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It's All Your Fault
To be a proper progressive, you must assert your individuality, but do as you're told.
It’s All Your Fault
Imagine if you were told that the world was dying, and that you were responsible. Imagine that you’re eight years old. No need to imagine, of course, because it’s a reality. Our children are taught nihilism from day one in school. They are taught it in movies and TV shows. If you think I’m pushing the point, check out my references at the end of this post.
We are teaching children that the earth is a terrible place to have to live, and it’s getting worse. And it’s all our fault. And then….and THEN we wonder why they’re so depressed.
Well, there’s only one thing to do about that….counseling! Let’s have a bunch of counselors, who ALL believe the alarmism bullshit, counsel our kids that, in order to achieve validation in their lives, they must abandon their sense of self and become loyal subjects of the ‘movement’.
All white kids are of course guilty of racism, and all black kids are victims. Progressives will not allow any contemplation of individuality, such that maybe, just maybe, some of those white kids are NOT racists, and some of those black kids are NOT victims. No such individual contemplation is permitted. Those who attempt it will be cancelled.
And now we have record levels of teen suicide and drug abuse, and nobody knows how it happened. Our only hope is to bring in more counselors to solve the problem. They are curing drug addiction…with prescribed drugs. They are curing teenage ‘who am I’ angst with advice on how to fit in and become part of the crowd. Gender dysphoria is now a thing. All the cool kids have gender dysphoria. Some are being mutilated in the name of fitting in. Counselors insist that they have greater authority over the children than the child’s parents do. Information is withheld from the child’s parents!
Normality is eschewed as a dysfunction. Questioning progressive authority is met with suspension. Parents who complain are kicked out of school board meetings.
And the drug abuse and suicides continue to increase. A rational person might conclude that the cures are actually the problem. The pessimism and sense of hopelessness continues. We live in the most technologically advanced world that has ever existed. We are far less likely to be confronted by the whims of nature. Life is more of a ‘sure thing’. Well, by ‘life’ I mean our physical existence. But spiritually, we are in the toilet. We are in the toilet, and we know it. But why? Racism is all but nonexistent today, which is a far cry from when I was a teenager. Yet we are told it is running rampant. We are told we are destroying the planet, yet we have far greater control of pollution than when I was younger. Our pollution is so under control, that greenies have had to proclaim that CO2 is a pollutant, just to have something to complain about. Yes, we still have real pollution, but you ain’t ever seen the pollution that I saw while I lived in Chicago in the 1960s.
Really, things are pretty damned good, these days. So, what’s the problem? The problem is too many people are straying off the progressive reservation, and the progressive leadership is both pissed and panicked. We have a former president who has the audacity to LAUGH at progressives. Nobody laughs at progressives and gets away with it! They’ll show him! But he is like the tar baby of legend. Every time they punch him, they get stuck. You’d think they’d get smart, and stop punching.
I grew up with two parents, and in a generation that largely let their children sort things out for themselves. It was not because my parents didn’t care but because they recognized that a child can’t develop into a responsible, capable adult by being continually treated like a child. Baby steps at first, yes, but then work your way into reality and make your own way. Not my parents’ way, MY way. My parents didn’t just tolerate independent thought, they promoted it. And they were fairly typical for the time.
There is individuality, and there is herd mentality. There is no question of where I fall on the spectrum. How about you?
TikTokers Are Now Trying to Make Nihilism Trendy (rumble.com)
You have good points. My grandfather was a rich white inventor
My father died a homeless man
Personal choices matter
So “individuality” matters
Ad rates. Seriously.
Creating a depressed and nihilistic society in the 21st century increases internet use, and advertising supports the internet. More angst, more clicks, more ads, higher rates, and on and on...
Think about it.