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Garth Jackson.
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VIDEO - CHD (Garth Jackson, Engineer and teacher, injured by flu vaccine) May 2024

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In 1997 I had the flu for the first time probably due to the quick weight loss and no vitamins that occurred in the summer that year. Never had a flu shot. So over the next 25+ years I started noticing that every single person I knew who took a flu shot got the flu every year and sometimes several times the same year! My cousin who works in a preschool is one of them. This was before Covid and she never figured it out. She thought she needed MORE shots so keeps getting them! Of course she did the same with the Covid shot as well! And PS, her daughter has GBS and they still can’t, or maybe won’t, connect the dots! Very sad.

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Me too Diane! I’m 60, and I’ve never had any flu shots. The whole thing is a scam. Getting sick builds up your immunity…your body’s way of keeping you healthy, in my opinion. I’ve had the flu only a few times in my entire life.

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I think flu shots usually have mercury (thimerosal) in it. The amount of mercury they put in the shots can be very toxic, as they tend to put a high amount of mercury in these shots. If mercury free then probably has aluminum in it. Aluminum causes neurological damage.

Flu shots generally don't work as they have to predict a year in advance what strains of over 200 viruses will be going around. They may put six or so strains of the flu in the shot that they think will be going around in your area based on what they saw was going around in other countries in the prior year. This is still not good odds that they picked the right strain that you will see.

Also oddly according to Fauci the flu vanished when covid happened. Weird, huh?

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Human beings do not need shots of ANYTHING. Think about how crazy that idea actually is…

Shots in infants, children, when these young humans are trying to train their little bodies to fight viruses, infections, colds, etc. 👿

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Plus a lot of infants are nursed. Nursed infants are protected against a lot of illnesses anyway. Not that pediatricians will admit that infants who are nursed are better off than any shot they could conjure up.

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You better believe it Dee! Nature is extremely intelligent! I think the powers that be are trying to destroy that!

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Apparently there is more payout by the government for flu shot damage than any other shot, I read some time ago!

And then he gets a pneumonia shot!?

I have a girlfriend who gets every going shot and then got really bad pneumonia. Reckons that if she had not had the shot for that she would have died from it, so her nurse sister tells her! Talk about brainwashing!

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He said, “That’s what they say…” The time for trusting the “medical cartel” is DONE, OVER, A WRAP. The cognitive dissonance with some people is mind blowing.

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Don't take any shots anymore..... hot lots exist in all shots.

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Try DMSO for pain. It numbs. But numbness is better than pain and then you could look into CDS (chlorine dioxide solution).

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Same as before your questions are so inaudible at full Volume on my PC Speakers,& you'll do what about it?

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You need to send this feedback to Childrens Health Defense on their website. Dr.Makis is only republishing their content. Actually i have rarely seen him respond to comments even on his own videos, he is so busy these days.

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After all he went through and he went and got a pneumonia vaccine??? Wow, some people don't learn from their mistakes.

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The "bad apple" argument, or the one instance doesnt make a pattern argument. Valid when you havent seen all accumulated evidence, of which there is a lot less than there should be.

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All by design. Since these are really not "vaccines" the drug companies have liability and the culprits should be reduced to the point of bankruptcy for what they have done to people. The govt. was in cahoots with them and should be held responsible also. The question is "who has the deep pockets to do this?

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