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Every day I read such nonsense on social media about these vaccines from ignorant, ill-informed people.
Opening yourself up to litigation, if you start to discriminate against your employees and mandate vaccinations...
OK, but why... Listen, you make perfectly valid points, but why should I, as a customer, not have the right to use a company like Penrico Plumbers where I know that they've all been vaccinated? Because I would prefer to do that. Actually, turns out there's not much difference between whether... you've had the jab or not for transmission.
VIDEO - Vaccine position reversal compilation
Jun 06, 2024
Not buying the slimy politicians & medical "experts" convenient reversals -- I'm no politician nor medical expert but I knew 9 months in advance of the "vaccine" release in the USA the harms that it would cause BECAUSE as a simple layperson, I looked at the publicly available data on Italy and saw that clearly there was no pandemic & what they experienced was similar to the flu (the elderly dying) AND THEN I did my own ACTUAL research and became acquainted with the truth of what these injections were to be. I am a layperson, having no responsibility to the public and relatively easily discovered these truths -- these officials & "experts" are culpable!
"Remember when doing your own research was called reading?" - Jimmy Dore
a great read The Contagion Myth free at
Those who embraced the jab as a choice, and for sincere reasons, have the opportunity to return to my good graces, whatever they're worth.
Those who sought to shame millions and to force the jab don't have equal opportunity.
There will be some number of people who, respecting and believing Piers Morgan as a credible figure and moral guide, took the jab(s) and were injured or killed as a result. Whether that number is dozens, or hundreds, or thousands, I count Piers as complicit in their injuries and deaths. The come-to-Jesus moment of a glib gadfly does NOT absolve him of his complicity.
I'm afraid that people who ignorantly welcomed the jabs are also complicit. The hordes who went along with the nonsense of filthy face rags, distancing, lockdown, using anti-bacterial handwash (against a "virus") made things so much harder for everyone - simply because they failed to educate themselves and wanted the instant gratification of being able to fly somewhere on holiday or go out boozing. They have no good grace from me.
exactly....but this is urgent to widely, email to prevent fake disease X or a bird flu fakery lockdown
thetv gotthem the onlyplacethe panemicewas
Thank you sir, for your ability to discern the difference and for not generalizing and lumping all into one category. You are a tolerant and wise man and I very much appreciate you.
Exactly, the remarkable thing isn't that some public medical figures changed their mind, it's that they ever took the injections or endorsed them in the first place.
Doubtful most of them took the real McCoy, if any. Most likely they were complicit in the depop scheme. When everyone on TV is saying the same thing ("Safe & Effective") - RUN!
Some of the batches contained no therapeutic ingredients. It's suspected that this was intentional. Those people who got a blank became unwitting Jab Advocates - "oh I've had mine and I didn't have any reactions to it".
I'm sure there was that too, couldn't have everyone going down at the same time, too many more jabs to sell. But these clowns in the video who were pushing jabs on TV who've now "changed their minds" probably didn't play vaxxine roulette.
there can never be a safe or effective shot or treatment bec vir us are not contagious ! to stop Sids, Autism, cancer from baby shots.
iknowmanywhostopped after1st pfizer
Mike, you are so correct! I have a high level of scientific training in pathology and years of experience in the field. My distrust of the "vaccine" was immediate, largely because of this knowledge; however, the number of fellow "dissidents" who knew it despite living their lives outside of the scientific arena has been very eye-opening to me. My conclusion is that none of these so called "experts" are evil or unintelligent. They live and practice in a milieu of financially motivated, perverse incentives they've become entirely oblivious to. Once a drug is in a glossy box on the pharmacy shelf, physicians don't give a thought to whether it has been properly tested before it got there. It's assumed that it is basically safe. They learn about side effects if they are documented but have no concept that perhaps the lack of listed side effects is because they have been fraudulently withheld from them. In my job, neither myself nor my employer are enriched if the science leads me to make a popular diagnosis. Likewise, neither myself nor my employer are penalized if I make an unpopular diagnosis. Following scientific tenants and medical history led to only one conclusion for someone like me regarding this novel vaccine platform. I applaud all of you that saw it clearly through other pathways.
Ha, even if that glossy box carries a Black Triangle. They don't even register that symbol and if it did impinge on their consciousness, they certainly didn't explain the relevance to Patients.
study the control experiments of virologist Stefan Lanka he gets same exact photos and cytopathic effect in tge lab using basic yeast with no virus. find at
virus are cell debris tissue breakdown not contagious particles, think clean up crew, waste elimination process.
Meanwhile, I worked in metallurgical R&D with a bunch of Chem. Eng. PhDs; they were all super keen about burkas & quackcines and
gobbled up all of the bullshit. It got so bad that I quit for sanity's sake. To this day, no one has ever reached out to apologize in any way. Godlessness. God is not mocked - 2nd commandment.
The jabbed aren`t jabbering much any more. They are drooling and cluthing their pearls though and hoping neurodegenerative symptoms are all they have all the whilewondering what that new ache is. Paranoia strikes deep and into their mind it will creep. Sorry not sorry. Suck it up losers
Definitely seeing more cognitive decline and mental disturbance
same here - forced from my workplace, and to be honest, I have no interest in faking interest over any apologies as I have heard in the past,"Stuff your sorrys in a sack". Greener pastures....
And remember that the thing that Say Tan and his ilk hate is to be scorned.
Ditto for me as well
This Nobel Laureate agreed with you too, Mike. 19 Apr 2020
'No evidence that Covid-19 is causing huge loss of life' | ...
We believed him and listened to Dr Delores Cahill. She lais it on the line early on tretments and how it would play out have been exactly right.
All the best to you all.
RNZ › programmes › sunday › audio
19 Apr 2020 — Professor Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, says there is no clear evidence that Covid-19 is causing massive loss ...
they too are only partly there, there is no contagious particle see control experiments of virologist stefan lanka and free book The Contagion myth by dr tom cowan at share widely to help a quicker end to all shots, sids, asthma, cancer...
most in the system, know virus do not cause illness. more need to study this site free pdf to book The ContagionMyth by Dr Tom Cowan md and easy to understand videos by other mds share widely to stop all coctail jabs for cooties
Good hard-working, healthy, honest people were threatened with job loss, felt pressurised, shamed, or cornered into getting the vaccine. If they did not have the vaccine, they wwere faced with job loss, stopped from travelling, stopped from seeing loved ones in hospital or a care home. Could not be beside loved ones that were ill or passing away, partners could not be at the birth of their child, the Mother had to go through it alone, inhumane treatment enforced upon society. They should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it to happen and we need legal action against those that lied.
Agreed, and I would add, legal action also against those who imposed mandates because even if the vaccines had worked, mandates were a violation of human rights. (And if the jabs worked, what was the need for a mandate anyway?)
The only thing a government needs to mandate is medical treatments that are neither working nor are safe. If they would be so safe and effective, people would be more than happy to take them. The fact that they had to mandate it should tell us everything: that some of us woke up pretty soon and figured it out what the government was up to.
Yes a lot of people took the shot so as to not lose their jobs. My sister hung on until the very last minute and finally succumbed to the coercion, now she’s paying the price, chronically ill. So many people would have opted out if they had been given the right to choose. What they did was unconstitutional and immoral. We will NOT forget
I agree. How terrible inhuman and tragic that these Evil doers have sold their souls to the Evilness of such a charade , their self absorbed minds,money and power grabs!.. Sickening , I’m so sorry for those who were forced into taking the Serum of poison for the sake of keeping their job!.Never Again People, Never Again!!
In addition to the vaccine injuries, the real crime was the fear mongering and coercion that was pushed by so-called authorities regarding the virus. Even now there are people so afraid of the virus that their entire foundations have been shaken because none of the “authorities” have publicly stated the pandemic was a total exaggeration.
Because they lied so freely about so many things in order to force the jabs, we will never know how many people really died of Covid. There were incentives to count every death as Covid. Viable treatments were outlawed for fear of reducing vaccine uptake.
Until the purveyors of all the lies are publicly held to account, society will never heal. The medical establishment can’t be trusted. The governments, all of them, can’t be trusted. Families have been destroyed over vaccine ideology. Businesses have been destroyed. Society has been separated into sects of jabbed and unjabbed. The unjabbed continue to be treated as “non-compliers” as though they are selfish or unclean. Nothing in my lifetime has wreaked so much havoc as this clearly contrived pandemic and the associated money making machine of Big Pharma.
I take no solace in not falling for the hype about the “safe and effective” jabs as I watch the other side suffer the ongoing damage from having taken them. “Safe and effective” has become “died suddenly” as well as strokes and heart damage and turbo cancers. Protecting the most vulnerable has taken on a whole new meaning. The most vulnerable are now the people who “followed the science” and took an experimental vaccine that will now make them worry about every ache and pain for the rest of their lives. Every unexpected death is quietly assumed to be caused by the clot shots, even while the official record will show nothing of the sort. We all try to push the whole thing away from conscious thought lest the anger will consume us. Until every last one of the vicious media talking heads and medical authorities and politicians publicly disavow their hateful, destructive rhetoric and admit the truth, society will continue to suffer from the us versus them mindset that continues to drive us apart.
There is no data available anywhere in the world that shows a COVID pandemic took place in 2020 (i.e. excess deaths). There is only data to show that once the "vaccine" was released, excess deaths began to occur. I knew months in advance they would blame "vaccine" injury/death on COVID.
But the sufficient data now exists to contradict their simplistic defenses with big spikes opposing every declaration of "safe and effective". By GOD I want to punch someone in the mouth every time I hear that or "case".
YES those fing 'case' numbers
There is no place to park the anger.
They blamed the unvaccinated for deaths and disease spread when it was fauci, baric, and dzasak who created the deaths and illness
Those who listened to Dr Judy M1kov1ts's dealings with Fauci already knew that any muck coming out of that stable was stinking and festering.
And those revolting corrupted Individuals and Governments were controlled by Paymasters who act at supranational level. They didn't do it because they could: they did it because they fell in with one of the three Bs - Blackma1il, Br1bery, Bullet. They p1mped themselves out and have proven to be filthy, immoral and easily corruptible.
they created poison shits like all other poison shots. there is no virus. lab research is money laundering of your tax dollars to line their pockets.
Based on what we'd experienced during Covid, it's highly likely those who pushed the vaccines will not do the right thing. So, I'm not holding my breath.
I’m afraid you are right. They don’t seem to be driven by the need for a clear conscience.
Safe an Defective.
very well stated. I agree with you.
Very well put!
im still coming across many still masking, even several kids masked this week ! its 2024 summer !! im handing them mini flyers to and book Contagion Myth
Well said!!!
Great compilation and thanks for your marvellous work.
Hard to believe the naivety of highly educated people.
Highly educated ? Are you dreaming ! Just stupid people witjh no instinct. I do hope they are vaxx and will fall ill !
In fact, some of the shots believers are highly educated. We have friends with PhDs in finance and computer science and also doctors. Dr. Makis can confirm that medical school is anything but easy. However, those who are highly educated and took those toxic experimental shots are nothing else than intelligent idiots. Yes, that's how I see them. What really surprised me is how stubbornly refused to listen to my arguments. I will never forget the conversation I had with one of one my neighbor who's highly educated and highly successful who believed the propaganda. I asked him a simple question: what would it take to change your mind about the " vaccines"? His reply: " We shouldn't talk about this":-). Oh, really? Who says that? The government? The famous health authorities who knew better than us? The very same year when the whole nightmare started, I hear a conversation between two homeless guys right in front of a grocery store: " Man, I'm telling you, don't take the shots. They are killing and injuring people. I would rather die than take them. That was the moment when I realized that being highly educated and successful is absolutely useless when you need to take a decision that can save your life or kill you. It has nothing to do with how rich, how famous or how highly educated you are. It was quite a shock in the beginning when I realized that.
I'm 68 and two of my high school friends became MDS.
One my best childhood best friend and the other the the top student in High school.
They are COMPLIERS which is all school was and is.
Especially med school.
They complied to gub'ment rules and me a blue collar idiot has never had a flu shot or any JAB since childhood .
I had the mandatory 3 or 4 in early 60s.
My Mom didn't believe in them.
That's what I saw..
learn more here
all shots harm, not just con shots
The highly educated are often highly indoctrinated , brainwashed to believe all they are told. Critical thinking has long been eradicated from the halls of education
finding virologist Stefan Lanka and the free books on this site a blessing. www.VirusTruth.Net
im putting mini flyers on cars to pay it forward.
I say the same.
Educated . . . hmm, well if you go by Miss Brodie's description of "education" in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, then they fit the bill - education is intruding into people's minds and putting thoughts in there. In my definition of "education", they certainly are not: they are lazy, ignorant and intellectually careless , reckles and arrogant.
Greed has no limits, neither does extorsion. Those black and white checkered floors are everywhere.
And those Apron Wearers - most of them are only a few steps up the Food Chain.
As every RPG player knows, Intelligence and Wisdom are separate statistics. This mechanic may be artificial, but it proves out as true and useful in the real world.
Treating wisdom as a dump stat has real-life consequences. The Greeks grokked this. But the same society that outsourced its productive industry to corrupt nations abroad has likewise outsourced its wisdom to a corrupt media complex. Eventually, the bill comes due.
Many were paid for that lack of clear conscience
My son’s dr was listed on one of Dr Makis’ first articles on Canadian Doctors Who Died Suddenly. He sadly had a massive heart attack on the side of the highway leaving Calgary his wife with him. He leaves behind two small children and his wife, he was in his early 40’s. He was also the dr for many residents who all loved him in a seniors home, he had lots of heart and compassion. He died shortly after receiving his first Phyzer. He was innocent and the AB board of physicians and surgeons killed him with their mandatory jabs for all physicians.
mail the widow any of the books on this site to help her save her children. sometimes one has to die learn a lesson, so others can live by not continuing same mistake applies to all rx pharma too.
In Canada our doctors were mandated to take the shots, they weren’t given a choice so it’s not a fair comparison.
Mandated versus optional is entirely different.
If enough of them had shifted themselves enough to make a stand, Govt would probably have capitulated. In the UK, they started on an easy target - the Care Workers. Then they spat out a "mandate" for National Health Service Workers. (I think it may be that any "mandate" had to have the agreement of both parties before it can be implemented) Over 100K refused. Govt stood down. (Until the next time . . . )
absolutely ! same goes for the burka suffocation devices. study share so we can stop replay using fake dusease X or bird flu.
Prediction: by September we are going to be fully-immersed in WHO WTF Shitshow No. 2.
The mainstream population are as gullible and clueless now, as they were 4 years ago.
Today I walked into my workplace and all the staff are masked up again, having received "the directive".
When I asked why, what was the justification? The answer was [Southern hemisphere] "Well it's winter, cases are rising".
I then proceeded to pull up the 'Our World in Data' website - who, incidentally now state they'll be getting their stats from blood-spatter-map-creators and Event 201 cronies Johns Hopkins (what could possibly go wrong??! Lol) and showed colleagues the current case flatline for Australia and said "This is your "rising" cases".
The response?
"What's that big spike in 2021/2022? And why is 2020 so flat? They told us there were millions of cases in 2020".
["Propaganda my love. Propaganda"].
"Nah. That can't be right. I don't trust this website".
It was at that moment, I knew chicken flu was going to become inevitable.
Armour up peeps.
Welcome to "4 more years".
im putting easy mini flyers on cars called Today is Your Lucky Day from
many hands make light work! help take down cooties and all their poison coctails.
The club that most of us are not in created this jab on purpose. And it’s world wide. Run by presidents and prime ministers who went to the young globalist young leader’s group run by C. Schwab. I’m thinking this is just a rehearsal. There are more to come. That’s why “they” are pushing the WHO Treaty. But it’s to get everyone/ everything hooked up to the cloud. If you jab you shed to the unjabbed. It changes everyone blood. It makes us all transhumanism species. Nano technology with hydrogel running through our veins. It’s all in our water we need to boil. Its in the skies (yes chem trails) spewed out by the planes above we all breath in. It’s in the meat/ milk they inject. It’s in the medications that are prescribed. All govs are all pertaken in this plan in different levels to depopulate the masses all over the world. We all have to wake up!
Govts, Schwab et al are only partly up the Food Chain. The supranational hidden entities that run the show ordered this. The individuals who created the jabs and deployed them carried out their Paymasters' orders. They are go-fers and bagmen, all washed through YGL programme, as you say. Presidents and Prime Ministers are bagmen carrying out orders from above, on pain of one of the three Bs - Br1bery, Blackma1l, Bu11et
When I saw here in the Netherlands that politicians had to get involved in this medical issue and that I saw that the same thing was happening in several countries that was reason enough for me to absolutely distrust it and not take the so-called “vaccination and boosters”! What in God's name do politicians along with their media have to do with this ? Absolutely nothing. I also never had that perfidious testing method 'PCR' done.
At the beginning also in the new media the information came out that Pfizer had received one of the highest fines of all time [ 1.4 billion ? ] and that was for me only a further confirmation that we are dealing with hyper criminals.
Of course, one of the most ridiculous phenomena is when a TV presenter took on the role of convincing all viewers to take the injection of death! That is the same as asking a kindergarten teacher something about quantum mechanics.
Exactly. The fact that 194 countries all simultaneously began implementing identical policies, on an identical timeline, should have set off alarm bells in every human on the planet.
(The fact it DIDN'T is a whole other can of worms).
From that point on, just a couple of weeks in, there was no going back for me.
There was obvious coordination, pre-planning, and vast f**kery afoot.
But why only 10% of us could see it, is deeply (disturbingly) mystifying.
It seems to be a part of us homo sapiens that there is always only a small percentage who are immediately aware of a criminal plot. The fact in which constellation you entered this time of crisis also determines this. If you have always been somewhat suspicious of so-called authorities, you will also behave accordingly during the entire crisis, but if you have always been addicted to TV, for example, and did not ask strange questions, then you entered this crisis as an ideal NWO follow idiot. But of course there are many more factors that play a role in this.
194 countries acting simultaneously - it's known as Lockstep. Why could only a minority see it? That's easy - most people invest their time in watching telly, going on endless trips out and holidays, having their beaks constantly stuck in their mobile phones. I suspect that making mobile phones and their use so addictive and cheaply available was to divert people's connections and attentions away from what's going on outside that bit of plastic shyte. And of course it's a wonderful way of delivering propaganda and programming to the masses.
thank God for your instincts. I definitely had them too!
Yes look at all the shills now pretending to care about vaccine damage, I lost my job as a nurse because of that B*****d MP Andrew Bridgen signing the mandate in parliament.
There are orgs who had drawn up legal letters to challenge any attempt by an Employer to enforce injection.
I literally told mine the first day of the pandemic that if we had to go home, they might as well just fire me because I wasn’t interested in any of their nonsense.
Let us face the True Facts folk. The Big Names and All People who forced these lies upon the Masses, are nothing but SCUM. You read it right! SCUM! They gave poison to innocent relatives of yours and mine, knowingly, making many very sick or dead for life! And they did it ALL for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR and your admiration. SKUM is who they really are!!! SKUM of the Earth!
I am unvaxx, and the poison is also in my blood !
I am unjabbed and i feel great but the jabbed in my circle are sickly or dead and they don`t criticize me any more!
This is a shame - and a common lament.
I’m so sorry for u.I’ll pray for u!🙏🏻🙏🏻
Agree, vile reptilian entities who need to be removed from this earth.
We should now stop calling them vaccines, they are more like altering gene therapy injections.
They were patented as "experimental gene therapy" but were renamed "vaccine" so people would take them. There are over 4,000 patents on the "novel" coronavirus and the cure ("vaccine") over at least two decades.
However, for the facts look up Dr. David Martin. These injections are a Bioweapon. They were part of the work by Fauci, Wuhan, DARPA, and a few labs in the USA.
Toxxines, after reviewing the lists of ingredients collected around the world. Line item by line item the toxxines are chock full of toxicants; most of which you'd never want on your skin or in your food and water.
"Therapy" is a gross misnomer in this context.
That's true
They are liquid chips.
Well, it is interesting how many people who thought they were important, perhaps elite, were not. As George Carlin told us, "It's a small club, and you aren't in it." In NZ, there were 11,000 secret jab exemptions in a nation of 5 million - and we never knew until it was revealed after an OIA request. I have never met anyone who admits having an exemption, essentially none were granted to the Proles - almost everyone.
I hope you told them where they could shove their jab
Like Dr Makis, I had to stop working. But, that was a blessing, not a curse. I'm happier than I've been in years.
Yes BUT ma chérie ! I am unvaccinated but my blood is spoilt. Vaxx do contaminate then all injections are full of tech, hydrogel, graphene, and now I have a mitochondria disease !
I’m so sorry for you. I pray for u.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
It's the gift that keeps giving.
I am grateful that I was a very active fighter to end the poisoning of human beings with fluoridated water and already "knew" from my own experience of the corruption of the government, public health, colleges of physicians and dentists, physicians and dentists and politicians around fluoridation. For those not aware of the poisonous practice, duplicated studies have shown that when a pregnant mother drinks fluoridated water, she is most possibly lowering the IQ of the baby she is carrying. Then public health tells new mothers to boil the fluoridated tap water to make the formula which just concentrates the neurotoxin in the water. We are awaiting the judges ruling on a lawsuit from 2021 against the EPA. The power of the corrupt government agencies is immense. Even judges find it hard to rule for the truth.
How did I, a mere construction contractor, know these jabs were a bad bargain in early 2021?
Simple.. the same vaccines that were dismissed in late 2020 as "Trump's vaccine and one would be a fool to take it", suddenly became "safe and effective and one would be a fool not to take it" in early 2021, shortly after Biden took office. The smell of cooking cabbage was all over these from very early on.
It's called common sense, which tragically is NOT common anymore. My family members who got mind-controlled by the "Safe & Effective" propaganda totally destroyed our entire family with their ignorance and stupidity. There's no coming back...
Yes, there is a huge lack of common sense in the population these days, I see it all the time
Yup - I saved my life by NOT having an experimental vaccine primarily because at the introduction of them no one could tell me any conflicts with my heart meds I've been taking for 22 years. As time passed and the Covid vaccinated were experiencing serious and sometimes fatal reactions to their jab I knew I made the right decision to the point now that I've had my LAST vaccine for anything!!! I will rely on my still intact natural immune system.
Remember when the US government and the FDA fought hard to keep the vaccine safety data secret for 75 years? I can’t find anyone who has ever wondered why, if you had good evidence as to safety and efficacy, you’d keep it hidden for a lifetime.
I would think you’d want it released immediately so you could brag how great your new vaccine is.
Thanks, Dr. Makis. Great compilation. Should be obligatory viewing at every meeting of the World Health Assembly.
one of the biggest scams the world has ever sad and the real sad thing is no one will be held accountable..just sickens me...all the injured folks will have to deal with their injuries on their own..
I hope we can find a way to sort the actual conscious evil psychopaths from useful idiots.
While my father was murdered, and I know several folk damaged for life, I STILL think we can only win if we assume late converts are what they say they are? If they end up converting their followers, if they start doing good? Trust but verify.
I dunno. We cant find a way to extend a hand into the truth lifeboat we lose, eh? Numbers will overwhelm the true vampire squids, and who is to say what is truly in a man's heart? What do they actually know, and when did they know it? Questions that have no answers.
it was genocide... we hung the nazis for lesser crimes as far as numbers are concerned.... let's get the murderers... try them... hang them... or life in prison or long sentences... if they can put J6 people who committed misdemeanors in jail up to 30 yrs of so.... what of those who inject someone who then dies?
All vaccines must be banned, not just the COV shot. Health can't be injected. Follow the real science, that of Nature. She evolved all living perfect. The Homo Sapient ape brain is too stupid to correct Nature. Common people, are you God's? You the sickest animal on this globe. Why so?
For all this talk they are going to do exactly the same thing all over again. They've been these schemes for years and years and unless people are ready to fight for their rights they'll find as in canada where they were so easily set aside without evidence and due process that the rights never really existed at all. Paper with words are meaningless and so are courts who permit this.
Trudeau said democracy is at risk when he was at Juno Beach.
And who is causing this risk?
Tam and the cohorts are already working on Plandemic "X".
We will see how many fall for the next "get vaxxed to save yourself and your family".
Mistakes were not made. They knew.
Dumb diddy dumb dumb dumb..... waking up is hard to do....
so grateful my immediate have not fallen for their clown show. I continue to pray for those who did
It really does seem to be that until a person is injured or a loved one is injured or dies, that the possibility for realising that the shots, doctors and medical industry do not have your best interests at heart but rather their status and pay. That is my story. Mother of a child injured by MMR shot in 1992, but did not connect the dots until 2002.
Thank you for posting this damning compilation of lying phony rats.
Gallons of Purple KoolAid drunk here.
For those on the video that changed their minds- it’s too little, too late. I wish they could look all of those that followed their advise that now have vax injuries up to and including death and explain themselves. Even if that were possible, it still wouldn’t be enough.
I'm so thankful that I refused the shots and that I never encouraged anyone to take them. I was mostly silent about my concerns early on and I regret that, but most people don't listen anyway.
In America …
I recommend an American Constitutional AMENDMENT because the patriot-pioneer doctor, Benjamin Rush, was CORRECT to point out this salient FACT :
“ Unless we put MEDICAL FREEDOM into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will be organized into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others ; the Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”
… well, unless you look forward to future PLANned-demics ( on steroids ) and directed by the World Health Organization’s terms in IT’S unelected, just-passed, tyrannical, democidal so-called “Pandemic Treaty.”
all phamawhores$$$$$$
notmandatedin uk cos 100000 nhstaff said no and whouldgo on strike
Dr. Denis Rancourt is an accomplished interdisciplinary scientist and physicist, former tenured Full Professor of physics and lead scientist originally at the University of Ottawa. There was no pandemic.
The truth is revealing that man has a ‘common enemy’ attempting to replace all cause, core, memory and record of our original blueprint [Source, Creator, Consciousness, Spirit, God, Other Name] with AI, a hybrid of flesh and alien intelligence [technology], unless we unite en masse and rebut it. Maxim of law: Silence shows consent.
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!
And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.
How I wish to see a world driven by compassion and a thirst for knowledge to appreciate the gifts of The Creator! Your fighting to make such a world possible is greatly appreciated!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this NO CASH TOTAL SLAVERY!
A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People. Insidious CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is everywhere too.
GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!
The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!
We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Kudos to Dr. Makis's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (69) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Links to reinforce my comments.
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
but viruses do not exist !! study share read Contagion Myth for details..
Posting compilations such as this one, is needful and extremely important.
That said, I couldn't finish it, having previously seen the reversals shown at the beginning of the video. Yes, it's a solemn duty to stare into that abyss, but each individual has a limit, varying by psychological makeup and it appears that I have discovered mine.
Stoddard's work on the failure of adaptive learning persistence applies here, which is why these reversals must be repeatedly thrust into the public view.
No Amnesty
I read in 2020 that all efforts using conventional vaccine platforms failed to make a safe vaccine for the 2002/2004 era sars-cov. All conventional vaccine "platforms" induced high levels of antibodies but when the animals were subsequently exposed to the virus, the vaccinated fared far worse then when the unvaccinated control group. So, all proved to be unsafe "negative vaccine efficacy"? This was a known problem when trying to make vaccines against coronavirus (per mr bioweapon ralph baric). I read all attempts to bring a mRNA product to market had failed because they turned out to be unsafe. Knowing Real Basic Prevention worked (N95 + + + and use of homemixed antiviral sprays and antiviral mouth and eye washes and nasal flushes, simple nebulization of regular vodka (easier perhaps with a bit of salt added to make the 60% water portion into normal saline) and high D3 levels) and Real Outpatient Early Treatment worked especially well to backup Real Prevention.
On top of the fact that the mass injection sites I watched on tv looked to be mass infection sites filled with people wearing bogus masking that did very little to stop the spread of the virus. Now, it does appear to have been just so as shown with data showing infection rates going up in lock step following mass injections.
The "decision" was easy for me as I was not in the position of being forced to take this injection or lose a job or not be able to go to school or such horror as being denied life saving medical procedures if not injected.
"Until you change how money works, you change nothing."
~ Michael C. Ruppert
This is an abysmal state of affairs with our main media sources & medical mafia…and the deaths they caused by their lies! 💔
This video is pure gold. Sadly, there are even MORE experts who could have also been added to this montage. How can so many get it so wrong? Was it bad $cience and how can they all truthfully not know?
Some of these people are so wrong and they don't know it or are illerate.
first line especially... well said!
And what does their ugly algorithm instruct these predators on when, who, on what channel or media outlet, newspaper to publish any of this? Just enough to keep it on the down low, fake all the minimal regret instead of outrage and pitchforks. I agree many of these characters played a role all the way through and doing barely enough to keep people in the know convinced someone is going to do something about it so to take the air out of that tire about to blow. This is not going to work. We will never be fooled again by this operation or any of the others they have planned that go beyond medical tyranny, false flags from here to there.
Frauds. Fake Science. Fake experts. Disingenuous influencers. Paid liars. Word smiths. The truth prevails, the liars are found out, and the death toll rises in spite of their remorse. They have blood on their hands Doc. Justice demands accountability. Especially those who seemed intent on punishing the "unvaccinated" by removing us from society, withholding our incomes and shaming us.
Wow!!! That was a great compilation!!!!! Wonder how long it took to find all that and put it together.
Well said.
Thank you for this brilliant compilation. I will use it in my communication with unions and management too. Do you have it on YouTube? Or would it be okay if I upload it to youtube myself?
Do I have to have a paid sub to watch this video? It won't play...
That’s because it wasn’t aimed at you, did you loose your job??? No I think not, you try paying your mortgage and bills with no job!! If I had my way all those who signed would be thrown in jail. LOL