Let’s discuss the meaning of recurring dream symbols
When we track our dreams consistently, we are likely to notice recurring motifs, figures, and images. We may even have the same dream repeated over and over. This phenomenon reveals that dreams often flow in series, that threads of continuity are being woven through our inner material over time. The recurring element may speak to a core symbol that has meaningful relevance to your psychological landscape. It also calls our attention to a particular psychic development or need, inviting us to work with these dynamics in waking life. When we do, the repeating dream elements usually begin to shift and change.
Do you have a repeating dream or a recurring dream image, symbol, theme, figure, or environment that you’re curious to explore further? Share in the comments along with any insight, questions and considerations. I’ll be offering some reflections (utilizing an archetypal and symbolic perspective).
This is an open forum and communal exchange - feel free to comment on other dreams if you’re inspired or have an insight to share.
Oh, this is perfect, as one of my recurring themes came up in my dream last night.
I - since I was younger - when I'd dream of being underwater, it was typically dreams of drowning. This was strange because I never had any experiences of drowning in my youth, and, in fact, love being in the water - I grew up in it, always in the pool or ocean. What was curious about my dreams of drowning, however, is that I'd jerk awake from them with a feeling that I was taking my first gasp of air - for, while having the dream of being underwater, I was also holding my breath in real life. So the feeling of having been "drowned" would also come through into my waking. It wasn't a case of sleep apnea (I have no other symptoms), and it happened irregularly.
Unrelated to this, I did a past life regression in which I discovered I - unsurprisingly - died by drowning in a past life. However, after reliving that experience, the drowning dreams never happened again. Dreams of me being in the water, or underwater, continued - but now in "dream logic" I never worried about whether I could breathe or not - I'll just breathe underwater.
Last night's dream is fragmented, and I don't remember much, but what I do remember is swimming in crystal blue water, diving under it to explore the coral reefs, and in general, just playing in and under the water with the people I was with. It was a dream that had me feeling light and joyous when I woke.
It's so interesting how physical dynamics show up in the dreamscape as well? I wonder what may be causing you to hold your breath...and why does the psyche image that as drowning vs something else? Swimming in/going under the water can sometimes speak to being within the unconscious, which is also what dreams are, submergence in that space. Were you perhaps touching into something deeper that caused the body to tense, and now that you've processed it, you have a greater sense of ease, breathing where before you struggled?
Water dreams are deeply complex, I've written about them a few times on my Substack. Not only is it submergence in the unconscious, but touches us into the fluidity of psyche, the mercurial depths of our being, it helps us dissolve what is rigid, tune into where currents are forming and moving.
Sounds like a beautiful soul evolution 🌊 from fear to joy. I'm a mermaid who adores water; I swim in open waters and sing for her daily. I used to dream of boats sinking, etc. For me, it was an invitation to dive into the depths of my emotions and heal my trauma. My dreambody sometimes flies over the water. But most dreams are about co-creating with others, which often gets messy! I'd love to play in coral reefs 🐠
Fellow mermaid! Yes, I've always been drawn to the ocean and just resting in the waters.
It does seem it was some unresolved trauma that carried over into this life, something I likely still have to alchemise as I journey through, as you said, from fear to joy.
It must be beautiful to fly over the water in your dreamscape 🌊
I've not heard of dreams being of co-creating with others, now I'm curious....
Funny 😁 we’re watching a show “The Regime” that features a couple who have shared dreams. I’ve not experienced that. My dreams are about collaborations; I should ask my dream co-creators if they recall our wild events. 👍🏼
When dreamers begin working together in gathering circles, sometimes the same dream appears to multiple members. It can also happen to those who are closely linked. Although it is quite rare :)
Interesting, thank you, Alyssa. 🙏🏼 I played with lucid dreaming techniques a few years back, and share dreams with a few devoted dreamers. I recently had a nightmare about one beloved soul sister. Haven't told her yet. 🤪
PS. I've journaled my dreams for 50 years. When I break out my teenage dream journals, It's crazy how similar the themes are to current dreams. Thank you for such an excellent topic and invitation to growth.
Hmm 🤔 Dad’s a retired minister and Jungian psych; Jung’s “Man and His Symbols” was among my fave childhood books. Dreams & cultures, illustrated. I’ve always soaked up mystical knowledge like a sponge (first novel series planned title was “mystic wisdom.”) Why I enjoy your Stack 🥰
My dreams have been a huge focus for me as long as I can remember, reoccurring themes and settings. It’s as if it’s a different dimension. It’s not the exact same dream every night, but it’s the same exact rotation of scenes varied, and motifs. So every dream has a list of reoccurring symbols: 1) a house that I grew up in or am familiar with, and a house I’m unfamiliar with in real life but recognize it in my dream. 2) bad men or people chasing me, sometimes I run & sometimes I hide. 3) bodies of water, typically a lake, large river or water park. 4) driving in a car, often I will be trying to drive the car from the backseat, sometimes other people will be driving and they wreck the car. 5) a store, usually it’s a mall and I’m looking through clothes and other things. Sometimes it’s a small gas station or bar.
I have been taking notes every morning of whatever I can remember. I find the this one to be interesting; where I’m trying to get myself home but I keep finding myself in peoples back yards, accidentally going through their houses and when I’d look for the door outside I’d end up in another strangers house. I’m reminded by that dream after listening to “Navigating the Labyrinth”.
I have so many dreams that in waking life I have memories pop up like real nostalgic memories, sometimes it’s hard to remember if it was real or a dream.
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond if you do so 🙏🏼
Some of the recurring themes/symbols are one's I've talked about before (and mentioned in the Jungian Dreamwork class if you wanna take a look). In brief:
- Houses: a typical symbol for the structures and states of the psyche
- Being chased: interacting with shadow material
- Water: connection to the unconscious or aspects of dissolution
- Car: a symbol for autonomy, will, volition
As for the last dream theme, perhaps there's something to do with searching for resources, things of need?
For the last month or so I keep having dreams involving houses, mostly in the sense of real estate, where we are looking to buy a new house (we are not, irl). Until last night, they were only about the idea of the house; last night we had bought the new house, were living in it, and then I turn around to see a heavy flow of water coming in from a sky light, it was raining and I guess we forgot to close it- I feel it’s important to differentiate this wasn’t a leak, it was more a matter of unintentional negligence on our part to close the sky light window. I know houses are largely seen in depth psychological dream work as representing the psyche, and water can be seen as the unconscious…..wondering why this symbol keeps coming up for me, and now the new significance of actually being in a new house and it has water coming through an open window. Lots of rich symbolism!
Does the depth psych meaning of the symbols resonate for you in any way? Has there been considerable or focused internal work for you over the last month or so? Have you been developing new sensibilities, trying to shift an attitude towards life, or perhaps muster some energy to take on something new?
If not, I do find that dreams often anticipate shifts or changes that we are going to go through. I speak about this notion in my Jungian Dreamwork class (https://www.theartemisian.com/p/class-jungian-dreamwork). Dreams have many functions, at times reflecting the current psychological state, other times they seem to be showing us what is building, where energy is moving, etc.
The symbolism is quite rich and worth reflecting on further, perhaps with journaling or another inner work modality that could reveal further insights :)
So it’s been a roundabout path for me, i first studied Jung, mysticism, symbol, alchemy, etc in my college major, went a different path in grad school, and now 20(ish) yrs later find myself back full circle, studying archetypal tarot with Mariana Louis and diving back into depth psychology. But only in the last month have I really been focusing on dream work- so to answer your questions in the first paragraph, yes to all of it, esp the internal work & mustering energy! I have been wanting to take your dream work class and need to just register! How long is the class video? Thank you for your insights and response, there is so much to dig into here!!
So interesting how the winding path of life finds us returning to themes of the past. Mariana is a good friend of mine and a wonderful teacher! Her approach with archetypal tarot is such a powerful blending of depth psychology and the cards.
As an anticipatory dream, perhaps it is asking you to consider what psychological openings may need to be secured as you begin? Much like the alchemist who has a well sealed vessel for their experimentation, containment is necessary to ensure the process proceeds safely. Something to consider :)
The class is 1.5 hours long. If you upgrade to the paid membership here on The Artemisian, you can watch the class at a discounted rate, and gain access to the full archive of classes, with new offerings each month. Here's the archive if you'd like to take a look: https://www.theartemisian.com/s/membership-exclusive-workshops
She is truly gifted and I have learned so much in a short 10 months!!! I have a lifelong journey of learning ahead of me, but the comparison of where I was when I started in September to where I am now is really amazing to me.
And that is such a brilliant way to view that dream, thank you. Really resonates, so much to think about here. I’ll investigate the options available on The Artemisian, thanks again for your insights :) :) :)
rabbits. Rabbits in hutches that I've forgotten exist, and haven't fed. Then (sorry, this is ugh) a dream person who tells me to insert small rabbits into every orifice of a large rabbit, and then she puts the large stuffed rabbit in the oven.
What do rabbits represent for you? The forgotten animal/young child is a common dream motif that comes up (inner child work, discovering something vulnerable, nascent). Yet, your dreams take things in an interesting direction. Why merge the small rabbit with the large rabbit...? It's a strange sort of coniunctio, it seems?
rabbits were my favourite animal as a child, so lots of positive associations. As I also have a long dream series of lost children, I think the rabbits are indeed to do with inner child work and I understand that rabbits that have been forgotten and died are to do with a self that got lost early on. But I really don't get the the woman who bakes them all in an oven. As the larger rabbit is sitting really still, terrified, as she inserts the smaller rabbits, I don't sense a coniunctio. In the dream she is doing this to stop so many rabbits running freely around. She says instead of hitting them all on the head with a spade, this is the way to deal with them.
What else do you pick up about the figure? Does she seem quite menacing while doing this act?
I suppose the idea of the coniunctio came up because it reminded me of that strange dish turducken, where you place a turkey, duck, and chicken each into one another and cook it. It goes from being a single animal...to a mixture of all 3!
I guess a question that comes to mind is, why can't the rabbits run freely? Why do they have to be dealt with?
Hi! Recently I’ve been having dreams of the moon and also being in space on other planets. A dream that stood out was that I was out walking in the countryside early in the morning with my husband. I was looking for the moon, and I saw it in the distance. It was a large, full moon and I wanted to walk closer to it, but then it started moving towards us very fast and erratically and I realised it was actually a hot air balloon that was made to look like the moon. The hot air balloon then disappeared and the real moon was visible again in the distance. I started to walk towards the moon, when a dog started barking and ran towards me, it bit my arm but I wasn’t injured.
What's your association with the moon? What does it mean to you? It has such rich symbolic depth, there's a lot of ways to work with the interpretation.
I find the moon and hot air balloon to be quite interesting. Why is there a misunderstanding of what you're seeing, something meant to appear as another thing? But then the moon actually appears...seems like an intentional switch around from the dream construction perspective. What is being revealed in waking life that is different than it initially appeared, is a question coming to mind.
Dogs and the moon have a connection too. From Hekate, to the howling at the moon, to the Moon tarot card. Does the dog in the dream bring up anything for you?
I have always been fascinated with the moon and astronomy since I was a child and have a telescope. More recently I’ve been learning about astrology and the association of the moon with the mother and feminine. In the dream I felt in awe of the moon and a longing to get closer to it. The dog seemed to prevent or distract me from getting closer and I wondered if it was representing my instincts and trying to keep me grounded.
Perhaps incubating a dream around the next full moon would be something of interest? Not only does it attend to the themes coming up in your dreams, it also works with the cycles of the moon and astrology. You could incubate around this particular dream, or something else, maybe related to the astrological season? Just some things to consider :)
This is a very typical dream symbol for overflow of inner dynamics, shadow spilling out, a need to expel, process, or acknowledge shadowy aspects. It may speak to a natural psychological/emotional/mental process that is being blocked and needing to get moving.
Do you notice if these dreams recur around certain times of life?
I've had recurring dreams since childhood where I'm wandering around past places (usually my old high school and middle school) unable to find the exit and being asked by someone "what are you even doing here? You don't belong here" but the way it's said makes me feel like I don't 'belong' anywhere, I guess because I've always had self esteem issues and felt as if I wasn't supposed to be "here", that my life isn't great bc it was never supposed to be, so who knows if it's my subconscious expressing that feeling or inadequacy??? But it's always schools or libraries etc ive visited in the past
It's possible the dream can be speaking to that wounded narrative. At times, dreams reflect traumatic elements that are unresolved. If they are worked on outwardly, through a therapeutic/healing process, that recurring dream may begin to shift and change.
The dreams may also show ways of resolution or coming to a sense of integration around those dynamics too. Sometimes it is subtle. Are there any other elements that stick out about these dreams? People you encounter, classes you are in, a book you're searching for, etc?
Hmm I'd say anytime I found a door to go out of , it would never lead me outside of the school? I'd just end up seeing more stairs or going to the 2nd floor but somehow end up on the 3rd etc. a few times there was a class in session and I'd sit down and listen but I don't recall details
I often dream about my siblings. In these dreams there is usually an unseen force keeping me away from them such as a strong wind or an immense exhaustion that I cannot shake off. Against all reason I spend the entirety of my dream pushing tirelessly against these forces, for example, swimming further and further out to see against a strong current. I have a good relationship with my three siblings but perhaps a deep anxiety about losing that relationship. Sometimes there are people around me but when I beg for help they stare blankly at me or lend a limp hand. As the eldest child I was often told I was responsible if anything happened to my siblings, to this day I am working to untangle the sense of responsibility I have for things I have little control over.
The dream could be speaking to that underlying anxiety and sense of responsibility for things you cannot control. I wonder what might happen with this dream series if you were to coach yourself to allow the unseen forces to keep you separated, to not swim against the current, etc. It may seem odd, but there is a way we can connect with these dream elements by going through a mental process of letting go. It could be in the form of journaling or meditating on the idea. Then, next time you have a similar dream, see if anything shifts or changes.
Dreams tap us into deeper psychological currents, and rather than trying to work at letting go of responsibility, etc via typical means, we can prompt the dreamscape to potentially help us make internal shifts.
I keep dreaming along the lines of a snake shedding its skin. Metamorphosis. Cleaning up messy rooms. Walking with my left leg bleeding, I've a tourniquet on it. Leaving blood tracks and walking as if nothing is stopping me. Twice in one night!
The snake shedding its skin and messy rooms is an interesting connection. I had a discussion on house dreams here (https://www.theartemisian.com/p/discussion-house-symbolism-in-dreams/comments), but in short, living spaces (including rooms) may speak to the nature of the psyche, a representation of certain psychological dynamics, with each room having different representations. If you're going through (or have gone through) a metamorphosis of some kind, it would make sense to have dreams of cleaning up messy rooms (getting things in order, clearing out what is no longer needed, etc).
The leg dream seems quite intense! Are you at all distressed during those dreams?
Yes. I wake up and it's not even 3am. I dream I'm apologizing to my landlord and they seem to be okay. In real life, I'm very nervous and deep pressured to adapt constantly so I can keep up with the new phase of things. Hard to relax now... My work is like 24/7, trying to call people about quotes for jobs, etc.
Interesting, perhaps the wounded leg speaks to that anxiety, possibly feeling that you are without grounding, not able to walk on steady feet? Not only that, but the bleeding makes me wonder if there’s a major drain on energy/life source from the stress as well.
There is an energy drain. I am under pressure to produce visible results. If I rush things, it makes matters worse. If i am slow, I'm seen as inept. My work determines whether I get to stay here or I'm forced to move to a place that could be hellish.
That sounds really stressful. The dream shows you're trying to address that drain/wound but it's clearly not a permanent fix. Walking and leaving the blood tracks, acting as if it is okay/ I wonder if the dream is trying to help you approach the situation in a different way, something that would heal the wound?
Yes, you are correct. Today was not a good day, but it was full of drama. I answered the phone wrong 630am, got yelled at. A contractor's helper fell off a cliff and was badly injured. Not here! My phone had to be reset and everything was lost. I wonder what I will dream tonight.
Keep an eye out and write down what you remember when you wake up. Sometimes we receive quite striking dreams after stressful/intense days. I spoke about it here if you're curious: https://www.theartemisian.com/p/dreamwork-in-practice-2
Recently I've been dreaming about driving into an underground parking garage, very deep underground with a steep roller-coaster-like road to get down there. I wasn't even sure the driver was supposed to remain in the car at that stage, it seemed like it was meant to be mechanical self-parking thing, there were no lights and potentially not enough air in the tunnel. But I didn't get out in time. The second time I was much calmer, reading a book on the way down to try and ignore the sensation of vertigo. It's come up a few times but I don't feel like the "plot arc" has been resolved yet. Often the underground parking complex is beneath a city convention hall or a complicated mall area. Once there were intricate colored paths leading to different chambers of the garage. The third time there was a VR studio underground and I was there with my kindergartener and other families, trying to help the kids get hooked up.
Writing this out now, it reminds me of a dream several years ago where I was taking a roller coaster down into a cave. That kicked off a disorienting/painful spiritual phase that I wasn't able to resolve. But I'm not at a place in my life where I have enough emotional support to feel like I could revisit it and make my way to a better outcome.
In dreams similar to this (driving in an underground parking garage), I always wonder...why is a vehicle of movement (representing, perhaps, our autonomy, directionality, will, flow of psychological energy) going into the depths? Is there a call to go deeper, into an unconscious or shadowy space within?
It seems like you aren't the one driving in these dreams, is that correct? That's something to take note of, as whenever we dream of cars and such, a big question I ask is: who is in the driver's seat? What part of ourselves is in charge of moving this energy? If not the dream ego, then who is that other person and what may they represent?
Do these dreams correspond to any major inner work or dynamics happening in your life currently? That it reminds you in the past of that dream and disorienting phase makes sense. These dreams can sometimes herald or be a call to those inner experiences that are needing our attention.
I was in the driver's seat each time, but the car was self-propelled by some kind of auto valet system. One time, my brother was in the front passenger seat, and we were having a fistfight as the car descended because I felt he was violating my boundaries. The third time, there were a group of other people in the car and I was carefully engaging the brakes to try and slow our descent, but worried they would burn up.
I think there's inner work that probably needs to happen, but I'm not actively pursuing it because I don't feel like I have enough support for it to go well.
That conscious acknowledgement, of not having the support or resources, is key. So many of us jump into or find ourselves engrossed in inner work, and then overwhelmed by the process. My wonder here with the dream though is, what if there is a tension by the psyche pulling you deeper and the resistance from the conscious perspective to do so?
There's clearly a tension here. The dream ego (yourself in the dream) is the closest version of consciousness represented, and it resists when your brother is driving and tries to apply brakes and slow the descent. That may be wise consciously, but alas, the unconscious perspective continues to repeat...it is pulling you downwards.
Sometimes we are drawn into inner work even when we're unsure or feel unsupported, then we have to scramble to get those resources in place. I wonder if perhaps the dream may be encouraging you to get that support so it can continue the natural process it has begun. What do you think?
I've been keeping an eye out for help. Last time around, I had a therapist, but it turned out to be not the right fit. We were working at cross purposes. I'd honestly prefer to work with friends, where the work serves the dual purpose of deepening the friendship, and where it can be mutual, instead of the artificial and one-sided approach of paying a therapist. But both of my dreamwork-fluent friends have died in the past few years. I'm not sure yet what the answer will be.
That makes sense. I think a therapeutic dyad (or group) can absolutely be established outside of traditional means. In partnership, when we are companioned with others, we can go really deep and mutually support one another. My condolences on the passing of your friends, I can't imagine how difficult that must be.
Perhaps incubating a dream around a resolution would be helpful?
Thanks for the condolences. I might try asking Dream. I suppose it couldn't hurt. The sense I have at the moment is this is a problem that needs to be solved on the practical level, but you never know.
If you decide to incubate a dream, you can ask/journal afterwards, "What practical action can I take based on the themes/images/dynamics of the dream?" I do this quite often, and find it to be useful in gaining perspective that helps me take actions I hadn't considered. Good luck :)
The time machine is a technological product representing the heights of spacetime/consciousness/science, an impossible item representing the pinnacle of understanding occult reality..
The wild anima is instinct driving me toward a goal, sexual interest, nature, someone to impress and act in ways she would be attracted to...
The dark magician represents a teacher/adversary I want to learn from but ultimately not be subordinate to, so there’s respect there but leading to conflict... a barrier to be overcome as wisdom overcomes ignorance and able to prove through confrontation, also a future self...
Divination lab would be a place of community where people can experiment and learn, working together in a laboratory of sorts to experiment and develop knowledge of the occult and divinatory arts together beyond which anyone can do on their own; something of a church of magic but without hierarchy, an egalitarian sacred community for anyone to work with others to perfect their craft.
I compete with dark magician to win the love of anima, and organize divination lab to build a time machine... still having trouble with meaning but it seems to be getting clearer as the series continues...
That's quite clear, given how rich and varied all those dream elements are. I really love the idea of the laboratory as a place of community and an environment to develop knowledge i ways that are are balanced, without hierarchy, etc.
Are all of these elements present within the series? What has changed most? What has stayed most consistent?
I find your note on the dark magician interesting as it was a similar energy when I encountered one in my dream/hypnogogic state. There was an immediate sense of collision and being pinned against one another, a kind of struggle, and yet respect. It was like we couldn't both exist in the same psychic space due to how we matched up. And yet, that tension also drew something powerful out of us both.
One is regarding my younger brother who I adore and love. All the dreams start out the same way. We are on a trip or excursion or we are doing some thing. Then towards the end of the dream he goes missing; and I frantically search for him or try to save him. This dream happens every few months. One interpretation I had was that my younger brother in my dream is probably my wounded inner child; perhaps I am not finding ways to connect with him in the waking life.
Second one is a bit more erotic. I meet a woman in the dream and soon somehow another woman joins us; and it usually ends up having sex. In real life, I have no interest in dating two women or sleeping with two women at the same time. But these dreams happen once every few months. I have journaled and tried to understand, but I don't know why. One interpretation that I had was that the first woman I usually meet is my Anima (whom I believe I have integrated); her presence and her attraction to me, makes the second woman easily attracted to me. And the Anima initiates the sex, and the other woman easily follows.
How would you describe your brother, what essence does he seem to capture most in the dream? Are there any major characteristics of his that really jump out? A representation of inner child is a good guess. I also wonder if there may other meanings, perhaps something shadowy that you are needing to acknowledge, save, discover and connect to?
What are the qualities of the two women? Do they seem similar, different? Are either of them consistent dream to dream? Perhaps they both represent aspects that are necessary for anima work?
Re: dream about my brother. In most of these dreams I am the protective older brother who is not only taking care of him; but also making sure he is having a good time at the venue or with me. In most dreams, he is adventurous and enthusiastic. And I seem to be the one tempering his expectations to ensure that he is playing it safe.
Re: the two women. In many dreams, the first women is familiar or someone who is instantly attracted to me. The attraction/seduction happens very quick. And the second woman either falls into our vortex or the first women helps me seduce her. And when we get intimate in the dream, the first woman always initiates. The second woman is a bit surprised but she joins as well. Both these women are distinct. For example, in one dream the first woman was a blonde and the second woman a redhead. In another dream, the first woman was older and the second woman much younger. My hunch/interpretation is that it's my personality and my anima that easily attracts the second woman.
What's your relationship to enthusiasm and adventurousness in life currently? Or in general for your personality? Do you feel that is accessible to you, a part of yourself that you embody with ease or struggle to?
It may be with the other dreams that the combination of the anima and your conscious will together can attract what you need, in that second woman. Perhaps something to consider is doing an active imagination with the second woman to know more about her...What is she like? What does she represent? What does she desire? With a bit more insight, you may be able to "unite" with that essence more.
Re: enthusiasm and adventurousness. I have been going through a period of healing, reflection, and inner journey. So most of my adventures have been internal. However, I realize that I might be missing external things so I plan to travel again soon.
Re: Thanks for the questions regarding the qualities of the second woman; I am going to do more introspection. These are great questions.
Alyssa, thank you so much for this. Over the past several months I have had recurring dreams of misplacing my purse in which are, of course, a wallet and car keys. In these dreams I am a younger version of myself (I am 80 yo now, a retired psychotherapist who is currently a participant in Jungian Dream School).
Hi Frances, very interesting dream. Are you in the dream school offered by This Jungian Life or another? How is that going?
What do you make of the purse, is it the one you carry with you currently, or one from your youth?
The items inside the purse are something I would focus on. Both are essential resources in getting by, ensuring we have means and directionality. The car is a very common symbol often representing our psychological movement, autonomy, and will. The wallet containing money may speak to a sense of options when moving through the world, having what you need and the ability to spend it as you please.
Leaving home or misplacing both wallet and keys usually brings us a lot of worry in waking life. How can you leave, go about your day, get things done without it? What is the emotional reactions in your dream when you realize it is not there?
I wonder if there is a connection between an arc of life from your younger years and now that this may be tapping into. Perhaps a way you are trying to move on, develop, gather resources and take next steps? And yet something inwardly may be a miss, uncertain of, or need to be acknowledged and consciously cultivated to help you feel prepared?
Yes, I'm in TJL Dream School. There is much rich material in the modules and further amplification by the 3 principals. It's a worthwhile investment. I'm still evaluating the small group of 4 adjunctive dream group I recently began, all of us novices trying our hand at analyzing dreams we present.
The contents of the missing/misplaced purse have associations with, as you note, options and means to go about the day. The wallet most represents identification...concrete data on whom I am in the outer world. The loss of car keys means loss of freedom and escape. My response in the dream to misplacing the purse isn't as frantic as I would have in real life. It's more a determination to keep looking until I find it.
I agree with the possible connection between who I was personally and professionally when younger and where I am now and hope to be in the remaining years.
I hope Dream School continues to be exciting and fruitful. It's so enriching to gather with others and discuss dreams and inner material in an open and explorative environment.
I like your insight about the wallet, the focus of identity and concrete data. A wallet can contain so much! Money, credit cards, change, cash, a picture of loved ones. Quite a rich symbol to explore. And it's interesting that your dream response is not frantic, but rather, propelled further to take on the task at hand. That's a good reflection from the dream ego and where you may be at consciously.
I dream often of a friend I had a crush on in high school. I the dreams I'm always wishing he and I were in a loving relationship, but there is no love in that relationship, or even our friendship. When we are in the friend stage, he disregards me when I speak to him, and when we are "committed", he openly loathes me, and wants to be with another girl. Him and his disgust towards me is my recurring figure.
What are the main qualities of this individual in waking life? How would you describe them?
Sometimes when we dream of others, they act as symbolic containers of our own characteristics, potentialities, essence. It seems there is a desire for merging with these qualities (to be in a relationship), but the result is quite ambivalent based on the resulting dreams.
Since both him and the disgust recurs, I would focus on that. What may be keeping you from embracing, getting in touch with, or merging with the main qualities this person represents? Is there something shadowy here (disallowed, unacknowledged) that he may represent?
Oh, this is perfect, as one of my recurring themes came up in my dream last night.
I - since I was younger - when I'd dream of being underwater, it was typically dreams of drowning. This was strange because I never had any experiences of drowning in my youth, and, in fact, love being in the water - I grew up in it, always in the pool or ocean. What was curious about my dreams of drowning, however, is that I'd jerk awake from them with a feeling that I was taking my first gasp of air - for, while having the dream of being underwater, I was also holding my breath in real life. So the feeling of having been "drowned" would also come through into my waking. It wasn't a case of sleep apnea (I have no other symptoms), and it happened irregularly.
Unrelated to this, I did a past life regression in which I discovered I - unsurprisingly - died by drowning in a past life. However, after reliving that experience, the drowning dreams never happened again. Dreams of me being in the water, or underwater, continued - but now in "dream logic" I never worried about whether I could breathe or not - I'll just breathe underwater.
Last night's dream is fragmented, and I don't remember much, but what I do remember is swimming in crystal blue water, diving under it to explore the coral reefs, and in general, just playing in and under the water with the people I was with. It was a dream that had me feeling light and joyous when I woke.
It's so interesting how physical dynamics show up in the dreamscape as well? I wonder what may be causing you to hold your breath...and why does the psyche image that as drowning vs something else? Swimming in/going under the water can sometimes speak to being within the unconscious, which is also what dreams are, submergence in that space. Were you perhaps touching into something deeper that caused the body to tense, and now that you've processed it, you have a greater sense of ease, breathing where before you struggled?
Water dreams are deeply complex, I've written about them a few times on my Substack. Not only is it submergence in the unconscious, but touches us into the fluidity of psyche, the mercurial depths of our being, it helps us dissolve what is rigid, tune into where currents are forming and moving.
Wow, this is beautiful, and definitely something for me to dive into more - I'll begin by going through your substack on water dreams!
Thank you for introducing such a fascinating topic.
You're welcome! Hope you enjoy the other articles and offerings :)
Sounds like a beautiful soul evolution 🌊 from fear to joy. I'm a mermaid who adores water; I swim in open waters and sing for her daily. I used to dream of boats sinking, etc. For me, it was an invitation to dive into the depths of my emotions and heal my trauma. My dreambody sometimes flies over the water. But most dreams are about co-creating with others, which often gets messy! I'd love to play in coral reefs 🐠
Your dream sounds beautiful, Christine!
Fellow mermaid! Yes, I've always been drawn to the ocean and just resting in the waters.
It does seem it was some unresolved trauma that carried over into this life, something I likely still have to alchemise as I journey through, as you said, from fear to joy.
It must be beautiful to fly over the water in your dreamscape 🌊
I've not heard of dreams being of co-creating with others, now I'm curious....
Funny 😁 we’re watching a show “The Regime” that features a couple who have shared dreams. I’ve not experienced that. My dreams are about collaborations; I should ask my dream co-creators if they recall our wild events. 👍🏼
When dreamers begin working together in gathering circles, sometimes the same dream appears to multiple members. It can also happen to those who are closely linked. Although it is quite rare :)
Interesting, thank you, Alyssa. 🙏🏼 I played with lucid dreaming techniques a few years back, and share dreams with a few devoted dreamers. I recently had a nightmare about one beloved soul sister. Haven't told her yet. 🤪
PS. I've journaled my dreams for 50 years. When I break out my teenage dream journals, It's crazy how similar the themes are to current dreams. Thank you for such an excellent topic and invitation to growth.
Wow, 50 years, that's amazing! What urged you to track your dreams at a young age?
I wish I had been more diligent about that. I only have some from my childhood, one's that stood out or recurred quite often.
Hmm 🤔 Dad’s a retired minister and Jungian psych; Jung’s “Man and His Symbols” was among my fave childhood books. Dreams & cultures, illustrated. I’ve always soaked up mystical knowledge like a sponge (first novel series planned title was “mystic wisdom.”) Why I enjoy your Stack 🥰
My dreams have been a huge focus for me as long as I can remember, reoccurring themes and settings. It’s as if it’s a different dimension. It’s not the exact same dream every night, but it’s the same exact rotation of scenes varied, and motifs. So every dream has a list of reoccurring symbols: 1) a house that I grew up in or am familiar with, and a house I’m unfamiliar with in real life but recognize it in my dream. 2) bad men or people chasing me, sometimes I run & sometimes I hide. 3) bodies of water, typically a lake, large river or water park. 4) driving in a car, often I will be trying to drive the car from the backseat, sometimes other people will be driving and they wreck the car. 5) a store, usually it’s a mall and I’m looking through clothes and other things. Sometimes it’s a small gas station or bar.
I have been taking notes every morning of whatever I can remember. I find the this one to be interesting; where I’m trying to get myself home but I keep finding myself in peoples back yards, accidentally going through their houses and when I’d look for the door outside I’d end up in another strangers house. I’m reminded by that dream after listening to “Navigating the Labyrinth”.
I have so many dreams that in waking life I have memories pop up like real nostalgic memories, sometimes it’s hard to remember if it was real or a dream.
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond if you do so 🙏🏼
Some of the recurring themes/symbols are one's I've talked about before (and mentioned in the Jungian Dreamwork class if you wanna take a look). In brief:
- Houses: a typical symbol for the structures and states of the psyche
- Being chased: interacting with shadow material
- Water: connection to the unconscious or aspects of dissolution
- Car: a symbol for autonomy, will, volition
As for the last dream theme, perhaps there's something to do with searching for resources, things of need?
The theme of returning home is also interesting, I wonder if anything in this article resonates with you (https://www.theartemisian.com/p/odyssey-the-archetypal-yearning-for). Perhaps the dreams are speaking to a path of inner work that you are on presently?
For the last month or so I keep having dreams involving houses, mostly in the sense of real estate, where we are looking to buy a new house (we are not, irl). Until last night, they were only about the idea of the house; last night we had bought the new house, were living in it, and then I turn around to see a heavy flow of water coming in from a sky light, it was raining and I guess we forgot to close it- I feel it’s important to differentiate this wasn’t a leak, it was more a matter of unintentional negligence on our part to close the sky light window. I know houses are largely seen in depth psychological dream work as representing the psyche, and water can be seen as the unconscious…..wondering why this symbol keeps coming up for me, and now the new significance of actually being in a new house and it has water coming through an open window. Lots of rich symbolism!
Does the depth psych meaning of the symbols resonate for you in any way? Has there been considerable or focused internal work for you over the last month or so? Have you been developing new sensibilities, trying to shift an attitude towards life, or perhaps muster some energy to take on something new?
If not, I do find that dreams often anticipate shifts or changes that we are going to go through. I speak about this notion in my Jungian Dreamwork class (https://www.theartemisian.com/p/class-jungian-dreamwork). Dreams have many functions, at times reflecting the current psychological state, other times they seem to be showing us what is building, where energy is moving, etc.
The symbolism is quite rich and worth reflecting on further, perhaps with journaling or another inner work modality that could reveal further insights :)
So it’s been a roundabout path for me, i first studied Jung, mysticism, symbol, alchemy, etc in my college major, went a different path in grad school, and now 20(ish) yrs later find myself back full circle, studying archetypal tarot with Mariana Louis and diving back into depth psychology. But only in the last month have I really been focusing on dream work- so to answer your questions in the first paragraph, yes to all of it, esp the internal work & mustering energy! I have been wanting to take your dream work class and need to just register! How long is the class video? Thank you for your insights and response, there is so much to dig into here!!
So interesting how the winding path of life finds us returning to themes of the past. Mariana is a good friend of mine and a wonderful teacher! Her approach with archetypal tarot is such a powerful blending of depth psychology and the cards.
As an anticipatory dream, perhaps it is asking you to consider what psychological openings may need to be secured as you begin? Much like the alchemist who has a well sealed vessel for their experimentation, containment is necessary to ensure the process proceeds safely. Something to consider :)
The class is 1.5 hours long. If you upgrade to the paid membership here on The Artemisian, you can watch the class at a discounted rate, and gain access to the full archive of classes, with new offerings each month. Here's the archive if you'd like to take a look: https://www.theartemisian.com/s/membership-exclusive-workshops
The class can also be purchased as a standalone here: https://alyssapolizzi.gumroad.com/l/jungian-dreamwork
She is truly gifted and I have learned so much in a short 10 months!!! I have a lifelong journey of learning ahead of me, but the comparison of where I was when I started in September to where I am now is really amazing to me.
And that is such a brilliant way to view that dream, thank you. Really resonates, so much to think about here. I’ll investigate the options available on The Artemisian, thanks again for your insights :) :) :)
You're welcome, hope that point of view of the dream brings up further areas for reflection.
Let me know if you have any other questions on the membership options here :)
rabbits. Rabbits in hutches that I've forgotten exist, and haven't fed. Then (sorry, this is ugh) a dream person who tells me to insert small rabbits into every orifice of a large rabbit, and then she puts the large stuffed rabbit in the oven.
What do rabbits represent for you? The forgotten animal/young child is a common dream motif that comes up (inner child work, discovering something vulnerable, nascent). Yet, your dreams take things in an interesting direction. Why merge the small rabbit with the large rabbit...? It's a strange sort of coniunctio, it seems?
rabbits were my favourite animal as a child, so lots of positive associations. As I also have a long dream series of lost children, I think the rabbits are indeed to do with inner child work and I understand that rabbits that have been forgotten and died are to do with a self that got lost early on. But I really don't get the the woman who bakes them all in an oven. As the larger rabbit is sitting really still, terrified, as she inserts the smaller rabbits, I don't sense a coniunctio. In the dream she is doing this to stop so many rabbits running freely around. She says instead of hitting them all on the head with a spade, this is the way to deal with them.
What else do you pick up about the figure? Does she seem quite menacing while doing this act?
I suppose the idea of the coniunctio came up because it reminded me of that strange dish turducken, where you place a turkey, duck, and chicken each into one another and cook it. It goes from being a single animal...to a mixture of all 3!
I guess a question that comes to mind is, why can't the rabbits run freely? Why do they have to be dealt with?
Excellent question! I will go think about this figure ... probably some problematic me-aspect. thanks.
Hi! Recently I’ve been having dreams of the moon and also being in space on other planets. A dream that stood out was that I was out walking in the countryside early in the morning with my husband. I was looking for the moon, and I saw it in the distance. It was a large, full moon and I wanted to walk closer to it, but then it started moving towards us very fast and erratically and I realised it was actually a hot air balloon that was made to look like the moon. The hot air balloon then disappeared and the real moon was visible again in the distance. I started to walk towards the moon, when a dog started barking and ran towards me, it bit my arm but I wasn’t injured.
What's your association with the moon? What does it mean to you? It has such rich symbolic depth, there's a lot of ways to work with the interpretation.
I find the moon and hot air balloon to be quite interesting. Why is there a misunderstanding of what you're seeing, something meant to appear as another thing? But then the moon actually appears...seems like an intentional switch around from the dream construction perspective. What is being revealed in waking life that is different than it initially appeared, is a question coming to mind.
Dogs and the moon have a connection too. From Hekate, to the howling at the moon, to the Moon tarot card. Does the dog in the dream bring up anything for you?
I have always been fascinated with the moon and astronomy since I was a child and have a telescope. More recently I’ve been learning about astrology and the association of the moon with the mother and feminine. In the dream I felt in awe of the moon and a longing to get closer to it. The dog seemed to prevent or distract me from getting closer and I wondered if it was representing my instincts and trying to keep me grounded.
Perhaps incubating a dream around the next full moon would be something of interest? Not only does it attend to the themes coming up in your dreams, it also works with the cycles of the moon and astrology. You could incubate around this particular dream, or something else, maybe related to the astrological season? Just some things to consider :)
Toilets, sometimes in public bathhouses, dirty and with feces spilling out. This symbol shows up in my dreams again and again.
This is a very typical dream symbol for overflow of inner dynamics, shadow spilling out, a need to expel, process, or acknowledge shadowy aspects. It may speak to a natural psychological/emotional/mental process that is being blocked and needing to get moving.
Do you notice if these dreams recur around certain times of life?
I've had recurring dreams since childhood where I'm wandering around past places (usually my old high school and middle school) unable to find the exit and being asked by someone "what are you even doing here? You don't belong here" but the way it's said makes me feel like I don't 'belong' anywhere, I guess because I've always had self esteem issues and felt as if I wasn't supposed to be "here", that my life isn't great bc it was never supposed to be, so who knows if it's my subconscious expressing that feeling or inadequacy??? But it's always schools or libraries etc ive visited in the past
It's possible the dream can be speaking to that wounded narrative. At times, dreams reflect traumatic elements that are unresolved. If they are worked on outwardly, through a therapeutic/healing process, that recurring dream may begin to shift and change.
The dreams may also show ways of resolution or coming to a sense of integration around those dynamics too. Sometimes it is subtle. Are there any other elements that stick out about these dreams? People you encounter, classes you are in, a book you're searching for, etc?
Hmm I'd say anytime I found a door to go out of , it would never lead me outside of the school? I'd just end up seeing more stairs or going to the 2nd floor but somehow end up on the 3rd etc. a few times there was a class in session and I'd sit down and listen but I don't recall details
I often dream about my siblings. In these dreams there is usually an unseen force keeping me away from them such as a strong wind or an immense exhaustion that I cannot shake off. Against all reason I spend the entirety of my dream pushing tirelessly against these forces, for example, swimming further and further out to see against a strong current. I have a good relationship with my three siblings but perhaps a deep anxiety about losing that relationship. Sometimes there are people around me but when I beg for help they stare blankly at me or lend a limp hand. As the eldest child I was often told I was responsible if anything happened to my siblings, to this day I am working to untangle the sense of responsibility I have for things I have little control over.
The dream could be speaking to that underlying anxiety and sense of responsibility for things you cannot control. I wonder what might happen with this dream series if you were to coach yourself to allow the unseen forces to keep you separated, to not swim against the current, etc. It may seem odd, but there is a way we can connect with these dream elements by going through a mental process of letting go. It could be in the form of journaling or meditating on the idea. Then, next time you have a similar dream, see if anything shifts or changes.
Dreams tap us into deeper psychological currents, and rather than trying to work at letting go of responsibility, etc via typical means, we can prompt the dreamscape to potentially help us make internal shifts.
I keep dreaming along the lines of a snake shedding its skin. Metamorphosis. Cleaning up messy rooms. Walking with my left leg bleeding, I've a tourniquet on it. Leaving blood tracks and walking as if nothing is stopping me. Twice in one night!
The snake shedding its skin and messy rooms is an interesting connection. I had a discussion on house dreams here (https://www.theartemisian.com/p/discussion-house-symbolism-in-dreams/comments), but in short, living spaces (including rooms) may speak to the nature of the psyche, a representation of certain psychological dynamics, with each room having different representations. If you're going through (or have gone through) a metamorphosis of some kind, it would make sense to have dreams of cleaning up messy rooms (getting things in order, clearing out what is no longer needed, etc).
The leg dream seems quite intense! Are you at all distressed during those dreams?
Yes. I wake up and it's not even 3am. I dream I'm apologizing to my landlord and they seem to be okay. In real life, I'm very nervous and deep pressured to adapt constantly so I can keep up with the new phase of things. Hard to relax now... My work is like 24/7, trying to call people about quotes for jobs, etc.
Interesting, perhaps the wounded leg speaks to that anxiety, possibly feeling that you are without grounding, not able to walk on steady feet? Not only that, but the bleeding makes me wonder if there’s a major drain on energy/life source from the stress as well.
There is an energy drain. I am under pressure to produce visible results. If I rush things, it makes matters worse. If i am slow, I'm seen as inept. My work determines whether I get to stay here or I'm forced to move to a place that could be hellish.
That sounds really stressful. The dream shows you're trying to address that drain/wound but it's clearly not a permanent fix. Walking and leaving the blood tracks, acting as if it is okay/ I wonder if the dream is trying to help you approach the situation in a different way, something that would heal the wound?
Yes, you are correct. Today was not a good day, but it was full of drama. I answered the phone wrong 630am, got yelled at. A contractor's helper fell off a cliff and was badly injured. Not here! My phone had to be reset and everything was lost. I wonder what I will dream tonight.
Keep an eye out and write down what you remember when you wake up. Sometimes we receive quite striking dreams after stressful/intense days. I spoke about it here if you're curious: https://www.theartemisian.com/p/dreamwork-in-practice-2
Life's weird. I definitely will note that. I lost lots of junk on my phone.
Recently I've been dreaming about driving into an underground parking garage, very deep underground with a steep roller-coaster-like road to get down there. I wasn't even sure the driver was supposed to remain in the car at that stage, it seemed like it was meant to be mechanical self-parking thing, there were no lights and potentially not enough air in the tunnel. But I didn't get out in time. The second time I was much calmer, reading a book on the way down to try and ignore the sensation of vertigo. It's come up a few times but I don't feel like the "plot arc" has been resolved yet. Often the underground parking complex is beneath a city convention hall or a complicated mall area. Once there were intricate colored paths leading to different chambers of the garage. The third time there was a VR studio underground and I was there with my kindergartener and other families, trying to help the kids get hooked up.
Writing this out now, it reminds me of a dream several years ago where I was taking a roller coaster down into a cave. That kicked off a disorienting/painful spiritual phase that I wasn't able to resolve. But I'm not at a place in my life where I have enough emotional support to feel like I could revisit it and make my way to a better outcome.
In dreams similar to this (driving in an underground parking garage), I always wonder...why is a vehicle of movement (representing, perhaps, our autonomy, directionality, will, flow of psychological energy) going into the depths? Is there a call to go deeper, into an unconscious or shadowy space within?
It seems like you aren't the one driving in these dreams, is that correct? That's something to take note of, as whenever we dream of cars and such, a big question I ask is: who is in the driver's seat? What part of ourselves is in charge of moving this energy? If not the dream ego, then who is that other person and what may they represent?
Do these dreams correspond to any major inner work or dynamics happening in your life currently? That it reminds you in the past of that dream and disorienting phase makes sense. These dreams can sometimes herald or be a call to those inner experiences that are needing our attention.
I was in the driver's seat each time, but the car was self-propelled by some kind of auto valet system. One time, my brother was in the front passenger seat, and we were having a fistfight as the car descended because I felt he was violating my boundaries. The third time, there were a group of other people in the car and I was carefully engaging the brakes to try and slow our descent, but worried they would burn up.
I think there's inner work that probably needs to happen, but I'm not actively pursuing it because I don't feel like I have enough support for it to go well.
That conscious acknowledgement, of not having the support or resources, is key. So many of us jump into or find ourselves engrossed in inner work, and then overwhelmed by the process. My wonder here with the dream though is, what if there is a tension by the psyche pulling you deeper and the resistance from the conscious perspective to do so?
There's clearly a tension here. The dream ego (yourself in the dream) is the closest version of consciousness represented, and it resists when your brother is driving and tries to apply brakes and slow the descent. That may be wise consciously, but alas, the unconscious perspective continues to repeat...it is pulling you downwards.
Sometimes we are drawn into inner work even when we're unsure or feel unsupported, then we have to scramble to get those resources in place. I wonder if perhaps the dream may be encouraging you to get that support so it can continue the natural process it has begun. What do you think?
I've been keeping an eye out for help. Last time around, I had a therapist, but it turned out to be not the right fit. We were working at cross purposes. I'd honestly prefer to work with friends, where the work serves the dual purpose of deepening the friendship, and where it can be mutual, instead of the artificial and one-sided approach of paying a therapist. But both of my dreamwork-fluent friends have died in the past few years. I'm not sure yet what the answer will be.
That makes sense. I think a therapeutic dyad (or group) can absolutely be established outside of traditional means. In partnership, when we are companioned with others, we can go really deep and mutually support one another. My condolences on the passing of your friends, I can't imagine how difficult that must be.
Perhaps incubating a dream around a resolution would be helpful?
Thanks for the condolences. I might try asking Dream. I suppose it couldn't hurt. The sense I have at the moment is this is a problem that needs to be solved on the practical level, but you never know.
If you decide to incubate a dream, you can ask/journal afterwards, "What practical action can I take based on the themes/images/dynamics of the dream?" I do this quite often, and find it to be useful in gaining perspective that helps me take actions I hadn't considered. Good luck :)
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
A time machine keeps coming up... I seem to be building one. Also a woman (wild anima) and dark magician (Simon magus), and a divination laboratory
These all sound really fascinating. What do you make of them? What exactly is a divination laboratory? I had a dream of a dark magician that I detailed here: https://www.theartemisian.com/p/casting-magic-circles
The time machine is a technological product representing the heights of spacetime/consciousness/science, an impossible item representing the pinnacle of understanding occult reality..
The wild anima is instinct driving me toward a goal, sexual interest, nature, someone to impress and act in ways she would be attracted to...
The dark magician represents a teacher/adversary I want to learn from but ultimately not be subordinate to, so there’s respect there but leading to conflict... a barrier to be overcome as wisdom overcomes ignorance and able to prove through confrontation, also a future self...
Divination lab would be a place of community where people can experiment and learn, working together in a laboratory of sorts to experiment and develop knowledge of the occult and divinatory arts together beyond which anyone can do on their own; something of a church of magic but without hierarchy, an egalitarian sacred community for anyone to work with others to perfect their craft.
I compete with dark magician to win the love of anima, and organize divination lab to build a time machine... still having trouble with meaning but it seems to be getting clearer as the series continues...
That's quite clear, given how rich and varied all those dream elements are. I really love the idea of the laboratory as a place of community and an environment to develop knowledge i ways that are are balanced, without hierarchy, etc.
Are all of these elements present within the series? What has changed most? What has stayed most consistent?
I find your note on the dark magician interesting as it was a similar energy when I encountered one in my dream/hypnogogic state. There was an immediate sense of collision and being pinned against one another, a kind of struggle, and yet respect. It was like we couldn't both exist in the same psychic space due to how we matched up. And yet, that tension also drew something powerful out of us both.
I have 2 common recurring themes that happen.
One is regarding my younger brother who I adore and love. All the dreams start out the same way. We are on a trip or excursion or we are doing some thing. Then towards the end of the dream he goes missing; and I frantically search for him or try to save him. This dream happens every few months. One interpretation I had was that my younger brother in my dream is probably my wounded inner child; perhaps I am not finding ways to connect with him in the waking life.
Second one is a bit more erotic. I meet a woman in the dream and soon somehow another woman joins us; and it usually ends up having sex. In real life, I have no interest in dating two women or sleeping with two women at the same time. But these dreams happen once every few months. I have journaled and tried to understand, but I don't know why. One interpretation that I had was that the first woman I usually meet is my Anima (whom I believe I have integrated); her presence and her attraction to me, makes the second woman easily attracted to me. And the Anima initiates the sex, and the other woman easily follows.
How would you describe your brother, what essence does he seem to capture most in the dream? Are there any major characteristics of his that really jump out? A representation of inner child is a good guess. I also wonder if there may other meanings, perhaps something shadowy that you are needing to acknowledge, save, discover and connect to?
What are the qualities of the two women? Do they seem similar, different? Are either of them consistent dream to dream? Perhaps they both represent aspects that are necessary for anima work?
Hi Alyssa,
Re: dream about my brother. In most of these dreams I am the protective older brother who is not only taking care of him; but also making sure he is having a good time at the venue or with me. In most dreams, he is adventurous and enthusiastic. And I seem to be the one tempering his expectations to ensure that he is playing it safe.
Re: the two women. In many dreams, the first women is familiar or someone who is instantly attracted to me. The attraction/seduction happens very quick. And the second woman either falls into our vortex or the first women helps me seduce her. And when we get intimate in the dream, the first woman always initiates. The second woman is a bit surprised but she joins as well. Both these women are distinct. For example, in one dream the first woman was a blonde and the second woman a redhead. In another dream, the first woman was older and the second woman much younger. My hunch/interpretation is that it's my personality and my anima that easily attracts the second woman.
What's your relationship to enthusiasm and adventurousness in life currently? Or in general for your personality? Do you feel that is accessible to you, a part of yourself that you embody with ease or struggle to?
It may be with the other dreams that the combination of the anima and your conscious will together can attract what you need, in that second woman. Perhaps something to consider is doing an active imagination with the second woman to know more about her...What is she like? What does she represent? What does she desire? With a bit more insight, you may be able to "unite" with that essence more.
Great questions:
Re: enthusiasm and adventurousness. I have been going through a period of healing, reflection, and inner journey. So most of my adventures have been internal. However, I realize that I might be missing external things so I plan to travel again soon.
Re: Thanks for the questions regarding the qualities of the second woman; I am going to do more introspection. These are great questions.
You're welcome!
Alyssa, thank you so much for this. Over the past several months I have had recurring dreams of misplacing my purse in which are, of course, a wallet and car keys. In these dreams I am a younger version of myself (I am 80 yo now, a retired psychotherapist who is currently a participant in Jungian Dream School).
Hi Frances, very interesting dream. Are you in the dream school offered by This Jungian Life or another? How is that going?
What do you make of the purse, is it the one you carry with you currently, or one from your youth?
The items inside the purse are something I would focus on. Both are essential resources in getting by, ensuring we have means and directionality. The car is a very common symbol often representing our psychological movement, autonomy, and will. The wallet containing money may speak to a sense of options when moving through the world, having what you need and the ability to spend it as you please.
Leaving home or misplacing both wallet and keys usually brings us a lot of worry in waking life. How can you leave, go about your day, get things done without it? What is the emotional reactions in your dream when you realize it is not there?
I wonder if there is a connection between an arc of life from your younger years and now that this may be tapping into. Perhaps a way you are trying to move on, develop, gather resources and take next steps? And yet something inwardly may be a miss, uncertain of, or need to be acknowledged and consciously cultivated to help you feel prepared?
Yes, I'm in TJL Dream School. There is much rich material in the modules and further amplification by the 3 principals. It's a worthwhile investment. I'm still evaluating the small group of 4 adjunctive dream group I recently began, all of us novices trying our hand at analyzing dreams we present.
The contents of the missing/misplaced purse have associations with, as you note, options and means to go about the day. The wallet most represents identification...concrete data on whom I am in the outer world. The loss of car keys means loss of freedom and escape. My response in the dream to misplacing the purse isn't as frantic as I would have in real life. It's more a determination to keep looking until I find it.
I agree with the possible connection between who I was personally and professionally when younger and where I am now and hope to be in the remaining years.
Thank you for your thoughts.
I hope Dream School continues to be exciting and fruitful. It's so enriching to gather with others and discuss dreams and inner material in an open and explorative environment.
I like your insight about the wallet, the focus of identity and concrete data. A wallet can contain so much! Money, credit cards, change, cash, a picture of loved ones. Quite a rich symbol to explore. And it's interesting that your dream response is not frantic, but rather, propelled further to take on the task at hand. That's a good reflection from the dream ego and where you may be at consciously.
Thanks for sharing your dream :)
I dream often of a friend I had a crush on in high school. I the dreams I'm always wishing he and I were in a loving relationship, but there is no love in that relationship, or even our friendship. When we are in the friend stage, he disregards me when I speak to him, and when we are "committed", he openly loathes me, and wants to be with another girl. Him and his disgust towards me is my recurring figure.
What are the main qualities of this individual in waking life? How would you describe them?
Sometimes when we dream of others, they act as symbolic containers of our own characteristics, potentialities, essence. It seems there is a desire for merging with these qualities (to be in a relationship), but the result is quite ambivalent based on the resulting dreams.
Since both him and the disgust recurs, I would focus on that. What may be keeping you from embracing, getting in touch with, or merging with the main qualities this person represents? Is there something shadowy here (disallowed, unacknowledged) that he may represent?