while, and I’m sorry about that.
I’ve talked a lot to you about my bandwidth and learning to not try to juggle it all.
Well, I’m still working on that, and I’m proud to say I haven’t lost myself. I’m still 100% present for my kids and my family, which is my #1 goal right now. But, this blog has suffered a bit and it has bothered me a lot.
See, I’m desperately trying to stay true to who I am. To my values.
When Evy’s Tree was sinking and my marriage went belly up, I lost myself. I am not proud of who I became. I was someone who I don’t recognize. And I never want to be that person again. To be fair, tough times do that to you. Sometimes in the process of rescuing yourself your flailing arms unintentionally hurt others. Much of my behavior was just a byproduct of the stress in my life, and I understand that and try to offer myself grace.
But I am doing all I can to never be there again.
After everything fell apart and I dove deep into therapy, my therapist’s first steps were to ask me what my core values were. She had me write them down. I was so moved by the exercise and by my great desire to better live by these values, that I had them printed on a canvas and I hung them in the hallway between the kid’s and my bedroom. I wanted everyone to know what values we live by in our house.
Today I am standing by my values of truth and integrity…which is why I am pausing all paid subscriptions for a little while.
If you haven’t been following I’m considering making hoodies again. You can read all about it here and watch a video about it. It’s in the exploratory stage and I really don’t know if it will be a go. We have a pre-launch for a kickstarter happening now, which you can view HERE, and we’ll see if it gets enough traction.
But in the meantime, I won’t be posting any paid for posts.
The goal, if this hoodie thing gets off the ground, is to link this blog with the hoodies, telling glory revealed stories. Glory revealed stories have always been the goal…and some of the stories I plan on posting in the future will be very private, hence the paywall. But for now, while I figure things out, my posts will be available to all, both free subscribers and paid. They also might be infrequent while I focus on getting hoodies off the ground. Since there won’t be anything exclusive for my paid subscribers, and/or maybe a several week pause between posts, I don’t feel right collecting paid subscriptions at this time.
What does this mean for all of you paid subscribers?
It means that you do nothing! Your card won’t be charged {unless it already has for this cycle} until I turn paid back on. You can still access all the paid for posts that free subscribers cannot, you just won’t have to pay for them for them at this time.
Don’t worry, I’m not leaving!
I love writing and I love this blog. It has meant so much to me. Writing things out has aided my healing process and allowed me grow. I hope it has helped you, too. I look forward to sharing more with you over the next few months. I am especially excited to start telling other people’s glory revealed stories. Please stand by as I grow and learn. We are so blessed to lead such beautiful lives. All things are good, friends. Everything we go through has a plan. And it’s fun to watch what God does.
“Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter…He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” -Romans 8:26-28 MSG
See you soon, friends! Amy xo
As always, thank you for your love and support, I’m so glad you are here. If you feel these posts would help someone else going through something similar, please feel free to share them with your friends…