Tell everyone your name, please.
My name is Pam Cavanaugh.
And you took two modernas. I did. So first question is, why did you take a COVID shot?

VIDEO (CHD - Vaccine Injury Moderna nerve pain, Pam Kavanaugh) April 2024

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"I don't know" if I will ever take another "vaccine" again, " I need the research to be there". Ugh! Dr. Falsi kind of research? How many times did she hear it was safe and effective, but still had that kind of painful reaction? How did she live through that and still not know that the "research" done was all fake, corrupt etc. . This is the very definition of brain washed, gaslight. I just don't get it. I could tell the interviewer didn't get it either.

If the group she mentioned told Congress these shots were injuring people enough to take their own life, what did Congress do?

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My cousin in Washington State after getting vaxxed wanted the unvaxxed to “hurry up and die” so he didn’t have to wear a mask anymore! He and his family still caught Covid and still went to WDW and joked about being super spreaders! It is unbelievable what the brainwashing hate has done to people!! My cousin hated those who he believed were super spreaders but it was funny to him when he actually was a super spreader! Who “thinks” like that?

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I think covid brought out of darkness a lot of people who had some inner demons we didn't know about.

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Sounds like he might be an ex-cousin. Those people become the enemy and they will be the first to turn you in, if it comes to that in the future.

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It’s hard to get my head around who he learned that hate from because it was not from my Aunt & Uncle!

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It's your cousin. Not your Aunt and Uncle. Your cousin was raised in a different cultural environment, different curriculum in his schools, different movies they watched than what your Aunt and Uncle had.

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You wondered who he got the hate from. Certainly here in the UK, the revolting Govt propoganda was designed to whip up hate, amongst other reactions. I have a doc from around March 2020. It was commissioned by the Govt and outlines methods of getting people to compy, and the pros and cons for society through deploying each method. Hate was certainly acknowledged.

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If you put your trust in Congress about anything relating to health or medicine, you’re going down a dead-end street. Their NUMBER 1 donor is BigPhama, more than any other group worldwide. And its not even close. Both parties are enticed by the enormous donations/offerings. Their number one goal when they arrive in DC is to get reelected, and that takes big money. E.g., C***** V******, not needed at all. Neither safe or effective. They knew early on, but no one spoke up. I knew in January 2020 of an extremely safe and nearly 100% effective and cheap at-home over-the-counter treatment in stopping deaths. High Vitamin D3 levels over 65 n Levels in your blood serum were 100% effective in some small studies, and a meta study. I recall it being in Dec of 2019.

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never be ashamed to be an antivaxxer

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And now watch 99% of doctors GASLIGHT their patients! OMG! The mass gaslighting from doctors is astounding. People’s symptoms are ANYTHING, but that shot! 🙄

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The hastag is #ABV - anything but the vaccine.

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But.. um.."their health issues are all in their heads". "it's a mental problem". ;)

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I wonder just how many people were injured and killed by these vaccines which they knew injured and killed people

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AN old colleague of mine, got J&J exactly for the same reason, not to be forced to wear a MASK!!! That was while everyone injected around him, in an national Go-vern-Mental laboratory, could breath a fresh air. Few days later after his shot, which brought his old injury problems back, all the way to suggested hip replacement(!!!), the mandate was lifted!!!! The CRIMINALS know exactly not only how to kill most people, but equally, how to generate hating and being stressed at all times!!

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at least she didn't have to wear 'her' mask......wow , folks got WAYLAID......obviously......SAD

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This woman is soft. Injured to the point that she thought about suicide twice and will still consider future vaccines. Ugh

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Profound testimony....thank you.

Can we share this on social media??

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No signs of self-pity. Impressive woman.

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